Sunday, April 21, 2024

The Earth begins to accelerate - a "time hole" and technological chaos is approaching

 In recent years, the Earth has begun to rotate faster and faster, raising serious concerns among scientists. So far, the planet has been gradually slowing down its rotation, making the days longer and longer. To adjust Universal Time (UTC) to the actual movement of the Earth, leap seconds were regularly added. However, in 2020 the situation changed dramatically - for the first time in history there was a record number of days shorter than 24 hours.

The Earth's fastest rotation in 2020 occurred on July 19, when it took 1.4602 milliseconds less than the standard 86,400 seconds to complete a revolution around its axis. If this trend continues, it means that in just a few years it will be necessary to introduce "negative seconds" to adjust universal time to the actual movement of the planet. According to Professor Duncan Agnew from the University of California, San Diego, the first such "negative second" should be added in 2029.

The scientist warns that such a "time hole" may cause serious problems in the operation of computers and smartphones whose software is designed to add, but not subtract, leap seconds. According to the expert, it will be necessary to take immediate actions to prepare IT systems for this unprecedented situation.

The acceleration of the Earth's rotation is an extremely rare phenomenon on a geological scale. Studies of prehistoric clam shells and cyanobacterial fossils have shown that the planet rotated much faster in the distant past. About 70 million years ago, the days were only 23 hours and 30 minutes long, and 530 million years ago, the days were only 21 hours long. Such rapid changes in the Earth's rotation rate must certainly have had serious consequences for life on the planet.

While scientists are unable to explain what exactly is causing these mysterious fluctuations in the Earth's rotation speed, the fact that the phenomenon has been increasing in recent years is a legitimate concern. Urgent action will be needed to adapt our technology systems to the changes ahead.

The Mystery of Mount Urraca

 In the northern US state of New Mexico there is a small table mountain called Urraca Mesa, which is associated with many strange stories, legends and tales. Various Indian tribes have settled around this mountain for thousands of years - the Navajo, Apache, Pueblo (also called Anasazi) - and in the folklore of each of them, the mountain is mentioned as a place where strange and terrifying things constantly happen.

In particular, many stories tell about the sudden, mysterious disappearance of the Pueblo tribe several hundred years ago. Even historians still don't know what happened to them. They were either killed by other tribes or fled in a hurry, fearing someone. Shamans say that in those days a fierce battle took place on the top of Urraca between humans and evil entities from the Underworld. And many people died in this battle, including all the Anasazi, before the humans finally won and drove the spirits back underground, sealing the entrance.

Since then, it has been said that somewhere on the top of Urraca there is a hidden portal to some other world. And it's almost impossible to find it because it's not visible to the average person. But every now and then something still leaks out of it. In 2003, the story of a tourist who went alone to the top of Urraca, pitched a tent there and fell asleep became popular on the Internet. During the night, he woke up to heavy rain and when he looked outside, he saw a completely different and much more terrifying sight.

He saw a vertical blue line appear about a meter above the ground, which then "collapsed like a curtain," and from this "portal" emerged riders on horses, looking like classic Indians from Western movies. The tourist was terrified and fled in panic, leaving all his belongings behind. And then he fell into the barbed wire of a cattle fence, was seriously injured, and narrowly avoided bleeding to death, he claimed. What happened to these riders afterwards, he did not know.

From time to time, the Internet also receives messages from other curious tourists who dared to climb the peak of Urraca. They said they saw an old Indian shaman there, sometimes even glowing with blue light, or blue balls floating in the air. A herd of ghost horses has been seen many times in the area of ​​Mount Urraca, and in the 1940s, one of the scouts disappeared without a trace on this mountain. Since then, tourists sometimes report the ghostly silhouette of a boy in a scout uniform who cries loudly in the evenings and tries to approach their campfire. And when people try to help him, the boy moans "I can't" and disappears.

