Monday, August 28, 2023

Is the Universe a Simulation!?


Don't worry, citizen, and above all, don't think too much. Politicians care about you and really run the country, not some corporations. Smart heads from TV are for thinking, leave it to them. We care about your health, e.g. by giving citizens "babies" in recent years. Eat bugs because it's trendy now, and billionaires fly private jets and eat juicy 10,000 bucks beef from Argentina for your sake.

➡️ The purchase price of currants is shockingly low 50 cents (!!) per kilogram, and in the store a small package will cost you 7-19 dollars. This is how the free market works, also in your interest, and neoliberalism will solve all economic problems. Besides, currant growers produce something as insignificant as food.

And for the invisible hand of the free market, the work of a person sitting in front of a computer in Mordor on Domaniewska Street, producing kilobytes and printing sheets of paper is more important, which is why she earns  20,000 dollars a month. A farmer is an uneducated worker, and kilobytes are much more important than any food. Well, science already knows almost everything about the world, but the existing theories still need to be refined.

💥 And now the firecracker...

People, especially those young and slightly older (up to 35 - 45 years old) treat this world, the rules that govern it, and the opinions of other people so seriously. They think it's all real, obvious, and real, so you have to follow the rules of the game. People aged 15 - 25 want to be nice, fashionably dressed and, above all, accepted and respected in the group. Slightly older people, on the other hand, want to show their settlement, possessions, respect in society, and so-called status. It's like building a castle on the sand, like from an old mythology story from thousands of years ago. Or put it another way: they want a slightly better cell in this earthly, planetary prison than this exhausted farmer who has been sitting on the combine harvester for 12 hours. They fight and tear off the leftovers and scraps thrown to the poor by the elite in order to have the best possible monument in this earthly cemetery.

➡️ Every centimeter of the earth, this earth, was bathed in the blood of the victims of predators or warriors, knights or then soldiers. We live in a self-cannibalizing matrix where everything kills and eats other organisms to have fuel for the functioning of their organisms. Humans also cannibalize themselves but on completely different levels than the plant or animal world. And most of the time they don't know it.

The theories of quantum physicists gave the theoretical part, and experiments at the Large Hadron Collider, earlier ones at the smaller Tevatron accelerator, and various others have already proved that this world is a simulation and a hologram based on mathematical formulas and a binary code known from computer science. So this system is not something real, tangible, but a kind of game. And it's in 80% (Pareto principle) of a game that is uncool, tiring, frustrating, boring, and sometimes also tragic, traumatic, and catastrophic.

➡️ Well, it wasn't reported on CNN, BBC, or TVN, and scientific portals "something something" wrote about it, and that's it. So maybe you didn't know about it either. It's a very scary prospect that we're locked in a digital, virtual bubble like the people in the Cube movies. It is so terrifying, that for millennia various worldviews were invented to counteract it. Solar and pre-totemic cults, Christianity, communism, and finally contemporary materialism, consumerism, and empty hedonism.

And what, did you get down?

➡️ There are two approaches to this gnostic knowledge I have presented here. The first of them is, of course, nihilism and Cioran's depression. A man then somehow wallows in this existential stagnation and sense of the senselessness of the existence of everything. You can spend your whole life like this. But then it will not be of good quality. And I think it's worth it for it to be the best possible, even if we participate in some sick game and the world is illusory.

But when I look at those deformed children with terrible genetic defects whose parents don't have the money for treatment... When I look at the victims of the war in Ukraine slaughtered alive, at a sick bird eaten alive inside and out by parasites.. Or a deer or a wild boar annihilated by a wolf or a hunter.. Then I think to myself why should we add evil to ourselves and to others if there is far too much of it in this game anyway.

➡️ Besides, in this simulation, we are all connected, we are one whole (i.e. the game). By hurting another being, you are hurting yourself. Because I am a different you and you are a different me. Not adding another dose of evil, or even an active fight for justice, can be a huge motivation and sense. Besides, even if we are prisoners or pawns in a system created by someone with rather messed up taste, why not find a niche in it? Oases of freedom, passion, passion? Why not use some of this system to your advantage and that of others?

Gaining knowledge (Gnosis), you lose faith, hope, and a sense of security, and you gain FREEDOM.

You can bend some rules, break others, and even apply some. You don't have to be so rigid about life and existence anymore. Then more things are in your hands, you have more influence on yourself and your micro- or macro-world. This is the healed Gnostic. I wish this for you. If the weather is nice, you can start even today by taking small steps.

Hackers attacked the railway network in Poland

 When a few weeks ago the trains in Szczecin suddenly started to stop, no one even thought that hackers might be behind it. However, it soon turned out that the attack was not an accident, but the result of conscious interference.

Unknown perpetrators gained access to the radio frequencies that control the movement of trains. Using cheap equipment, priced at just $30, they managed to disrupt train traffic by sending three-tone "radio stop" signals. Interestingly, information on the possibility of using such commands was available on internet forums gathering radio and railway enthusiasts. The possibility of disrupting railway traffic with cheap equipment is a warning signal for everyone responsible for infrastructure security in Poland.

While this particular attack did not have catastrophic consequences for passengers, it does reveal a security vulnerability that cannot be ignored. Polish railways must be prepared for possible similar threats in the future. In response to this event, the National Transport Agency announced plans to modernize the railway network. One of the planned measures is the implementation of GSM radio communication with security in the form of encryption and authentication. Nevertheless, until these changes are implemented, the railway system is potentially vulnerable to further attacks.

In addition, the security services took swift steps to identify and apprehend the perpetrators. Shortly after the incident, the two suspects, Polish nationals aged 24 and 29, were arrested. Although the attack was technical in nature, its effects were very real. This incident is a reminder that cyber threats are ubiquitous and affect not only corporations or individual users but also key aspects of national infrastructure.

Today, in the era of digitization, where practically everything is connected to the network, we face new challenges. How to defend against threats in a world where small equipment in the wrong hands can cause chaos? This is a question we need to answer as soon as possible. In today's world, rail is not just a means of transport, but an important part of our digital reality.

The largest blue supermoon on August 30

 At the end of the summer of 2023, a rare astronomical phenomenon awaits us. Exactly on August 30 this year, the sky will be decorated with an unusual phenomenon - a blue supermoon, which will become the largest and brightest phenomenon of this type this year. Moreover, this unique moment combines scientific knowledge with the rich cultural traditions of different communities around the world.

A blue supermoon is a combination of three astronomical phenomena: a supermoon, a blue moon, and the Hindu festival of Rakhi Purnima. Thanks to its perfect alignment with the Sun, the Moon will light up our sky, presenting its full beauty.

It won't be the only cosmic spectacle of the night. Saturn, known for its impressive rings, will reach its brightest phase, forming an amazing duo with the Moon. When the evening twilight gives way to night, the planet will dance around the silvery globe, creating a scene worthy of the most beautiful pictures.

A supermoon is a phenomenon that occurs when the Moon is at its closest point in its orbit to the Earth, making it appear larger and brighter than usual. Interestingly, the blue supermoon is not blue at all. The term dates back to 1946 and refers to the second full moon in one month.

As the transition from summer to autumn means the length of the day is shortened, astronomical phenomena become more visible. Although we do not expect meteorites this evening, the sky will be full of other attractions. One of them will be Vega, one of the brightest stars in our sky.

Underground civilizations reality or myths?

 Exploring the secrets of underground civilizations is a topic that has been igniting the imagination of many people for years. History is full of reports and anecdotes suggesting that deep beneath our planet's surface, there are secret societies that have developed independently of us surface dwellers. But is there any truth to these stories?

In 1946, Richard Shaver, an American researcher, published his controversial memoirs about contacts with otherworldly beings who lived deep underground. His stories resembled myths about subterranean demons and were full of descriptions of advanced technology and the ability of these beings to manipulate human consciousness. Soon after posting his experiences, Shaver received hundreds of letters from people claiming to have had similar experiences.

Mysterious tunnels found in various corners of the world, from Ecuador to New Zealand, have become the subject of research by Polish researcher Jan Paenek. Paenk claimed that these tunnels constituted a global network, connecting distant regions of the world. Finding concrete entrances to these tunnels only fueled rumors of their existence.

