Sunday, July 30, 2023

How you sleep can influence whether you believe in aliens and ghosts

 Have you ever wondered why people believe in the paranormal? Why do they experience, or rather think they experience, inexplicable or mysterious things? Scientists also wondered about this, so they decided to study this phenomenon. It turns out that belief in supernatural powers has a lot to do with how and if we sleep at all. What have the scientists observed? People who are convinced of the existence of the paranormal have one thing in common. Studies on a large group have shown that they are connected by various types of sleep problems.

Belief in ghosts is a complex issue, but scientists argue that it may be related to the quality and quantity of sleep. On January 11, the Journal of Sleep Research published a study examining views on the paranormal. Researchers conducted a survey among 8,000 people. 853 adult volunteers. In addition to questions about belief in the paranormal, the survey included requests to rate sleep quality, including parameters such as time to fall asleep, sleep efficiency, sleep duration, and insomnia.

After analyzing the answers, the researchers noticed that people who had a hard time falling asleep, slept less and had symptoms of insomnia were more likely to declare a belief in the supernatural, even after controlling for demographics (such as gender and age). Paranormal phenomena included "a soul that lives after death, the existence of spirits, the ability to communicate with the dead, near-death experiences, the existence of demons, and the belief that aliens have visited our planet."

However, it wasn't just poor sleep quality that was associated with reduced skepticism about abnormal phenomena. Study participants who had a history of disorders such as "exploding head syndrome" or sleep paralysis were more likely to believe that our planet had been visited by aliens. They also established a link between sleep paralysis and belief in near-death experiences, including strange out-of-body visions or inexplicable visions during severe trauma.


Exploding head syndrome is an auditory hallucination that occurs when falling asleep or when waking up. These are the sounds you hear in your head. People who suffer from this condition talk about the sounds of exploding bombs, gunshots, sounds of blows to the head or electric shocks. Sometimes they are also accompanied by visual hallucinations in the form of flashes.

Sleep paralysis occurs when the brain is already "waking up" from sleep, but the body is not yet. A person experiencing sleep paralysis is fully conscious, but unable to move any part of their body. In most cases, sleep paralysis occurs spontaneously and once.

The researchers also noted that people with very strong or very weak beliefs in the paranormal reported fewer symptoms of insomnia than people with average beliefs. "If the results are repeated in subsequent studies, one possible explanation is that uncertainty and indecision (in this case, uncertain beliefs) can lead to anxiety, which in turn can disrupt sleep," the researchers wrote in the study.

The results of the research showed that 12.7 percent. participants believed that the soul will live after death, 8.1 percent. believed in the existence of ghosts, 5.6 percent. that some people can communicate with the dead, 3.4 percent. believe that near-death experiences are proof of life after death, 4.7 percent believed in the existence of demons, and 3.4 percent. that aliens have visited our planet/interacted with humans.

The researchers also explain that the experiment they conducted was limited because the participants were not representative of the general population. They also added that other phenomena that may contribute to these beliefs have not been assessed.

Finally, the team concluded their work by saying: 'The results obtained here indicate that there are links between paranormal beliefs and various sleep variables.' They also added that the results of the study could help support people reporting such incidents.

Contrary to appearances, science deals with paranormal phenomena. What is fascinating for researchers is, first of all, why we believe in them. Is it related to our age, education, or maybe place of birth? And what exactly do we mean when we mention the paranormal?

For the purposes of the new study, described in the scientific journal "Journal of Sleep Research", their list was strictly defined. There were on it:

  • belief in ghosts
  • belief in demons
  • the belief that the soul lives on after death
  • belief in the possibility of communication with the dead,
  • the belief that aliens have visited Earth,
  • the near-death experience (NDE).

The latter are the feelings that people in the state of clinical death sometimes experience. For example, leaving the body, being in a tunnel, contacting deceased relatives.

As scientists have just shown, the propensity to hold these kinds of beliefs is correlated with the quality of sleep. Specifically, people who slept worse believed more strongly in the paranormal phenomena listed above.

It was already known that the relationship between the quality of sleep and the tendency to believe in paranormal phenomena exists. So far, however, it has only been confirmed by studies conducted on small groups. Now that has changed. The researchers invited nearly 9,000 people to participate in an online study. people over 18 years of age.

Its participants were asked about the quality of their sleep. About how long it takes them to fall asleep, how much they sleep, whether they wake up, whether they have - and what - symptoms of insomnia. When compared with answers to questions about paranormal phenomena, it turned out that poor sleepers were more likely to be convinced of the existence of various inexplicable phenomena.

But that's not all. Scientists have also found that there is a connection between belief in aliens and the experience of sleep paralysis and the so-called. exploding head syndrome.

Sleep paralysis occurs when falling asleep or waking up. It happens then that we regain consciousness first, and only after a while control over the body. This means we cannot move or speak. We feel fear, our heart beats faster, and visual hallucinations may occur.

In turn, the syndrome of the "exploding" head is auditory hallucinations, also appearing when falling asleep or waking up. A person experiencing this sleep disorder sometimes hears loud noises that resemble gunshots or explosions.

As it turns out, sleep paralysis in particular can have a huge impact on the beliefs of the person who experiences it. The authors of the latest study found that such people are more likely to believe that near-death experiences are evidence of life after death. "To the best of our knowledge, this is a brand new conclusion worthy of further investigation," they wrote in their paper.

The researchers emphasize that their study was designed to only test whether there is a link between sleep quality and belief in the paranormal. Therefore, it does not answer the questions that immediately arise. Why are these two things correlated? And how?

Researchers only speculate that, for example, visual and auditory hallucinations associated with certain sleep disorders may contribute to the belief in the existence of aliens. "Someone experiencing auditory and visual hallucinations during sleep may begin to interpret them as evidence of aliens or other supernatural beings," they wrote.

On the other hand, it could also be the other way around. Belief in paranormal phenomena can cause anxiety, which translates, especially in children, into sleep problems. Resolving this requires further, detailed research, this time on a representative group.

August marked by two supermoons including a rare 'blue moon'

 The first week of August begins in a spectacular way - on August 3, a supermoon will appear in our sky, an astronomical phenomenon that always catches the eye of both professionals and amateurs. A supermoon is a term we use to describe the full moon when our natural satellite is closest to Earth in its orbit. This phenomenon causes the Moon to appear not only larger but also much brighter.

Watching it, we can feel like on a space expedition without moving from the spot. Such proximity to the Earth makes all the details of the surface of the Silver Globe more visible, which is a real paradise for astronomy enthusiasts, regardless of their level of experience.

However, this is not the only reason why August deserves to be called the month of super moons. On August 31, a second supermoon, called the "blue moon", will appear in the sky. The name can be misleading - the Moon will not turn blue. The term "blue moon" refers to the second full moon that occurs in one calendar month. This is a rare phenomenon and occurs on average once every two and a half years.

This is a special moment for everyone who is fascinated by space, both for professional astronomers and for those who simply like to spend warm summer nights in the open air, admiring the wonderful spectacles that space offers us.

