Sunday, September 18, 2022

Home remedies to reduce a fever - these are proven treatments

 Are you wondering how to get rid of a fever? Probably each of us has experienced this unpleasant ailment that affects people all over the world at least once in a lifetime. Lowering the temperature and reducing high fever is not such an easy task. How to beat a fever in adults and children? Here are the top three home remedies to help you deal with a fever almost… instantly!

Doctors believe that fever of up to 38 degrees C should not be suppressed at all costs. If we are doing well with it, we should rather not try to treat it. A slight fever has the advantage that it helps to fight various infections! The body's production of antiviral interferon increases then, but ... viruses also multiply.

So when is the best time to start lowering the temperature? Well, only and exclusively when the fever exceeds 39.6 degrees Celsius! Well, unless we tolerate a slightly lower fever very badly - then you can use drugs from the pharmacy or use home remedies to reduce the fever!

Wraps for fever

Are you wondering what to do to stop a fever? One of the best methods, which has been used for many years, is a cold… compress. It should be replaced when it starts to get warm (on average every quarter of an hour). For this purpose, use a towel soaked in as cold water as possible - such a towel should then be placed on the forehead, neck or calves. You can also wrap them around your wrists. It is also recommended to use ice - but try not to put it directly on the skin of children, because the feeling of cold can be quite… unpleasant. A much better idea would be to wrap an ice cube in advance, e.g. in a cloth.

Cold compresses that can be applied to the forehead and neck are also helpful - they are available in almost every pharmacy. Thanks to them, you can also very effectively lower the temperature of the whole body. Remember that fever compresses should not be kept on the skin for too long, so as not to accidentally make… permanent changes on it.

Diaphoretic teas and infusions

Effective action in adults and children is also shown by drinking diaphoretic teas. You can prepare such from, for example:

  • linden trees
  • blackberry
  • elderberry
  • sage
  • yarrow
  • mint
  • raspberry leaves

They are also great home remedies for angina and reliable home remedies for laryngitis! It is worth adding lemon to diaphoretic tea (e.g. sliced ​​or sprinkled directly into tea), as well as antiviral honey (it can be from linden). However, you must remember that at temperatures above 40 degrees C its healing properties will certainly… perish. The tea, on the other hand, will turn cloudy. Regular hot tea with raspberry juice also works very well. Just brew it as usual, and then add a little raspberry juice - of course, the natural one - after it has cooled down. Complement your tea with a lemon slice or some honey.

You can also drink… herbal infusions! Herbs are perfect as home remedies for runny nose and other cold ailments. It will be worth using the healing properties of herbs such as:

  • rosehips and raspberries
  • Linden blossom
  • black lilac
  • poplar buds
  • meadowsweet flower

Herbal infusions taste very good. So even children will have no problem eating them. To prepare such an infusion, put a tablespoon of herbs in a cup or glass. Then pour boiling water over the herbal mixture and let it brew for about 10 minutes. After this time, strain the herbs and drink a hot infusion. Ideally, we can go to bed right after drinking it. It is possible that after consuming the infusion of herbs you start to sweat a lot - it is then necessary to change your pajamas.

Bath in cool water

Are you wondering how to fight a fever in an effective and quick way? For this purpose, it will be worth taking a bath at a temperature of about 2 degrees C lower than the temperature of the whole body. In such prepared water, you should immerse yourself very slowly so as not to expose your body to thermal shock. If you "jump" into the bathtub too quickly, the body can react quickly and the blood flow in it will increase. So, it can be counterproductive - increasing the temperature of your entire body.

Do not forget that such a bath should not exceed a quarter of an hour. You can also repeat it twice a day. This is an effective method, but requires great determination - many people give up on it, because a slightly cooler bath rather rarely brings… pleasant sensations.

Remember that…

In the event of no improvement or deterioration of your health, be sure to see a doctor as soon as possible! The above tips are traditional home treatments, not medical science backed by research. Therefore, using them cannot be an alternative to using standard medical services and medical consultations!

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