It is interesting that such myths and legends about the underworld are not limited to modern times. Different cultures throughout the ages have told stories of advanced civilizations living underground that have been hidden from surface inhabitants due to cultural and technological differences.

However, despite numerous reports and eyewitness accounts, conclusive evidence of such civilizations is still difficult to find. Nevertheless, the strange signals detected by radars at Cape Canaveral raise curiosity. Was this an attempt to contact us? Or are they just anomalies that we humans misinterpret as attempts at communication?

One thing is certain - human curiosity and the desire to explore the mysteries of our planet will never end. Maybe one day we'll discover the truth about the mysterious subterranean communities that lie deep beneath our feet. Until then, the stories and legends of subterranean civilizations will continue to fascinate and inspire us humans to seek and explore the unknown.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Spectacular forest fires around the world - intentional arson or the effect of climate change?

 In recent times, the media around the world have been constantly bursting with dramatic images of extensive forest fires. Implicitly, these phenomena are to be blamed on the mythical "climate change", as it is now called "global warming". But is it really so? Nearly all of the great vegetation fires in recent months have turned out to be arson rather than wild heat.

The flashback of forest fires as a visible sign of a supposed "climate catastrophe" promoted by climateists began with Australia's annual bushfires in 2020. We've heard of hundreds of millions of animals that have died from it, and we've seen heartbreaking pictures of charred koala bears. We also learned from the media that fires are proof of terrible climate change, but are they really?

Already then, three years ago, it turned out that the Australian bush was simply set on fire on purpose. Eventually, dozens of arsonists who spread the fire deliberately were caught. Is it a coincidence that climate activists join these phenomena, suggesting that it is not arson but the consequences of human activity as a result of the accumulation of anthropogenic greenhouse gases.

Then there were similar forest fires in Portugal and Spain. The same voices were raised that this is the result of climate change and that humanity must be taxed because without it we will burn. Then it also turned out that secret arsonists were to blame, whose guns were conquered by the media to sow fear and convince people to make sacrifices in connection with climate change.

This year there have already been spectacular forest fires in Canada, which led to the fact that the smoke turned the sky in the USA - including New York - orange. This was what the climate alarmists needed, who shouted again that we are seeing the effects of anthropogenic climate change. As it turned out? As in the previous cases, the fires were indeed anthropogenic, because again someone deliberately set fire to the forests. Could it be that climate activists were doing this, passing the ball to the media so they could beat the drums of doom?

The same strategy was applied during this still ongoing holiday. First, they feared great fires on the Greek island of Rhodes. Frightened tourists evacuated from hotels and an apocalyptic sky was shown. The impression was created that some kind of end of the world is taking place in Greece due to climate change. As it turned out? The usual, it was arson. It is not clear for what purpose, because in addition to the motive of climate alarmists, there is also a business motive because by burning tracts of vegetation, land is freed on which hotels can then be built. The locals, even during the fires, suggested that these were intentional actions, but the knowledge of this did not break through to the media.

Recently, similar forest fires took place in one of the Canary Islands - Tenerife. In the face of the evacuation of thousands of people and huge ecological losses, the question again arose, Why did this happen? Was it intentional arson, or is it really a tragic symptom of climate change? The island authorities have already confirmed that the fires in Tenerife were also the result of arson. Equally alarming were the recent wildfires in Hawaii. Is there a dark theme here, or is it an expression of an increasingly volatile environment?

The theory of arson as a tool to scare people and manipulate opinions about the climate crisis is as controversial as it is disturbing. Indeed, the media portrays fires in a way that often emphasizes climate change as the main cause, while marginalizing other possibilities. Red and black colors on weather maps and dramatic photos of burning forests can lead to seeing fires solely through the prism of the climate crisis. As if there was a political need for it.

Undoubtedly, a dry summer is conducive to the spread of fire, but when someone helps them to exist and then stuns them with fires as evidence of the need to take urgent action in connection with the alleged climate crisis, a warning light should go off in the head of every thinking person. We should ask ourselves - are we being manipulated? And the fact that it is possible after the era of C*vid should be obvious to every person who learns about the world not only from the TV set.

Artificial intelligence - a promise of progress or a digital Pandora's box?

 Artificial intelligence (AI) is seen by many as the golden age of technology, offering solutions that a decade ago we could only dream of. Used in medicine, science, finance, or entertainment, it brings undoubted benefits. Nevertheless, like any revolution, it carries risks, and in the case of AI, these risks can take various and extremely complex forms.

The first and most obvious is the previously mentioned unpredictable AI behavior. Imagine a robotic surgeon acting independently during an operation who, for unexplained reasons, makes decisions that are not expected. Or an autonomous car that accelerates instead of braking in an emergency.

Professions irreplaceable by machines, which seemed certain only a few years ago, are now becoming more and more threatened. Examples? Translators, drivers, and customer service employees. These are just a few examples of areas where AI can "take the helm". Thus, societies around the world will have to face the challenge of growing unemployment and social dissatisfaction.

In addition to the issues listed above, it is also worth highlighting the risks associated with the processing of huge amounts of data by AI. These systems are able to analyze our behavior, preferences, and habits, creating accurate profiles of each of us. This, in turn, leads to privacy concerns and the possibility of manipulating people on an unprecedented scale.

And what if powerful AI systems fall into the hands of organizations or individuals with dubious intentions? They can be used for disinformation, influencing elections, and even for terrorist purposes.

Last but not least is the question of the very essence of humanity. Will artificial intelligence, as it evolves, be able to understand emotions, morality, or conscience? And if so, what implications will this have for us humans?

To sum up, artificial intelligence, although it brings many promising possibilities, requires much caution in its development and application. It is a challenge for scientists, policymakers, and society at large to find a balance between benefits and potential risks together. The subject must be approached with full awareness and responsibility to ensure that technology serves humanity and not the other way around.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Why people drink alcohol?

 Abuse of alcoholic beverages causes a number of disorders:


Quote: “-Physically, the body changes and tenses, the capacity and functioning of the brain decrease, the nervous and muscular systems become tense and overstimulated;

Like all other forms of addiction, alcoholism manifests itself mainly when I need to fill a deep emotional or inner void, an aspect of myself that really "poisons" my existence!

People get drunk on alcohol for a variety of reasons:

-I run away from my reality, no matter the situation (conflict or otherwise) because it doesn't suit me;

-I resist my fears, especially of paternal/maternal authority, and of the people I love, because I am afraid of revealing myself in broad daylight for who I really am;

-Gives me the courage to move forward, to speak up, to face people (note that if you're a little drunk, you're often more open because you're less focused on your inhibitions);

-Gives me a sense of power and strength;

-Gives me power in an emotional relationship, because my intoxicated state will definitely disturb the other person;

-I no longer see situations that can be dangerous for me;

-I live in loneliness, isolation, guilt, inner anguish, misunderstanding and some form of abandonment (family or otherwise) and I feel like a worthless person, useless, inferior, unable to be and act for myself and for others. I'm trapped in my overly rigid rules. Because I believe that I do not deserve love and happiness, I find myself in a cold environment where no one understands me. Instead of building strong relationships with people, I do it with alcohol, which becomes my best friend. I can't find my place in society.

-In the past, I lived intensely / could "get drunk" with life itself - speed, height, nature, etc. and then it disappeared from my life.

-I need to cheer myself up a bit;

-I can also often escape a conflict situation or one that hurts me by "drowning my pain." Or from any other emotion, I'm having a hard time with.

"I don't feel helpful in my life situation, and alcohol becomes my crutch."

(End of quote. Author: Jacques Martel)

Let's get back to the beggining

Well, the human brain itself is so built that it basically prevents you from achieving happiness. For example, when you achieve some success, when you fall in love, you do your hobby, you take something chemical or green, or you drink...

It is in the brain that there is a rapid release of dopamine, serotonin, and other pleasant neurotransmitters. But after a while, the brain cells overheat with the bombardment of these hormones. Enzymes begin to break down their excess, and the level returns to a relatively low level.

The down-regulation mechanism then desensitizes the brain cells to dopamine. The everyday state of frustration, fatigue, and burnout, anger returns again. So the ego, hungry for these pleasures, forces you to take more and more actions, where the reward is a moment of excitement. And then again and again. Eternal bunny chase.