There have also been reports of sightings of "demonic creatures" at the top of Urraca, including a black figure the size of a 7-year-old child that obsessively watches hikers while hiding behind trees. Others claimed to have encountered strange people "in out-of-date clothes", as well as animals whose appearance did not seem completely normal. There is even an opinion that the portal on Mount Urraca, with its strong energy field, affects the genotype of local animals and plants, changing, disfiguring and harming them.

Serious scientists have also tried to study Urraca's anomalies. In 1968, geologist F. Leo Misaki arrived here and discovered that it was rich in iron and magnetite, which might explain why lightning was so common during storms, as well as the nature of the mysterious blue glow in the air. However, Misaki ultimately concluded that "there is no simple explanation for these geochemical anomalies."

On this part of the mountain, which has the shape of a high and almost vertical rock, there are many geoglypse left here many centuries ago by local Indians. Unfortunately, no photos of these drawings can be found online, but it is claimed that some of them depict strange "inhuman" creatures. Does Mount Urraca hide a mysterious portal to another dimension? Was it because of him that the mysterious Pueblo tribe disappeared? And what else could be hiding there? These are questions that still have no clear answer.

Werewolves - truth or fiction?

 Werewolves, also known as lycanthropes, are one of the most fascinating and enduring motifs in world culture and mythology. The figure of the werewolf, a man capable of transforming into a wolf, appears already in ancient Greece and Rome, and beliefs about him have evolved over the centuries, adapting to local beliefs and cultures in different parts of the world.

The origins of the werewolf myth date back to ancient times. In "The Epic of Gilgamesh", one of the oldest known literary works, there is a figure of a man who is transformed into a wolf. In Europe, the werewolf motif gained popularity during the Middle Ages, becoming part of the Christian interpretation of older folk beliefs. It was believed that werewolves were cursed people who were transformed into beasts for their sins - this belief was often used during the times of witch hunts and werewolf hunts, especially in regions such as Switzerland and France.

The perception of werewolves varies significantly across cultures. In South America, for example in Guarani mythology, the figure of luison, although initially not identified with the wolf, over time began to be associated with the European image of the werewolf. Meanwhile, in Mexico, the myth of the Nahual, which is the local version of the werewolf, remains close to its pre-Columbian roots, emphasizing the belief that certain people can transform into animals, but not necessarily wolves.

In the United States, although local legends about werewolves were based on beliefs brought by European colonizers, over time American culture created its own, unique version of these creatures. Werewolves have become part of popular culture there, especially through horror films and literature.

Interestingly, despite the lack of scientific evidence confirming the existence of werewolves, many cultures over the centuries have described similar phenomena of the transformation of a human into a beast. Could this have resulted from attempts to explain certain human behaviors through the prism of available medical and psychological knowledge? Modern science offers explanations for such beliefs, pointing, among others, to diseases such as porphyria or hypertrichosis, which could be interpreted as symptoms of werewolfism.

Did werewolves ever actually exist, or are they just a figment of human imagination and folklore? Regardless of the answer, it is difficult to deny that the figure of the werewolf has a strong symbolic meaning, reflecting human fears and fascinations with the eternal conflict between civilized and wild nature, between humanity and bestiality.

When the Sun disappeared from the sky over Canada

 On November 8, 1819, the inhabitants of Canada experienced something that remains one of the greatest meteorological mysteries in history. On this day, known as "Sunless Day", the sky over Canada was covered with thick, dark clouds and the sun took on a strange, greenish tint.

As reported by "Scientific American", this event began on Sunday morning, when the sun, illuminating, took on an unusual hue. Soon, the entire sky was covered with heavy, black clouds, and from them came a downpour that turned out to be something like a soap solution. After it fell, a substance resembling soot fell to the ground.

Throughout the day, the sky changed color - from dark green, through black, to yellow and blood red. The clouds were getting thicker, and at noon many buildings had to turn on artificial lighting. Residents were concerned and had various theories about the causes of this unusual phenomenon - from forest fires to volcanic eruptions.

The day culminated in a violent thunderstorm that led to the fall of the cross on top of the church. Only the next day everything returned to normal and the sky was clear and transparent again.