Supermoons are not only spectacular, they are also of great scientific importance. Thanks to the close proximity of the moon, scientists can conduct more precise studies of this celestial body and its influence on the Earth. While there are theories about the supermoon's effect on tides, weather, and even people's moods, they are still being researched and debated.

The moon has fascinated people for centuries. It has served as inspiration for the myths, legends and stories of many cultures. Today, thanks to advances in technology, our understanding of the Moon and the cosmos as a whole is greater than ever before.

There is no denying that the upcoming August will be a special time for everyone who admires the sky. Two Supermoons in one month is a rare opportunity to see the Moon in its full glory and to reflect on the grandeur and beauty of the cosmos that is so close yet so unreachable to us.


Awareness/Consciousness - a mental state in which an individual is aware of internal phenomena, such as their own thought processes, and phenomena occurring in the external environment and is able to react to them (somatically or autonomously).

The term "consciousness" can be understood as many states - from being aware of the existence of the environment, and the existence of oneself, to the awareness of the existence of one's own mental life.

In the first case, some animals are conscious, while humans and most likely chimpanzees are self-aware. It is unclear whether only Homo sapiens have self-awareness.

Awareness of the environment (or alertness) can be a kind of mapping of the features of the environment in the mind.

Self-awareness is a kind of representation of one's organism against the background of the representation of the environment. This awareness was found in chimpanzees after observing the fact that these monkeys when a stain was marked on their face, tried to wipe it off when they saw their reflection in a mirror.

A similar ability is shown by human infants around the age of two. Self-awareness, in turn, is the knowledge of the processes that occur between mappings, or mental representations.

Psychological schools

Consciousness is a common area of philosophy and psychology, in this domain, we can see the beginnings of psychology as a science.

Cognitive science also deals with the study of consciousness.

The first school of psychology was Wundt's "classical" psychology of consciousness. The psychology of consciousness in its functionalist version evolved from the considerations of Franz Brentana and William James. After the period of dominance of behaviorism, which removed the issues of mental life from psychology, the problem of consciousness returned again with the development of cognitive science. Inquiry into the nature of consciousness is now supported by empirical data from research using brain imaging techniques.

Disturbances of consciousness

Quantitative disorders of consciousness

  • haziness
  • pathological sleepiness (somnolentia)
  • half-coma (sopor)
  • coma (coma)
  • Qualitative disorders of consciousness
  • delirium syndrome (delirium)
  • obscure syndrome (obnubilatio)
  • twilight-delirium syndrome
  • light dusky syndrome (obnubilatio lucida)
  • entanglement syndrome
  • oneiroid syndrome

Haze - a person in a state of haze behaves similarly to a person trying to move in a dense fog.

  Communication is difficult - words addressed to the patient reach with difficulty, require repetition, and sometimes the answer cannot be obtained.

The patient's behavior, movements, and speech are slowed down, reactions are delayed, and may be inaccurate or not occur at all.

Comprehension of the situation is delayed and difficult - simple stimuli are perceived faster and easier than complex ones.

Orientation in time and place is usually disturbed, in a deeper haze also as to one's own person.

After hazing, oblivion remains, usually fragmentary

Somnolence (or somnolentia) - a form of mild quantitative disorders of consciousness.


  • drowsiness, unrelated to the circadian rhythm
  • difficult contact with the patient


  • toxic agents
  • infectious agents
  • organic brain damage

Sopor, half-coma ("pre-coma", "stupor") - a state of quantitative disturbance of consciousness.

A patient in a sopora remains in a pathologically deep sleep, reacts only to pain and auditory stimuli (he can sometimes say, for example, his name), he is unable to perform more complex activities.

Sopor appears in cases of poisoning, head injuries, and severe systemic diseases.

Coma, coma (from the Greek κῶμα koma, meaning deep sleep, Latin coma) - a deep disturbance of consciousness.

  It is often the result of damage to the central reticular formation. It can be primary or secondary damage, caused indirectly as a result of, for example, an expansive process or damage of vascular origin.

Coma can also be the result of disorders causing diffuse damage to the nervous system, e.g. in the course of poisoning, regardless of the cause.

The most common causes of comas

  • infectious diseases
  • African sleeping sickness
  • metabolic disorders
  •   diabetic coma
  •   uremic coma
  • hepatic encephalopathy
  • diffuse brain damage
  • drug poisoning
  • encephalitis, subarachnoid hemorrhage
  • stroke
  • a brain tumor
  • brain abscess
  • trunk stroke
  • bleeding into the bridge
  • cerebellar bleeding
  • mental disorders
  • conversion disorder
  • catatonia
  • depression

To assess the degree of coma, we use the procedure proposed by Teasdal and Jennet (1974). It consists in evaluating the opening of the eyes, the best verbal response and the best motor response to a given stimulus. These parameters should be considered together with pupillary reflexes, doll head reflexes, blood pressure, respiration, pulse, body temperature

Delirium (delirium syndrome, delirium, acute cerebral syndrome) - a group of disorders of consciousness accompanied by illusions, visual, auditory, tactile and other hallucinations as well as anxiety and psychomotor agitation, sleep disorders, with these symptoms often intensifying in the evening and at night.

Hallucinations can form very vivid visions resembling a movie, accompanied by delusions of "happening" (ie the patient has a sense of participation in the events taking place before his eyes).

The auto-psychic orientation is usually preserved, while the allopsychic orientation is usually disturbed.

After the delirium has passed, partial or complete amnesia is usually found.

  Delirium is found in many somatic diseases: e.g. severe infections with high fever, poisoning, uremia, liver failure, injuries, and dehydration (especially in the elderly).

Delirium syndromes may also complicate alcohol withdrawal syndromes (delirium tremens - tremor delirium) and benzodiazepine withdrawal syndromes.

Bright twilight state (organic dissociative disorders, clear twilight, light twilight) - apparent motor coherence occurring with a qualitative disorder of consciousness. May appear as part of a blackout team. It is often associated with epilepsy.

Oneiroid syndrome - belongs to qualitative disorders of consciousness. The name comes from the Greek oneiric - sleep.

  It is a dream-like syndrome characterized by the occurrence of changing and dream-like hallucinations, pseudo-hallucinations and delusions, forming an action, often having a specific plot.

Orientation is disturbed and amnesia is only partial - the patient can remember many experiences from the period of the oneiroid syndrome.

Occurs in schizophrenia, and may accompany poisoning, infectious diseases, and epilepsy.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

All over the world, the sound of a trumpet is heard from the sky!

 Strange Sounds: Strange sounds from the sky are scaring the townspeople again. In May, they could be heard in California, Minnesota, and Southampton (UK).

Mysterious sounds from the sky continue to terrify and confuse people around the world. It sounds similar to a trumpet call, and in some cases to the sounds of a brass band, in recent years they have been recorded all over the world: from Canada to Ukraine, through the USA, Germany, and Belarus, and all this shows that something strange is happening above us. These amazing sounds have been constantly resounding at different times and in different places for almost a decade.