It is our very biology that excludes such a thing as happiness. I define happiness as inner peace, abundance, satisfaction with the actions taken, and a sense of their meaning. And such a state is almost impossible because of how we were created. And already love relationships are so botched that it is practically difficult for me to show a happy marriage with many years of experience.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Abductions from Allagash | Unusual UFO puzzle

 In August 1976 in the United States, four friends embarked on a kayaking and camping trip to the remote Allagash Wilderness Waterway in Maine. What started as a simple summer outdoor adventure soon turned into a chilling encounter with the unknown.

On a camping trip, four men - Charles Foltz, Jack Weiner, Jim Weiner and Charlie Rak - decided to try their luck at fishing in the calm waters of Eagle Lake. As they cast their lines under the starry night sky, they suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of unease. Looking up, they saw a brilliant, pulsating light in the sky that seemed to move purposefully and intelligently. Mesmerized by the eerie glow, the men lost track of time, and in later testimonies reported loss of memory and consciousness.

When the men finally came to their senses, they found themselves back in their camp with no memory of how they got back. While understandably disoriented at first, they dismissed their strange premonitions as fatigue and resumed their journey. Eventually, each of them made it home safely, seemingly forgetting about the strange incident. It wasn't until years later, in 1988, that a series of eerie nightmares besetting the four of them prompted them to seek the help of psychologist Ray Fowler. The truth about their harrowing experience was revealed as a result of the hypnosis session.

In 4 independent sessions, they recounted chilling details of their encounter with the unknown. They described being taken aboard a UFO by beings with elongated heads, large black eyes, and spindly limbs who conducted some experiments on them. The men also had some additional information. Jack remembered that the aliens had some kind of gift of suggestion, because when they told him not to be afraid and do what they told him, suddenly all fear left him and he gave himself entirely to the hands of strangers. Charlie described the ship as a doctor's office. He claimed that the aliens placed a panel on his chest and scraped the skin off his body. After all, Chuck claimed to have seen what aliens do to Charlie. The device the aliens were using was silver and was causing the man obvious pain. After the sessions, Fowler rounded up the four men, making them aware that they all remembered the same events.

These beings then erased their memories of the event before being sent back to the encampment. Their emergence after many years is somewhat reminiscent of the stories of Barney and Betty Hill, who are now known as one of the first publicly known UFO abduction victims. The shocking revelations sent waves through the UFO research community, prompting them to further investigate the Allagash abductions. While some critics dismissed these accounts as the product of suggestion or fantasy, it was hard to deny that the story they were talking about was incredibly coherent and full of detail. So if it was indeed a scam, then each of them would have to participate in it. Skeptics such as Dr. William Cole, however, have suggested that strange nightmares and hypnotic confessions may have been the result of watching alien movies and TV shows that made a similar impression on each of the men.

This incident continues to be debated in the field of UFO and alien encounter science. Of course, the Allagash abductions are much less known, and it is impossible to say whether they were the product of extraordinary experience or a weakness of the human psyche. The case was never solved, although in a 2016 interview, Chuck Rak reportedly admitted that part of the kidnapping story was made up and that he agreed to the narrative for financial gain. However, he maintained that he did indeed see a series of strange lights over several days while on a camping trip.

When there was no moon - mysterious times before the appearance of the satellite of the Earth

 The sky has always fascinated humanity, provoking numerous questions about its mysteries. One of the most intriguing is the question of what the Earth looked like before the appearance of the Moon. Is it even true in the old legends that there was such a time?

Advanced research by scientists confirms that there was a period when our planet's skies were devoid of bright, pale moonlight. Such references can be found in many cultures of the world who recorded their observations of the sky and passed them on from generation to generation.

Although many scientists have tried to understand why such legends exist, the answers are still inconclusive. Can they be evidence of the real history of the Earth? Or are they just metaphors used to describe other types of phenomena?

The theory of the impact of the Earth and the formation of the Moon is one of the scientific explanations for these legends. According to this theory, billions of years ago a huge Mars-sized object called Theia crashed into the young Earth. As a result of this collision, debris was formed, which over time coalesced to form the moon. If this theory is true, there would indeed be times when there was no moon in the sky.

Moreover, the presence of the moon has a huge impact on life on Earth. It stabilizes the axis of rotation of our planet, which affects the climate. Without the moon, the seasons might be more extreme, and the days and nights would be different lengths in different parts of the world. Nor can we forget about the influence of the moon on the tides, which play a key role in marine ecosystems.

The discovery that there may have been times before the appearance of the moon provokes deeper reflection about our place in the universe. It also provides a unique context for understanding the evolution of the Earth and life on it.

These mysteries undoubtedly arouse our curiosity. As science continues to develop its research methods and tools, it may be possible to explore this enigmatic period in Earth's history in more detail. We can only speculate what other unexplained mysteries await unraveling as we delve even deeper into our cosmic past. In any case, these ancient legends and their study remain a fascinating reminder of the unfathomable depths of the mysteries of the universe.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Did the Warsaw Uprising make sense?


Some people say that the Warsaw Uprising was pointless.

➡️ We, people living in the happiest era in the history of mankind (1989-2019), make a CONTEXT mistake. Our motivations and aspirations would be completely incomprehensible to people living during World War II. On the other hand, the context and situation of the Varsovians in 1944 may be completely incomprehensible to us.

But this beautiful epoch of 30 years of peace and development has come to an end for us too. We'll see what the new time brings us. Perhaps we will feel certain things, fortunately, or unfortunately, on our own skin.

Yoga and its mysterious extraterrestrial origins

 In a world of fitness and health trends, yoga continues to shine as a practice full of secrets and ancient traditions. It is not simply a set of exercises or a form of meditation, but a field of science whose roots go back to the earliest periods of our history. Nowadays, more and more people are turning to this ancient practice, not only to improve their health but also to explore the secrets it contains.

The history of yoga is as ancient as it is mysterious. It all began according to the Rig Veda, the oldest known monument of world literature, where mentions of yoga date back to many thousands of years BC. Archaeologists have discovered paintings and carvings in India that clearly show figures practicing asanas or yoga poses. However, this is not the end of mysterious discoveries.

Some ancient astronaut theorists believe that yoga was practiced by the ancient civilization of Arctida, existing on a lost continent connecting America and Eurasia. After a catastrophe on a global scale, this continent disappeared, and with it its highly developed culture.

Legend says that Shiva, the Indian God, is the creator of yoga. Alexander Kazantsev, the Russian science fiction writer, went even further, claiming that Shiva was an alien. His extra hands are nothing more than space suit manipulators. Is this true or just the product of the writer's vivid imagination? Today it is hard to say, but it is certain that we are still discovering new secrets of ancient civilizations.

One thing is for sure: yoga is more than just a form of exercise. It helps to improve flexibility, strength and endurance and also increases mental strength. Yoga can help relieve stress, improve sleep quality, improve digestion and circulation, and improve overall well-being. It can be helpful in the fight against many ailments, such as arthritis, depression, insomnia and headaches.

Yoga is a treasury of knowledge that we do not fully know yet. Maybe it holds answers to questions that science still can't answer. Only time will tell what other secrets we will discover by following in the footsteps of the ancient yoga masters.

How to learn effectively?

 Ambitious high school students, but also students, ask themselves this question. After all, effective learning is the key to further education and a better future. Exams, tests, and quizzes give sleepless nights, but let's not forget that when leaving the walls of the school and academy, a young person will face a reality that is not a bed of roses. For this purpose, it is worth considering what effective learning is and how to learn so that the knowledge we acquire will really serve us in the future.

When we talk about effective learning, we certainly mean long-term results. After all, learning is not just about mindlessly memorizing as much material as possible, the usefulness of which will run out as soon as we pass the test. Every high school student should know that effective learning is not only knowledge but also the ability to see the connections between particular issues and use this skill in practice, i.e. in creative problem-solving. It is often said that school teaches standard thinking and destroys children's curiosity and creativity. It's hard to disagree, so when approaching science, let's change the way of thinking from: I have to get at least a C to: I want to learn, it may come in handy someday. And in fact, extensive knowledge allows you to get to know the world, because it gives insight in many areas of life. It is up to the student how they want to profile their knowledge according to their own interests. Mathematics teaches logical thinking. Geography can be treated as an introduction to later reflections on human life in society, and society in the environment. Knowledge of culture will be useful in appreciating the role of literary and film resources in Poland, Europe, and the world.

