Sunday, March 13, 2022


 Recently, a video on the Internet made a sensation on the Internet, in which the child did his homework, saying that 2 + 2 = 22, and 2 + 3 = 23, and so on. It was acting wrongly. Both he and his parents felt that there was no point in punishing the boy for poorly done homework. That there is something wrong with her, the teacher because some mathematics limits her perception of the world. They argued that in today's world, the result of two plus two could be either four or twenty-two.

You can laugh at it, but it's laughing through tears because this is what the world looks like today. The answer 2 + 2 = 4 has the same meaning as 2 + 2 = 22.

I am going to use a metaphor here that relates to our views...

A rightist will say 2 + 2 = 3. A leftist will say 2 + 2 = 22. A centrist will say that the result of this action is five. Each of them will convince you to be right and think that the other two are wrong. Each of them will refer to a different field of mathematics or a different interpretation of it. In real life, the leftist will say that his doctrine is true because it relates to human rights, tolerance, empathy, humanitarianism, and other universal values. And the rightist will tell you that his doctrine is true because such is the eternal and timeless laws of nature. The leftist does not know that it is only about his interpretation of universal human values, passed through the filter of ideology, while the rightist does not know that it is about his ideological interpretation of the laws of nature.

Since everything is only an interpretation, opinion, view, then what I present is an extreme form of relativism. I agree, but I will add right away that relativism without a compass of truth quickly turns into moral degeneration, a sense of nonsense, and nihilism. What is the compass of truth here? Over the millennia of human existence, we have written so many books and learned works about it. So many intelligent heads debated it, and ultimately ended up at best with Schopenhauerian existential depression. I am offering you something completely different and, above all, much simpler.

So how do you get to the truth? How not get lost in such relativism and the feeling that everything is only someone's interpretation (e.g. ideology) and not reality itself? This compass of truth is empathy (do not hurt the other person, fix the world) and usability (does the solution work in practice, in reality HERE and NOW).

Reality will tell you the truth - the hard, real one. The way she is, no freaks, no promises made by politicians, priests, ideologists. The truth is what is already working NOW and what is useful, what is doing its job, which helps to fix the world and make our lives better. It is true that the doctrine introduced by politicians contributes to enriching the common people, repairing the health care system, improving the quality of education, reducing crime, preventing war. Everything else, such as the fact that the free market will regulate everything, or that a constant moral revolution should be introduced, then it will be better - it's just a pipe dream.

The truth is that 2 + 2 = 4.

Is it worth pursuing this truth? It's worth it, even for yourself and for a clear conscience. Now, acquiring the truth pays off especially strongly, because we can share it within our "alternative society", to which more and more people join. To paraphrase a well-known proverb: youth may or may not know (what I do), and old age already knows but cannot. So if we are gaining consciousness at the age of 30 or 40, that is the greatest blessing we have received from the world. Below is a reader's comment with my modification:

Quote: “You are trying to come to the truth and draw some logical conclusions. You are looking for meaning in this world and in people. But it's all turned upside down. Humanity is reprogrammed and this world is galactic crazy. Everything is the other way around here. We do things that later turn out to be pointless, absorb our all the time, only to get revelation at the end of our journey. But then it is too late because you are already 70 years old and you can only helplessly watch young people make exactly the same mistakes as you.

And when you become aware at the age of 30 or 40, you wonder if it was worth looking for, because later you do not know what to do with it all. You have so much empirical evidence to wake up others, but almost no one wants to listen to you, most prefer to hide in the arms of the system and what they know and feel safe anyway. It is like the voice of a cry in the desert.

But in my opinion, it's worth it. It's worth it, even if no one hears it. It is worth it because in the end a person will feel fulfilled. It's worth it, even when we leave this life and no one will listen to us. It's worth it for your own clear conscience that despite being crazy, we did everything we could to tell someone about it. Very good job."

End of quote.

Do we still think that the present poverty is simply the result of the laws of the economy and the free market and that the poor are to blame for themselves? Are we still divided between the hating and fighting factions? Do we think liberal politicians really are concerned about the increasingly catastrophic climate change they have brought about? Do we believe in democracy and unlimited freedom of choice? Do we think that governments care about us, and corporations produce good quality products that are then verified by consumers on the free market, under a democratic state of law? Do we think killing millions of people in resource-rich countries is promoting democracy and promoting human rights?

For reflection.

The article is inspiring to this day, and it was certainly written by a visionary. He had a good insight into what was happening in the world as well as what could happen soon. Or has it already happened?

I quote: “To accept the truth you have to use your free will and freedom of thought. Don't let your mind get trapped in religious and scientific paradigms. Religion and science are simple forms of control, created by the elite long before you were born. By the fact that you were born on this planet, your upbringing was based on at least one of these forms of control. Naturally, for this reason, you have been lied to all your life about the reality in which you live.


