Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Why does time pass more slowly in childhood?

 Time is one of the most elusive concepts that humanity has struggled to understand for centuries. Its irreversible nature is the basis of our existence, and at the same time, our experiences and perceptions of its flow are extremely complex. One of the fascinating puzzles is that children experience time differently from adults. It seems that in childhood each day, month or year lasts longer. What is the cause of this phenomenon?

One of the hypotheses explaining this phenomenon is the fact that children get to know the world in its entirety anew. Every moment is full of discoveries and new experiences for them. Each piece of information is fresh and brings with it a thicket of emotions that help to perpetuate these memories. Thus, for children, each unit of time is more "filled" with experiences than for adults, which can make time seem to last longer.

Another theory is the correlation between the perceived period of time and the life already lived. For a child, one day is a much larger part of his life than for an adult. This perspective can give children the impression that time passes more slowly. However, how we perceive time also depends on how we spend it. When we are interested and engaged, time seems to fly by, while boredom slows it down. Our emotional state also affects our perception of time.

The perception of time is a complex process and depends on many factors, but understanding this process can help us manage our time effectively. The researchers point out that the perception of time may be related to the development of the brain - children, having less experience and not being fully developed, may judge time intervals differently.

In addition, the perception of time can be shaped by the culture and community in which we live. In different cultures, time can be perceived as linear or cyclical, which can affect how we evaluate the past, present, and future.

Finally, the way we perceive time changes as we age. As adults with more experience, we judge time differently, and our feelings can be even more complicated when we face new situations and changes in our lives.

Time is something that seems constant, but our experience of its flow is a constantly changing, individual phenomenon. This reminder of the subjective nature of our experience can help us appreciate the precious value of each moment.

The multiverse can be real and we can live in it

 Man has always wondered if there is something beyond the boundaries of the known universe. The fascination with the unknown and the principle of unlimited possibilities leads us to consider the existence of the multiverse - a hypothetical structure in which our universe is only one of an infinite number of universes. Below we present some arguments that may be in favor of this theory.

The universe is so huge that we cannot rule out the existence of a multiverse. The universe is now believed to be infinite and constantly expanding. If so, then a parallel reality could exist beyond our reach.

The human brain constructs reality in such a way that everything must have a beginning and an end. If the Big Bang was the beginning of our universe, where is its end? Perhaps the answer lies in the concept of the multiverse.

The theory of multiverses could also solve the problem of time travel, which has so far kept many scientists awake at night. How is this possible? It is assumed that in the multiverse, everything that could happen happens simultaneously in different realities, with their own timelines.

Does the multiverse exist? We may ask - why not? This idea fits perfectly with the evolution of our knowledge of the universe, starting with the belief that the Earth is flat and at its center, and ending with the discovery that we are only a small part of an unimaginably large universe.

Quantum mechanics, which analyzes the workings of reality at the microscopic level, suggests that particles such as electrons can exist in different places and states. If this principle applied at the macroscopic level, it could mean that there are many universes.

The idea of a multiverse can be found in many religions around the world. Ancient Greek and Indian religious texts describe the existence of multiple universes that are the work of an all-powerful God. Even atheism uses the theory of multiverses to explain the perfection of reality without reference to divine design.

Today, many scientific theories, such as string theory, M-theory, and the theory of perpetual inflation, also assume the existence of multiverses. However, all of them are still hypotheses and there is no direct evidence for them yet. However, science is constantly searching for truth, and the existence of the multiverse could explain many unsolved cosmological problems.

It is worth noting that even if the multiverse exists, it does not mean that we have the ability to get to other universes. They may be unattainable for us due to the laws of physics that apply in our universe. This is similar to the situation where fish that live on the bottom of the ocean are unable to reach the surface of the Earth - not because of a lack of will, but because of the constraints of their environment.

One of the most interesting aspects of the multiverse is the question of what it means to us as humans. Is our reality the only one that matters, or should we consider the possibility of other, parallel versions of ourselves? Do our decisions really matter if we made a completely different decision in another universe? These are questions that shed new light on us and make us reflect on our place in a potentially infinite multiverse.

The conclusion is that while the multiverse theory is still a theory, and the evidence for its existence is scarce as yet, the idea is attracting the attention of both scientists and ordinary people. The possibility of an infinite number of universes in which we live an infinite number of lives is fascinating. We may not be able to know if the multiverse exists, but just thinking about it opens the mind to new possibilities and allows us to see our reality from a new perspective.