Taking notes is the easiest way to study effectively. It is worth noting, however, that it is not about notes composed on a computer (although they can also be an interesting study aid), but about notes made in a notebook. The human mind absorbs the material better; memorizes it when manually copying content from a book to a technical school, high school, or trade school. Why? Using a traditional pen and paper, we are more attentive, and better focused, what's more, the hand remembers the movement, so we remember the information we learned faster. On the test, we are able to recreate our thoughts as freely as we allowed them to flow as we wrote our handwritten notes. Handwritten notes have an undeniable advantage, and at the same time an advantage over notes written using a keyboard, that they allow you to arrange the space in any way you want. If we've ever drawn in the margins while listening to a lesson or lecture, we've certainly found that while we were absorbed in the art of doodling, we surprisingly remembered a lot of things. One of my favorite fast-learning techniques is mind mapping. The idea is to include as much information as possible using as few words as possible enriched with pictures. For example, the sentence photosynthesis is the production of food by a plant using light, we can write it with one word and a simple picture. The word photosynthesis and a drawing of a leaf, sun, fork and knife next to it. Definitions can be about much more abstract concepts, and drawings can be symbolic.

Once we have a certain amount of knowledge, it is worth testing ourselves. A great way to organize knowledge, repeat, supplement and correct it is to teach others and discuss. To this end, let's think about gathering a few people we can rely on and in whose company we feel good to discuss the content together before the exam. This way not only allows knowledge to solidify, verify and supplement it, but also teaches discussion useful at later stages of life - at university and at work. The purpose of learning is to gain knowledge, but we should never forget about polishing soft skills. The ability to speak, actively listen and argue is a great training conducive to effective learning and personality development.

Teenagers in China will only be allowed to use the internet for two hours a day

 Chinese minors will face severe restrictions on the use of mobile phones and the Internet. China's cyberspace administration has published draft rules that will limit access to content and use of devices depending on the age of the child. Teenagers between the ages of 16 and 18 will be limited to two hours of mobile device use per day. From 22:00 to 06:00 all minors will not be allowed access to the internet.

Some of these restrictions can be manually overridden by parents. The Cyberspace Administration says online platforms will be held accountable for adhering to the new requirements, although no specific sanctions have been mentioned for companies that violate them.

As Bloomberg notes, these rules could be a blow to popular platforms like Tencent's WeChat and ByteDance's Douyin (TikTok's counterpart). Tencent has already had to support imposing temporary restrictions on online gaming for minors in 2021, due to similar concerns about children being addicted to them. Businesses in China use real name registration to comply with access restrictions.

China's proposed rules are similar to laws introduced in US states such as Louisiana, Utah, and Arkansas. They are designed to limit children's access to the Internet and social networks. China's cyberspace administration is conducting public consultations on the proposal, with a deadline of September 2.

Who were the most dissolute Polish kings and princes?

 They fought with rivals, conquered lands, and ruled wisely or not so wisely. Polish rulers are not only dignified figures from old paintings. The highest position in the state allowed them to treat some moral commands and prohibitions more loosely. Sometimes to the scandal of the closest environment, sometimes with their consent. Who were the most dissolute rulers of Poland?

The perception of the ruler largely depended on how his contemporaries perceived him. If he was liked, they looked over his fingers at his antics. The king was treated as a representative of his realm. For medieval authors, the king's sinfulness drew God's wrath on the whole nation. Therefore, sometimes failures and defeats of the country were associated with the bad behavior of the ruler.

On the other hand, the archetype of the ruler-father of the nation was even older. His sexual potency meant fertility and prosperity, and the ability to father a large number of descendants allowed him to form alliances with other countries and ensured the continuity of the dynasty. The rulers of the Slavs before Christianization practiced polygamy, just like many ancient rulers of the great civilizations of the Middle East. For the Christian chroniclers, however, this was a practice of "savage" pagans that had to be eradicated. That changed in the Renaissance. In the Renaissance, having mistresses was not as strongly condemned as in the previous era. Nobles, kings and clergy had illegitimate children. They often gained a high position in the state or local politics of a self-governing city. This model was common primarily in the Apennine Peninsula. Many popes made no secret of their affairs and openly promoted their illegitimate children. It was not uncommon for mothers themselves to push the heirs to the throne into the arms of an experienced mistress who was also a spy for the queen-mother. The model reached Poland together with the Italian teachers of the royal children, and above all with the court of Bona Sforza.

Turning a blind eye to the mistresses of kings was even more common in the times of noble democracy. Given the possibility of choosing a ruler from among the nobility, offspring was not his first concern. It is important that he is fit for the tasks that the country is facing at the moment. In the eighteenth century, promiscuity at royal courts – this time mainly on the example of Versailles – was simply in vogue, and royal favorites had a huge impact on the policy and personnel decisions of the ruler.

The medieval rulers of Poland were known for their violent character, which was generally considered a good quality. Chroniclers treated their sexual excesses in various ways.

  1. Bolesław the Brave - certainly committed at least one particularly heinous rape of a Kievan princess when he captured that city. But it was more of a political act. We know that Brave was a ruthless man, rather cruel than dissolute. Przecława, whom he raped and abducted as a concubine from Kiev, played an important political role in the conflict with Jarosław Mądry. In doing so, he not only won the woman he desired, but humiliated his adversary and his ally. As a sign of political ruthlessness, this act was praised by the chronicler. (cf. Zientara B., PKiKP, 1991: 26)
  2. Władysław Spindleshanks - not only was he famous for his debauchery, but he died at the hands of a girl whom he probably wanted to rape. The duke's killer was German, and their meeting was definitely not a romantic tryst. In a later chronicle, Jan Długosz, based on unknown sources, directly stated that Spindleshanks was disliked because of "debauchery and fornication". (Zientara B., PKiKP: 154)
  3. Casimir the Great – is probably the most famous lecher among the Piasts. We certainly know that he had a weakness for many women, Jan DÅ‚ugosz (although it is not known on what basis) even ascribes to him the creation of an extensive harem (cf. Teler M., 2008: 39). The fact is that if a lady appealed to his senses, it didn't matter whether she was peasant, townswoman or noblewoman, Christian or Jewish. One of his most famous mistresses is, after all, the semi-legendary Esterka. It was because of her that Kazimierz was to extend the rights of Jews in Poland. Previously, the mistress, and then the king's wife, was a Czech townswoman - Krystyna Rokiczana. The chroniclers also mention the daughter of the castellan of Siechów, Cudka. One of the greatest jokes in history was that Kazimierz, having many illegitimate children (including healthy sons), did not live to see a legitimate offspring.

We know that Mieszko II, Bolesław the Bold and Casimir the Just, Duke of Sandomierz, also had mistresses. However, it was not debauchery that was not the main vice of the representatives of this dynasty.

The Jagiellons, compared to other European Renaissance families, look rather pale (or if you prefer - virtuous). This image in the eyes of Poles was preserved above all by Kazimierz Jagiellończyk. The king was certainly not an angel, but he avoided alcohol, took care of hygiene and physical fitness, and fathered more children with his not very pretty, but legitimate wife, Elżbieta Rakuszanka. Maciej of Miechów claims, however, that the king enjoyed the pleasures of bed and table, he also had mistresses. However, he cared about the image and did not lose himself in debauchery. He was above all a ruler and a responsible politician. Who in this dynasty deserves to be called a truly licentious ruler? First of all, two kings:

  1. Jan Olbracht – never married, but he did not shun carnal love. He also liked to eat well and, above all, to drink copiously. Chroniclers record that he got into a drunken fight at least once. The cause of the childless death of the Polish king was probably syphilis, which is the best testimony to the "interesting" life he led. However, it is possible that, like his father and brothers, he was prone to stroke and cardiovascular disease. Besides, he was a Renaissance man - fond of science, art, but also having fun. Debauchery was certainly not his dominant trait.
  2. Sigismund II Augustus - perhaps the figure of this king was romanticized, but the term "amorous" is more suitable for him than "dissolute". It is even said that in the arms of women he sought escape from his depression, a cold relationship with his mother, and later a cure for numerous ailments. Although he did not avoid mistresses, the true love of his life was Barbara Radziwiłłówna (supposedly equally promiscuous). This king is perhaps more known as the patron of the occult than the lecher. Which makes him an equally interesting character, but for completely different reasons. He willingly collaborated with the then mages, alchemists and astrologers. One of his goals was to summon the spirit of his beloved Barbara.

