Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Home remedies for hair loss

 Hair loss is a problem for many people around the world. Fortunately, there are home remedies for hair loss and effective remedies for baldness! Grandma's methods often turn out to be irreplaceable in the fight against excessively shedding hair. What methods will strengthen the hair follicles and help stop hair loss? You will find out in the article below!

There can be many reasons for this. Some will react too much to stress, and some will lose their hair due to disease - it can be a common cold, but also, for example, mycosis of the scalp. Are you taking high blood pressure, contraceptive,s or blood thinning medications? Many side effects, such as hair loss, appear very often when using them.

Some people experience more hair loss when their hormones fluctuate, for example. This may be due to a disease of the thyroid gland or the menopausal period when estrogen levels decline. Before you start finding out about natural ways to strengthen your hair, be sure to find out the cause of your hair loss! Then you will be able to find the right solution to fight hair loss.

Do you want to stop hair loss? Therefore, it is necessary to analyze whether you are really… eating well. Remember that hair regeneration is favored by B vitamins, as well as zinc and iron. So you have to eat as many foods that contain these vitamins and valuable minerals as possible. The diet should also be supplemented with selenium and magnesium. It is worth combining healthy eating with supplementation. If you want beautiful and strong hair, be sure to limit your coffee consumption, replace white sugar with a natural sweetener (stevia can be), eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible, replace white bread with whole grains, and eat lots of fish (they provide omega-3 fatty acids!), And also proteins. Also, try to use healthy fats such as rapeseed oil, linseed oil, or olive oil.

Using garlic for all diseases and ailments is typically grandma's way. It turns out, however, that in addition to fighting colds, garlic is also a great home remedy for strengthening your hair! Thanks to it, you can stimulate their growth and prevent the appearance of gray strands on the head. What methods exactly to use? Try the following natural ways:

  • Add the garlic squeezed through the press to the shampoo (twice a month).
  • Mix the garlic with coconut oil and massage it into the scalp.
  • Massage the crushed garlic into where the hair is thinning. You can also put on a shower cap overnight. It will be a great natural mask!

What is the way to prevent hair loss? If you want to try out really effective home remedies for hair loss, you can apply home treatment… with herbs! Hair and scalp oiling works brilliantly. Which oils will be effective in strengthening the hair? Well, the following:

  • coconut,
  • from nettle,
  • burdock,
  • from black cumin,
  • olive oil,
  • from ginger,
  • of rosemary.

The olive oil conditioner will also be great! All you have to do is heat it up and massage it into your scalp while it is still warm. When you hold it on your head for about 20 minutes, all you can do afterward is comb your hair thoroughly and wash the oil off with shampoo.

What else are there effective remedies for baldness? Well, lotions and masks! An onion mask is perfect, as it strengthens the hair's blood supply. All you need to do is apply the squeezed onion juice to your hair, along with the previously mentioned olive oil. Such a conditioner, when you hold it a little longer on your head, will work really fast and ... effectively!

The second method is an egg mask - they contain vitamins and valuable microelements, which are ideal for hair loss. Of course, making the mask will be similar to the onion mask. How about its effectiveness? Well, it all depends on the cause of excessive hair loss as well. Because if it is, for example, alopecia areata, even the best grandma's mask may turn out to be… ineffective!

Home remedies for hair loss are not enough? So remember to limit the harmful factors that cause damage to the hair structure:

  • Don't expose your hair to harmful UV rays - better wear a hat!
  • Protect your hair from the wind as it gets tangled easily - you'd better wrap it around it gently!
  • Tie your hair only with delicate elastic bands, or with a buckle - never make a strong bun or pony with a thin elastic! This way you will strain the hair bulbs and break the hair!
  • Remember about proper nutrition!
  • Do not dry your hair at a high temperature and do not straighten it!
  • Do not wash your hair in hot water - only in lazy water!
  • Try not to change your shampoo too often!
  • Don't fall asleep in wet hair - it will break more easily!
  • Reduce stress - it will reduce hair loss!

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