Recently Recorded Sounds of Brierley Hill:


People can't understand what it is... there are only theories that it could be:

So physics professor Jean-Pierre St. Maurice said it was electromagnetic noise from the auroras and radiation belts.

NASA claimed that these were the sounds of natural radio emission. Representatives of the agency explained: "If people had radio antennas instead of ears, we would hear an amazing symphony of strange sounds coming from our planet. Scientists call them 'atmospheric interference' or 'atmospheres.'

David Deming, an Oklahoma geophysicist, claimed that the sounds of trumpets from the sky could be generated by airplanes or telephone transmissions. But his opponents have reservations about this, because planes fly every day, which cannot be said about the appearance of terrible sounds in the sky.

The Russian academician Andrei Tyunyaev explained these terrible trumpet sounds by the fact that a polarity reversal is now taking place on Earth.

Seismologists claim that this is due to fluctuations on the earth's surface: "There is a change in the structure of the Earth. Roughly speaking, it starts to creak. This is especially evident in locations subject to geological stress, such as the craters of ancient volcanoes. When the Earth begins to make such a sound, the phenomenon is very strong, someone can confuse it with the sound of a trumpet from the sky - because the sound comes from different directions. Probably, these are harbingers of some disasters.

Alien theorists are sure that UFOs make these sounds. In this way, they collect information about us and transfer it to their database.

Some believe these sounds come from the use of some secret climate weapon.

But while none of these versions have been proven, strange sounds continue to be heard from the sky. From the sky, the sound of a trumpet is heard different countries oh, and the sound of a mysterious thousand-voice "brass band" pours out. Like the trumpets of Jericho blowing. And there are many who believe that these are harbingers of the coming Apocalypse.

American journalist Linda Moulton Howe told the world about mysterious sounds that are periodically heard from the sky in different parts of the planet. They resemble the sound of a trumpet or horn, but to publish them would require extremely large musical instruments that would not have escaped the attention of eyewitnesses.

However, the sources of this mysterious and for many terrifying sound have never been observed. What is it: the seven trumpets of the Apocalypse, unidentified flying objects, the jokes of a fabulous troubadour or just a masterful hoax? (website)

Eyewitness accounts

The American, as expected, could not find the exact answer. The woman studied a lot of evidence of a strange sound, starting in 2010 and ending with the current one. Over the past five years, invisible colossal trumpets have been blown in Norway, Costa Rica, America, Scotland, Israel, Romania, Ukraine and many other countries of the planet. Any sequence in the case of this phenomenon is completely absent, or so it seems at first glance. Linda Moulton Howe visited and interviewed many eyewitnesses of the anomaly.

In January 2010, real estate agent Cindy Smith, who lives in the US state of Tennessee, was driving to work when suddenly she heard a loud thunder from the sky, which literally shook the windows of her car. The woman stopped suddenly and clutched her ears. “The sound was so loud I thought both eardrums were about to burst. It was very scary,” she told the journalist. According to Smith, the buzzing lasted about thirty seconds, then suddenly stopped. The woman got out of the car and looked at the sky, but everything looked completely normal, as if nothing had happened.

In November 2012, Morten Johansen, a resident of the Norwegian city of Ulsteinvik, rested in the evening with his sons near his home. At one point, the man and the boys heard a sound like a trumpeter playing from above. Johansen says: “At first I thought the war had started. Frightened, I quickly ran into the house with the children, but immediately noticed that the sound was not like fighter jets or exploding bombs. It really was some huge wind instrument that was trumpeting straight out of the sky. You know, like in Christian mythology. The next day, Morten asked the neighbors if they had heard anything similar, and they confirmed that they had.

Last summer, a similar anomaly was observed in the village of Soldatskoe in the Mykolaiv region of Ukraine. The inhabitants of the village were very surprised and at first a bit scared when they heard a message from the sky loud sounds. Nevertheless, according to the Ukrainians, the sounds from above were musical and melodic, so everyone quickly calmed down. "We were more interested in what it is. We even called local scientists and asked them, but apparently they were too far from the place where the trumpet of the heavenly voice was heard, and they could not help us in any way, ”said villager Sergei Pritulyak , with Linda.

Attempts to explain

Moulton Howe also did not fail to tell in her work about some scientific theories trying to explain the reasons for what is happening. For example, Azerbaijani geophysicist Elchin Khalilov suggests that strange sounds, similar to the hum of a trumpet or trumpet, are caused by gravitational waves caused by strong solar flares and plasma energy emissions from our luminaire. However, NASA physicist David Hathaway believes solar activity is unlikely to be the cause of such a phenomenon.

The American journalist managed to collect several theories. For example, the British ufologist Neil Carolyn is convinced that intergalactic alien ships visiting our planet are to blame. The specialist believes that the sounds are indeed somewhat similar to a horn, but in fact they are not made by some invisible musical instrument of large size, but by flying saucers.

Another scientist, Leo Templeman of Florida, suggests that the source of the unusual sounds is a secret acoustic weapon being developed by the US military. As you know, after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the US government announced that it would fight terrorists in the Middle East with targeted sound waves if needed. However, this theory was immediately ridiculed by journalists who expose the hoax of the 2001 tragedy, which itself staged this "terrorist act" in order to unleash war in Arab countries.

January 27. Unusual, very low sounds have been recorded by many people from different parts of the planets since the summer of 2011. Many people call them "Sounds of the Apocalypse". Information about strange sounds from the sky comes from all over the world: USA, Great Britain, Costa Rica, Russia, Czech Republic, Australia.

Research by the International Committee on Global Changes in Geology and the Environment (GEOCHANGE, Munich) together with the Global Earthquake Prediction Network (GNFE, London) has shed light on the origin of strange, terrifying low-pitched sounds emanating from the sky that have been repeatedly recorded in different parts of the planet.

Some mystify these sounds, which supposedly testify to the approach of the Day of Judgment.

According to the chairman of the International GEOCHANGE Committee, prof. Elchina Khalilov, these sounds are well known to him and are associated with acoustic-gravitational waves arising at the atmosphere-ionosphere boundary. Meanwhile, according to a well-known geophysicist, the causes that generate these waves can be both in the Earth's core and in the Sun.

According to the professor, the source of such powerful and large-scale manifestations of acoustic-gravitational waves should be very large-scale energy processes. Such processes can be attributed to powerful solar flares and the gigantic energy flows they generate, which rush to the Earth's surface and destabilize the magnetosphere, ionosphere and upper atmosphere. Thus, the consequences of powerful solar flares—the impact of shock waves in the solar wind, particle flows, and bursts of electromagnetic radiation are the main causes of acoustic-gravity waves caused by increased solar activity. The cause of the "sky storming" may also lie in the Earth's core.

Professor Khaliłow explained that the acceleration of the drift of the Earth's north magnetic pole, which increased by more than 500% in the years 1998-2003 and has remained at this level to this day, indicates the activation of energy processes in the Earth's core, as these processes take place in the inner and outer cores that make up Earth's geomagnetic field.