Times, customs and criteria for choosing a ruler have changed. Only the Vasas hoped to be rooted on the Polish throne. Which, of course, didn't stop them from having affairs. Of this dynasty, the most dissolute was John Casimir - the younger son of Sigismund III Vasa. His romances were more like those of the French kings of his time, with whose court he was culturally connected. He wasn't handsome, but he had a hot temper. According to Herman Lindquist in his biography of the House of Vasa, "he molested all the women in his path, from servants to princesses."

Of the elective kings, many may be counted among the debauches:

  1. Henry of Valois - although he reigned in Poland for only a few months, he is in many respects one of the most interesting elective kings. Firstly, it was his reign that started the period of elective monarchy in Poland. The key document was the so-called Henryków articles. Secondly, he was the only king who not only didn't really fight for power in our country, but secretly escaped at the first opportunity. As for his erotic life, he had many official mistresses, and he did not avoid prostitutes. Plus, he was bisexual. He liked to dress himself and his "bodyguards" in women's clothes, curled his hair and wore earrings in his ears. This "effeminacy", cross-dressing and the company of "beautiful men" (French mignones) were not welcome in Poland, but they were also not respected in France, torn by religious wars. He was certainly debauched, but he also had something of a metrosexual rock star.
  2. August II the Strong - legend has it that he had over 300 children. He certainly had many mistresses. One of the most famous mistresses of the king in Poland is Countess Cosel, who spent 50 years in prison. She gained fame above all from Kraszewski's novel and the film based on it. Other royal mistresses include Maria Aurora von Königsmarck, a Swedish aristocrat (the couple's great-great-granddaughter was the French writer and, among others, friend and lover of Fryderyk Chopin - George Sand), Henrietta Rénard, a townswoman with whom he had a daughter, Anna Orzelska - one of the most beautiful women of that era and also a good scandalist. The most tragic mistress of the king, next to Countess Cosel, was Henrietta von Ostenhausen, later Stanisławska. Finding no happiness in marriage, she wanted to return to the favors of her royal lover, but was poisoned at the court in Dresden.
  3. StanisÅ‚aw August Poniatowski – he may not have been one of the most dissolute Polish rulers, but (in-)fame brought him an affair with the empress-harlot Catherine the Great. The romances of the kings were rarely politically neutral, but this arrangement was extremely unfavorable. The rulers of the weakening Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the expanding Russian Empire did not start from equal positions.

The promiscuity of kings, although sometimes treated as a manifestation of imperious strength and fertility, often did not turn out to be good for them. An amorous or lustful ruler was easy to manipulate by the circles sending him mistresses. If the court beauties were not enough for him, he had a chance to catch a venereal disease from a prostitute, which put the future of himself and his dynasty in doubt.

Polish rulers were by no means champions in these competitions. Nevertheless, they did not shun the pleasures of bed. What scandalized contemporary chroniclers and their surroundings, later pleased historians and genealogists. What missing descendants of the Piasts, Jagiellons or elective kings do we not know about? After all, in each and every one of us, theoretically, a little bit of royal blood can flow.


  • A Group of Polish Kings and Princes, edited by Andrzej Garlicki, Warsaw 1991 (Benedykt Zientara, BolesÅ‚aw I Chrobry, pp. 26-34; WÅ‚adysÅ‚aw Spindleshanks, pp. 147-154; RafaÅ‚ KarpiÅ„ski, Jan I Olbracht, pp. 304-315 )
  • Herman Lindquist, The Vasas. Turbulent and Brutal History, Warsaw 2018
  • Marek Teler, Women of King Casimir III the Great, Warsaw 2018

Saturday, August 5, 2023

The mystery of "cosmic music" - what did the astronauts hear on the moon?

 The Apollo astronauts experienced what has long been one of the most intriguing mysteries of the space age. This experience, which they called "cosmic music," involved a phenomenon they observed during one of their missions to the moon.

In 1969, when the Apollo module was traversing the unexplored areas of the far side of the Moon, astronauts experienced an unusual phenomenon - strange sounds they referred to as "music". This phenomenon was all the more disturbing because the place where it occurred was disconnected from the Earth.

This enigmatic symphony lasted about an hour. Even more interestingly, the astronauts briefly wondered if they should report the phenomenon to Mission Control once they returned to the visible side of the Moon and connections were restored.

However, they were not the first space travelers to experience such a phenomenon. As far back as 1961, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin also reported incomprehensible noises during his historic Vostok 2 flight.

An investigation was launched, which continues to this day. For decades, many experts have tried to explain this phenomenon. Some theories suggested that the astronauts may have experienced the effect of radio waves, which are created when radio signals interact with the Moon's magnetic field. Other scientists, such as physics professor John Johnson, speculated that these unusual sounds could be due to the interaction of the Moon's electromagnetic fields and radio signals emitted by radio stations on Earth.

Although many years have passed since these extraordinary events, the "moon symphony" still remains one of the most mysterious phenomena of cosmic history. Will we ever know the truth about what the Apollo astronauts really heard? Time, as always, will tell. We can only hope that future research and space missions will provide more answers to these burning questions that remain unanswered.

Memorable visit of "little green men" | The Kelly-Hopkinsville Incident

 On the evening of August 21, 1955, in the rural farming community of Kelly-Hopkinsville, located near Hopkinsville, Kentucky, an extraordinary series of events took place. To this day, it is said to be one of the most famous stories of encounters with UFOs and aliens. What happened to this simple woman and how this case left a mark on her life.

The unusual observation began inconspicuously. The Sutton family, along with several friends, noticed strange light phenomena behind their house. Soon they saw a group of small metallic creatures, described as "little green men", approaching their home.

These enigmatic beings defied conventional explanations. With large, pointed ears that seemed attuned to the slightest sound, they possessed luminous, mesmerizing eyes that shone with otherworldly intensity. Their long arms ended in clawed hands and hung limply at their sides.

As the creatures approached the farm, panic gave way to desperation. In an attempt to defend themselves, several shots were fired at the aliens, but shockingly, the creatures seemed bulletproof. It was as if the visitors were made of a substance that defied the laws of our physical world.

Concerned about a possible shootout between local residents, four city police officers, five state troopers, three sheriff's deputies, and four military police officers from nearby Fort Campbell of the United States Army drove to the Suttons' farm. Their search turned up nothing but traces of gunshots and holes in the window and door screens made by firearms. Officers attributed their experience to mass hysteria or excessive alcohol consumption.

Among the occupants of the farm were Glennie Lankford, her children, Lonnie, Charlton and Mary, two sons, Elmer Sutton, and John Charley Sutton, their wives Vera and Alene, Alene's brother O. P. Baker, and Billy Ray Taylor and his wife June. Both the Taylors and Vera Sutton were reportedly traveling carnival workers who visited the farm. The next day, neighbors told two officers that the families "packed up and left" after they claimed "the creatures returned around 3:30am."

The family's stories received wide coverage in the local and national press. Early articles did not refer to "little green men", and the color was later added to some newspaper articles. Estimates of the size of the alleged creatures ranged from 61 to 122 cm, and details such as "big pointed ears, claw-like hands, glowing yellow eyes and spindly legs" later appeared in various media. Hence the other name of the incident, "The Hopkinsville Goblin Affair." Some media outlets claimed that the creatures described by the farmers resembled these mythical creatures from Celtic legends.

The Sutton family's account resonated widely in UFO enthusiast circles, sparking heated debates and discussions about the nature of this unexplained phenomenon. It is impossible to judge whether this was an actual attempt by extraterrestrials to make contact or, as skeptics would like it, a misinterpreted sighting of a coyote or an owl.

Finally, it's probably worth pointing out that even the UFO community isn't in full agreement on this point. French ufologist Renaud Leclet argued in the publication that the best explanation for this case is that the inhabitants simply saw horned owls. This opinion was especially popular among skeptics of this phenomenon, and there is no denying that when you look at the alleged description of the Hopkinsville alien and compare it with this nocturnal bird, you can see many similarities.

