Saturday, April 1, 2023


 I know that the movie Avatar 2 breaks popularity records, but some corrections need to be made here about some esoteric theories.

Well, man cannot live in harmony with mother Earth, because ... figuratively speaking, the Earth is not his mother. Man is incompatible with this planet, therefore, instead of the planned 1000 years, only 70 live.

There is too much gravity here, which destroys spines and joints that are not adapted to it. No other species has such problems.

Man does not fully digest any earthly food, so everyone is more or less harmful to him. This also applies to (!!) Raw fruits and vegetables.

We must protect ourselves from the sun, cold, wind, rain, heat, and so on. Our delicate feet are completely unsuited to going barefoot like other animals.

Our mental construction is not adapted to the Darwinian, aggressive values of this world. Therefore, it often undergoes numerous wounds and traumas already in fetal life. As a result, most, if not all, people have mental disorders.

In addition, the development cycle of our mind is the first 7 decades of life as "childhood" and gathering a base of experience and knowledge for the remaining 900 years of life. And here's a surprise - even if you live to be 70, it's a surprise - you're old, sick, and worn out. Even if you have wisdom, you can't do anything with it anyway, because you bend to the ground.

➡️ So everything is constructed so that it is as hard as possible, the hardest, that everything is complicated, time-consuming, and that all resources are not enough. May there be eternal insufficiency, unfulfillment, and frustration?

Therefore, as a Gnostic, I believe that it is worth understanding and getting to know this world first, withdrawing from social precepts, and then leaving this world somehow.

Yes, it's not worth being constantly depressed and bitter that things are here as they are. But it is also not worth overdoing this reconciliation with life and its total acceptance. No, we cannot accept in the name of spiritual theories what simply cannot be accepted. You can't out of common human decency.

This is what one of the ancient scholars meant when he said that man had achieved moral superiority over God himself. We are higher than Darwinian nature, hence so many of its mechanisms work against us. Because he reads human kindness as a weakness and tries to destroy it.

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