On November 15, 2011, all ATROPATENA geophysical stations recording three-dimensional changes in the Earth's gravitational field registered a powerful gravitational pulse almost simultaneously. Stations are located in Istanbul, Kiev, Baku, Islamabad and Jokkart, and the distance between the first and last station is approximately 10,000 km.

Such a phenomenon is possible only when the source of this radiation is at the level of the Earth's core. The powerful release of energy from the Earth's core late last year was a kind of starting signal, indicating the transition of the Earth's internal energy into a new active phase.

The activation of energy processes in the Earth's core can modulate the geomagnetic field, which, through a chain of physical processes at the level of the ionosphere-atmosphere boundary, generates acoustic-gravitational waves, the audible range of which is registered by people in the form of a terrifying low-frequency sound in various parts of our planet.

In both cases, the causes generating acoustic-gravitational waves, although quite understandable geophysical in nature, testify to the expected significant increase in solar and geodynamic activity of our planet. Processes in the core, of course, govern the Earth's internal energy. Employees of the World Organization for Scientific Cooperation believe that by the end of 2012 a sharp increase in strong earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and atmospheric cataclysms should be expected.

The explosive funnel of the city of Sasovo. There are many mysteries associated with this explosion. The explosion occurred on the night of April 12, 1991 at 1:34 am. However, 4 hours earlier (April 11, late in the evening), large (according to the evidence, huge) luminous balls began to fly in the area of ​​the future explosion. Such a bright white ball was seen above the railway station. He was noticed by the employees of the station and depot, numerous passengers, and the driver of a shunting diesel locomotive (he then raised the alarm). Unusual phenomena in the sky were observed by the cadets of the civil aviation school, railway workers, fishermen. An hour before the explosion, a strange glow spread over the site of the future funnel. Half an hour before the explosion, residents of the outskirts of the city saw two bright red balls above the site of the future explosion. At the same time, people felt the ground tremble and heard a rumble. Just before the explosion, residents of the surrounding villages saw two bright blue flashes illuminating the sky above the city.

The explosion itself was preceded by a powerful, growing roar. The earth shook, the walls shook, and only then did the shockwave (or waves?) hit the city. Houses began to sway from side to side, televisions and furniture fell in apartments, chandeliers were smashed to smithereens. Sleeping people were thrown out of their beds and showered with broken glass. Thousands of windows and doors as well as sheets from the roofs were uprooted. From the incredible pressure drops, manhole covers broke, empty objects burst - clogged cans, light bulbs and even children's toys. Sewer pipes burst underground. When the roar died down, the shocked people heard the rumble again, now as if receding ...

All this hardly resembles an ordinary explosion. According to experts (explosives experts), to cause such damage to the city, it was necessary to blow up at least 30 tons of TNT.

But why such a small funnel then? Such a funnel can be made of two tons of TNT (this is reported by V. Larin, a bomber with many years of experience, who after field seasons had to undermine one and a half to two tons of explosives, because they were not accepted back into the warehouse).

It seems extremely strange that in the immediate vicinity of the crater grass, bushes and trees remained untouched (neither by the impact nor by the high temperature). For some reason, the nearby pillars leaned towards the funnel? And why had the hatch covers been ripped off, and why had the hollow objects broken?

And finally, why the "explosion" turned out to be stretched in time, as it were, accompanied by rumbling, an earthquake and unusual light phenomena (in addition to the glowing balls and bright flashes of the previously observed explosions, the funnel itself glowed at night until it was flooded with water).

The reason for the mysterious "attack" on the city remained unclear (experts came to the conclusion that neither humans nor nature are capable of doing so).

If it is due to solar flares, why has no one heard such sounds before, although there were many hundreds of flares. If it is related to the solar wind copusculae, it means the very essence of the changes of the Sun. If neutrinos begin to act even at the sound level, then the scenario of the movie "2012" is fully revealed, in which these particles suddenly began to act like microwaves, heating up the already hot core of the Earth. Then it is clear why the earth "burns" in many films.

And by the way, if it still comes from the sun, how does this relate to acoustic waves, if according to science there is a vacuum between the sun and the earth. So it's time to acknowledge the existence of "aether"? Or maybe your neutrinos suddenly gained the density necessary to collide with the atmosphere and cause sonic vibrations? So why low frequencies?

Well, if it's connected to the planet's core...

Sound for no reason

A mysterious noise in the air worries people around the world. Social media users write about inexplicable sounds that seem to come out of nowhere. Sometimes they are not only audible, but also felt - a perceptible tremor passes through the windows and shakes the buildings. According to The Sun, there have been 64 cases of sonic eruptions this year alone. Deafening crackling noises with no apparent source were heard by residents in the US, Australia, UK, Middle East and Finland.

In some cases, the sources of the noise have been identified - powerful sound waves may be produced by a meteorite "burning through" the Earth's atmosphere or a warplane accelerating to supersonic speed, but most incidents remain unresolved.

Back in May, the night rest of the inhabitants of the small Welsh town of Abergavenny was disturbed by strange crackling noises, and one of the women who heard the sound almost died of a heart attack, local newspaper Abergavenny Chronicle wrote.



The noises in Wales still have not found an explanation - there were no military pilots flying over the city, nor was there an object from space, according to local government services.

The loudest thing in the world

On November 14, the story of the mysterious cotton repeated itself, first in the US state of Idaho, and the next day on the other side of the country - in Alabama.

The loud noise especially alarmed the residents of Alabama. It was so strong that some houses shook, others windows shook from the sonic boom, the Metro newspaper reported. Around 9:00 p.m. local time, police in the small town of Lakewood received a report of a loud explosion. The patrol went to the scene, but found no trace of the incident.

Government departments recognized the fact of cotton, but could not give an exact answer to the question of what caused it. A nearby U.S. Air Force base reported no night flights, and satellite surveillance found no evidence of an explosion or fire.

As noted by the local US National Weather Service office, their sensors did not show even a minor earthquake in the area. "We don't have an answer, we can only guess," the agency added on its Twitter account, again suggesting that everything should be attributed to a supersonic plane or meteorite.

The last "sound attack" in the United States took place on Monday evening in Colorado. Some eyewitnesses believed what they heard to be a test of a new secret weapon or the arrival of aliens, CBS reports. This time, one of the local oil and gas departments in the region put forward a working theory that the cotton was the result of an incident with an empty oil tank - a manhole broke off as a result of pressure overload, which could lead to a loud noise.

At the end of September, anomalous noises attacked the lives of the inhabitants of Slovakia, TVNZ wrote. It was as if a thousand-voice brass band was playing in the sky or "Jericho trumpets" were singing, the publication's journalist Vladimir Lagovsky described a strange phenomenon. According to him, he personally observed a similar anomaly in Russia.