This unusual atmospheric phenomenon was observed not only in Montreal, but also in other areas of Canada, as far as Kingston, and even in the United States. Although over 200 years have passed since those events, scientists are still unable to fully explain the causes of the "Day Without Sun". It remains one of the greatest meteorological mysteries in history.

The mysterious kingdom of Agartha

 For many years, stories about the mysterious underground kingdom of Agartha have circulated in popular culture and occult literature. They are said to be inhabited by an advanced civilization that is expected to reveal itself to the world in 2029. Do these legends have a real basis or are they a figment of human imagination?

The story of Ferdynand Ossendowski and the mysterious kingdom of Agartha begins in 1922, when the Polish scientist published his memoirs of escaping through Central Asia after the Russian Revolution. In his book, Ossendowski describes a meeting with lamas who told him about the existence of Agartha, an underground kingdom with 800 million inhabitants. It is ruled by three spiritual authorities: Brahytma, Mahytma and Mahynga, and the language used is ancient Vattanan.

An interesting aspect of the history of Agartha is the prophecy related to the "King of the World", who predicted that in 2029 the inhabitants of the kingdom would come to the surface of the earth. According to the prophecy, before this event there would be 50 years of conflict and misfortune, after which 71 years of happiness would be ruled by three great kingdoms. Then an 18-year war will begin, ending in 2029.

Ferdynand Ossendowski was not the only one who mentioned Agartha. Saint-Yves d'Alveydre, a French occultist, also described this mysterious kingdom, calling its inhabitants very spiritually and technologically advanced. His books, although withdrawn from circulation shortly after publication, eventually reached the hands of subsequent generations of researchers thanks to a copy secured by the printer.

Both stories, while fascinating, are often treated with great skepticism. Critics accuse the authors of creating myths or overinterpreting the words of people they meet, perhaps in order to increase the attractiveness of their accounts. Researcher René Guénon also expressed doubts about the authenticity and sources of Ossendowski's stories, suggesting that they may have been more literary fiction than historical facts.

Despite the controversy, the story of Agartha and its predictions have gained popularity, especially in circles interested in esotericism and conspiracy theories. The prediction of Agartha's inhabitants revealing themselves in 2029 also coincides with other, unrelated predictions and theories about this year, such as the close-Earth flyby of the asteroid Apophis.

Does Agharta really exist or is it just a myth? Whatever the answer, the story attracts the attention of researchers and mystery enthusiasts alike, offering a rich field for analysis and speculation about human spirituality and potential undiscovered civilizations.

Controversy surrounding the latest Pentagon report on Unidentified Flying Objects - UFOs

 The Pentagon's latest Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) report, published by the All Domains Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), has generated significant controversy and skepticism among experts and legislators. This report, commissioned by Congress, was intended to shed light on the U.S. government's historical interactions with the UAP, but was instead criticized for serious omissions and potentially misleading conclusions.

Historically, the U.S. government's approach to UFOs and UAPs has been far from transparent, with accusations of obfuscation and selective reporting. AARO's latest report appears to follow this path. Edward Ruppelt, a former U.S. Air Force officer and one of the first to investigate UFO phenomena, noticed a change in policy within the Air Force regarding UFO reports. Previously obscure incidents were suddenly downplayed as ordinary phenomena like balloons, suggesting an attempt to minimize or ignore unexplained sightings without thorough investigation.

Ruppelt also highlighted the purge of analysts who disagreed with the Air Force's skeptical approach to UFOs, leading to the creation of an "anti-Tall" faction. This faction seemed to prioritize debunking UAP incidents rather than conducting impartial analysis. Such actions indicate an institutional bias designed to control the narrative around UFOs, potentially to avoid public panic or to conceal the true nature of certain phenomena.