A strange disease turns people into aggressive beasts

 Hydrophobia is a dangerous disease caused by the rabies virus, transmitted to humans through the bites of infected animals. Although the name suggests a fear of water, the reality is much darker - hydrophobia turns people into violent and aggressive individuals, unable to control their reactions.

What are the symptoms of hydrophobia? The first signs of the disease usually appear a few days after being bitten by an infected animal. Patients complain of pain at the site of the bite, headaches, and nausea, and vomiting. After a few days, cramps and muscle pain may appear. The most characteristic symptom, however, is the fear of water and increased aggression.

Why is rabies treatment so risky? Medicines used to fight the rabies virus contain antibodies that help the body fight off the infection. However, these antibodies can lead to allergic reactions and can also damage the nervous system and heart.

What to do if you are the victim of an infected animal bite? The most important thing is to seek medical help immediately. Treatment of hydrophobia should be started as early as possible to prevent the development of the disease. Doctors can prescribe special medications to help fight the virus.

How to avoid being infected with hydrophobia? The best preventive measure is to avoid contact with wild animals. If you live in areas with large wildlife populations, be extra careful. Never try to tame a wild animal or get too close to it. If you notice an infected animal, immediately report it to the appropriate services.

In conclusion, hydrophobia is a dangerous disease that can have serious consequences for both physical and mental health. Treatment is possible, but carries some risk. The best way to protect yourself is prevention and appropriate caution.

Scientists suggest that the appearance of ghosts is associated with carbon monoxide poisoning

 Haunted houses, ghosts or apparitions - these are all elements of a good horror novel or horror movie. In the pages of reality, these phenomena are associated with something unknown, mysterious, and often supernatural. It turns out, however, that scientists propose a completely mundane explanation - carbon monoxide.

For example, a family who moved into a house with a haunting story in 1921 reported a strange feeling as if someone was watching them. Soon the children began to get sick and lost interest in playing. Only after some time it was discovered that the cause of these phenomena was a gas leak from the furnace, which resulted in carbon monoxide poisoning.

A similar case was described by the writer Carrie Poppy. She felt the presence of the "evil spirit", heard strange noises, and felt pressure on her chest. As it turned out, it was also the result of a carbon monoxide leak.

Scientists believe that carbon monoxide and other poisonings may be responsible for many haunting stories, especially those from the Victorian era. Long-term exposure to this gas, even in small doses, can lead to hallucinations and other distressing symptoms.

Of course, it doesn't always have to be carbon monoxide poisoning. Other causes may include pranks, hallucinations during sleep paralysis, as well as ordinary nightmares. However, scientists admit that about 8% of reported hauntings cannot be explained by any known natural phenomena. They therefore remain an "unsolved problem" for now.

Either way, this hypothesis of a link between the appearance of ghosts and carbon monoxide poisoning shows how science can shed new light on ancient mysteries that until now seemed unsolvable. Instead of leading us into the unknown, these phenomena can now draw attention to real threats such as gas leaks.

The most famous UFO cases in the 20th century

 UFOs are nothing new: humanity has been observing unidentified flying objects for thousands of years. However, the modern fascination with aliens gained momentum in the middle of the last century thanks to a series of incidents that occurred during space exploration. Since ancient times, man has looked at the sky with curiosity, wonder, and often fear. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors looked at the stars and wondered what was there. In the 20th century, this fascination intensified when man first began to travel beyond the Earth's atmosphere, and unidentified flying objects (UFOs) became a fascinating, intriguing, and controversial topic.

The Case of Kenneth Arnold (1947)

UFOs wouldn't be such a popular plot topic these days without civilian pilot Kenneth Arnold. While flying over Mount Rainer on June 24, 1947, he allegedly spotted a formation of nine blue shimmering objects in the sky that flashed past. At first, Arnold thought they were some new military aircraft, but Air Force officials denied this theory. The confused pilot described the unfamiliar vehicles as "saucers launched across the surface of the water" - the term "flying saucer" was used by the media to spread the term. The government has never been able to clearly explain what happened: according to the official version, Kenneth Arnold saw a mirage or hallucination.

