Sunday, September 11, 2022

True Story- Lerina Garcia Gordo - A woman awoke in a parallel reality!

 In the morning, Lerina noticed that the color of her sheets was not what it should have been. It was the first discrepancy the 41-year-old saw, but unfortunately not the last in a series of changes that drastically shook her life! Inexplicable events suggested that Lerina came to us from a parallel reality.

The Multiverse Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics assumes that everything that can happen certainly happens in one of the branches of reality that resembles a great tree of life branching out at every moment.

The peculiar story of a woman whose life will never be the same again

On July 16, 2008, Lerina Garcia Gordo posted a comment on a popular internet forum asking for help. Lerina, 41 at the time, felt utterly helpless in the face of strange events that drastically shook her life. The Spaniard was convinced that she probably woke up in a parallel reality. What had happened that fateful morning could not have had any other explanation. The world in which Lerina stayed before going to bed was somewhat similar to ours, but the life of the 41-year-old was quite different in it. According to Lerina, these inconsistencies could only confirm the fact that she was indeed in a world other than her own!

Are their parallel worlds - The story of this woman could be proof of their existence!

On the morning of July 16, just after waking up, Lerina found her sheets a different color than usual. After a while, the woman concluded that not only the color of the sheets had changed. These sheets didn't belong to her at all! Unable to explain this strange situation rationally, Lerina decided to forget about the bedding for the moment. She was in a hurry to work in the company where she had been employed for over two decades.

The car was exactly where Lerina had parked it the night before when she returned home, exhausted from her working day. So she got in the car and took the same route she used to take almost every day since she moved into her current apartment seven years earlier.

Except for the strange sheets, everything else seemed quite normal to Lerina. Until she got to her office!

Something is wrong here!

Lerina was a very perceptive woman. As soon as she got to the office building where her company was located, she noticed employees she had never met before. As the woman entered her office, she was surprised to realize that the name on the door did not belong to her! The first thing that occurred to the confused woman was that perhaps her morning adventure with bedding had stressed her so much that she had mistaken the floors in the office building, which made her stand in front of her office by surprise. However, she quickly realized that the tier was quite appropriate! Dark scenarios began to appear in Lerina's head. Had she been fired from her job and no one had told her about it?

The nervous 41-year-old took a laptop from her bag and connected to the company's wireless network. She quickly discovered that her name was on the human resources list, but it turned out that the woman was employed in a completely different department.

Lerina immediately checked her credit cards, driver's license, and other documents in her bag. Her name, address, and place of employment - everything was correct. The photos in the documents also showed her real image.

Has Lerina gone crazy?

While still in the Lerinie office building, it came to her mind that something was wrong with her mental health, so she called her office and announced that she was sick. From the office building, she went directly to the doctor's office. There she was subjected to blood tests for illegal psychoactive substances. All results turned out to be negative. Simply put, the woman was perfectly clean.

The 41-year-old came home and started going through her papers, bank statements, electricity bills, etc. Everything seemed fine. So it occurred to her that she might be suffering from some kind of memory loss, and she began to browse through old messages on the web to see if there was any event in it that she did not know. After briefly skimming the headlines of the previous days, Lerina quickly concluded that there was nothing wrong with her memory. The messages from the previous days were as the woman remembered them.

It wasn't the same life anymore! Where has Lerina's love gone?

About six months before the events described above, Lerina dumped a boy she had been dating for many years. For several months she had been emotionally connected with Agustin who lived in the neighborhood. When, after returning from the doctor's office, the woman dialed his landline number, someone completely stranger answered the call. Lerina heard that the address was correct, but no Agustin lived there. This news shocked her a lot, because for the last 4 months the Spanish woman regularly met the man and even met his son, with whom she established a business relationship. Now there were no traces of her boyfriend or his son! It was as if they never existed. Calling friends, none of whom had ever heard of Agustin, the woman found out that she had never left her previous boyfriend. She was told they had been together for seven years and there was no sign that they would ever split up.

As the day went on, Lerina saw more and more inconsistencies. Between her memories and the reality that surrounded her, an ever-widening gulf was emerging. The woman did not know what to make of all this. What happened to her life, boyfriend and career? Was she mentally ill? She had no choice but to go to work the next day and pretend everything was fine.

The only thing that occurred to the confused woman was that at one point she might have had some kind of nervous breakdown. It had to be strong enough to instill false memories in her head. However, the tests she underwent at the mental health center made it clear that Lerina was quite sane.

At one point, Lerina hired a detective to work with him, and his task was to find Agustin. Unfortunately, even a professional was unable to find any clue. In short, no one like Agustin has ever lived in the neighborhood of Lerina or anywhere else.

When Lerina asked her family about her younger sister's shoulder surgery, the relatives looked at her sheepishly. As far as they knew, none of the family members had undergone any surgery in recent years.

Everything pointed to one thing!

As the days and weeks passed, the 41-year-old noticed more and more inconsistencies, which could only be a sign of something very unusual. Many details could only confirm Lerina's worst fears. The woman was firmly convinced that one night she simply went to sleep, and the next morning she woke up in a parallel universe. It was a world in which Lerina made slightly different life decisions than the ones she remembered. These minor differences made her life a bit different now than in the previous reality in which she had acted differently in the past.

Request for help

Completely desperate and lost, Lerina posted a post asking for help on a popular online discussion group at the time. Here is the content of the post translated from Spanish:

"If anyone has been through something similar, please contact me. I'm going to find out what happened to me. I have spent my last time reading the theories I find on the Internet and I am convinced that I have penetrated into an alternate reality. Something, some action that I had to take changed my reality. If I am in a parallel universe, why am I living in the same year, at the same time? Except for some minor differences in my personal life and work, I'm still the same person. I feel as if the last 5 months of my life are lost somewhere. It's like everyone is just a dream, but everyone except me has memories of those 5 months. And I did things during that time that I don't remember at all. Please refrain from stupid jokes - this is a very serious matter for me. Thank you!"

Similar cases

What happened to Lerina García Gordo? Did the woman suffer from any severe mental illness? Or maybe she really woke up in another universe? Unfortunately, we do not know that. What is certain, however, is that many similar cases are known. One of the most popular events of this type is the true story of a Taured visitor, about which the media once grew very loud.


  1. Multiverse 501 - Lerina Garcia Gordo: The Woman From A Parallel Universe;
  2. - The Woman From A Parallel Universe;
  3. - The Mysterious Case Of Lerina Garcia Gordo: Woman From A Parallel Universe.

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