Saturday, September 17, 2022

How long does flu last?

 How long does the flu last? This question appears most often in the season of increased disease, i.e. in autumn and winter. How long can stomach and intestinal flu last in children and adults? What is the duration of the flu? How many days is the treatment?

The flu season begins in fall and winter. People get a high fever, cough, and sneeze. The flu virus spreads very quickly, and it is not difficult to get infected in the fall and winter seasons. Depending on what type of flu has caught us, it can manifest itself in different forms and time spaces.

Typically, flu appears about 2 days after infection. During this time, infecting other people can take place all the time. Flu symptoms look like a mild cold at first. Unfortunately, this often ends up with severe pneumonia. How long does the flu last? As a rule, it is about 1 week when the flu is not associated with any complications. However, the duration of flu can also be significantly longer.

The most common symptoms of flu include:

  • high fever (over 39 degrees Celsius)
  • weakness of the body
  • muscle aches
  • headache
  • sore throat
  • cough
  • chills

If we are attacked by gastric flu, the so-called intestinal flu, in addition, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea may appear. How long does gut flu last? As a rule, 10-14 days. However, you can feel the improvement just a few days after the symptoms appear. Fortunately, stomach flu is self-limiting. However, it is worth visiting a doctor, in any case, to check your health condition and implement appropriate treatment.

It is worth knowing that the flu virus is not one, but comes in three different types:

  • A - occurs in humans and animals (e.g. swine flu, i.e. the A / H1N1 virus). Remember that swine flu is a very serious contagious disease!
  • B - occurs only in humans.
  • C - occurs in pigs and in humans.

The flu usually attacks quickly. Some people feel symptoms after 24 hours, while others after about 48 hours. To reduce the duration of the flu and protect some people from it, avoid contacting anyone for 5 days. Infection with the virus spreads quickly, which must not be forgotten. It most often attacks people with reduced immunity. In such people, it can last much longer (up to 3 weeks) and have a negative impact on health - and even life.

Flu complications - what should you be concerned about?

Depending on the body's immunity, state of health, and treatments, flu can sometimes be associated with different symptoms. Some of them should be of particular concern to us. When they appear, be sure to seek medical help:

  • inflammation of the lungs, sinuses, or bronchi
  • otitis media
  • blood in urine
  • fainting and unconsciousness
  • unexpected body temperature (close to 40 degrees Celsius)
  • disturbances of consciousness

If you are one of the less resistant people, be sure to go to bed with the first symptoms. Lying down will shorten the entire recovery period, protect also immunocompromised people from infection, and restore strength. Of course, one should be supported by appropriate and professional treatment methods.

Flu duration - colds and flu

Keep in mind that flu symptoms can last for 3 to 7 days. In young children, less immune people or older people, symptoms last up to about 3 weeks. People who are less resistant may struggle with coughing and malaise. Do not forget that fever can accompany the disease not only in adults. It appears in children and lasts for several days. If, on the fourth day from the onset of flu symptoms, the high temperature persists, be sure to see a doctor! Because it is already a threat to health and life.

Also, remember that having the flu is not the same as having a cold. The flu attacks suddenly and can change your health in as little as 24 hours. During flu, the fever reaches around 39 degrees Celsius. During colds, it is usually much lower. During a cold, we often experience respiratory problems or have a poor appetite. With flu, the concerns are similar but may be accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting.

What's the difference between a cold and the flu? Well, the flu affects the body much more severely than the common cold. It intensifies as early as 2 or 3 days after the onset of the disease, weakening the person. A cold may last longer than the flu, but it will be much milder. Besides, flu is most often accompanied by the complications we discussed earlier. Due to the flu, some people get, for example, pneumonia, myocarditis, or meningitis.

Why do you need to be treated for the flu?

If you already know how long the flu lasts, you should find out why you should be treated. You need to know that untreated flu is often much more dangerous than getting sick. If you ignore the symptoms or recommendations, you may develop complications - such as pneumonia and inflammation of the heart muscle, as we have already mentioned. Unfortunately, in weaker people, neglecting their symptoms often leads to illness and… death. If you only feel weak, be sure to see a doctor!

Remember that the flu medications from the pharmacy are unlikely to be of much use once the flu is advanced. However, those medications prescribed by your doctor will be effective. Medicines administered in hospitals also help - unfortunately, but patients with flu complications also go there. You must be aware that the flu is a viral disease and you will not drown it out with antibiotics.

Consultation with a doctor is also very important. Remember that the above advice is not medical advice and can under no circumstances replace it. If you have the symptoms described above, consult a qualified doctor who will make a reliable diagnosis and suggest a therapy appropriate to your situation.

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