Sunday, April 16, 2023


 A professor with outstanding achievements chaired a panel discussing the philosophy of free will at one of the universities.

At the very beginning of the lecture, he said that participants who do not believe in free will have breaks every 45 minutes. And those students who believe in free will are to stay in the lecture hall during breaks, they cannot leave it, also when it comes to using the toilet.

➡️ A forest of indignant hands raised up spoke to this: - But how? How can you forbid us to go to the shop or to the toilet!?

Then the professor said: - After all, you believe in free will and that only you are responsible for your life, and further saying that you can do anything, you just have to want it. So order your asses to stop shi**ing and your gens to stop pi**ing.

There was consternation among the participants, so the professor continued:

I know you can't do that, so shitting and pissing are clearly limiting your free will.

➡️ But think how many more such factors limit your free will and the ability to decide about your life?

When you were born, you were given a set of genes that significantly influence who you are now. Among them is e.g. what level of neurotransmitters you have, which determines whether you are extroverted or introverted, happy or prone to depression, neurotypical or autistic, emotionally stable or unstable, mentally healthy or schizophrenic.

In addition, your genes determine your susceptibility to various diseases or resistance to them. They also determine strength or weakness. And so on.

The upbringing you have been subjected to programs your subconscious mind in a certain way, and it intensifies or weakens what you have been given in your DNA. This is often a very negative impact.

Random factors such as accidents, being a victim of crime, disasters can also leave a lifelong mark on you.

Reversing this is a multi-year process, and is very difficult, if not impossible.

➡️ Next: place of birth - is it a rich or poor region? Is there peace or is there war going on?

I have one more stumbling block. Well, I heard that an infant was transported to the emergency department with the so-called SCA (sudden cardiac arrest). Despite more than an hour of resuscitation, the child died. It was a drama for the whole ward, doctors, nurses and paramedics cried with their parents. But the next day came. Next duty, more medical successes as well as dramas.

Eventually, even my parents came to terms with it, after many years. I am very surprised by one thing... If this child was killed by some degenerate, it would shake not only our country for a long time. And if senseless and cruel death is simply inflicted by nature, we submissively pass over it.

➡️ My words may seem absurd to you, but pay attention to one thing. Well, the late philosopher and mystic, Robert Anton Wilson, said that if you don't consider yourself slaves, why don't you rebel against death? These words of his can also be understood a bit broader - why don't you rebel against the conditions that we found in this world, and which are not very friendly at all?

I know it's hard to blame anyone or anything in this child's situation. Because the perpetrator - that is, nature creating a mass of injured, sick and so on - is so elusive in this discourse. People pass it by, sometimes only lamenting to the heavens that God (nature) allows such bad things to happen on Earth.

So, what's there to rebel against? You don't know either. There are a whole lot of factors that, to put it bluntly, limit our free will and dictate how we should act.

And what is your opinion on this? I invite you to the discussion.

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