Regardless of your opinion on these events, it has permanently entered the world's pop culture. This incident is the beginning of the popularization of the phrase "little green men". Prior to this sighting, flying saucer passengers were referred to as "little people". Even if they were just "big owls," the impact this story had on modern UFOlogy, and therefore popular culture, is undeniable.

The Roswell Mystery, or 75 Years of Debating the Event That Defined UFOs

 On July 8, 1947, a front-page headline captured the attention of the people of Southeast New Mexico. An article in the Roswell Daily Record reported that the 509th Bomb Group at Roswell Air Force Base seized an "instrument" which was then flown to "upper headquarters". Although details of the alleged craft were not given at the time, the story captured the American imagination, becoming a legend in popular culture about UFOs.

The incident occurred in mid-June 1947 when farmer Mac Brazel found unusual remains on his farm. Brazel, unaware of the flurry of reports of flying objects, decided to contact authorities in Roswell. Jesse Marcell, the base's intelligence officer, was dispatched to the scene to accompany Brazel in his search for the rest of the mysterious wreckage.

The next day, the Roswell Daily Record published an article that reported that the object had been identified as a harmless weather balloon. Nevertheless, despite the official explanation, the story gave rise to what is now known as the Roswell Incident, which is now celebrating its 75th anniversary.

It is interesting that the legend of the UFO crash was nothing new at the time when the 1947 event drew wide public attention. As early as 1884, the Daily Nebraska State Journal reported on an alleged crash of a mysterious vehicle near the town of Benkelman, Nebraska. This was probably one of the first such cases in history, although it later turned out to be a hoax.

Over the years, Roswell has become the most notorious alleged UFO incident of the 20th century. Despite official U.S. Air Force reports in 1994 and 1997 claiming that the 1947 incident resulted from a secret military project, critics pointed out that the military admitted to lying to cover up the secret project, so how can you be sure that history Mogul wasn't another lie?

Today, opinions about what happened in the New Mexico desert in the summer of 1947 are divided. Nevertheless, one thing is certain: the debate over the Roswell incident continues. This issue is of concern to both conspiracy theorists and those who seek a more rational explanation of events.

Roswell has become a kind of Mecca for people looking for answers to the constant question about unexplained aviation phenomena. Every July, the city hosts a UFO encounter festival that attracts visitors from all over the world. This event only confirms that the mystery of Roswell, 75 years after it first hit the headlines, remains unexplained and still alive in the public consciousness.

The failed inventions of Nikola Tesla that could have changed reality

 Nikola Tesla, known for his eccentric genius, was a figure whose influence on science and technology is still felt today. However, his legacy also includes projects that were never implemented. Some of them could even revolutionize our lives.

Tesla was a pioneer in the field of electrical engineering and the designer of many amazing inventions. He won over 300 patents, but not all of his ideas saw the light of day. Among them were ideas that went far beyond the technological framework of the time.

One of these unrealized projects was attempts to obtain energy from the air. Tesla experimented with various devices, such as the Wardenclyffe tower, to concentrate atmospheric energy. His research showed that it is possible to capture energy from the environment and use it. The idea of free electricity, however, was too revolutionary and did not find support.

Tesla's other unusual design, known as the "death ray", was intended to be a powerful weapon capable of striking targets at long range. Tesla wanted to use a particle beam to destroy hostile forces from a distance. However, the project was abandoned by the inventor himself because of its potentially too destructive nature.

The Tesla oscillator is another invention that had the potential to change the world. This device had the ability to cause vibrations in the earth's crust with a force that could lead to earthquakes. Tesla himself, fearing the consequences, destroyed the device.

In the field of aviation, Tesla also dreamed of change. He was working on atmospheric-energy airplanes capable of transporting passengers from city to city in a matter of hours. It was an idea ahead of its time.

Even more futuristic was Tesla's antigravity "flying machine" project. The description of this idea is reminiscent of ideas about spaceships and shows how far ahead of his time his thinking was.

Although many of these projects remained unused, they testify to the extraordinary creativity and mental courage of Nikola Tesla. His unfinished ideas still inspire modern scientists and engineers. Tesla's visions are proof that science and technology can be not only tools for development, but also a source of inspiration to pursue previously unknown horizons.


 Empathy (Greek empátheia "suffering") - in psychology, the ability to feel the mental states of other beings (emotional empathy), the ability to adopt their way of thinking, and look at reality from their perspective (cognitive empathy).

A person without this skill is emotionally "blind" and unable to assess or perceive the emotional states of others.

Strong empathy manifests itself, among other things, in the feeling of pain when we look at the suffering of another person, the ability to empathize and empathize with the perspective of seeing the world of other people.

Empathy is a derivative of cognitive development.

Thinking of preschool children and sometimes at early school age is associated with the so-called egocentrism of thinking, not realizing that the perspective of seeing other people may be different from ours.

The child is unable to empathize with another person, because it requires a complex cognitive process, and therefore is devoid of empathy.

Margaret Mahler's theory

The early relationship between mother and child involves, among other things, the unconscious process of emotional flow and the existence of an "emotional umbilical cord" between mother and child.

In the first months of life, the mother's emotions are transferred to the child, while the child's moods are transmitted to the mother.

  If certain traumas occur during this period of life (for example, the mother experiences very negative feelings, she is depressed) or the mother is absent (death, illness, poor care), the child builds a "protective wall" whose task is not to feel the mother's emotions.

  As a result, he is deprived of the ability to empathize with another person.

Empathy, along with assertiveness, is one of the two basic skills included in the so-called emotional intelligence.

  Charismatic people have great empathic abilities.

Emotional intelligence, otherwise EQ Emotional Intelligence Quotient (also EI - Emotional Intelligence) - human personal competence in the sense of the ability to recognize one's own and other people's emotional states, as well as the ability to use one's own emotions and deal with the emotional states of others.

Emotional intelligence includes three main groups of competencies:

  • PSYCHOLOGICAL COMPETENCES (relations with oneself)
  • SOCIAL COMPETENCES (relations with others)
  • PRAXEOLOGICAL COMPETENCES (in other words, competencies of action - our attitude to tasks, challenges, and activities)
  • PSYCHOLOGICAL COMPETENCES (relations with oneself)

  1. Self-awareness: the ability to recognize one's own emotional states, knowledge of one's own feelings, values, preferences, capabilities, and intuitive judgments, i.e. emotional awareness.
  2. Self-esteem: self-esteem, self-confidence, awareness of one's capabilities, skills, and limitations; the ability to experience oneself independently of the judgments of others.
  3. Self-Control or Self-Regulation: the ability to consciously respond to external stimuli and control one's own emotional states; the ability to cope with stress, and shape one's own emotions in accordance with one's own standards, principles and values.

SOCIAL COMPETENCES (relations with others)

Empathy: the ability to experience the emotional states of others, being aware of the feelings, needs, and values of others, i.e. understanding others, sensitivity to the feelings of others; an attitude focused on helping and supporting other people; the ability to feel and understand social relations.

Assertiveness: having and expressing one's own opinion and direct, open expression of emotions, attitudes, and professed values within the limits that do not violate the rights and mental territory of other people; the ability to defend one's rights in social situations without violating the rights of others to defend them.

Persuasion: the ability to induce desired behaviors and reactions in others, that is, to influence others; the ability to win over others for agreement, the ability to mitigate conflicts.

Leadership: the ability to create a vision and stimulate people's motivation to achieve it; the ability to win supporters.

Collaboration: the ability to create bonds and interact with others, the ability to work in a group to achieve common goals, and the ability to perform tasks as a team and solve problems together.

PRAXEOLOGICAL COMPETENCES (in other words, competencies of action - our attitude to tasks, challenges, and activities)

Motivation: own commitment, emotional inclinations that lead to new goals or facilitate their achievement, i.e. achievement drive, initiative, and optimism.

Adaptability: the ability to control one's internal states; the ability to cope in a changing environment, flexibility in adapting to changes in the environment, the ability to act and make decisions under stress.

Conscientiousness: the ability to take responsibility for tasks and perform them; the ability to derive satisfaction from the duties performed; consistency in action, in accordance with the standards we have adopted.