Experts, including specialists from the space agency NASA, are trying to determine the cause of the "sound attacks". Possible explanations include controlled explosions, unusual weather phenomena such as electrical or thunderstorms, large meteorites high in the atmosphere. All theories are not yet supported by any evidence. The most popular versions are some kind of super-powered plane or vibrations of the earth's surface.

But there have been no tremors recently that could produce such a sound. Alexey Zawialov, head of the Laboratory of Continental Seismicity and Forecasting of Seismic Threats of the Institute of Earth Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, confirmed this on the 360 website. The seismologist is inclined to the version that not very adequate people can hear such sounds. Mass auditory hallucinations have indeed occurred throughout history, though in this case there is no reason to doubt the mental health of the eyewitnesses.

The sound of the aircraft is usually smooth, and most often it is clear where it comes from, besides, such noise is familiar to most people, sound engineer David Kazaryan rejected the "supersonic theory" in an interview with 360.

“All flying objects have their own specific sound, a few decibels, more than it can not be. We hear them everywhere, everywhere, always,” explained the specialist. In his opinion, anomalous noises may have a natural origin.

The mysterious sounds are caused by processes in the Earth's bowels and oceans, Alexander Semenov, president of the Ecology of the Unknown Association, told 360.

“There is a change in the structure of the Earth. Roughly speaking, it starts to creak. This is especially evident in locations subject to geological stress, such as the craters of ancient volcanoes. When the Earth begins to make such a sound, the phenomenon is very strong, someone can confuse it with the sound of a trumpet from the sky - because the sound comes from different directions. Probably, these are harbingers of some disasters.

Secrets of poltergeists. Inexplicable phenomena in the light of history and science

 Poltergeist is a German term meaning a spirit or force capable of moving objects, making unusual noises, and sometimes even attacking people. This word reminds us that despite many centuries of research, science continues to grapple with the mysteries of unknown forces and phenomena that transcend our everyday experience.

The history of poltergeists is long and full of inexplicable events. It was on one of them that the famous English philosopher Joseph Glenville focused in the 17th century. It was in May 1662 when strange things began to happen in the house of John Mompesson, Justice of the Peace in the town of Tedworth. Glenville was one of the researchers who came to the site to track and document these disturbing phenomena.

Glenville recounted how every night the judge's children's beds trembled and inexplicable sounds came from the darkness - gasping, tapping, scratching. Despite careful inspection, the philosopher could not find the source of these sounds. To this day, these events remain unexplained, attributed to the action of a poltergeist - a spirit or force that is invisible to the human eye.

This is not the only case of poltergeists in history. Similar phenomena have been reported around the world. In 1848, in Hydesville, USA, sisters Margaret and Katie Fox claimed to be able to communicate with spirits by tapping. This story became one of the most famous poltergeist cases in American history.

The German Heidrich family from Rollingen experienced a similar phenomenon in 1967. In their house, objects moved by themselves, mysterious sounds appeared, and unknown images appeared on the walls.

Even distant Japan is not free from poltergeist phenomena. In 1977, in the city of Horinuchi, the Hara family witnessed similar inexplicable phenomena.

Despite many scientific attempts to explain the poltergeist phenomenon, there is still no clear answer to the question of what causes it. Some scientists suggest that unconscious psychokinetic actions may be behind this, while others see the source of these phenomena in the action of spirits or supernatural forces. Still other theorists suggest that unknown energy fields may be behind the poltergeist phenomenon.

Despite these speculations and theories, the truth about poltergeists remains hidden. Science continues to grapple with these mysterious phenomena that seem to be beyond our understanding. But that doesn't mean we stop trying to understand them. Our curiosity and determination to discover the mysteries of the universe remains steadfast, and the poltergeist phenomenon will certainly continue to attract the attention of researchers.

Missing high school girls in Zakopane (Poland)

 Ernestyna Wieruszewska and Anna Semczuk went to the third grade of high school. Władysław IV in Warsaw. In 1993, they were 17 years old and planned to take their final exams in a year (studies in high school at that time lasted four years). Ernestyna commuted to school from Legionowo near Warsaw. Ania, on the other hand, lived in the capital, in the Praga-Północ district.

While the teenagers weren't friends for the first two years of high school, it was in the third grade that they formed a special bond. It resulted largely from a common passion for mountain tourism. In addition, the teenagers were good students and had a similar character. Relatives described them as quiet, calm and responsible. They stayed away from drugs and party life. In addition, Ernestyna was very religious and went to holiday oases.

The teenagers decided that during the winter holidays in 1993, they would go to Zakopane for the first trip to the mountains together. January 22 (Friday) was the last day of school before the upcoming two-week break. The holidays started then for students from all over Poland. There was no division into several terms depending on the province, as is the case today. This change came into force only in 2003 due to protests resulting from crowded trains and ski slopes or the lack of accommodation in winter resorts.

January 22, 1993, was supposed to be the beginning of Ernestyna and Ania's trip. After the lessons, the girls went to the train station in Warsaw and boarded the train to Zakopane. They got there in the evening. From there they went to Kościelisko, where they had booked accommodation. They stayed in a large highland house belonging to a local farmer. This choice was not accidental. Ernestyna had stayed here before during trips organized by the church. So the girl knew the owner of the boarding house, which was to be their second home for the next few days. What's more, the woman was also met by Mr. and Mrs. Wieruszewscy. For this reason, the girls' parents could be sure that their daughters were going to a proven place.

Saturday and Sunday were spent climbing the mountains. The girls entered to Gubałówka and reached the Mroźna and Zimna Caves. By the end of the weekend, however, the weather began to deteriorate. On Tuesday, the weather discouraged even the greatest enthusiasts of mountain escapades from going outside. It was snowing and a strong wind was blowing, which made it very cold. Certainly, these were not conditions that would allow high school students who did not have much experience or specialized equipment to walk the mountain trails.

However, the students from Warsaw decided earlier that they would go to Zakopane on Tuesday to buy tickets for the train home. They also planned to meet friends from the capital there. Before leaving the place of accommodation, they paid for the previous stay. However, they assured the concerned owner of the guesthouse that they would not go to the mountains that day. Then they were to head towards the bus stop in Kościelisko to reach Zakopane. However, the landlady did not see this moment, because after receiving the payment, she returned to other duties. In any case, this situation took place on the morning of January 26.

In the evening, the 17-year-olds did not return to their quarters. With each hour that passed, she became more and more nervous. Finally, she told her daughter, who notified TOPR. The next morning, there was still no sign of her friends. This meant that they had to spend the night somewhere else than before. Seriously concerned, the owner of the house called the police and her parents.

It was quite unusual, however, that she decided to contact not Ernestyna's parents, whom she knew, but Anna's parents. The hostess could have felt stupid for not watching Ernestyna to the end and she could have been afraid of a confrontation with her parents. This is of course only a hypothesis. Anyway, the notified parents of both high school girls showed up as soon as they could, which was Thursday morning. They headed straight for the tourist quarters where the schoolgirls had spent the last few nights.