Humans are such stubborn living beings for whom their own ego is more important than anything else. Getting to the truth is therefore very difficult. Instead of getting to know and discovering things that do not fit our worldview, we prefer to expose our ego by letting others know that in their search they have strayed too far from the beaten path of knowledge.

People on Earth like to make fun of the truth. Often, without deep judgment, they treat it as nonsense. Truth is sometimes called "funny" or "comic". Often, they also try to discredit the messenger of truth by labeling him as a madman or a madman. It is indeed a very practical and simple way to quickly get rid of inconvenient information in our lives.

Additionally, in fact, people are puffed up enough to believe that their point of view and their limited understanding is actually more rational than the truth - no matter what. When we receive information similar to the information presented in this series of articles, we mistakenly believe that our intellect is superior to that type of content, and at the outset, we dismiss it as implausible. What people don't realize is that their own point of view seems rational just because it is based on an excess of lies and distortions. For this reason, in the greatest irony of all, people think that the lies they are fed with are actually the truth, and in turn, they often treat the truth as something unreal, crazy, and bizarre.

This world is much more than the teaching of our schools, the world presented in the media or proclaimed by churches and government. Most people live in a hypnotic trance, taking for a reality what is really just a simulation of it, a dream whose values ​​have been reversed. Lies are taken as truth and tyranny is accepted as security.


The only reason we accept all earthly authority is that it is so common in society, or because we fear the possibility of force or violence being used against us in the absence of subjugation. Without these reasons, all profiles of authorities would be deprived of their strength. So it becomes obvious that we should not respect others by nature, or because "it should be".


Unfortunately, due to human psychology and how this planet is constructed, it is best to keep the truth only to yourself on your own private level. It is virtually impossible for a pure truth, which is often inconvenient or incomprehensible to others, to be a topic for discussion in a wide audience. In this case, we will almost always come across people who will try hard to discredit information that deviates from worldview patterns. It is more convenient and better for each of us to live our beliefs and not share them with others. Of course, it would be great to share, but the chances of getting understood by everyone are minimal. It is also not worth setting a goal of trying to convince others to our views. In fact, it is easier for others to convince us that we are wrong. This is how this system works. The goal is to awaken yourself. YOU are the goal of this game. No human being has the capacity and strength to "save from lethargy" other people. We have to worry about our own destiny.


Humanity has been "programmed" not to seek the truth and not bother with it. Attempts to seek answers or deeper spiritual development are drowned out by aspects of life such as politics, sports, sex, television, and entertainment. In addition, there are other barriers that are specific energy and time absorbers. They all keep us in a matrix cage. These include work, school, and all methods of obtaining financial resources. Ironically, people who call themselves "skeptics" are not exactly skeptics. We can call them selective skeptics. This is because they only become skeptical of "extreme ideas," but never of popular ideas that constitute the so-called mainstream of our life.


The way mankind works is very simple: "do a lot of nothing." The world is absorbed in a whole lot of activities and activities carried out by people. Humanity spends a lot of time devoting itself to nonsensical activities.

In a world of several billion people, only a handful are true seekers. There are billions of pages on the Internet, and only a small fraction of them represent the truth. Customers spend billions of dollars each year when they don't spend a broken penny searching for the truth. Billions of songs have been written on Earth, and only some of them are about the truth. Billions of books have been published on Earth, and only a handful deal with really important topics.

There are thousands of videos on, and only a small fraction of them show the real world. We can watch millions of programs and broadcasts on television, while almost none of them touches the truth. There are thousands of job titles and careers on Earth, but none of them are called "truth seekers." The day lasts 1,440 minutes, and almost none of us have time to ask ourselves for even a minute during the day the question “what is life”. People live an average of 70 years, and during this time, only a few have touched the truth.


It's important to realize that popularity is often nothing good. If something or someone is popular, it doesn't mean they are genuine or real. Ironically, it means something is wrong or a lie. This is because before anything becomes popular on Earth, the elite (the rulers of the Earth) must promote or consent to it.

Some of the popular things like cars cannot be dismissed, as it seems obvious - they simplify our lives, after all, we have to commute to work. However, there are things that we can consciously discard by, for example, getting rid of mental control. Believing in one of the earth's false religions is believing in a false version of the earth's history. Taking everything that the media transmits for truth is indulging in conscious enslavement and accepting lies.

It is worth realizing that it is much easier to control the mind than the physical environment, and although we are still physical slaves, we can break free from mental control. Nobody holds a gun to our temple and makes us think in certain ways.


While Earth is an enslaved colony, humans love to waste their time, money, and resources on what is ultimately nonsense. Rich people waste their money on stimulants and fun, instead of spending it on developing knowledge. Intelligent people love to waste their time in order to obtain new degrees, instead of studying issues related to broadly understood spirituality and finding out the truth. Each of us loves to waste time and money watching sports, movies, or TV, instead of searching for the truth.