Empathy is the ability to understand other people and the ability to empathize with their feelings and emotions.

It is a gift to empathize with the situation of other people and to understand their motives as the sources of their decisions and attitudes. Empathy is a basic feature enabling proper dialogue both on the interpersonal and general social levels.

The lack of empathy in the arguing opponents leads to the polarization of positions and their aggravation to the extent that it is impossible to resolve the conflict in a way other than force.

  The ability to feel empathically as the basis for understanding opponents is a prelude to forgiveness. Empathic people, thanks to their excellent understanding of the situation and psyche of other parties, have the ability to resolve conflicts, and therefore often act as mediators.

People lacking the ability to empathize are very aggressive, with a strong personality, imposing their will and vision of the world, intolerant of opposition, not recognizing the arguments of other parties, not allowing their awareness of the possibility of their own mistake or mistake, highly conflictual, uncompromising.

After research conducted by Lennon and Eisenberg (1983), there was a long-held impression that females are more empathetic than males. However, it all depends on the definition of empathy as such.

In the broad sense, there is no credible gender difference. On the other hand, in a narrower sense, it was found that women are more empathetic than men, that is, they show greater emotional reactivity in relation to other people's emotional states.

Thursday, August 3, 2023



The current narrative, until 2020, was either to dismiss the topic or ridicule it as unscientific. For about two years, testimonies or articles began to appear in which their authors wondered what was really appearing in the sky. The speculation was that they don't know - maybe it's secret military planes, maybe some strange natural phenomena, maybe it's a UFO.

Currently, more and more officials, politicians and experts say openly that they have evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life. These messages are provided not only on portals intended for science enthusiasts but are also taken up by the largest media and media agencies. In the comment below this article, I will paste a link to TV coverage from Poland.

➡️ This is a very important qualitative leap, because so far officials or government officials have not directly said that intelligent extraterrestrial life exists. And the topic was not so eagerly taken up by the major media.

I think there is a coordinated global action to prepare humanity to announce and absorb the message that we are not alone in the universe. If, for example, the US president suddenly announced this at a press conference, anarchy and panic would break out on a global scale. That's why they want to "sip" this information slowly, gradually.

What is their purpose? A deception of humanity, a false UFO invasion or rather the beginning of new, better times and some breakthrough in the world? We are definitely dealing with a planet-wide crisis, which includes plagues, wars, climate cataclysms (extreme El Niño and heat waves).

What's your opinion?

Below is the testimony of one of the federal officers from the USA, and in the comment a link to TV coverage from Poland.

➡️ Grusch, a former officer of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and until recently a member of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) inside the Pentagon, testified under oath at Wednesday's House Oversight Subcommittee hearing:

Quote: “The United States has possessed extraterrestrial technology and alien bodies since the 1930s and has since waged a disinformation campaign to deny their existence.

The U.S. has entire vehicles intact, and the authorities have also been conducting a "reverse engineering" program for decades, trying to recreate alien technologies.

AARO team leader Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, who has addressed Congress in previous hearings, was not telling the truth when he said he had no credible evidence of extraterrestrial technology.

As part of my work for AARO, I have personally seen this evidence and interviewed witnesses, and Kirkpatrick's claims are not true.

I am aware of many of my colleagues who have been physically injured by both unidentified objects and authorities trying to silence them."

(End of quote. Author: David Grusch)

Below: UFO coverage in the official media:

This is the first time in history that someone so high up in the intelligence community has publicly testified under oath at an official hearing that Earth is being visited by an alien intelligence. Former intelligence officer David Grusch stated that the United States has recovered flying vehicles that were created by inhuman intelligence. Grusch also testified that the bodies of the dead pilots were recovered from these vehicles. Grusch stated that he knew the exact locations where UFOs were being held. Grusch provided the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community with the names of the programs, the names of the people in the programs, how these secret programs are funded, and furthermore, he also provided the specific locations where UFOs are being held.

Grusch said he spent 11 hours with intelligence committees giving them all the classified information he discovered during his work. Grusch stated that during his work he interviewed more than 40 people with knowledge of secret UFO disaster recovery programs and reverse engineering attempts. Grusch had seen the photos and documents. He also testified under oath that the United States has known about the existence of non-human intelligence in the context of UFOs since the 1930s. Grusch also repeated the information he had previously provided. The people who worked on these salvaged vehicles were said to be physically injured. There is an elaborate disinformation campaign against the public on the UFO issue by the US government. The whole subject has been covered up for decades, and many people have been intimidated and injured in order to keep this secret secret.

During the interrogation, Grusch could not reveal many details because it is top secret information. Had he done so during a public hearing, he would have gone to prison. However, Grusch stressed that he passed all the information he uncovered to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community. He added that he could provide more details to congressmen questioning him during the classified meeting, including where the UFOs are and who is keeping the secret. Asked who the committee should call to testify at its next hearing, Grusch said he could provide them with a list of cooperative and hostile individuals in government to talk to.

It is worth remembering that Grusch is not the only one. The fact that the United States has recovered extraterrestrial technology has been said for decades by many credible people, military, people from the intelligence community, scientists, and politicians. The difference is that today is the first time someone of such high standing has publicly testified under oath, risking his career and life. His words on June 5 were also confirmed by Jonathan Gray and Karl Nell, a retired army colonel (Nell was supposed to testify today, but the Pentagon blocked his participation). Significantly, several people who worked or still work in secret UFO disaster recovery and reverse engineering programs spoke to the Inspector General's office and confirmed the information Grusch provided in the classified complaint.

As I have said many times, today's hearing is just the first of many hearings on this matter. According to the best-informed sources, the next hearings are to be held in September. If Grusch has given all the necessary information to the Inspector General, and will also pass it on to the appropriate members of Congress, then these people can check whether Grusch is telling the truth. And if they do, then we may make the greatest discovery in human history.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Do you wonder about the meaning of life and the nature of the world?

  1.  The first type is people who do not think at all about the nature of the world and man, as well as the meaning of life. For them, life is what it is. There are "wise heads" on TV for thinking, and there are different "others" for deciding. They live to build a house, raise children, go to church, clean and argue on Saturdays, go for coffee on Sundays, and so on. Questions about the meaning and purpose of our existence are completely alien to them. This option is not just installed in their minds. What controls them is a biological-social algorithm. They are exemplary executors of orders and exemplary fulfillers of social norms. Of course, when you see it. Because when no one is watching and doesn't know, every other has either a mistress/lover on the side or some kind of vice.
  2.   Activists. At this mental level, a person shows at least a partial interest in the external world and a desire to change it. This is a very large group, and the system has a whole range of proposals for them. Catholicism, atheism, conservatism, militant left. Either option is good to properly neutralize the fervor of this group of citizens.
  3.   Thinking. He already knows that systemic proposals are not very cool and actually serve to divide society, which is beneficial for the elites. However, they still want to seek help, for example, in esotericism, tantra, Zen Buddhism, Hellinger's theories, or conspiracy hypotheses. This is also the stage of various "sovereigns" who, by establishing an association of several people, think that they will change the fate of millions.
  4.   Bleeding Gnostic. He has already noticed that the world cannot be repaired because each reduction of one error means the emergence of several new errors, previously unknown. He also sees that this world was not created for our well-being and happiness, but quite the opposite. In every mechanism that manages the world there is a hidden algorithm that makes sure that the creatures living here are not too well. So that causes him constant suffering.
  5.   Gnostic healed. When he realizes the pointlessness of it all. But instead of sinking into philosophical depression, he plays with this life (the world of illusion) as much as he can. He tries to change what is possible and let go where commitment does not make much sense.

Dead rising 4 review

 It's snowing. People fall too. And the Christmas tree doesn't light up, it burns. Christmas carols play in the background, and Santa with a circular saw cuts off the heads of hordes of zombies. This is Dead Rising 4.

The Dead Rising series is a great example of how sometimes you don't need to put too much effort into a sequel to get a decent result. This is the fourth installment based not only on exactly the same mechanics but also having a similar story with a similar ... hmm ... the same main character. Even the location largely agrees.

The main character of the series, Frank West, is a photojournalist. Ever since he first came across the phenomenon of the zombie epidemic, he has become one of the specialists in the case. Not only from the journalistic side, which he proved already in the first installment, surviving in the company of the living dead for several dozen hours. Then he did exactly the same in two more scenes - the clock was ticking, Frank West was trying to survive.

