Friday, May 7, 2021

Is there life after death?

 Is there life after death? What are the answers to the existential, existential questions of humanity?

Do you tire about existential questions? Are you worried about what is after death and what may not be there? Do you want to know which doctrine corresponds better to the truth? Left or right? And if so, which form? Which branch? A feature of the mind is the desire to get to know the world. The trouble is that the human mind has too little "computing power" to grasp this world. That is why ideologies, religions, and other doctrines are created that are supposed to deliver a "ready" to the frightened mind. The world is multidimensional and extremely complicated. Thinkers, philosophers, mystics, leaders, and scientists have been trying to describe the world since the dawn of history, and so far none of them have succeeded.

Simplification is a feature of every doctrine. When you choose a right-wing, left-wing or other "shepherd", you gain a safe vision of the world, you no longer have to get lost in this thicket and think for yourself. From now on, the world is either right-wing or left-wing for you. You focus on what is right-wing or left-wing, and reject the entire huge rest, deftly explaining it. The trouble is that the world is, as I said, extremely complicated. Believing in some doctrine, you must reject or deny what does not agree with this doctrine.

Science did not understand metaphysics, so she decided that she did not exist

So you have to reject or deny the majority of the world because, in reality, the vast majority of real life are exceptions to the rules (doctrines), exceptions to these exceptions, and so on. For example, academic science based on the doctrine of materialism could not cope with the metaphysical side of life, so it prophylactically negated it. Unable to explain the chaotic and multidimensional metaphysics, she introduced materialism and atheism and announced that only material things exist. It is very convenient for the mind. If something we can not study, classify and control, it is better to conclude that it does not exist. In a similar way, the leftist denies those elements of life that are "right-wing", while the right-wing man negates those elements of life that are "left-wing".

The mind is looking for methods, doctrines, and solutions, including spiritual ones. There are a lot of methods of meditation, the trouble starts when someone thinks that his only method is good. There are a lot of schools and spiritual doctrines, from the classic ones, and thus monotheistic, to the esoteric and gnostic ones. Sometimes the mind is considered omniscient. And, of course, for the enlightened one. I met many such "enlightened parties" who responded to aggression with each and every voice. Every opinion, which is a bit different from their only right vision of the world, was evil, satanic, low-caliber, etc. Although they meditated, raised their vibrations, did not eat meat, they were hysterical "Nazis" inside. And that's what the worst is.

The mind wants to know the world at all costs, but it is condemned only to circumstantial evidence

Sometimes the mind rushes madly from the doctrine to the doctrine, desiring certainty, not successive and subsequent fantasies. And that is not the point. It is an addiction to the search for an answer that we will not find on Earth as long as we live. The human mind, by virtue of its functioning, is unable to embrace the whole of the world, although it desires it very much. Political, religious, esoteric, and other doctrines, as the creations of minds, the more they are unable to answer these questions. Half misery, if the man is lemming and accepts mainstream from the machine. Left or right-wing, Catholicism or atheism, feminism or chauvinism. You choose a leader and a doctrine to obey them and not think. Then we know everyday life, without reflection, without self-awareness, without all the whole investigation and monologues.

Wedding and children, because everyone does so and you can not lean out. Mortgage - because everyone does so and you can not lean out. They can afford the cheapest discounted food, the only entertainment for a peasant is a few beers in the evening. They have an old car and once a week, on Sunday, they go to a shopping mall. Yes, sometimes they complain that politicians are thieves, but humbly endure their fate. They earn little because it must be and the end. They do not know that this whole economy is a scam and that it would be different. A normal man is supposed to be humble and to work, not to think about stupid things.

Such a life is an unconscious, unreflective life. Security then provides the mind with what is generally accepted in society. Trouble starts when a person looks through the illusory play of society and discovers its second bottom, and then the third or tenth bottom. The throwing from doctrine to doctrine begins. The mind is feverishly looking for answers, because the answers proposed by the society, that is, by the mainstream, have turned out to be not only unreliable but fraudulent. After all, the goal of every doctrine is to rule over slaves, which today are called "consumers." Doctrines, according to Napoleon Bonaparte, are to stop the poor from murdering the rich.

