Saturday, May 1, 2021

Night guests. Night attacks.

It does not matter if you are a woman or a man. If you ever wake up with the feeling that you have a mysterious, invisible burden, it can mean a meeting with an incubus or a succubus.

Such "things" are not, contrary to appearances, isolated cases, and similar relationships have appeared since time immemorial. A well-known British actress confided to psychologist Stan Gooch over a similar experience. One night, when she woke from a deep sleep, she realized that the reflex of light on the ceiling took on the shape of a human eye, looking at her intently. The impression was extremely unpleasant, but the worst was yet to come. Suddenly she felt the violent strength of her body, like the weight of a man who wanted to love her, but she could not see the mysterious "lover". At first - as the actress said - it was even pleasant. Then the pressure became very insistent, he began to painfully crush her to the mattress. When the creature ceased the attack, the woman ran to the bathroom. In the mirror, she saw that her mouth was full of tarry blood. 

Victims of nocturnal rape on the part of unknown beings often fall into the haunted by ghosts called poltergeists, which cause such phenomena. Examples of this includes: automatic shifting of furniture or sudden bursts of flame. Carlottę also persecuted the poltergeist before, when they threw the dishes, made disturbing noises and shouted obscenities at her. 

An experienced paranormal researcher Guy Lyon Playfair in the book "The Flying Cow" gives yet another example of this dependency. The book is devoted to strange events that he has heard about and witnessed during intensive research in Brazil. Marcia, an extremely talented graduate of the psychology faculty, once found a gypsum statuette of the sea goddess Yemanja on the shore of the ocean. It was probably thrown into the water as a sacrifice to the sea. She took the sculpture home. 

Shortly thereafter, strange phenomena began to persecute, indicating the presence of a malicious poltergeist. She was so tired and mentally depressed to point when she considered suicide. Then the stove and oven exploded in her kitchen. As if that was not enough, one night she felt suddenly crawling into her bed. She was raped and similar sexual attacks of the bodiless being repeated many times. This was until she following the advice of the occultist - she did not throw the found statuette back into the ocean.

Attempting to explain the activities of incubators and succulents, the researchers tried to combine it with other paranormal phenomena. In the highly-praised book "Creatures from Inner Space", Stan Gooch describes that one of the investigators - a former policeman who used to hear amazing recitations or dialogues, despite the lack of presence of other people. 

Researcher W. Demi Rees’ thesis "The Hallucinations of Widowhood" published in the British scientific journal and the British Medical Journal, announced the results of the research that with around 300 men and women. Almost half of the respondents claimed that they had clearly seen or heard the deceased wife or husband, talked to the ghost and even touched it. It was also found that the majority of people experiencing such hallucinations have more than 40 years. The most intense sensations of this kind have been recorded in people over 60 years of age. 

It was, of course, a rather small questionnaire, in which the question about possible sexual relations with the spouse's intimidation was not included. However, it would be particularly interesting to examine whether the frequency of phantoms increases with the age of the subjects, because usually psychokinetic phenomena (caused by poltergeists) are the participation of minors. Perhaps older people are more in search of spiritual comfort and therefore manage to bring their dead lovers? On the other hand, should not we rather expect that it is people who are younger and much more sexually aware will be able to more easily imagine the essence of raping?

One theory is that incubi and succubi are ghosts of the dead who were extremely sexually active during their lifetime, and after death they were somehow related to the world of the living. However, there are examples of intangible attacks from living people. The story of Ruth Psychiatra Morton Schatzman describes in the monograph "The story of Ruth" the experience of a woman who was raped by her father as a little girl. In the psychiatric records, the patient's condition was characterized by an extensive set of hysteria symptoms. 

The number of paranormal investigators is constantly increasing, and they are convinced that encounters with various beings from another world are culturally conditioned. Researchers often argue that it is mainly Christians who have visions of the Virgin Mary and the angels, but this does not happen to atheists and agnostics. Why is this happening? Representatives of the clergy and other members of the Church answer that angels appear by their own choice only to believers. 

For the most part, the beings in question: angels, fairies, aliens, incubi and succubus - are only the projections of our deepest desires. Probably, it can also be considered as the presentation of our greatest fears (which Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, considered to be sophisticated desires). Stan Gooch sums up the whole problem in the following way: "Incubus, succubus, demons and poltergeists are not at all creatures from some other world, but the statement that we are persecuted in this way by the creations of our own psyche is equally amazing." relations with poltergeists. 