On the spot, relatives did not find Ernestyna and Ania. However, they did notice their things. Interestingly, they were left on the ground floor, and not in a room on the first floor of the house in Kościelisko where they lived. In addition, personal items were in disarray, as if they had been packed in a hurry. The parents decided to act and immediately went to the Zakopane police station.

One of the officers took the report. He suggested, however, that the friends might have stayed somewhere nearby with old friends they were going to meet up with. They could also meet new people who decided to offer them hospitality. Police said the high school girls may have just run away from home. However, this scenario was definitely ruled out by the parents, because it did not fit the behavior of their polite and not prone to rebel daughters.

Investigators, however, did not completely downplay the report of the disappearance. They went to the house in Kościelisko, where their friends were staying. The items that were left missing were carefully checked. Among them were discovered money, documents, clothes or cosmetics 17-year-old. If they wanted to move away somewhere for longer, they would certainly take all these items with them.

It was also established that two train tickets to Warsaw were purchased at the train station in Zakopane on the morning of the girls' disappearance. It is not known, however, whether the transaction was made by Ania and Ernestyna or other tourists, who were certainly not missing in the winter capital of Poland during the holidays. It was also impossible to reach anyone who would confirm that they had seen the missing people that morning.

However, a witness came forward who claimed to have seen two girls get into a red car with a foreign license plate. He even memorized the vehicle numbers he gave the police. Since it was not a Polish registration, the investigators had a difficult task. So they turned to Interpol. However, it did not help much, because the owner of the car was not indicated. Moreover, it was not even possible to verify in which country the car was registered. It is difficult to say whether Interpol employees downplayed the case, they had no technical means to determine whether the numbers were incorrect.

This was not the only missed opportunity to find the teenagers. It turned out that the border services found out about the disappearance with a considerable delay. High school students could therefore cross the Polish border and not arouse suspicion. On the other hand, without documents it would be difficult.

The case was finally publicized in the media. As a result, more reports of alleged witnesses began to appear. Two of them claimed that on January 28, the missing 17-year-olds were traveling by train from Zakopane to Warsaw. Another person told of overhearing a conversation between two men. One of them reported that he was involved in the kidnapping of two teenagers who were taken abroad. It took place shortly after the disappearance of Anna and Ernestyna. However, this information could not be confirmed.

On March 4, a little over a month after the disappearance, Ania's stepfather's car was broken into. Interestingly, nothing was lost at that time except for the bag containing Anna Semczuk's passport and diary. Valuables were left in the car. It is therefore probable that the perpetrator (or perpetrators) meant specifically the personal belongings of the missing person.

Another interesting lead turned out to be the relationship between Ernestyna and the son of the owner of the quarters in Kościelisko. Investigators got information that a high school student caught the eye of a man. However, the 17-year-old was not interested in a closer relationship. So she declined the advance. Investigators suspected that the son of the owner of the boarding house might want revenge. According to some sources, the man even threatened the teenager.

However, no evidence could be found that it was related to the disappearance of friends. He also reportedly had a strong alibi for the day he disappeared. It is also worth adding that the conflict between Ernestyna and her suitor took place during an earlier stay. If the Varsovian woman felt that she was in danger from the rejected man, she probably would not decide to come to Kościelisko again.

According to one of the hypotheses, high school students may have joined a sect. The first half of the 1990s was a time when this was a real threat. The victims of sects were especially young people, who were more susceptible to manipulation by members of such organizations. In addition, Ernestyna was a very religious person, and these were the most frequently recruited. However, such a scenario has never been confirmed.

In 2003, the media was covered by a high-profile case of the murder of a student from the province of Lubuskie. A woman was raped and then murdered in the Tatra Mountains by a man who claimed to be a mountain guide. The perpetrator turned out to be Paweł H., who raped another woman three weeks earlier. The police checked whether the killer was also connected with the disappearance of high school students. However, this possibility was ruled out.

In 2019, another interesting detail came to light. Ernestyna's parents were invited to "Magazyn Kryminalny 997". During the program, pictures of their daughter were shown. One of them aroused the interest of the missing family. It turned out that they saw the photo for the first time.

Of course, today in the era of smartphones, each of us takes hundreds of photos a year. However, at the beginning of the 1990s, there were no such technological achievements. Photos were often taken on special occasions. No wonder that the parents knew practically every photograph in which Ernestyna appeared. In addition, the girl was wearing a jacket, which she took for the first time on a trip to Zakopane.

There was speculation that this was the last photo of the high school student, which could have been taken just before or after her disappearance. It turned out that the photo had been circulating in the media for a long time. However, it is not known who was its author. Unfortunately, this has not been established to date. We also do not know what happened to the two young tourists from Warsaw. The riddle is still waiting to be solved. Hopefully, the X-Files will reopen their investigation in January 2023. Let's hope that the actions of these exceptional specialists will reveal the truth that Ernestyna's parents are waiting for so much.

What needs does human have? Maslow's hierarchy of needs

 Every human being has needs, one of the philosophers said: "First you have to live, then you can philosophize".

This means that the first need of every human being is life.

The young man still does not know what can happen to him in life. One thing is certain that the life of each of us depends on ourselves.

"You must be the blacksmith of your fate"

Being a smith of fate means knowing what you want, what you want to achieve in life and striving to achieve selected goals, not waiting for "manna from heaven".

What needs does a person have?

Every day, every human being satisfies a number of needs: breathing, eating, drinking, dressing, washing, sleeping, etc.

These basic needs are not thought of, they keep a person alive. A man also has many other needs, e.g. to go to the Caribbean, to have a car or to be appreciated by people, to be admired, accepted, safe, free, independent, self-reliant, to have friends, to perform an important function, to fulfill oneself, to develop in every respect.

These are all needs.

All needs, regardless of type and place in the hierarchy, have three characteristics:

  •   diversity,
  •   unlimited,
  •   variability in time and space.

What needs does a person have?

A need is a state (or process, i.e. a constant feeling) of lacking something. The feeling of lack of something triggers the motivation to act to fill the existing gap.

In psychology, the state of lack of something is called tension, and the process of filling this lack, i.e. satisfying the existing need, is called the process of regulation.

Detailed needs can be combined into needs groups and arranged in a specific hierarchy. One such concept is Maslow's pyramid of needs.

Needs can be grouped in a different way, which can be expressed in three words:


Hierarchy of needs

  • Transcendence or the highest level, confirmation of the existence of higher beings - spiritual needs.
  • Self-actualization, i.e. the need to have goals, the need to fulfill one's potential - the need for self-actualization - are expressed in the human desire to develop possibilities.
  • Aesthetic needs, i.e. the need for harmony and beauty.
  • Cognitive needs, i.e. the need for knowledge, understanding, novelty.
  • Respect, i.e. the need to trust oneself, self-esteem, competence, respect - the need for recognition (respect) and prestige in one's own eyes and in the eyes of other people.