As creatures who waste and destroy our planet, humanity is in opposition to spiritually developed beings. For example, all the terabytes of erotic-filled server drives could be filled with publications or knowledge articles. Eroticism is another example of the worthless nonsense that constitutes our mental enslavement.


When we take a closer look at the activities that each of us performs in our lives, it quickly turns out that each of us is limited in our lives to only a few options. Where are the alternatives when it's all based on a monetary system? Where are the alternatives to education, government or law? Everything was settled before we came into this world. After some time, we become actors on the stage when it is time for our parents to leave the scene. We have a school system that often takes a dozen or so years of life, we acquire professional qualifications, we look for a job, we earn and accumulate illusory money, we buy a car that is advertised on TV, we rent a flat or buy our own (on credit).

We pay bills and pay off loans, we watch a lot of TVs and each of us has our favorite shows. We furnish our apartment by buying items that can fill it, in the end, we take part in elections by voting for the right or the left, we follow TV and press news, and then we die. There is even nothing to think about the possibility of asking questions, time to think and answer the question "what am I actually doing here?". Everything follows the same set rhythm, and we are like the cogs in the machine of this system.

By eliminating other options, those who created the system can be sure that it will be possible to maintain full control of humanity and that no one will ask unnecessary questions. The system is so efficient that nowadays whole nations devote themselves to constant work that sucks their energy out. Nobody has time to perfect their spiritual sphere. Whether you like it or not, you have no choice. You have to pay bills and collect material goods.

We do not have access to other options such as barter exchanges, the ability to grow and produce our own food and goods, or to work only for ourselves free of taxes. Like banners in the wind, we succumb to trends without any resistance and we follow the paths well-established long before our birth. It's time to realize that the world is not our creation and was not created for our interests.

Who of us has never needed social approval, even from family or friends, to be able to change something in our lives? Who among us did not feel the pressure of the environment that dragged us into the same vortex in which everyone around us is stuck. We are all slaves to our cultures and local societies. We are not afraid of the truth, but rather we are overwhelmed by it. Its weight is too heavy for us because we like to sleep peacefully. How can we know the meaning of our existence when we are prisoners on Earth? "

It is not your job to drag them screaming and kicking the world towards the new consciousness. Your job is to do your job well, here and now. Then those whose eyes see and ears hear will answer.

A full-time employee is cheaper to maintain than an army of soldiers, bodyguards, and capos. In addition, slaves are also other costs, which I will mention below.

An employee, encouraged by the vague promise of education and career, will work persistently and hard. He will be very obedient to the authorities and to society, he will not rebel. He will gain new qualifications, complete courses, and training. He will give up a large part of his free time, in which forms dangerous to the authorities could arise - philosophy, questions about the meaning of existence, about evil in the world, the search for truth. Working in the engine room in a factory, I had no time to think about philosophy. On the other hand, after a drowned job, I returned home, where I did not have another load of duties (children, phone calls from work, and work taken home), but I could indulge in my passion. And I didn't work 12 hours to support my family, but eight.

Back to the point: this middle-class worker will use the money he earns to buy consumer goods and services that he calls "commoners." This boosts the GDP of the country, of course, as well as the ego of the middle-class worker. Therefore, the commoners will also act as a substitute for a kapo, e.g. a middle-class office worker shouting at a worker. If you are a laborer, hardly any office worker will tell you something like, "Oh, hi Jara, how are you up there?" Rather, it will be limited to the formal "good morning." It is the ideal bio-machine of the liberal elite and the ideal voter.

A question of performance. A poor class worker is disciplined and disciplined by various fairy tales invented by the elite and repeated by employers, journalists, and experts. For example these are the laws of economics, that this is how the free market works, that there is a crisis in the industry. So such a "robotic" has to come to terms with low wages and has to shut his mouth. And he has no right to rebel, for who would have the nerve to rebel against the economy itself? An economy that, according to the neoliberal dogma, is more important than man. Man as a product, as a "meat insert", a man turned into a commodity .. This lull is so deep that few notice this psychopathic logic.

So the poor worker will shut his mouth and be more productive than the slave after all. It is also said that everyone is the blacksmith of their fate. So the blame is shifted from the oppressive system to the individual. After all, according to this narrative, it was enough to learn and gain qualifications, and this mythical American dream would be. So if someone did not want to learn or start a business, he is to blame for himself. "Set up a company and you'll see what it is like," say the Orthodox Jews to the free market. "It's good that you are working for pennies on better than you" - in turn, such a comment appeared on my Facebook profile. In addition, the hardships of low wages and the torments of everyday life make this employee meek, bitter with their fate, and will not ask questions about their situation. He does not question it but humbly carries his cross. And religion still confirms that this is good because God loves the poor and he will receive a reward in heaven for his efforts. But on Earth, no, oh no!