Concerns about the AARO report reached the U.S. Senate, where there has been a bipartisan effort to increase transparency and accountability in UAP investigations. Senators, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and others across the political spectrum, have proposed legislation reflecting whistleblower allegations that information about UAPs was withheld from Congress. The proposed legislation aims to ensure that no significant findings about UAPs are hidden from the public and that future reports about UAPs are subject to stricter scrutiny.

The criticism of the AARO report extends not only to its content but also to the procedures relating to UAP investigations. The report's release has reignited debates about the balance between national security and the public's right to information. Of the more than 1,200 reported UAP incidents, AARO has selected only a few declassified videos and case reports for release. This selective discretion has led to allegations of ongoing government obfuscation that echoes past practices.

The Pentagon's new UAP report clearly fell short of the expectations of transparency and accuracy expected from such a significant publication. The continuing controversy highlights the need for a more open approach to UAP research, an approach that can withstand public and legislative scrutiny without succumbing to the pitfalls of previous policies. As we move forward, establishing a dedicated congressional UAP committee could be a key step in separating fact from fiction and ensuring that the study of aerial phenomena is conducted openly and scientifically.

Friday, April 19, 2024

The cult of wealth and the monetization of charity

 I will tell you the secret recipe on how to become one of the biggest YouTubers in the world. 

And contrary to appearances, it's not about cars... Well, at least not only about them. 

It turned out that wealth can be very easily... monetized. Monetize expensive cars, a consumer lifestyle, and even your charity and charitable activities, because this is also something that is suitable for content or image building. 

And today, when you hear these words, you probably think of Buddha with his lotteries, competitions, or movies in cinemas... He gave away cars worth over 3 million to viewers, sold out the National Stadium for the World Drift Championships, and organized such "smaller" events an action in which he refuelled spectators' cars for a total amount of  90,000.

We can therefore say that Buddha is a figure whose activity was based on the cult of money. 

But this is nothing new because the phenomenon that we will discuss in a moment has existed for much longer and is probably due to human nature. 

Do you remember a character like Lord Kruszwil? 


This is more of a question for older viewers (that's right if you watched these movies as a child, you're an older audience now). For new viewers, a small lesson in the history of Polish YouTube. Well, luxury, especially the fake one, is what made Lord Kruszwil the channel that reached one million subscribers the fastest in the history of Polish YouTube. He did it in less than a year, and he owes his success to the fact that he showed luxury and prestige in a caricatured way. Some were amused, others were annoyed, but each of them aroused some emotion. 

Two voices may rise at this point. 

First: It is unfair that this type of content is so successful, while valuable and substantive channels cannot achieve such a high position on the Internet for years.   

And the second: Since there is a demand for such films, there is a supply. In other words, creators are taking advantage of the demand for content that is DRIPING MONEY.

Both positions have a lot of truth in them. But here the question arises - why is this so? Why do prestige programs sell so well? Is it a conspiracy of the greatest creators in the world who encourage unhealthy consumerism just to make you buy as much as possible? And speaking a bit more seriously - perhaps the creators have finally done their psychology lessons and are perfectly aware that... 

the world is ruled by money... You've probably heard this sentence several, maybe even dozens of times in your life. But... what does that actually mean?

Let's take Maslow's pyramid of needs - as the simplest representation of human needs. 

You can probably guess what's about to happen. Going one by one, from the most basic needs, let's check what we can get with money directly and indirectly. 

Physiological needs are obvious - we must have money to buy food to satisfy our hunger. It would also be good to get enough sleep and take care of your hygiene - money will also help with this.

Next come security needs. Apartment? Unless you inherited it, you have to buy it. Either way, you also need to maintain it for something if you want it to be your household. Money will also help keep you safe when you simply want to protect your property by installing a home alarm, or cameras, or hiring a security company. 

Belonging? Here, money doesn't do much directly. But indirectly? It's easier to build connections and relationships when you have money at your disposal that you can spend on coffee with your new Tinder friend. Or you can organize a house party with friends. 

Need for recognition? Again, money cannot buy recognition directly. But indirectly... Money gives you agency, i.e. the power to manage your own life. And agency is one of the most important criteria for gaining recognition.