The Roswell Incident (1947)

Perhaps the most famous event of its kind in the world. In the summer of 1947, farmer William Brazel discovered mysterious remains on his ranch in New Mexico: metal rods, pieces of plastic, and scraps of paper. After he reported the find, Roswell Air Force Base sent troops to the ranch who hastily removed the wreckage. The news headlines were full of cries that a flying saucer had crashed in the city, but the military claimed the UFOs were just the remains of a weather probe.

Fans of conspiracy theories claimed that the army command is trying to hide the truth from the population. The conspiracy theorists turned out to be half right: the military was hiding something, but not the aliens. The wreck at Brazel's ranch was part of Mogul's secret project: balloons with which the United States hoped to detect nuclear weapons tests in the USSR. In 1997, the US Air Force even published an extensive report that clearly disproved the myth of hidden aliens. True, this did not prevent Roswell from becoming a tourist mecca for fans of paranormal stories.

Lubbock's Lights (1951)

On August 25, 1951, three professors from Texas Tech University spent an evening outdoors in Lubbock. They looked up at the sky and saw shining orbs flying in a semicircle above them at high speed. Over the next few days, locals started talking about the same phenomenon. The US Air Force analyzed this information and concluded that the mysterious lights were reflections from street lamps on the bodies of flying birds. Many eyewitnesses refuse to accept this explanation, citing the fact that the lights flew too fast.

UFO Over Levelland (1957)

In the cult film Close Encounters of the Third Kind, there is a famous scene where a UFO turns off the electronics in a car. The real inspiration for this moment was the Levelland incident in 1957 when residents of a Texas town allegedly noticed a rocket or strange lights interfering with electronic devices. The lights in the houses went out, the engines of the cars went out. The police did not believe the stories at first, but then they noticed the same lights themselves and started an investigation. According to official sources, the cause of the outage was ball lightning and an electrical storm - although there was no bad weather in the region that day.

The Tehran Incident (1976)

The 1976 Tehran Incident began like many others. Local residents were worried about the bright lights in the sky: the authorities received many calls, after which they sent the plane for reconnaissance. However, when the fighter approached the object, the machine's electronics failed, forcing the pilot to return to base. The second fighter was able to get closer and catch an unusual glow on the radar, but then something strange happened. According to the co-pilot, the UFO launched a glowing object that looked like a rocket from a distance. Prepared for combat, however, the plane suddenly failed, forcing him to return to base.

Iran has asked the United States for help with the investigation. Again, if the US Air Force version is to be believed, almost every nuance of the incident can be explained logically. The bright light may have come from Jupiter, which was visible in the sky that night. Electronic failures were a common problem among F-4 fighters that flew reconnaissance missions. Finally, the "alien rockets" were actually a meteor shower.

The Randlesham Incident (1980)

In December 1980, US Air Force soldiers stationed at UK Air Force Bases at Woodbridge and Bentwaters reported strange bright lights over Randlesham Forest, about 160 kilometers from London. One person who went there on reconnaissance allegedly found an unidentified spacecraft, and the next day more confirmed that the surrounding trees had been damaged. In addition, an increased level of radiation was recorded at the site of the fall of the object.

One eyewitness recorded his sightings of the lights on a tape recorder: UFO theorists consider this to be one of the hardest pieces of evidence of the event. However, the British Ministry of Defense did not see any threat to the nation in the incident and therefore decided to close the investigation. Since then, Randlesham Forest has become as much a tourist destination as Roswell: enterprising enthusiasts have even left a model flying saucer on the brink.

Belgian Wave (1989-1990)

In November 1989, residents of Belgium noticed a large unidentified triangular object floating in the sky in the sky. A few months later, in March 1990, they returned - but this time the appearance of the UFO was confirmed by two military radars. Fighters flying toward the objects were able to detect them on instruments, but the pilots themselves saw nothing. After that, the mysterious items quickly left the chase. According to various estimates, these events were witnessed by 13.5 thousand people. people. The Belgian Air Force was unable to provide any logical explanation for what happened, admitting that unidentified objects did indeed appear in the sky at the time.

These and other similar incidents continue to attract the attention of both researchers and conspiracy theorists. Many of them remain unexplained, and some explanations are controversial or not entirely convincing. Whether these UFOs are the work of alien civilizations, or just natural phenomena or the result of human activity, one thing is certain: our fascination with the unknown is as strong as it was thousands of years ago.

The Ninth Planet - Myth or Reality

 Is there a ninth planet in our solar system? This question has puzzled scientists for several years. Since 2006, when Pluto was removed from the list of planets, only eight are officially known to exist. However, some researchers suggest that there may be an undiscovered planet somewhere beyond Neptune. This hypothetical cosmic entity was named Planet Nine.