Psychoanalyst Mary Williams encountered in his practice a fascinating case of linking psychokinetic phenomena with rape committed by sukuba. In an article FROM the Journal of Analytical Psychology, she described how one of her patients was forced to leave the army after he was diagnosed with hemorrhage that doctors could not explain. 

Studies have shown that the patient from childhood was very sexually excitable, and after reaching maturity he was characterized by a luxuriant erotic life with many partners. From the moment he was an adult, he took part in a spiritualist session, he began to persecute psychokinetic phenomena. In addition to many other unpleasant sensations, the impression of invisible fingers tugging at his hair was especially troublesome. Poltergeist also attacked at night. As Mary Williams writes: "He would go to bed and lie down with him, the patient would feel something hugged him tightly to his side, and then the impression of merging ... he had to give in to it." 

In the Dark Ages of the Middle Ages, there were often rumors that incubators and succubus could take on human form. They used bodies of dead people only for this purpose. The ghost, after entering the body, made his replica and became the doppelganger of the deceased. Widows or widows in mourning were then tricked into sexual intercourse. It was also believed that witches regularly gave themselves to debauchery with demons, which gave them supernatural power. In addition, whole generations of new devils were allegedly born into the world by this way. 

Having sex with evil spirits must have been kept secret, because all contact with Satan's servants was punished with death at the time, and rape could not provide any explanation. On the other hand, there was a suspicion, which for some is the most brilliant example of heresy, that the Immaculate Conception was also the result of an attack by the Incubus. 

Sleep paralysis. There are theories that meetings with incubators and succulents can be explained by the phenomenon of cataplexy, called sleep paralysis. 

The most common symptoms of cataplexy are: the impression that you are overwhelmed by a heavy weight on the chest, an increased level of sexual tension, probably due to hypoxia of the brain; acceleration of heart rate and difficulty in breathing, appearance of the witch's spectrum, of which the applications of many cultures say, the inability to move. 

Sleep paralysis was also supposed to explain alien abduction reports that often contain elements of eroticism. They say, for example, about medical research connected with deepening various objects in the body, or even explicitly mentioning a full sexual intercourse with beings from space or other abducted people..

Incubates (Latin incubus from incubating - "lying on something") - in demonology incubators are called demons taking the form of seductive men who visit women in their dreams and tempt them with sexual intercourse (a "night demon" band). They are often presented as characters with horns moving on horses.

According to Malleus Maleficarum ("Witch's Hammer"), they were able to impregnate women with semen, which succubus collected from the men tempted by them. The children begotten in this way were to be particularly susceptible to the influence of Satan. The son of an incubus and a woman is a champion.

Over the centuries, men and women lying in bed experienced sexual attacks, prosecuted by phantoms. Are they victims of demons or psychological and medical disorders?

Medical sciences attribute this bizarre fact to a condition known as sleep paralysis, according to Al Cheyne of the University of Waterloo at the Department of Psychology. "Paralysis is natural, it affects almost everyone, and it is not an attack of" dead "beings," Cheyne writes "were especially identified sources of beliefs about probable alien abductions, but all kinds of beliefs do not recognize demons and otherworldly beings. sleepy is a condition in which someone, usually lying on his back, begins to enter the sleep zone, or just after waking up from sleep, he realizes that he is unable to move, speak or scream. This may take a few seconds, sometimes People often have a feeling of "presence," which is often described as an enemy, menacing or evil, and an intense sense of fear and terror is very common. "Cheyne studies show that as many as 40 percent of the population have had such experience at least once. Paralysis is caused by the release of hormones during REM sleep (rapid eye movements), it all paralyzes the body and keeps it as it dreamed, that is, if we dreamed a ghost we will see the ghost if we see the devil. Usually, however, hormones disperse before the end of sleep and the dreamer wakes up. In rare cases, the hormones still suppress the motor functions of the body when the sleeper woke up, of course then the person is still paralyzed. After waking up, the brain tries to find a rational explanation for this paralysis and thus finds a bad presence or other entity. It's just that the real reason is not. In even rarer cases, the phenomenon is accompanied by a vision of terrifying hallucinations, such as black figures, demons, snakes, old witches - and even small gray aliens.