The former slave lord was more expensive than today's employer. He provided more things to a slave than today's employer did to the worker. It sounds bizarre, but it's true. The slave master had to take care of the roof over his head, food, entertainment, he had to maintain security on the one hand so that the slaves would not run away, and on the other hand, he had to provide rewards for the most persistent. Today's employee must ensure this for himself. If you don't get it, you're starving.

Quote: “The slave was provided with food and a roof over his head, the peasant paid his tithe (10% of the tax), and he had the rest for himself. Today we take loans for housing, we pay taxes for food, fuel, roads, salaries. It's wonderful for the elite that those systems have collapsed. They have many more benefits from this system. Definitely. And slaves as we were, so are we. We only pay for that. "

The calculus of probability says that we are not alone in the universe because that would be an unimaginable waste of space. There are some problems with UFOs though.

I will describe them below:

-Did you see the alien? Can you document it? Do you have a video recording? Do you have an interview? How can you be sure that aliens are divided into reptilians, Pleiadians, and other species?

-How do you know that UFO sightings are actually UFOs and not, for example, military planes or "collective projections" from the so-called collective unconscious?

-Visions of spirits and forces of nature made by former shamans, Jahve, Allah, etc. revelations, Marian apparitions, UFO sightings - what connects these visions? Contrary to appearances, a lot. If you are determined to find the truth, you will discover the surprising similarities of these observations.

- Was there a UFO landing in front of the UN headquarters? Do we have diplomatic contacts with them, economic relations, exchange of experiences and so on? Why are there no official contacts? Why is the vast majority of UFO sighting videos of very poor quality?

-Where does all this world knowledge about UFOs really come from? After all, every new age guru thinks differently in this regard. How can I be sure that this information is objective? To what extent is this information objective and to what extent is it purely subjective? For example from trances, meditation, revelations, and so on? To what extent is this knowledge merely a product of human minds?

I do not deny the existence of alien civilizations in the universe. It is quite possible that we are not alone in this universe. I take it into account. But the most distant observation of space is the Voyager 1 probe, which has not even crossed the solar system barrier?

Which probe has very primitive measuring instruments, because it was sent into space many decades ago?

This article is meant to be a reflection on this increasingly controversial topic.

It is a big mystery to me that people still believe in a certain Q, or that there is no war in Ukraine. Theoretically, when the professed map of reality no longer matches the FACTS, it should be corrected or changed.

This is not the case here. After all, Trump is supposed to continue to rule the US in secret and save the world, and Biden is just a temporary puppet. And these hundreds of thousands of videos, recordings, or photos taken by ordinary people (yes, in Ukraine everyone has a smartphone) are ordinary fakes, and there is no war in Ukraine.

Only the hero, Putin, entered there so lightly with his troops, in friendship and peace. And his army is greeted by Ukrainian Russians with flowers (because there are ONLY two groups in this country: the oppressed Russians and the Bandera followers who want to conquer Poland). And his mission of peace only aims at biological labs and adrenochrome farms.

Come on. Some common sense should have some common sense, especially after 2019. Some have become so elevated in raising their vibrations, in reading strange stories, and in opening up their heart chakra, that their brains seem to have fallen out.

Belief in alternative versions of reality (anti-systemic, esoteric, conspiracy theories) can be the same mind-blind fanaticism as any political ideology or religion. This can be seen in the comments if only an entry is posted that does not comply with the current, anti-system canon. This canon was often created and modified by Moscow or Beijing. It is just as rigid and resistant to the opposition as the political or religious canon.

If a person does not have his own reflection and the ability to verify information, he will swallow every content. And the stranger and more contradictory this content is, the more attractive and the more it is defended. Sometimes they are so strange that I seriously wonder if they were written by interviews in foreign countries, or by people, to put it mildly, no longer in touch with reality.

Quote: "Blind faith in conspiracy theories is the worst enemy of reason because it makes even intelligent people go completely stupid. As you can see since Putin invaded Ukraine to establish his own pro-Moscow government in Kyiv in order to continue Russian imperial policy.

And no, sorry, the conspiracy narrative is as follows:

After the "savior of mankind" Trump lost the corrupted elections by the democrats, it was necessary to find a new leader of the "free world". If you don't know yet - it's Putin !! This great fan of democracy, a declared lover of freedom and civil liberties, decided to come to the aid of Ukraine, which is being oppressed by the Żymów, oligarchs, and the secret globalist political network.

Ukraine, which is a global money laundering for the corrupt world elite. Putin now embodies all the forces of a free and just new world that will come when the people overthrow the corrupt elite, the Ukrainian neo-Nazis, and install President Yanukovych in Kyiv. Amen!"

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