Over the past 20 years, our knowledge of the outer solar system has grown significantly. Of particular interest to scientists is trans-Neptunian space, located beyond the sphere of influence of the giant planets. A whole population of mysterious objects called Extreme Trans-Neptunian Objects (ETNOs) has been discovered in its nooks and crannies. It is their unique features that have sparked heated scientific debate.

The team of researchers postulates that the unusual behavior of ETNOs may suggest the existence of a hidden, unseen presence of Planet Nine. If it does exist, it would have to be a colossal planet, 4-8 times the mass of Earth, about ten times farther from the Sun than Pluto. Such a discovery would mean the introduction of an entirely new type of planet into the solar system.

The planets of our system can be divided into two main categories. They are either small rocky celestial bodies with a solid surface (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) or gas giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune). Planet Nine, if it exists, would probably fall somewhere between these two categories. It could be the so-called Super-Earth, a rocky planet larger than Earth, or Sub-Neptune, a gaseous world slightly smaller and less massive than Neptune.

The challenge is that finding this extra planet is not easy. Being so distant, it would be unimaginably faint, so the most powerful telescopes available would be needed to observe it. Unfortunately, these usually have a very limited field of vision. Despite considerable efforts in recent years to find this elusive world with these telescopes, so far searches have been unsuccessful.

However, from a scientific point of view, the discovery of Planet Nine would open up completely new possibilities. This would allow us to explore a category of planets that are virtually unknown until now. Objects of this type have been found orbiting other stars, but due to their vast distances, our knowledge of them is limited. The existence of this planet would be a breakthrough in the study of the solar system and would greatly expand our understanding of the cosmos and its inhabitants.



Let's connect the dots and facts. In the years 2019 - 2022, a "baby" roamed, leading to pathological "overheating" of the immune system, as well as exacerbating any disease existing in the body.

For two years we have had a real explosion of all infectious diseases - HIV, tuberculosis, flu-like, as well as new and severe ones - New Delhi, Candida Auris, hemorrhagic pneumonia, etc.

The excess number of deaths has persisted since 2020. People get sick and die. Animals also get sick and die en masse. Avian influenza has been wreaking havoc on wild and farmed bird populations for the last two years. Never before in history has the extent of this disease been so large.

For weeks, Polish veterinarians have been making alarming appeals that some mysterious disease is killing cats en masse, including domestic ones. One of the veterinary clinics in Gdańsk is under quarantine, the hospital is reserved only for patients with this new disease. He does not accept other animals or perform planned surgeries.

The Central Veterinary Institute in Puławy has secured the samples and is testing them. Initial tests showed the presence of one of the influenza viruses. Further, more time-consuming genetic tests will decide whether it is a specific bird flu that has mutated and attacked another species. But there is already a thesis that it is this virus.

Avian flu is a long way from jumping to humans. This is a group of viruses that mutate very quickly.

Another plague, which this time has a mortality rate of 40% - 60% is literally in the air.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

The blowing up of the dam in Nowa Kachówka is the biggest ecological disaster in Europe in the 21st century

 The explosion of the Russian-controlled dam in Nova Kakhovka, Ukraine, has had serious consequences for both people and the environment. The dam and hydroelectric power plant were destroyed, releasing a huge wave of water and raising concerns about the possibility of large-scale flooding in the area downstream of the Dnieper River. Ukrainian and Russian authorities urged local communities near the Nova Kakhovka Dam to evacuate immediately.

It is not entirely clear what exactly destroyed the dam, but based on images transmitted from the scene, it appears that the explosion destroyed much of the structure. Official sources from both sides of the conflict have accused each other of blowing up the dam, though conflicting reports have been coming from Moscow.

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky accused "Russian terrorists" of destroying the dam, stressing that the event proves to the whole world that they should be expelled from every corner of Ukraine. The head of Zelensky's office, Andriy Yermak, described the alleged action as "ecocide" from the word genocide meaning genocide.

It has already been established that as a result of the explosion, at least 150 tons of engine oil got into the Dnieper River, and there is a risk of further leakage of more than 300 tons of this material. Officials warn that there could be serious ecological impacts, including the possible destruction of some settlements and ecosystems, as well as denying people in southern Kherson and Crimea access to drinking water.