Cheyne quotes other studies, the theory that a deep feeling of paralysis can be a hidden form of "human immobility", action pretends death, eg predatory animals, attack people, they run away with the last chance strategy. Such an incident is also very frightening. Of course, everything happens in the subconscious.

Sleep paralysis can explain the phenomenon of seeing the old witch, but what about sexual attacks? The woman who wrote to me said that the attacks began in her bedroom, but soon began to take place outside the home when she was conscious. Such attacks even occurred in her office. Her husband and daughter are also witnesses of this experience.  Many religious organizations - especially fundamentalists - consider this phenomenon as attacks by demonic forces. 

So what is the cure for the attacks of incubators and succulents? Victims of such attacks must go to the doctor. They should seek advice from a psychotherapist or psychiatrist and ask if these experiences are the result of some trauma? Or, as one of the victims wrote, they should ask for exorcisms. However, the best thing is to visit a doctor.

 A psychiatrist will almost certainly help in a case like a woman who wrote the e-mail quoted at the beginning of this article. But it should be noted that exorcisms in the 21st century are rarely performed and considered as a medieval gusła. In some extreme cases, even a psychiatrist will not help. Because deep faith in demons causes them to come and this is probably a very complex problem for the victim. 

The conviction that liberation can be fulfilled by expelling demons is real, but there are cases where the demon does not want to give way and torments his victims until he loses attractiveness. Fortunately, such attacks are not many. After all, one should not play ghost games without having a clue about it, because someone other than the evoked spirit can always come. You can not predict how it will end.

Incubates and succubuses were deeply rooted in folk beliefs. The legend about them refers to one of the most powerful human instincts - sexuality. Formerly, especially during the Inquisition, there were restrictive and rigorous rules regarding sex life. All restrictions caused frustration among the society and led to a world of fantasy. Incubates and succubuses have become a symbol of eroticism.

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that amorous demons arise from fog and steam, taking the form of an "etheric body". The inquisitors were particularly sensitive to them. During interrogations, the tortured "witches" reported on the course of Sabbath orgy. Forced testimony often contained descriptions of co-operation with the messengers of hell. The Inquisitors had no doubt that they were witnessing a real invasion of incubators and succubuses. There was a widespread belief in them that this kind of being could be extremely helpful to witches. For example, when a woman was accused of participating in the Sabbath, even the intercession of her husband, who testified that he had slept with her in bed, did not help. 

The accusers retorted that the wife had left a husband of a similar succubus at her side so that she could go to the witches' meeting without suspicions. Mania's pursuit of sexual opalescence grew, and witch trials almost always - among a number of other allegations - contained sexual contacts with incubators. A message from 1645 speaks of a woman from Cornwall, who was found paralyzed and unconscious in her home. When she recovered, she told the neighbors about a strange incident: in the middle of the night, a few low men appeared in her, who then took her to the fairy-tale palace. There she was seduced by a man of normal height. The story so upset the neighbors that they immediately recognized the narrator ... like a witch.

Incubates and succulents have been exciting, fascinating, and frightening for ages. They are seductive and beautiful. They are often presented with the attributes of demons - horns or hooves. They appear in the middle of the night and lead to the temptation of innocent victims, and then coexist with people during sleep. Sukkuby (female demons) collect the semen of used men, which incubators (male demons) later fertilize women. From such births come children called cambions - extremely susceptible to the action of Satan. Demons of the night slowly suck the energy from their victims when they are plunged into passions. Deprived of energy, the victim falls into depression, madness, or delusion. Demons can torment their victim for years.

Incubates and succubuses were officially named for the first time in the book "Malleus Maleficarum" ("Hammer for Witches"). The authors of this text - Heinrich Kramer and Jakob Sprenger - wrote about the goal of demons being man falling, degenerating morals, destroying all its ethical principles. They were particularly fond of monks who, while maintaining celibacy in the name of God, were especially valuable to Satan, and at the same time an easy purchase. Incubates and succulents were created from fog and steam. The witches interviewed by the Inquisition described in detail their encounters with the demons of the night.