Hierarchy of needs

  1. Belonging (needs for bonding, affiliation, love and being loved) occur in attempts to overcome loneliness, elimination and strangeness, tendencies to establish close intimate relationships, participation in group life, and striving to form gangs.
  2. Affiliation (Latin affilatio - adoption, inclusion in the family) - behavior consisting in establishing and maintaining positive contacts and cooperation by an individual or group, organization with other groups and organizations.
  3. Security (dependence, care and support, protection, the need for comfort, peace, freedom from fear) stimulates action, ensuring inviolability, reveals itself when previous habits turn out to be of little use.
  4. Physiological needs (lowest level, food, water, oxygen, sexual needs, lack of tension) when not satisfied, dominate over all other needs, push them to the background and determine the course of human behavior.

Change of needs

The severity of needs and the way they are met varies from person to person and can change with age.

Higher-order needs emerge gradually as a person develops. The hierarchy of needs itself is also subject to individualization.

The hierarchy of needs may depend on the type of personality, e.g. people with a choleric temperament will have a particularly developed need for domination, which will compensate for their unsatisfied needs for self-realization.

Factors affecting the change in the hierarchy of needs:

  •   personality, character,
  •   age,
  •   the current degree of needs satisfaction,
  •   family and professional situation.

Motives of human activity

Motives should be understood as internal factors (feelings, views, aspirations) that stimulate a person to act and give direction to his activity.

The basis for the classification of motives are human needs. Therefore, motives related to physiological, safety, social, recognition, and self-actualization needs are distinguished.

Due to the nature of the motives, personal motives are distinguished, which determine actions leading to obtaining only one's own benefits. If, however, a person's actions are guided by the common good, opinions and judgments of others, one can talk about social motives.

Motives that stimulate action are usually called impulses.

Factors affecting the motives of human activity:

  •   feelings,
  •   views,
  •   aspirations.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

The Flatwoods Monster, an unusual close encounter from the 1950s

 On the evening of September 12, 1952, in the town of Flatwoods, a group of children witnessed a strange sight in the sky. They reported seeing a bright, fiery object moving across the sky, eventually crashing into a nearby hill. Intrigued and curious children, accompanied by two adults, went to the crash site.

As they approached the top of the hill, a tall, glowing figure with a round red face and glowing green eyes appeared before their eyes. The creature's body was described as covered in dark metallic armor, and its height was later estimated to be around 3 meters. The terrified group of people quickly fled the scene and returned to Flatwoods to share their bizarre adventure with the local authorities. The news of the meeting spread quickly, attracting the attention of both journalists and ufologists.

  • Descriptions of the Flatwoods Monster vary slightly, but the following characteristics have generally been attributed to it:
  • Tall: The creature was reported to stand about 10 feet tall, making it a terrifying sight for bystanders, especially children.
  • Metallic Armor: The creature's body was covered in dark metallic armor or clothing that glowed with an eerie phosphorescent glow.
  • Round Red Face: The monster's face has been described as round and blood red, with a menacing and inhuman appearance.
  • Glowing Green Eyes: The creature's eyes were its most distinctive feature, as they emitted an intense green light, adding to the terror felt by witnesses.
  • Claw-like Limbs: Some accounts mention that the creature had clawed appendages that it extended toward witnesses.

In the days following the meeting, news of the "Flatwoods Monster" made headlines across the country, and investigators descended on the small town. The Air Force investigated and suggested that the sighting may have been a meteor or misidentified aircraft and that the creature they saw was probably an owl perched in a tree, which, upon spotting a flashlight, could reflect the light and appear as glowing eyes.

What puzzled investigators was the presence of a lingering foul odor at the site of the alleged "monster" sighting. According to some accounts, it caused nausea and dizziness during the encounter. Witnesses said the creature could not be any known animal.

Over the years, there have been many theories and speculations explaining the encounter with the Flatwoods Monster. Some ufologists believe the sighting may have been a close encounter with an extraterrestrial while others suggest the event was related to military experiments or secret technology being tested in the area. Skeptics say the encounter may have been a combination of misidentification, heightened emotions, and perhaps the presence of natural gas or other noxious fumes in the area that caused hallucinations and feelings of unease in witnesses.

An encounter with the Flatwoods monster left an indelible mark on this small town. While not as widely recognized as other famous encounters, the aura of mystery surrounding the Flatwoods monster continues to intrigue those interested in unexplained phenomena. It even spawned a local festival known as "Flatwoods Monster Days". The Flatwoods Monster has also become part of American pop culture, appearing in books, documentaries, and television shows.

Mothman, or an unusual American cryptid

 The Mothman legend began in the 1960s in the small town of Point Pleasant, located along the Ohio River. The story of the mysterious flying creature gained national attention in 1966 and 1967, when many eyewitnesses claimed to have encountered this strange and ominous creature.

Mothman is described as a tall, humanoid figure with huge wings resembling those of a moth or bat. Witnesses often mention his glowing red eyes that seem to pierce through the darkness. Mothman's first reported sighting was in November 1966, when four youths were driving in a car near an abandoned munitions factory outside Point Pleasant.

Witnesses claimed to have seen a large creature with glowing red eyes fall from the sky and fly past their car. They were deeply moved by the meeting and quickly tried to escape from the monster. After the first sighting, other Point Pleasant residents began reporting their own encounters with the Mothman. People have reported seeing the creature all over the city, often near the "TNT Area", a series of abandoned bunkers that used to be a munitions factory.

The Mothman legend took a darker turn when tragedy hit Point Pleasant on December 15, 1967. The Silver Bridge, a key highway bridge connecting the city to Ohio, collapsed during rush hour, killing 46 people. This incident became a defining moment in the history of Point Pleasant. Some residents believed that Mothman's presence in the city was a warning of impending disaster. According to this belief, this being was a harbinger of doom, appearing before significant misfortunes or catastrophes.

The legend of the Mothman has left a lasting impact on Point Pleasant, transforming the city into a hub for paranormal enthusiasts and curious tourists. In 2002, Point Pleasant even established an annual "Mothman Festival" celebrating the creature and its mythical status. Over the years, many theories have been proposed to explain the Mothman phenomenon. Some suggest it may have been a misidentification of a large bird such as an owl or sand crane, while others speculate that it may have been an unknown cryptid or even an extraterrestrial.

Regardless of the explanation, the legend of the Mothman continues to capture the imagination of those intrigued by the unknown and the paranormal. As one of the most enduring and terrifying urban legends in American folklore, the Mothman remains a captivating mystery that has taken root in the collective consciousness, leaving us bewildered as to what else may be lurking in the shadows of the unknown.

Secrets of poltergeists. Inexplicable phenomena in the light of history and science

 Poltergeiste is a German term meaning a spirit or force capable of moving objects, making unusual noises, and sometimes even attacking people. This word reminds us that despite many centuries of research, science continues to grapple with the mysteries of unknown forces and phenomena that transcend our everyday experience.

The history of poltergeists is long and full of inexplicable events. It was on one of them that the famous English philosopher Joseph Glenville focused in the 17th century. It was in May 1662 when strange things began to happen in the house of John Mompesson, Justice of the Peace in the town of Tedworth. Glenville was one of the researchers who came to the site to track and document these disturbing phenomena.