The dam supplied water to large areas of south-eastern Ukraine, as well as to the Russian-annexed Crimean peninsula. The Russian government of Crimea has warned that water levels in the North Crimean Canal, which supplies fresh water to the peninsula from the Dnieper River, could fall as a result of the dam's failure. There are also concerns that there will be no water to cool the reactors of the nearby nuclear power plant, which in the long run may cause an even greater ecological crisis.

As for the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, it is the largest of its kind in Europe and used water from the dam reservoir to cool its six reactors, as well as to cool spent fuel and emergency diesel generators, which had to be used repeatedly when the external power failed . However, both the Ukrainian nuclear energy agency Energoatom and the Russian nuclear energy company Rosatom assured that the situation was under control and there was no threat to the nuclear power plant in Zaporizhia. The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Grossi, said the power plant should have enough water to cool the reactors for "several months" in a storage tank located nearby.

On the other hand, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu accused Ukraine of blowing up the dam as part of a plan to redeploy units from the nearby Kherson region. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the incident was "deliberate sabotage by Ukraine".

The dam, 30 meters high and 3.2 kilometers long, built in 1956 on the Dnieper River as part of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant, supplied water to a large part of south-eastern Ukraine, as well as to the peninsula of Crimea, which was annexed by Russia. It is still an unsolved mystery why the water level in the reservoir was constantly raised by the Ukrainians who control the sluices there. This constitutes some circumstantial evidence regarding the real culprits of this catastrophe, but in Poland it is officially allowed to agree only with the Ukrainian propaganda, which invariably claims that the Russians are behind this act of terrorism, who themselves flooded their soldiers in the trenches, caused flooding in the areas under their control and deprived them of drinking water Crimea.

Forest fires in Canada have brought heavy smoke as far as New York

 Since the beginning of June 2023, forest fires in Canada have caused unrest and chaos, both locally and in much larger areas. The smoke from these fires spread south, reaching as far away as New York City, affecting air quality and affecting residents' daily lives.

The fires started on June 2 in central Canada, in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec, and were caused by lightning strikes. Since then, a total of 211 fires have been reported, of which 145 were considered uncontrollable. A total of 40,000 hectares of forest burned and 10,000 residents of coastal Quebec were evacuated.
The smoke from these fires caused serious air quality problems in both Canada and the United States. In Ottawa, Kingston and Belleville, air quality reached the highest level on Environment Canada's Air Quality Index, the worst in Ontario. Similar problems affected much of southern Ontario and New York, where smog blanketed the city in the early hours of Tuesday, June 6.
This phenomenon had a serious impact on New York, where air quality deteriorated significantly. The influx of smoke from the Canadian forest fires has put New York City among the cities with the worst air pollution in the world. As a result of poor air quality, residents were advised to stay indoors, and hundreds of flights in the New York City area were delayed. Even baseball games like the Yankees-White Sox game have been postponed due to poor air quality.

Currently, work is underway to control the situation and fight the fires. However, it is still unclear when the situation will return to normal and what the long-term effects of these fires will be.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Where strange underground tunnels connected to each other came from all over the world

 Ancient civilizations continue to be a fascinating topic of study, especially because of their advanced technology, architecture and culture. One of the most intriguing legacies of antiquity are underground tunnels stretching across different continents. Who were their creators, what were their functions and how were they created?

Underground tunnels are networks of underground passages used for various purposes. They differ in shape, size and depth. Some of them were built in antiquity, others were built by later civilizations.

Our planet is intersected by a network of ancient tunnels, which supposedly also extends to the bottom of the oceans. These enigmatic structures appear to have been precisely laser-cut into the ground and have smooth glass walls. The oldest tunnels were discovered in 1965 by the Argentine ethnologist Juan Moricz, their age is estimated at almost a million years.

Researchers have conducted expeditions in various parts of the world, but most of them are still unexplored. Ancient underground tunnels are believed to pierce the North American continent, connecting it to Europe and East Asia. In some places, such as under Mount Shasta in California, Tibet or under the pyramids on the Giza Plateau, there are key intersections of these tunnels - junctions. The node of the ancient underground system is also located in the Caucasus region and in Crimea.

There are many theories about the purpose for which underground tunnels were built. Scientists suggest that they could have been used for defense, sheltering people in the event of wars or natural disasters, transporting people and goods, and even for religious purposes or as a place to store valuables.