And self-realization ... Of course, you can self-realize as a monk and ascetic, but... the more money you have, the more you can spend on fulfilling yourself in various areas. For example, your dream is to climb mountains in different parts of the world - expensive things. Or you want to start painting pictures and you need to buy canvases, brushes, etc. 

So what can money not provide, either directly or indirectly? If you have money, you have a chance to get better treatment if you get sick. Of course, this will not guarantee your health, but it increases the likelihood of being cured. 

Love? This varies because especially in the case of men, their status plays an important role in long-term relationships.  

Maybe it's time? And it's true. The amount of time is limited. But if you have money, you can commission people to do various things, e.g. cooking or cleaning, and in the meantime... you have time for yourself. This means that you can somehow regain this time... to a limited extent, but you can! 

As you can see, it is not without reason that it is said that money rules the world. It is not visible everywhere at first glance, but it can be seen almost everywhere. 

What about charity?

When you want to write a comment that you can't analyze helping people, giving children iPhones, or stuffing your content with money, because it's good, and good should not be criticized in any way, then RELAX, leave this comment after watching the episode.

What if I told you that philanthrocapitalist behaviour, the cult of money and consumerism not only influence social stratification (the rich become richer and the poor become poorer), but also influence the stratification of your psyche and identity?

For better understanding, let's create a triangle, where each vertex will represent a different phenomenon, which will complement and influence each other. 

Look at the situation of modern man. In the middle of the triangle are people who are unaware of how YouTuber or corporate empires are being built at their expense. 

You are probably one of those people and with this video, I would like to get you out of this triangle. Maybe not literally, because each of us consumes (both the content of the biggest YouTubers and the products of corporations), but at least mentally you should be able to get out of here and see a different perspective. 

Yes, it's an ambitious plan to stop being a consumer who admires money and rich people. But what's the harm in trying... you'll probably fail and you'll go back to browsing the money cult on the Internet instead of taking care of your goals.

The first vertex is the Cult of Money.

What is the cult of money? Ask Jordan Belfort, who was the golden child of the world of American finance. Or at least he was in The Wolf of Wall Street. This work perfectly shows how money becomes a RELIGION for people. You may protest that religion is too strong a word. That it's not appropriate to say that. But look...

In a world where we lose our autonomy, the power to decide, and our agency, money not only has a practical dimension that allows us to meet our needs, it DOES NOT ONLY trigger an emotional reaction... But it is also (or perhaps even above all) freedom... At least in the common perception .

Because what does an ordinary citizen dream of? So that he doesn't have to go to work on Monday, which he hates and only goes there because he has a loan for 20 years. A loan he took out to build a house. A house where he doesn't live much because he has to work two jobs to pay off the loan. The circle closes. 

So money is something that could allow him to free himself from this vicious circle. That's why people follow money, and people who have money. Because just like in the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street" when Donnie quit his job the moment he met Jordan making $70,000. dollars per month. He didn't wonder whether he had met a fraudster. The incentive to have money was so strong that he simply made a decision. Money is the original signal, meaning safety, survival and freedom. 

The situation is similar on the Internet, when a defenseless young person meets someone from a financial sect - someone who boasts about luxury and money. For a young person who has not yet achieved any status, any opportunity to earn EASY money seems tempting, because the alternative is distributing leaflets in shopping malls or selling iCos at railway stations. The vision of luxury, which is closely related to money, is a strong magnet for attracting people's attention. 

This mechanism is used not only by fraudsters or people recruiting to financial sects, but also by YouTubers creating entertainment. Materials are created about giving away money, buying expensive things, betting on money, boasting about the amount of luxury goods - generally speaking, everything revolves around money.  The creator holds the viewer in one hand and money in the other... and brings them closer to each other, but not so that the viewer can touch them. 

