Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The most famous UFO cases in the 20th century

 UFOs are nothing new: humanity has been observing unidentified flying objects for thousands of years. However, the modern fascination with aliens gained momentum in the middle of the last century thanks to a series of incidents that occurred during space exploration. Since ancient times, man has looked at the sky with curiosity, wonder, and often fear. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors looked at the stars and wondered what was there. In the 20th century, this fascination intensified when man first began to travel beyond the Earth's atmosphere, and unidentified flying objects (UFOs) became a fascinating, intriguing, and controversial topic.

The Case of Kenneth Arnold (1947)

UFOs wouldn't be such a popular plot topic these days without civilian pilot Kenneth Arnold. While flying over Mount Rainer on June 24, 1947, he allegedly spotted a formation of nine blue shimmering objects in the sky that flashed past. At first, Arnold thought they were some new military aircraft, but Air Force officials denied this theory. The confused pilot described the unfamiliar vehicles as "saucers launched across the surface of the water" - the term "flying saucer" was used by the media to spread the term. The government has never been able to clearly explain what happened: according to the official version, Kenneth Arnold saw a mirage or hallucination.

The Roswell Incident (1947)

Perhaps the most famous event of its kind in the world. In the summer of 1947, farmer William Brazel discovered mysterious remains on his ranch in New Mexico: metal rods, pieces of plastic, and scraps of paper. After he reported the find, Roswell Air Force Base sent troops to the ranch who hastily removed the wreckage. The news headlines were full of cries that a flying saucer had crashed in the city, but the military claimed the UFOs were just the remains of a weather probe.

Fans of conspiracy theories claimed that the army command is trying to hide the truth from the population. The conspiracy theorists turned out to be half right: the military was hiding something, but not the aliens. The wreck at Brazel's ranch was part of Mogul's secret project: balloons with which the United States hoped to detect nuclear weapons tests in the USSR. In 1997, the US Air Force even published an extensive report that clearly disproved the myth of hidden aliens. True, this did not prevent Roswell from becoming a tourist mecca for fans of paranormal stories.

Lubbock's Lights (1951)

On August 25, 1951, three professors from Texas Tech University spent an evening outdoors in Lubbock. They looked up at the sky and saw shining orbs flying in a semicircle above them at high speed. Over the next few days, locals started talking about the same phenomenon. The US Air Force analyzed this information and concluded that the mysterious lights were reflections from street lamps on the bodies of flying birds. Many eyewitnesses refuse to accept this explanation, citing the fact that the lights flew too fast.

UFO Over Levelland (1957)

In the cult film Close Encounters of the Third Kind, there is a famous scene where a UFO turns off the electronics in a car. The real inspiration for this moment was the Levelland incident in 1957 when residents of a Texas town allegedly noticed a rocket or strange lights interfering with electronic devices. The lights in the houses went out, the engines of the cars went out. The police did not believe the stories at first, but then they noticed the same lights themselves and started an investigation. According to official sources, the cause of the outage was ball lightning and an electrical storm - although there was no bad weather in the region that day.

The Tehran Incident (1976)

The 1976 Tehran Incident began like many others. Local residents were worried about the bright lights in the sky: the authorities received many calls, after which they sent the plane for reconnaissance. However, when the fighter approached the object, the machine's electronics failed, forcing the pilot to return to base. The second fighter was able to get closer and catch an unusual glow on the radar, but then something strange happened. According to the co-pilot, the UFO launched a glowing object that looked like a rocket from a distance. Prepared for combat, however, the plane suddenly failed, forcing him to return to base.

Iran has asked the United States for help with the investigation. Again, if the US Air Force version is to be believed, almost every nuance of the incident can be explained logically. The bright light may have come from Jupiter, which was visible in the sky that night. Electronic failures were a common problem among F-4 fighters that flew reconnaissance missions. Finally, the "alien rockets" were actually a meteor shower.

The Randlesham Incident (1980)

In December 1980, US Air Force soldiers stationed at UK Air Force Bases at Woodbridge and Bentwaters reported strange bright lights over Randlesham Forest, about 160 kilometers from London. One person who went there on reconnaissance allegedly found an unidentified spacecraft, and the next day more confirmed that the surrounding trees had been damaged. In addition, an increased level of radiation was recorded at the site of the fall of the object.

One eyewitness recorded his sightings of the lights on a tape recorder: UFO theorists consider this to be one of the hardest pieces of evidence of the event. However, the British Ministry of Defense did not see any threat to the nation in the incident and therefore decided to close the investigation. Since then, Randlesham Forest has become as much a tourist destination as Roswell: enterprising enthusiasts have even left a model flying saucer on the brink.

Belgian Wave (1989-1990)

In November 1989, residents of Belgium noticed a large unidentified triangular object floating in the sky in the sky. A few months later, in March 1990, they returned - but this time the appearance of the UFO was confirmed by two military radars. Fighters flying toward the objects were able to detect them on instruments, but the pilots themselves saw nothing. After that, the mysterious items quickly left the chase. According to various estimates, these events were witnessed by 13.5 thousand people. people. The Belgian Air Force was unable to provide any logical explanation for what happened, admitting that unidentified objects did indeed appear in the sky at the time.

These and other similar incidents continue to attract the attention of both researchers and conspiracy theorists. Many of them remain unexplained, and some explanations are controversial or not entirely convincing. Whether these UFOs are the work of alien civilizations, or just natural phenomena or the result of human activity, one thing is certain: our fascination with the unknown is as strong as it was thousands of years ago.

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