Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The multiverse can be real and we can live in it

 Man has always wondered if there is something beyond the boundaries of the known universe. The fascination with the unknown and the principle of unlimited possibilities leads us to consider the existence of the multiverse - a hypothetical structure in which our universe is only one of an infinite number of universes. Below we present some arguments that may be in favor of this theory.

The universe is so huge that we cannot rule out the existence of a multiverse. The universe is now believed to be infinite and constantly expanding. If so, then a parallel reality could exist beyond our reach.

The human brain constructs reality in such a way that everything must have a beginning and an end. If the Big Bang was the beginning of our universe, where is its end? Perhaps the answer lies in the concept of the multiverse.

The theory of multiverses could also solve the problem of time travel, which has so far kept many scientists awake at night. How is this possible? It is assumed that in the multiverse, everything that could happen happens simultaneously in different realities, with their own timelines.

Does the multiverse exist? We may ask - why not? This idea fits perfectly with the evolution of our knowledge of the universe, starting with the belief that the Earth is flat and at its center, and ending with the discovery that we are only a small part of an unimaginably large universe.

Quantum mechanics, which analyzes the workings of reality at the microscopic level, suggests that particles such as electrons can exist in different places and states. If this principle applied at the macroscopic level, it could mean that there are many universes.

The idea of a multiverse can be found in many religions around the world. Ancient Greek and Indian religious texts describe the existence of multiple universes that are the work of an all-powerful God. Even atheism uses the theory of multiverses to explain the perfection of reality without reference to divine design.

Today, many scientific theories, such as string theory, M-theory, and the theory of perpetual inflation, also assume the existence of multiverses. However, all of them are still hypotheses and there is no direct evidence for them yet. However, science is constantly searching for truth, and the existence of the multiverse could explain many unsolved cosmological problems.

It is worth noting that even if the multiverse exists, it does not mean that we have the ability to get to other universes. They may be unattainable for us due to the laws of physics that apply in our universe. This is similar to the situation where fish that live on the bottom of the ocean are unable to reach the surface of the Earth - not because of a lack of will, but because of the constraints of their environment.

One of the most interesting aspects of the multiverse is the question of what it means to us as humans. Is our reality the only one that matters, or should we consider the possibility of other, parallel versions of ourselves? Do our decisions really matter if we made a completely different decision in another universe? These are questions that shed new light on us and make us reflect on our place in a potentially infinite multiverse.

The conclusion is that while the multiverse theory is still a theory, and the evidence for its existence is scarce as yet, the idea is attracting the attention of both scientists and ordinary people. The possibility of an infinite number of universes in which we live an infinite number of lives is fascinating. We may not be able to know if the multiverse exists, but just thinking about it opens the mind to new possibilities and allows us to see our reality from a new perspective.

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