Saturday, April 1, 2023


 Avian flu reached absolutely unprecedented proportions last year, 2022. Perhaps few readers know about it, because so far industry and economic portals have written about huge starts. However, the World Health Organization recently took a stand on this matter.

Around 150 million poultry have been slaughtered so far. The disease caused unprecedented losses and damage to agriculture. Egg prices are now skyrocketing. In some areas of the US, they are already out of stock, and some stores in the UK have introduced purchase limits.

The disease is also wreaking havoc on the wild bird population. A third of the wild geese on the Scottish border has already disappeared.

➡️ Horror, it was also noticed that the virus mutated and also started attacking wild mammals that hunt birds. He is only a few unfortunate mutations away from jumping into a human.

The disease has a high mortality rate, although the new mutations are less virulent. In 2022, the epidemic did not stop even during the summer, which was considered a phenomenon. Because in the summer all these types of ailments weaken. However, this was not the case last year.

➡️ WHO points out that the development of infection should be closely monitored and preventive measures implemented. It also talks about the possibility of causing plague in humans on a global scale.

The previous plague from 2019-2021 caused global restrictions and lockdowns, and billions of people were infected. In a large part of them, permanent damage to the immune system is possible and, as a result, faster death. A hastily constructed antidote was then administered, but its effect on stopping the pathogen was limited.

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