Tuesday, August 2, 2022

How to lighten your hair?

 Are you thinking about how to lighten your hair? There are homemade ways to lighten your hair, which may not be as spectacular as you can get at a hairdresser. However, they allow you to gently lighten your hair and create luminous reflections on it. You can use products for this purpose, which are certainly in large part even in ... the kitchen! What are the best natural methods for making homemade lighteners? You will find out in the article below!

Remember that bleached or colored hair will always be more susceptible to any tampering with it. Incorrectly performed hairdressing treatments can discolor the hair. You can also oxidize them incorrectly, which may even cause your hair to fall out! That is why you should consider all the pros and cons of the bleaching procedure.

Thanks to lightening the hair, you will surely brighten the complexion a bit and give the whole figure lightness. Thus, you will take a little ... years off! Besides, lighting at the hairdresser's is expensive - and natural methods at home will save you some money. However, it is easy to dry your hair through this, and thus it begins to break and split. Then you will not need lightening methods, but ... home remedies for hair loss. Home lightening is not always successful either - especially if you have dark hair. So it's good to know how to lighten your hair properly and… don't regret it!

Wondering what lightens your hair? Of course, hydrogen peroxide (3%) mixed with ordinary water does it perfectly - preferably in a 1: 1 ratio. Pour the mixture into an atomizer bottle and apply to washed hair. Then, use a gentle comb to comb the strands. Wash your head after about 20 minutes and repeat the process until you see the color you want on your head. However, try not to overdo it, because you can oxidize your hair too much - and thus discolor your hair or completely… destroy it!

Before spreading hydrogen peroxide, it is worth trying the method on a small fragment of the scalp, preferably around the nape of the neck. Thanks to this, you will find out if you are not prone to allergies and whether you will be able to perform the treatment on the entire hair or only on selected strands.

Are you looking for a way to lighten your hair gently? Lemon will help you great! Just squeeze the juice out of it, and then mix it with water (the ideal ratio is 2 teaspoons of lemon juice to 6 teaspoons of water). Rub the mixture into your hair and hold it for about half an hour from the moment you apply it all. If you decide to hold the lemon a little longer (up to 8 hours), you will make bleached hair visible almost immediately!

Do you want a spectacular effect? Stay in a lemon mask overnight, with your hair tucked under a bonnet. However, be careful, as keeping your hair in lemon juice for so long can be bad for it - especially if the villi are highly porous! Then they can get damaged and you will have to use home remedies for hair loss!

How to lighten colored hair? Well, you can spare one… bottle of beer! Beer is a mixture that can lighten even colored hair with ease. However, rinse your hair only in light beer - dark, burnt or red will not give the same effect!

Perform the treatment on freshly washed hair, preferably still slightly damp. Spread the beer over the entire length of your hair, leaving it in this way for about a quarter of an hour. Then wrap them in foil. You can also put a foil cap on your head (or wrap it in a towel). After that, it is enough to rinse the beer from the hair and dry it.

How to lighten your hair? Well-known to our grandmothers ... chamomile infusion will come in handy! You just need to rinse your head with it every time you wash your head. After 20 minutes, you need to remove the infusion from your hair. Repeat the process several times until the hair brightens up a bit.

Of course, do not count on miracles that suddenly dark hair will turn into blonde thanks to chamomile. However, it is worth carrying the infusion prepared in a bottle when going on vacation. By spraying it during the day, you will increase the chance that the infusion in combination with chamomile will effectively illuminate the villi!

You can buy vitamin C in literally every pharmacy. How to use its beneficial properties?

Buy unflavored vitamin C (2 x 500 mg). Get yourself a shampoo and a plastic bag.

Put the tablets in the bag and crush them carefully. Pour into a container and then mix with shampoo for washing your head. Stir until smooth.

Apply the prepared vitamin C mask to your still damp hair. Leave for about an hour. Then rinse and dry your hair.

Do you feel your scalp itch during the treatment? Rinse your hair immediately and do not repeat the treatment - you may be allergic! It will be better than to look for and use another method.

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