According to legends and messages, Lilith was the mother of the incubators and successes - the first wife of Adam. When she rebelled against her husband's domination and decided to leave paradise, she flew off to the Red Sea. There she lived with demons, which she gave birth to one hundred children - Lilinas daily. Another version of the legend says that Lilin's father was the angel of death - Samael (perhaps Satan himself). Lilith and her demonic children tempted people - the descendants of Adam and Eve, led them crazy, and led straight to the gates of hell. They did everything to dissuade the man from God. Sometimes they appeared in the form of beautiful women and men, and others in their demonic form. They communicated telepathically.

In place of Lilith, God gave Adam obedient and submissive Eve. However, she quickly got bored with her husband. Adam missed Lilith very much. He begged God to bring her back to paradise. God took pity on the suffering man and sent three angels for Lilith.

Beautiful, strong, independent, rebellious. Completely different than the first official wife of Adam - Ewa. A spontaneous woman who did not want to be a compliant, docile addition to a man. Such was the mysterious Lilith.

The genesis of the legend of Lilith is not entirely clear. The Christian tradition argues that Ewa was the first woman on earth and Adam's wife. Of course, it was made of his rib. So how do you explain the verse from Genesis 1:27 - "And God created man in his image: in the image of God he created him: a man and a whitehead created it"? It would suggest that Eve was not the first, that before her God created a woman in the same way as a man and him equal. It was supposed to be Lilith. She gave birth to a hundred children every day. From the beginning of this relationship, conflicts between Lilith and Adam erupted. The indomitable woman refused to dominate her husband.

Continually emphasized its equality with it. The drop that shed the cup was reportedly sex, during which Lilith refused to lie under Adam. She made the decision to abandon her husband and leave paradise. Thanks to the fact that she uttered the unspeakable name of God, she grew her wings and flew to the Red Sea, where she lived with demons and bred offspring with them. Soon she began to give birth to Lilies - incubi, and succubi (according to Islam - genie). Another version of the legend says that the father of Lilin was the angel of death Samael (perhaps Satan himself). 

Samael later portrayed the role of the snake Evil snake. In some sources, it is given as the father of Cain (one can also find information that Lilith was the mother of Cain). Apparently, Kain's wife was Zelinda Bez Skazy - daughter of Lilith. In place of Lilith God gave Adam obedient and submissive Eve. However, she quickly got bored with her husband. Adam missed Lilith very much. He begged God to bring her back to paradise. God took pity on the suffering man and sent three angels for Lilith: Senoia, Sansenoy, and Semangelof. They tried to persuade Lilith to return. When she did not agree, they threatened to drown her in the sea. When this did not work, they said they would kill the hundredth of her children every day until the rebellious woman changed her mind. Lilith got angry. Everything should blame the brain? "The desire to sort out the puzzle caused Hufford to deepen the research. As a result, he came to the conclusion that everything is to blame ... sleep disorders, namely sleep paralysis and hypnotic hallucinations. 

What is this all about? 

 The researcher focused on the sleep phase called REM (called Rapid Eye Movement). In one night she appears several times in a human. The sleeper then experiences dreams quite intensively. In order to avoid any harm caused by some unconscious reflex, a special substance blocking muscle activity begins to function in the body. Usually, her "mission" ends with the awakening of a man. But sometimes the brain will forget to "withdraw" the blockage of muscles in time. When it continues to work in an already awakened person, we are dealing with sleep paralysis. 

And hypnotic hallucinations? 

These, in turn, appear as a result of a sudden awakening in the REM phase. There is then a short (lasting from several to several dozen seconds) waking dream. It is not usually intense, but there are exceptions. Then the brain, for the REM phase, takes pictures, sounds, and even smells from the awakened person who sees, hears, and feels what she has dreamed about before. Sometimes quite negative impressions are associated with it. This was confirmed by experiences with volunteers. 

A sudden "break out" from the REM phase caused them to be afraid of being next to someone alien who ... was not there at all. According to psychologists, the impression of lack of freedom of movement and the presence of a stranger nearby may entail fear for their own lives, and also fear of sexual abuse. According to Hufford, this is to justify the special nature of suffering suffered by the victims of demons, aliens, and the "old witch". There is only one hitch: these victims, as well as many other problem researchers, do not believe in such an explanation ...

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