And here is the first of the few changes - Capcom gave up the timer. The clock has been put aside and the specter of temporary failure no longer hangs over us. No more compromises. If you want to explore every corner of the map in peace, you have every right to do so and no numbers at the top of the screen will disturb you. At last! But I belong to that group of players who simply don't digest all sorts of missions on time (well, maybe apart from single escape sequences).

However, the main location of the game, i.e. a shopping center filled to the brim with attractions, has not changed. And although it is a secondary idea and quite exploited, the game surprises with its scale and locations surrounding the commercial heart of the city, which we will also visit during the game.

First, however, a short introduction awaits us, which will present scraps of the script, here called the plot. Humanly speaking - he will try to convince us that going from marker to marker has some sense beyond the extremely pleasant fun of fancy breaking through successive hordes of rotten opponents. In short - our protégée decides to conduct an investigation on her own about a secret military facility where people and zombies are experimented on. As you can guess - it quickly disappears under mysterious circumstances. So we follow her footsteps equipped with the necessary camera and everything we find on the way. Literally.

The hallmark of the Dead Rising series, apart from the location, are also sophisticated tools of more or less mass destruction. This trend also persists in the "four", also experiencing a certain "casualization". Creating the most powerful connections still requires finding the right plan, but its implementation comes down to pressing one contextual button when we are near the ingredients to execute it. This significantly speeds up the production of the best equipment and does not force us to memorize what goes with what, so that something else comes out.

A large open space, no timer and no crafting facilities - all this together makes Dead Rising 4 show almost all cards from the very beginning. A double-edged sword, because we have a lot of fun from the very beginning, but on the other hand, we limit the number of potential surprises. Among these, the exoskeleton stands out, created a bit like the power armor from Fallout 4. It will not protect us from radiation, but it will add a lot of strength and a bit of speed, opening up completely new possibilities for fun. Just by using much heavier weapons - large poles or minigun. However, we must use it carefully, because, just like in its Fallout counterpart, Frank West's exoskeleton also consumes energy that we have to recharge. So it is worth using it wisely, helping yourself in the most difficult moments.

And the weapon itself? Here, we start with the standards of baseball bats, pistols and Molotov cocktails to smoothly move to toilet plungers, rocket launchers and axe-shurikens. Or something like that. We will quickly construct an explosive hammer, attaching grenades to its end, an electric decorative wreath, or a go-kart that electrocutes everyone around. And dozens of more or less twisted combinations are waiting to be discovered, with the swordfish crossbow at the forefront.

So we go from point to point and kill another horde of the undead. Something else? And yes. As befits an open world game, there is a lot of optional work waiting for us around. Mainly related to saving survivors who show their gratitude with items and experience. For the most skilled explorers, the creators have prepared quite a lot of more or less hidden items and information on the map.

Occasionally, we also recapture shelters that were built after the first invasions. After cleaning them, not only will we be able to search them, but NPCs willing to trade with us will find their way there. From weapons, through maps, to vehicles - with the right amount of money, we can buy literally anything.

It is a pity that there is nothing more to the shelters, such as the possibility of expanding them, or the need to occasionally defend against bandits, but on the other hand, I do not know if it would not distract us too much.

There's still a camera. A tool that will serve us in two ways. The obvious function is to take photos (you can shoot selfies!). What for? For extra experience points. If we manage to take a photo of a horde of zombies, a few corpses and some other interesting fact, we'll get a whole bag of expeks for it. The closer, more and more dangerous, the more experience. You can also forget about it completely.

However, we will also use the camera to push the plot forward. Occasionally we will find ourselves in places where we need to look for clues. We collect them by taking photos of them. Sometimes we also need to use alternative display modes to find information invisible to the naked eye. Importantly, following the clues is not irritating, because everything is basically in one place, and on the other hand, it engages us in the story, thanks to which, even after two hours of fun, we will remember what we are doing and why.

What Dead Rising 4 impressed me the most was the atmosphere of fun. The biting humor of elderly Frank and the literal presentation of pre-Christmas zombie-consumerism to the rhythm of classic American Christmas carols are something that makes it worth giving this game a chance, even if we have avoided similar productions so far. Dead Rising 4 doesn't lie to us that it's trying to be more than a fun game to unwind.

After 15 hours, 20,000 undead exterminated, dozens of locations searched and over a hundred weapons crafted, I don't regret the time spent. I will say more - I regret that after the end of the game you can't go back to the game in free exploration mode. There is New Game+, but it means having to go through everything again.

I deliberately omitted technical issues in this text to leave them for the end. I have mixed feelings towards them. On the one hand, hundreds of quite smoothly animated zombies appear on the screen, on the other ... the graphics look average. The textures are not sharp, there are not many effects, and there are occasional fps drops anyway. So if you're looking for a feast for the eye, Dead Rising 4 is definitely not for you. There are also occasional glitches. Vehicles can get stuck on small objects, sometimes the camera is annoying, and the detection of hits in melee combat leaves much to be desired.

In the end, we are dealing with a successful sequel that does not bring anything new, but is an extremely pleasant piece of code. If you want to turn off your thinking while playing the game and have fun, I recommend it.

The Dance Plague of Strasbourg - an extraordinary mystery of the 16th century

 In the summer of 1518, in the city of Strasbourg, in what is now France, the population was seized by a strange phenomenon known today as the "Dancing Plague". The madness started with a woman named Frau Troffea who suddenly started dancing in the streets of the city. Within days, more people joined her, and the strange dance epidemic gradually spiraled out of control.

At the height of the Dance Plague, hundreds of people danced wildly and uncontrollably in the streets of Strasbourg. This bizarre spectacle went on for weeks, with people collapsing from exhaustion and even dying from heart attacks, strokes, or simple physical exertion. Many theories have been proposed to explain this phenomenon, from mass hysteria to religious ecstasy to something like contagious psychosis.

Some believe that the Dance Plague may have been triggered by a combination of stress, extreme heat, and mental illness that had spread through the close-knit community. Others speculate that the cause may have been poisoning or ingestion of food contaminated with ergot.

The Strange Plague of Dance has finally come to an end, but the exact reasons for its cessation remain unclear. Some historical accounts suggest that local authorities intervened by staging a stage and encouraging the dancers to continue dancing in a controlled environment, hoping it would eventually wear them out. Other records suggest that the dancers were cured through pilgrimages to local temples or religious interventions.

The dancing plague of 1518 remains an enigmatic and captivating event that puzzles historians and scientists to this day. This unusual incident serves as a vivid reminder of the unpredictable and strange aspects of human behavior and the mysteries that history sometimes presents to us.

UFOs and the Mystery of Abductions - Are We Victims?

 Probably each of us has heard about mysterious UFO abductions, stories about mysterious beings from distant planets who abduct people to create hybrid offspring. But what if the true nature of these events is more complicated and close than we might suppose?

UFOs and the abduction phenomenon are often linked. There is an assumption that UFOs are vehicles that mysterious kidnappers use to move around and perform their tasks. There is also the possibility that they are not aliens visiting us from afar, but neighbors who live next to us, perhaps in underground or underwater bases.

Some theories suggest that abductions take place because these mysterious beings suffer from a genetic disease that prevents them from naturally reproducing. The only solution is supposedly an infusion of human DNA. Scientists, however, dispute this possibility, suggesting that genetic compatibility between humans and aliens is as unlikely as crossing a human with an insect.

If we assume that these beings are much more advanced than us and have access to technology we can only dream of, then the idea of kidnapping people to get our genes seems absurd. They could just use their advanced technologies and manipulate the genes without having to involve us in the process.

An interesting alternative to this theory is the hypothesis that "aliens" are closer to us than we might suppose. Maybe we live side by side in the same territory and these abductions are an attempt to distract us from their presence. Maybe our genetics are interesting to them, not because they're related to us, but because they can use our genes for their own purposes, something like parasitism.

Anyway, at the moment we can only speculate and make theories. One thing is certain, the world is full of mysteries waiting to be discovered, and the mystery of UFO abductions is just one of many unexplained phenomena. Regardless of who these mysterious beings are, one thing is certain: our history is full of mysteries that are still waiting to be uncovered.

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