And you may wonder - why does it work if it brings no real benefits to the viewers ? I will answer your question with a question - why do you like to dream sometimes? In the sense of imagining your future in some nice context - e.g. that you have a new BMW, or you are getting married in Sardinia, or you have a happy family... It's simple. Since the vision in your mind is so pleasant, you want to get even a little closer to it. And what allows you to get closer to her?

The second peak is Consumerism

Content related to buying expensive things, bragging about money and luxury goods can be called Infinity-roll. As you scroll through such content, more is being produced at the same moment - as a result, it never ends . 

Content based on consumerism can be divided into several categories. Some are, for example, reviews of items, electronics or food. Others are attempts to display status, show a lavish lifestyle, etc. And these categories basically just exist and it would be difficult to call them harmful. Some videos will help you better choose the item you want to buy. Others may motivate you to improve your economic status. 

But there is another category that... seems to have a toxic effect on people. And they are: the challenges of spending money.

Young people are taught from an early age that money is for spending, we can use it to buy delicious food, toys, games, clothes, gadgets and even... your attention. And if you don't believe it, see what views such materials generate. This is an unrealistic view of what money is for and a distorted understanding of the value of money. And of course it is some kind of content, some kind of entertainment. Just pay attention to the mechanism behind it. There is no creativity here in coming up with content, arranging scenes, etc. You just go to the mac and order everything. And again the trigger in the form of pomp is used. 

You know those types of videos where a YouTuber approaches a young person on the street and asks about their earnings, how much they want to earn in the future or how much their partner should earn? Then young people usually talk about amounts of 8, 10, 15, 20 thousand. not understanding the effort behind getting so much money.

Young people are subjected to the phenomenon of exposure, they are constantly on the Internet with huge amounts of money at every step and, additionally, with unrealistic treatment of this money. This is nothing more than pumping the obsession with money into the heads of adolescents.

And here it is worth distinguishing two things. The first is education in the field of finance, money management, obtaining better positions, etc. Such content is constructive because it teaches and motivates. The second thing is what was mentioned a moment ago, i.e. creating an unhealthy approach to money in the recipient.  

All these channels that organize festivals to celebrate wealth hide certain facts that are quite crucial, that is... 

– relationship problems

- addiction

– fears and disorders

These problems may result from an unhealthy approach to money and putting consumption on a pedestal. Because if your entire value depends on what you have and how much you buy, then I have bad news, but... Your self-esteem is on very fragile foundation. But maybe people and corporations that promote unhealthy consumerism also do something good?

The third vertex of our triangle is Philanthrocapitalism.

The faces of Philanthrocapitalism are Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Rockefeller, and companies like Nestle.

Philanthrocapitalism is a way of operating of philanthropists and reflects the way of doing business in a profit-oriented world. Investments in social programs are made to pursue specific philanthropic goals that will generate a return on investment over the long term, or in a more passive form where "social investors" benefit from investing in socially responsible programs. So, for example, you achieve success and reinvest money in Philanthropic activities - which is supposed to bring mutual benefits. The so-called “win-win” – everyone benefits. The vision of helping the world comes true and earns millions of dollars at the same time.

Opinions are divided, some believe that Philanthrocapitalism can save the world, others believe that it is buying a clear conscience and shutting up critics - because if someone gives their money to good causes, you should not speak out. I don't want to make predictions or conclusions, but it is worth pointing out one fact: such a phenomenon exists, even at the moment when you are watching this episode, people who have become rich are reinvesting their capital in making a business out of philanthropy. 

You can encounter this phenomenon (on a smaller scale, of course, because you can't compare YouTubers with such hegemons as Davos, Bloomberg, the Clintons, Goldman Sachs, or corporations like Nestle) among Internet creators. From the recipient's perspective, such activity is philanthropy, from the creator's perspective - an investment in image.  

One of the first to widely use this method was Mr. Beast.

“I offered people 100,000. dollars to leave their jobs” – 131 million views.

“I gave my mother 100,000. dollars” – 31 million views.

“I gave my brother 24 hours to spend 100,000. dollars” – 96 million views.