There are theories that our planet is covered with a system of ancient tunnels created by a highly developed civilization that disappeared from the face of the Earth. Another theory suggests that the tunnels were created as a preparation for nuclear war. A study by a group of French experts has found that some of the craters believed to be meteorite impacts may also have been created by nuclear explosions.

Recent research suggests that tunnels and underground labyrinths may not just be the work of ancient civilizations, but a real inhabited world. Some scientists argue that these structures may have been created by a technologically advanced population that predicted global catastrophes and decided to settle down in a safe place. Another theory suggests that these may be the bases of aliens who have long been in contact with the secret services.

Despite the discovery of underground tunnels on different continents, scientists still have difficulty determining their true purpose. Most theories are based on guesses. The most intriguing question is how ancient civilizations could create such advanced and extensive underground structures without the use of modern technology. Some scientists suggest that they used technologies that have been lost over time.

The underground tunnels of ancient civilizations are a fascinating field of research that provides us with as many answers as questions. Who and why created these ancient underground structures? What were their real functions? We can only guess what other secrets lie hidden in the depths of our planet.

Ancient myths point to the Hollow Earth theory


Ancient myths about Hollow Earth and subterranean civilizations bring the imagination to life. Stories of vast cities hidden underground, connected by a great network of tunnels, arouse curiosity. Cueva de los Tayos in Ecuador, entrances to subterranean worlds in the Andes, the Himalayas, the Gobi Desert, Turkey, and even under the Giza Sphinx, provide the background for mysterious accounts of portals to the center of the Earth.

In ancient times, the Hollow Earth theory was born, claiming that our planet is hollow inside, with entrances to the underworld scattered all over the planet. Since the time of Edmund Halley, many scientists and thinkers, such as John C. Sims, have supported and developed this idea.

According to Sims, the interior of our planet hid an underground world, lit by a small sun, full of mountains, forests, and lakes. Without ceasing his efforts, he persuaded the United States Congress to support an expedition to the Arctic to discover the entrance to this inner world. Although Sims did not live to see this expedition completed, an expedition led by Charles Wilkes set out in 1838. Despite many discoveries, the entrance to the interior of the Earth has remained undiscovered.

The Hollow Earth Theory inspired writers such as Edgar Allan Poe, Jules Verne, and H.P. Lovecraft, who cultivated the genre of fantasy literature. In the 20th century, despite advances in geology and geography, the theory continued to attract supporters. Some Nazi leaders, lovers of ancient myths and the occult showed an interest in such theories.

Over the centuries, many people have tried to prove the existence of the hollow interior of the Earth. Edmund Halley, Cyrus Teed, William Reid, and Marshall Gardner have argued that the evidence for an inner world lies on the surface of the Earth. They spoke of an anomaly in air and water temperatures near the poles, suggesting that this could be evidence of an underground civilization.

Myths about creatures living underground are as old as humanity itself. Stories of demons sent to the underworld as opposed to angels from heaven are common in the tradition. Buddhists speak of Agartha, a kingdom hidden in caves beneath the Himalayas, inhabited by ancient sages. In the legends of the Hopi, an ancient tribal community in northern Arizona in the United States, there are stories of underground cities where ancestors fled in times of disaster.

In ancient Rome and Greece, there were mythologies about underground kingdoms such as Hades, the underworld of the dead. Hindu scriptures contain stories about ancient civilizations that lived underground, called Patala.

While many of these myths about subterranean civilizations are symbolic and allegorical, there is no shortage of people who take them literally. Some of these people seek evidence of their existence by researching and exploring caves, tunnels, and other geological formations.

Nevertheless, to this day there is no scientific evidence of the existence of a hollow Earth interior or subterranean civilizations. All geological and geophysical evidence indicates that the Earth is dense and consists of several layers: crust, mantle and core. Nevertheless, myths and legends about subterranean kingdoms continue to live on in popular culture, influencing literature, movies, video games, and other forms of art and entertainment.

The first crop circle of the season has been discovered in England

 Surreal patterns appearing unexpectedly in farmland - known as crop circles - have intrigued both local residents and world travelers for decades. England, and in particular the county of Wiltshire, became famous as the most popular place for these fascinating formations. This year, the traditionally reliable crop circles are back, with the first pictogram discovered on May 28, 2023.