Neither official nor alternative doctrines will give you an answer

The mind loses ground under its feet and panics. It is obvious that the mind is now pulling towards alternative answers because the mainstream ones have failed. More and more radical Christianity, or, increasingly, radical leftist movements. More and more scary and by the way more and more fun conspiracy theories. Often there are also continuities towards esoteric, gnostic, and alchemical doctrines. And here every guru, every author, master, etc., says something else. Often one spiritual doctrine denies the other, and one guru challenges the other from manipulators or devils incarnate. You can see it on every esoteric group on Facebook. Everyone thinks he knows best, everyone has an image of "evil incarnate" in their minds and struggles with it intensely. Of course, the omniscient esoteric does not see this evil embodied at home, but he eagerly sees them in others. Groups and esoteric forums are in many respects similar to "garbage" as any other discussion panel.

It is understandable that it raises even greater confusion, discouragement, and fear. The mind is raging, it is fluttering between doctrines. He already knows that none of them will give him an answer, he senses that he may never really get to know these answers. But he still wants to try. Addiction to the search for answers is a fatal addiction because this "chatter" of the mind is destructive for our whole life. It not only causes fear but also strikes us of this mythical "here and now" and cuts us away from the joy of everyday life. Oh, yeah! What will you be staring at the sunrise, you want great things, you want to know how the world works! And as there was no answer, it is not. Did she not warn against esoteric before this? In many people, esoterism becomes a caricature of itself, because it leads to the opposite effects than intended. Instead of silencing the mind and directing it to the here and now, it repeatedly intensifies its talk. Instead of love and high vibrations, there is hatred and aggression, because someone ate a piece of meat.

"Not all I will die", means the taboo of death

At Interstellar, the issue is: "If we were to cross the horizon of events, we would explain the mystery of gravity. But we can not. The answer is, but unattainable. " It's similar in life. The most important life secrets cover the wormwood of silence, covering the final boundary in the form of death. The black hole and its event horizon can be a symbol of death. When you cross this barrier, you will get to know the answer. The trouble is that there is no return from there. Nobody came back from the dead, it was not confirmed by doctors, there were no interviews with the resurrected TV in the world ...

Fear of death is the most powerful human fear. The fear of survival, or fear or just enough for the first, is only in second place. Interestingly, death is also the most powerful earthly taboo. A number of other fears originate from the fear of death, from which ethical dilemmas, philosophies, and some doctrines arose. Since the dawn of time, man has hoped that "not all I will die", but as long as he is alive, he is at least dependent on circumstantial evidence and vague hypotheses. The problem is, of course, the verifiability of these philosophies and hypotheses. Many have declared themselves "infallible" and "knowing" what is after death. Only how do they know it, if they did not die and then they did not come back? From dreams, channeling, vision, astral? Here I will diplomatically bite my tongue, not to say something extremely cynical. The view of 72 virgins in paradise or hell may seem stupid, while agnosticism may seem wiser. But it is not possible to verify any of these views objectively

The truth is that birth, life, death, God, the world, the universe - they were a mystery, they are a mystery and will always remain an unfathomable mystery. Only death gives us the answer and certainty, and as long as we live, we are dependent on theories, hypotheses, and speculations. However, the rush to knowledge, to learning more doctrines and methods slowly slows down, giving way to enjoying every moment, every detail, and acceptance of the mystery. This is often due to dramatic events. When you know you can lose everything in an instant, this everyday cup of coffee tastes different, better...

I believe in life BEFORE death and what after death, I do not know. The doctrines invented by the human mind about what is after death are illusory and must be illusory. For this reason that no mind has survived death. At the moment of death, the mind and ego, due to their "physical" nature, fall apart. Therefore, death is the greatest trauma and the greatest fear for the ego, and therefore the mind feverishly wants to know the answer that does not exist. On the other hand, the contents not healed from the subconscious are supposedly "returned" to the collective unconscious. Only the human soul survives. Supposedly.

I have learned many potential answers to existential questions and many doctrines. But did it give me something? I do not know. I know what to avoid, where to be careful, but always comes the moment of "hitting the wall" and gradually silencing the search for answers. If you are only at the beginning of this path and very much want to know these potential answers, and with them, a number of doctrines - it will happen according to your will. You will meet such people and experience events that will enable you to do so. The question is what you will do next. Because the answers, or rather the potential answers you will come to, may disappoint you.

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