But in Poland, the mechanism is also familiar to creators:

“We distributed PLN 1,000,000 to employees without a high school diploma” – PLN 200,000. views.

“I gave away a million zlotys to my viewers” ​​– 3 million views. 

It's literally using charity to build an image.

Something else happens with charity. Creators are put on a pedestal by their audience. This is how commitment and a sense of belonging are built. The viewer lives in the belief that if he or she is an active viewer, he or she is participating in something good, something powerful, something greater than himself.

And just to be clear. This is not an accusation towards the creators of such films or entire charity campaigns. Because such actions can really help people. They can change their lives. Just remember that in the background of those whose lives have been changed, there are also those who feel disappointed with their own lives... 

Mr. Beast, who built his empire on celebrating the cult of money, at the same time, as he himself claims in an interview with Joe Rogan, lives modestly. Probably many creators who use these mechanisms understand that this is a film technique to increase engagement and interest. But viewers (often young) do not understand that what they see is fiction.

You may ask yourself: why can't you save money? Why do you spend it as soon as you receive or acquire money? Maybe one of the reasons is the media, which teaches us a harmful view of what money is and how we should treat it?

Finally, I would like to leave you with a short reflection - Mr Beast, or any similar creator, is not the cause of the problem. But neither is it its solution.


1.Bortniak A., He gave away cars worth over PLN 3 million to the viewers. Who is Buddha? (online), access: , [access date: 11/04/2024].

2. Philanthropy (online), access: , [access date: 11/04/2024].

Monday, April 1, 2024

Why blood is the key to mystical secrets?

 For centuries, blood has been perceived as a substance with unusual, even magical properties. Various civilizations and cultures attributed special importance to it, believing in its mystical power. This mysterious liquid has become an inseparable element of various rites and rituals used to conclude contracts, fraternize or marry.

One of the most common blood rituals was the fraternization ritual practiced by many barbarian tribes, such as the Scythians, ancient Slavs, Etruscans and Huns. It involved inflicting wounds on each other with swords and then mixing the spilled blood in ritual cups, after which the participants drank it together - as a symbol of unity and an unbreakable bond.

Wedding rituals were also marked with blood. In this case, the bride and groom hurt each other to show the highest degree of trust in each other. They then drank this blood together, thus sealing their union. These types of ceremonies were common among the pagan peoples of Eastern and Northern Europe, as well as Central Asia.

Blood was also used in traditional ancient medicine. Shamans from Kamchatka, Siberia and South America performed bloodletting, believing that it carried away evil spirits that caused diseases. In Northern Ruthenia and the Scandinavian countries, there was a custom of pouring the blood of hunted animals on the sick, in the belief that this blood would strengthen the patient and speed up his recovery.

Blood also played a special role in sacrificial rituals. The ancient Aztecs carried out cruel practices, cutting out the hearts of victims to sprinkle on sacred altars. The Vikings also practiced similar bloody rituals, hanging prisoners over shrines and cutting their bodies so that the blood flowed to pagan altars. Esotericists believed that blood shed by force emits special emanations, attracting lower spirits and strengthening their influence on the material world.

However, there is also another side to the use of blood - blood as an atonement offering. In this case, the flow of blood purifies the surrounding space and attracts angelic beings. An example of such a redemptive sacrifice is the martyrdom of Jesus Christ.

The traditional medical concept of blood as a biological substance carrying chemicals does not exhaust its role and importance. Esotericists, theologians, philosophers and parapsychologists question this materialistic approach, suggesting that blood also has informational properties. According to famous fortune tellers, by examining blood radiation, you can even determine the presence of a generational curse or potential diseases in descendants.

Blood, this mysterious and fascinating substance, has always attracted people's attention, becoming an integral part of various ceremonies and rituals in various civilizations. Its importance goes far beyond medicine, reaching the spheres of esotericism, theology and parapsychology. Blood, although seemingly ordinary, holds the key to many mystical secrets.