Crop circles appearing in English fields are not a new phenomenon. It all started in the 1970s when the first reports of unusual patterns forming in the fields began to appear. Since then, they have become part of local culture and folklore, attracting crowds of tourists, scientists, and paranormal enthusiasts every year.

Wiltshire is particularly popular with crop circle makers, with dozens of formations appearing each year. The first pictograph of the year was discovered on May 28, 2023. This surprising and complex creation is always the source of many theories and discussions.

Some believe that crop circles are the result of natural forces such as wind and temperature changes. Others suggest that they may be the result of human activity, becoming one of the most spectacular forms of street art. And still, others believe that crop circles are evidence of extraterrestrials trying to communicate with us through these complex formations.

Regardless of what one believes, one thing is certain: crop circles are an extremely fascinating and intriguing phenomenon. Each year, they attract large numbers of tourists, scientists, and the curious to Wiltshire, who come to experience the mysterious and unusual formations for themselves. The first pictogram of the 2023 season, discovered on May 28, certainly only fuels this fascination, adding a new chapter to the endless history of crop circles in England.

UFO NASA conference! What did the scientists say?

 Announced some time ago, NASA's UAP (UFO) conference took place a few days ago. We all wondered which aspect of this phenomenon would attract the attention of scientists from the US space agency. I invite you to familiarize yourself with a very abbreviated summary of this event.

The meeting focused on the growing public interest in the UAP and the need for rigorous scientific research. NASA strives to reduce the stigma associated with UAP reporting and encourages dialogue to meet the demand for responses. It was announced at the outset that the final report on the research on the various relationships will be released in the summer and posted on NASA's website.

An independent UAP study was initiated to create scientific tools to evaluate and categorize UAPs in the future. The goal is to obtain useful data that can explain the nature of UAP and contribute to scientific progress. Transparency, openness, and scientific integrity are emphasized as NASA's core values, guiding this public meeting and the entire seven-month research process.

As noted by Dr. Nikki Fox, deputy administrator of NASA's Science Mission Directorate, existing eyewitness data is often unreliable and inconclusive because it can be affected by conventional objects or phenomena such as commercial aircraft, military equipment, weather and auroras. The lack of high-quality data makes it impossible to draw scientific conclusions about UAPs. The research team used unclassified data from a variety of sources, including civilian government entities and commercial data, to make their recommendations, which will be released in the summer.

Studying unclassified data is emphasized as beneficial to this research. While detailed military sensor readings may be classified as Top Secret, the UAP observations themselves are not. Dr. Fox emphasized that NASA relies on publicly available data and invited listeners to familiarize themselves with the NASA Open Data portal, where anyone can see their collections.

NASA specialists also took a moment to discuss the importance of data collection and the challenges that may arise when analyzing images taken by civilian cameras. They mentioned the illusions caused by pointing the camera towards the light source. As they noted, these anomalies can degrade data quality and create strange images.

Drawing from the experience of telescopes such as the James Webb Telescope and Hubble, they also described phenomena that can occur when observing bright stars or dust in a telescope, causing image saturation, bleeding and scattering with peculiar properties. According to NASA, only dedicated and well-calibrated instruments will be of real importance in the field of UAP research.

NASA has admitted that most of its data collection apparatus is concentrated around the continental United States due to legal restrictions and privacy concerns. Specialists are currently working to identify areas where they can be confident of detecting something anomalous without violating any regulations. They also mentioned the need for ground-based detectors to supplement search efforts.

The issue of the UAP collections so far sounded particularly interesting. The panel acknowledged that they had about 650 cases at their disposal at the time of a recent Senate hearing, but that number has since grown to over 800. They receive about 50 to 100 new reports a month, with the last significant jump in numbers due to the integration of Federal Aviation Administration data (FAA).

NASA estimates that cases displaying potentially anomalous features account for less than a single-digit percent, around 2 to 5 percent, of the entire database. Representatives of the UAP research office also expressed their willingness to integrate the search for anomalous phenomena with machine learning technology and other related AI models. It is not known how exactly they would analyze data from sensors or recordings, but NASA sees a lot of potential in this solution.

The discussion eventually turned to NASA's possible encounter with aliens or extraterrestrial life, and what the agency would do if such life were discovered. In response, scientists responded that NASA is actively involved in the search for extraterrestrial life, and their research is not a secret endeavor, but a topic that NASA is happy to share with the public. Scientists assured that the potential discovery of extraterrestrial life would be a momentous event, and NASA would carry out a thorough verification before issuing any official announcements on the matter.

