Sunday, March 13, 2022

The most popular conspiracy theories. 10 of the most famous conspiracy theories

 The multitude of conspiracy theories operating all over the world may be astonishing. They appear at any significant event, such as a loud bombing, catastrophe, or death of a famous person. Stories of secret societies or global conspiracies ignite the imaginations of millions of people. Apart from the quite probable ones, there are also the completely absurd ones. We present 10 of the most famous conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories are nothing more than opposing popular beliefs. They have been in operation for years, but never before has their dissemination been as easy as now. It is closely related to the universal access to information, mainly with the emergence of the Internet. Now everyone can become a blogger, influencer, or publicist, and thanks to their reach on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter, they can reach an unlimited number of people.

Scientists believe that constructing conspiracy theories is simply human nature. People feel bad and uncomfortable when something is inexplicable, therefore, to ensure their well-being, they strive to explain and explain the phenomenon. Even if it doesn't make much sense, it still makes me feel in control.

1. The world is ruled by the Illuminati / Masons / Grupa Bilderberg

One of the best-known conspiracy theories is that the world is ruled by powerful groups of influence. According to the so-called conspiracy theory of history since the end of the eighteenth century, it is these groups that stand behind the most important political decisions, and the rulers or leaders of the countries concerned are only puppets in their hands. These mythical powerful influences are considered to be the alternating Illuminati, Masons, Opus Dei, the Magi of Zion, or the Bilderberg Group.

According to people who believe this theory, these groups include not only high-ranking and influential politicians but also celebrities and the richest people in the world. Names like Justin Bieber, Kanye West, Madonna, Beyoncé, and David Bowie are mentioned.

2. The moon landing is a lie

The first man to set foot on the moon was Neil Armstrong in 1969. It might seem that this is an indisputable fact, but it turns out that it is not for everyone. There is a conspiracy theory according to which the Moon landing never took place, and the whole event was faked by the US government, which wanted to show its superiority over the then USSR. According to supporters of this theory, the American authorities, together with NASA, staged the entire event, and the photos and videos of the landing were fake.

3. The lizards from outer space have taken power over people

There is a conspiracy theory that the world is ruled by a group of shape-shifting lizardmen. According to this belief, the alien lizards, otherwise known as reptilians or reptilian creatures, have taken over humans, and most of us are unaware of this. According to this theory, the most influential people on earth are the lizards. Reptilians are to be, among others all the presidents of the United States, as well as the British Queen Elizabeth II. Lizards can take the appearance of any human, making it easy for them to infiltrate and rule over humanity.

4. The earth is flat

As ridiculous as it may seem, there are more and more adherents of the Earth's census theory of flatness all over the world. The so-called Flat Earth says that our planet is not a sphere at all, but is shaped like a disk. According to them, in the center of the Earth is the North Pole, and Antarctica is an ice wall more than 50 meters long and runs along the entire edge of the Earth. The wall is guarded by NASA employees who make sure that no one comes close to it and does not fall off it. There is also a large dome above the disc Earth, and underneath it hover the Sun and the Moon, which are much smaller than officially claimed by scientists.

5. There was no Holocaust

One of the most outrageous conspiracy theories is Holocaust denial. There are people who say that one of the greatest crimes in human history has never happened and that the stories of the Holocaust are merely propaganda inventions. Proponents of this theory argue that the Nazis only deported Jews from the Reich, and there was no such thing as concentration camps or gas chambers where Jews were murdered.

6. A UFO has crashed in Roswell

On July 7, 1947, a catastrophe occurred in Roswell, New Mexico. Officially, a meteorological balloon fell there, but there are many people who are convinced that in fact, an alien ship crashed there. All because after the accident the army appeared in the town, which aroused huge suspicions. Proponents of this theory believe that the Roswell UFO was transported to Area 51, a top-secret location for research into aliens and their technology.

7. Chemtrails

Are the condensation contrails left by high-speed planes really chemical sprays designed to poison and control people? There are some who believe it. According to proponents of the chemtrails theory, planes intentionally spray substances to block thinking and reduce the population. In their opinion, the streaks are sprayed with e.g. viruses, bacteria, fungi, as well as aluminum, titanium, and polycarbonates.

8. The US government is behind the attacks on the WTC

The terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, on the WTC and the Pentagon towers, had many conspiracy theories. According to one version, it was not al-Qaida that was behind the attacks, but the US government itself, which wanted to use the attack as a pretext for a war with Iraq and Afghanistan.

9. 5G Network Spreads Covid-19

With the appearance of Covid-19 in the world, information began to spread that the 5G network was carrying the coronavirus. The followers of this conspiracy theory argued that the map of Covid-19 cases coincides with the map of 5G installations. This led to telecommunications masts being destroyed and burned all over the world. Finally, the WHO took the floor, declaring that 5G networks are not spreading the coronavirus.

10. Pandemics was created by Bill Gates

Proponents of conspiracy theories have concluded that Bill Gates is to blame for the emergence of the coronavirus. He created Covid-19 to reap the benefits of the vaccine and chip all mankind in the process. According to the followers of this theory, the Microsoft founder is to belongs to a secret group whose goal is to implement a global control system. The theory still finds its supporters.

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