Glenville recounted how every night the judge's children's beds trembled and inexplicable sounds came from the darkness - gasping, tapping, scratching. Despite careful inspection, the philosopher could not find the source of these sounds. To this day, these events remain unexplained, attributed to the action of a poltergeist - a spirit or force that is invisible to the human eye.

This is not the only case of poltergeists in history. Similar phenomena have been reported around the world. In 1848, in Hydesville, USA, sisters Margaret and Katie Fox claimed to be able to communicate with spirits by tapping. This story became one of the most famous poltergeist cases in American history.

The German Heidrich family from Rollingen experienced a similar phenomenon in 1967. In their house, objects moved by themselves, mysterious sounds appeared, and unfamiliar images appeared on the walls.

Even distant Japan is not free from poltergeist phenomena. In 1977, in the city of Horinuchi, the Hara family witnessed similar inexplicable phenomena.

Despite many scientific attempts to explain the poltergeist phenomenon, there is still no clear answer to the question of what causes it. Some scientists suggest that unconscious psychokinetic actions may be behind this, while others see the source of these phenomena in the action of spirits or supernatural forces. Still other theorists suggest that unknown energy fields may be behind the poltergeist phenomenon.

Despite these speculations and theories, the truth about poltergeists remains hidden. Science continues to grapple with these mysterious phenomena that seem to be beyond our understanding. But that doesn't mean we stop trying to understand them. Our curiosity and determination to discover the mysteries of the universe remains steadfast, and the poltergeist phenomenon will certainly continue to attract the attention of researchers.

Social Communication

 Communication – /lat. communicatio - communication; communicare – share, participate/- the process of communication between individuals by sending and receiving information; social interaction seeking to share information

Communication features:

  • Interpersonal - always means contact with at least two people, "sharing" their individuality (thoughts, feelings, way of being)
  • Informative - received messages carry information that is used to increase knowledge resources
  • Decision-making – allows you to transfer decisions to, for example, subordinates
  • Types of social communication
  • VERBAL: voice, words
  •   (provides information)
  •      (defines relations between people, their attitudes, motivates to like or dislike)
  • Distance - zones
  • Attitude
  • Mimic - Eyes; Smile!!!
  • Dense
  • Appearance - clothes

Social communication's first impression

The effect of the first impression - is the subjective perception of another person, our own theory about the other person, and his personality constructed in the first 15 - 30 seconds of contact. In general, the observations made here are treated as something permanent.

Your "weapon" is:

  •   Appearance - clothes
  •   The tone of the voice
  •   body language:
  • (Posture; Mimics; Gestures


  1. Once made, the first impression is usually very hard to change!!
  2. Social communication first impression – negative effect

Dissuasive message:

  • EYE: avoiding looking, looking the other way; aggressive, defiant look
  • MIMICS: tense facial muscles, furrowed brows, narrowed eyes, pursed lips, protruding chin
  • VOICE: raised voice, sharp tone, speaking through teeth, low, monotonous, trembling voice
  • GESTURES: jerky, nervous movements, excessive or lack of gesticulation, hands in pockets or clenched into fists
  • POSTURE: tense, stooped, bent silhouette, arms crossed over the chest or clasped behind the back

Social communication first impression - a positive effect

Encouraging message:

  • EYE: making and maintaining eye contact, friendly gaze
  • MIMIC: relaxed facial muscles, smile !!!
  • VOICE: Speech is clear, firm, calm, and natural
  • GESTURES: open soft gestures, "horizontal" gestures are favorable
  • POSTURE: confident, upright but relaxed figure, arms along the body, close direct contact with interlocutors

Social communication verbal elements

Desirable rules:

  • Politeness
  • Approval
  • Modesty
  • Compatibility
  • Cooperation
  • Irony, humor
  • Curiosity
  • Harmful factors:
  • Interrupting the caller
  • Giving pushy advice
  • blaming
  • admonition
  • Forceful questioning
  • Condescending attitude in the message
  • Use of jargon and unintelligible vocabulary
  • Deviating from the topic
  • Disrespect or disbelief
  • "Technical" elements of the statement:
  • The tone and timbre of the voice (Tone - emotions; timbre - temperament, character)
  • Articulation
  • Power of voice (a loud statement is characterized by enthusiasm and confidence)
  • Speech rate
  • Rhythm ( determines which words in a sentence will be stressed
  • Therefore, when talking, let's try to:
  • speak clearly, emphasizing words and sentences accurately;
  • take breaks dictated by the meaning of the utterance;
  • do not speak too softly;
  • Don't talk too loud - speaking loudly is irritating
  • do not speak in a monotonous voice – a monotonous voice is tiring and weakens interest

Social communication active listening

By listening to someone's speech, we can control the course of the conversation; we get to the heart of the message, and we arouse the involvement of the conversation partner

Non-verbal signs:

  • Eye contact
  • Open attitude
  • Nodding
  • An element of silence
  • Verbal Signs:
  • Asking questions
  • Paraphrase
  • Mirroring


"People take 3 years to learn to talk and 50 years to learn to listen"

Asking questions in communication:

  •  Allows you to know your partner's intentions
  • Highlights our interest - active listening
  • Allows you to control the conversation


  • Open – (What…; How…; How…; Why…; Please tell me how…) – They allow freedom of expression!
  • Closed - (Do you ...; Do you like ...; Isn't this the best solution) - restrict freedom of expression by requiring a choice or answer YES, NO
  • effective – (Do you have any objections…; You mentioned that… can we come back to this; What do you think about it?) – allow you to guide the conversation by making it more concrete


  • fist - strength, open hand - openness
  •   hand curled into a trumpet - looking at the world a bit from above because you have an intellectual advantage, you know better than others
  •   gentle support of the chin on the inverted hand - coquetry and self-confidence
  • fist pressed against cheek - serious internal stress
  • fist pressed to the chin - hidden brutality and impetuousness

Gestures - index finger

  •  set up like an exclamation mark
  •  emphasizes the importance of what is being said
  • represents the need to expose one's ego
  • to scare, warn, hurt
  •  a gesture typical of men J
  • has the nature of a "do it and don't argue" command!
  •  underlines the irrevocability of the issues raised

Social Communication

  • communication barriers
  • External - psychological and physical:
  • Cultural differences
  • Inability to decentralize
  • Perceptual difficulties
  • Stereotypes
  • Selective attention
  • Well-being

Internal - result from our emotions or disturbances in receiving signals:

  • ØJudging
  • ØMaking decisions for others
  • Ø Running away from the problems of others
  • ØLanguage blocks
  • Internal - result from our emotions or disturbances in receiving signals:
  • ØJudging
  • ØMaking decisions for others
  • Ø Running away from the problems of others
  • ØLanguage blocks

Most intresting places to go on Urbex in West Midlands, UK

 Wolverhampton, located in the West Midlands, has a rich industrial history and several locations that could be of interest for urban explor...