All in all, NASA's involvement in UFO research will bring much-needed refinement and regularity to this subject. It is impossible to assess what will be included in the report published at the end of summer, but the words spoken the day before yesterday at the NASA conference filled with optimism. Skepticism and the scientific method have ignored the extraordinary spectacles above our heads for too long. It's good to know that this state of affairs is about to change. With any luck, other countries will follow the path of the American authorities.

Is the mass death of sheep in Wales the work of a UFO?

 The mysterious death of sheep in Wales is a problem many farmers have grappled with for decades. Often on the bodies of sheep, you can see strange wounds that testify to the precise harvesting of organs and incisions that resemble surgical operations with an unknown instrument, similar to a laser.

Traditionally, many of these deaths have been attributed to the actions of wild animals. However, one scientist put forward a completely different theory - the intervention of extraterrestrials. Helena Worth claims that the precise cuts on the sheep's bodies are the result of the intervention of extraterrestrial beings. He points to the fact that these wounds are too accurate and inconsistent with the typical actions of wild animals. Additionally, he notes that there are no signs of other animals or humans at the scene of these events, suggesting that there was no animal or human interference in the process.

The theory of alien intervention in the case of the mysterious death of sheep is controversial and receives mixed reactions. Some researchers and farmers are open to the possibility, believing that no options can be ruled out until solid scientific evidence is presented.

However, other experts are skeptical and suggest that the possibility of extraterrestrial intervention is unlikely. They point to the lack of concrete evidence that unequivocally supports this theory, and also emphasize that there are many other possible explanations, such as the action of predators, diseases, or human activity.

It is important to continue researching and reporting sheep death incidents to learn more about this. Whatever the reasons, farmers need support and protection to protect their animals from these mysterious deaths.

Is alien intervention really the answer to this mystery, or is there another more plausible explanation? The answers to these questions may still remain unknown, but continued research is crucial to finding a solution to this mysterious death of sheep in Wales.

How much life is in your life?

 I WANT MY LIFE TO BE EXTREMELY FILLED... WITH LIFE. This is the sentence I read from a JKBC reader.

Is it possible? You have to take into account your budget, time off from paid work and from working at home (e.g. having children means working non-stop, for 3 full-time jobs). There is also the question of what you are interested in and what makes you flow well.

Because let's face it, many people are simply not interested in anything. More precisely, nothing special. FAME MMA, Netflix, rap, trips to an all-inclusive resort to sit on your ass on a beach under palm trees - these are not hobbies.

I often like to invent various neologisms and call things already named with new terms. The word "iteration" means a sequence executed by a computer program or algorithm.

I use the word iteration for chores that you have to do but don't really feel like doing, or that are tedious, boring, or even very goofy (e.g. shopping in cramped and dingy warehouses, called stores).

So you get up at an hour you don't want to get up. You get ready, you wash yourself, you make sandwiches or rolls, you drink coffee. Then you drive to work (often over an hour each way). You work and very rarely this work is your passion. Then you go home (again an hour). You go to a goods depot, buy food and other products. And / or do official business, go to the post office, to the hairdresser and so on. At home, cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing, laundry.

I call these steps "iterations." These are automated and recurring events that you don't really want. Robots equipped with artificial intelligence could do it as well. Anyway, we already have them - a washing machine, a dishwasher, a mixer and a number of others.

However, it would be useful if more of this type of non-constructive but necessary activities were taken over by robots. And in the first place, shopping - the necessary products should be delivered to us by drones. I hope that in 10 years, only a memory will remain after Biedras, Lidl, kerfurs and similar landfills.

I ask myself how much life is there in my life? You can also ask yourself this question: how much life is there in your life? How much time do you spend on what you really like? I look at people and often see how the only joy of such a person during the day is to drink a few beers every evening.

The mechanized economy has forced us into ruthless cogs that are slowly, all the time, grinding us into their ruthless cogs. But in the supposedly good old days, which weren't really good at all, things weren't any better. There was no mechanization of agriculture or household appliances, so there was even more daily work.

The system is designed to trap you and then take most of your time, energy and resources. The classic way of life - family and career - is a perfect example of this. Those who have avoided many of life's pitfalls may have it a bit better than others. But in the overwhelming majority of cases, we are all wandering around the architect's perfectly constructed labyrinth.

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