Riddles and legends of Easter Island

 Easter Island is a place shrouded in mystery that has fascinated researchers and travelers from all over the world for centuries. Located in the Pacific, with an area of only 117 km2, it hides many unsolved mysteries that are still waiting to be solved. The history of this remote island is filled with intriguing events, legends and discoveries that arouse admiration and curiosity.

The discovery of the island, which took place in 1722, is attributed to the Spanish captain Juan Fernandez. However, the captain decided to keep his discovery a top secret. Only a few years later, on Easter 1722, the island was rediscovered by the Dutch admiral Jacob Roggeveen, who gave it the name Easter Island. Interestingly, there were other islands nearby that mysteriously disappeared, leaving only vague traces behind.

Researching the history of this place poses many challenges and puzzles for scientists, to which there are still no clear answers. While drilling the ground to collect samples, a layer filled with beetles was discovered, which raised even more questions - who settled on this island before humans? Equally intriguing is that all the famous statues, called moai, have their backs to the sea. Why did this happen?

Idols on Easter Island are a topic that has fascinated historians and archaeologists for years. Various theories try to explain whether these are monuments of rulers, images of gods or ordinary people. Some of them lie on the ground, and the causes of this state of affairs may vary - from earthquakes to human activities.

The history of Easter Island also includes sad events. In 1862, pirates from Peru kidnapped men from the island, and then missionaries began destroying local traditions and culture. The island came under the rule of Chile, which established colonies and agricultural settlements there, destroying the remaining settlements. At the end of the 19th century, the last indigenous uprising took place, which was bloodily suppressed by the Chilean authorities. After these events, there are no living witnesses of the island's history left, and many of its secrets still await explanation.

The legends and stories about Easter Island also add to its mystery. One of them says that powerful idols could move independently, which still arouses surprise and admiration to this day.

Easter Island, although small and remote, still holds many undiscovered secrets. Its history is full of mysteries that attract researchers from all over the world who want to unravel these intriguing mysteries. Perhaps one day all the mysteries of this extraordinary place will be solved, but for now Easter Island remains one of the greatest archaeological and historical mysteries of the Pacific.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Stansted Airport has become a hotspot for UFO sightings

 The British city of Stansted, one of the country's main airports, has become known as a "UFO hotspot" after a series of strange sightings over the past six years. According to the Daily Star, there have been as many as 27 reports of unidentified flying objects in the vicinity of Stansted Airport over the last six years.

Some of these sightings were classified as "near impacts" as mysterious objects moved around the sky above this intensely moving object. In 2022, a Ryanair plane was almost hit by something that didn't show up on drone monitoring devices but managed to get about 4,000 feet into the air.

"The fascinating findings show that no matter what anyone thinks about UFOs, there is a credible and serious problem with flight safety," former Defense Minister Nick Pope said, as quoted by the Daily Star. "When an object comes within 20 meters of an aircraft, it is a very dangerous encounter from any point of view. This, and other incidents revealed in response to the Freedom of Information Act, show that it was a mistake to end the research program UFO by the Ministry of Defense in late 2009 and suggests that it is time to change this policy.

In another example, several planes reported an object in their vicinity, approximately 500 feet below them, as they prepared to land on Stansted Airport's Runway 22, according to an Essex Police report, as reported by the Daily Star. The planes' collision avoidance systems allegedly detected an object, but neither pilot could see anything in the sky, the report adds.

Whether or not these objects are of foreign origin should not be of concern to those tasked with investigating these incidents. Stansted Airport serves around 27 million passengers a year, so any objects approaching aircraft must be taken seriously.

"Even if people are skeptical and think that these are just drone activities, it is important to remember that drones can be used for recreational purposes, by land survey experts, and can also be used for espionage and terrorism. Either way - especially in busy flight paths - we need to identify all objects in our airspace," Pope said, according to the Daily Star.

He emphasized that the United States takes these types of issues very seriously (although our last UFO/UAP bill was a total joke). The same approach should be taken when investigating these incidents in the UK to "reduce" their potential threat, Pope added, according to the outlet's reporting.

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