Sunday, January 29, 2023


 I recommend learning the Pareto Principle. It is used in astonishingly many areas of life. The number of situations in which it works is truly shocking.

It says that for 100% of a whole (e.g. in the case of some social phenomenon), there is 80% of low quality and only 20% of high quality. It works from economics, through politics, human psychology and mentality to the dynamics of male-female relationships.

First examples from the edge:

➖ Only 20% of people are capable of producing consciousness (mentality) of a higher kind. So firstly, without something supernatural, there will be no positive change in the world. And secondly, people of higher consciousness should not associate with those below, because the gap between them is greater than between a person of lower consciousness of today and a man living in ancient times.

➖ 80% of the poor produce products and services critical to the existence of the system's structures. And 1% of the rich and 19% of the middle class either handle their money or manage the poor by earning money from their work.

➖ In our earthly marriage slush, most women are interested in only twenty percent of the most handsome men. Everything else is just unattractive. Yes, they can enter into a relationship with them, but it will rather be dictated by financial considerations, not sexual and love ones.

Thus, it can be considered that women are of a higher quality than men. Nothing of the sort, because in the current inverted (hellish) system, female values (emotions, beauty, se*s), which do not require too much hard work, are valued several times more than male values, which, in turn, require very hard work to develop, discipline, self-denial, and effort.

➡️ There are even more examples where the Pareto principle applies, from neurobiology to the mechanics of economics.

Do you know any area where it works?

British scientists have solved the mystery of the ghost ship

 A team of British and Dutch scientists has solved the mystery of the remains of a sunken ship found in 2019 off the coast of England. It turned out to be a Danish warship from the 17th century.

After studying archival data and analyzing wood samples taken from the crash site, scientists concluded that the remains belonged to a warship named Klein Hollandia.

It was built in 1656 by order of the Rotterdam Admiralty and took part in all the important battles of the Second Anglo-Danish War in 1665-1667. According to experts, the wreck is perfectly preserved, and its study can reveal a lot of new information about how the Danes built ships in the 17th century.

A ghost ship is a nautical legend term for an unidentified, ghostly ship that appears and disappears without a trace. This is often described as paranormal and is often regarded as a prophecy of impending disaster.

The best example of such a ghost ship is the Flying Dutchman. It's a nautical legend that tells of an unexplored, ghostly sailboat that sails constantly on the sea but never makes a port. This ship is considered unlucky and is often considered a sign of impending disaster. This legend comes from the Netherlands and is often associated with sea ghost and ghoul stories.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Ruins of an unknown Roman city found in Egypt

 In Egypt, the archaeological mission of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, during excavations in the city of Luxor, unexpectedly discovered the remains of a Roman city previously unknown to Egyptologists.

According to Egyptian media, the discovery was made by a team of archaeologists led by Dr. Mustafa Waziri, secretary general of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities. The group was not looking for a city at all, but was excavating the area next to the famous temple of ancient Egypt in Luxor.

During these excavations, the unknown ruins of an entire city were unexpectedly discovered, which, according to preliminary dating, belongs to the Roman period - it was founded around the second or third century AD. This discovery will force scientists to reconsider the history of Luxor itself.

Many history buffs know Luxor as the ancient city of Thebes, which was the great capital of Upper Egypt during the New Kingdom. The ancient Greeks called it Thebai, but the Romans, after conquering Egypt, adapted this name to their language, so the city became Thebes.

Probably in the Roman period, in the vicinity of an ancient Egyptian temple, the Romans built a fortress for legionnaires, which also housed the residence of the Roman administration of the region. Gradually, this fortress grew into a small town. Thus, during the excavations, the remains of several Roman houses and the foundations of two towers were discovered. The latter, according to researchers, were built to hold carrier pigeons.

In these towers, as related finds show, there were many pottery vessels which, according to Dr. Fati Yasin, director general of the Upper Egypt Antiquities Authority, were used specifically for nesting pigeons. In addition, archaeologists discovered Roman workshops for the production and smelting of metals in an unknown city. In particular, numerous pots, grinding tools, ceramics, and copper and bronze coins were found there.

By the way, in this area, archaeologists previously found the remains of Roman buildings, including part of the wall and warehouse from the Roman period, amphorae and several other artifacts. But only new excavations showed that the entire Roman city was located here.

Tinis, the lost capital of ancient Egypt

 The lost city of Tinis was the capital of the First and Second Dynasties of Ancient Egypt. It was here that the pharaoh who united Upper and Lower Egypt lived.

The city was believed to be near Abydos and the present city of Girgi. Its importance was so great that in the cosmology of ancient Egypt - the ancient Egyptian book of the dead - Tinis plays a key role as a mythical place in the sky. Mention of it can also be found in Manetho, who reports that Tinis served as the capital of the Tynite confederation, which eventually united all of Egypt under one king, Nermer.

This is quite an important event in terms of historical significance. All the more strange is the fact that the ancient city, whose existence was confirmed in antiquity, disappeared without a trace. It has been concluded that the first capital of unified Egypt must have been on the banks of the Nile near modern Girg or El-Birg. There have been various speculations about his whereabouts over the years.

There is reliable archaeological evidence of a population concentration in the Abydos region dating back to around 4000 BC. Abydos is one of the oldest cities ever founded in Egypt and one of the most important. Its importance stems from the fact that the city was considered sacred and was a royal necropolis where pre- and early dynastic pharaohs were buried.

According to historical records, Tinis has been the capital since 3100 BC. until 2686 BC, when Memphis became the capital. Memphis, is also known as the city of the white walls ("Inebu-hedj"). Despite this, the ancient city of Tinis remained an important regional center during the Fourth Dynasty, when Egypt's largest pyramids were built. After the final unification of Egypt under one ruler, Tinis became the center of Egypt, and the history of at least two dynasties was recorded there.

Is the whole story hidden somewhere under the sands of Egypt? Or maybe there was more to the destruction of the city than just a change in administrative status? Until its ruins are discovered, the true fate of Tinis will remain a mystery.

Scientists are sounding the alarm about asteroids threatening the Earth

 Scientists from Australia's Curtin University have found that certain types of asteroids pose a threat to our planet because they are difficult to destroy, reports the PNAS magazine.

A university study makes it clear that we are talking about debris asteroids. They consist of piles of stones held together by gravity. Thus, ordinary monolithic celestial bodies are destroyed for hundreds of thousands of years, and "rubble" can exist for billions of years. The presence and persistence of "rubble" asteroids in the universe suggest that there are many more of them than scientists previously believed.

The composition of such an asteroid can vary, but those that are more intricate and complex may be more difficult to destroy. For example, asteroids composed of metals or volcanic rocks may be harder to disperse than those that are mostly composed of ice or dust.

Earlier, Japan's Hayabusa-1 spacecraft spotted a similar asteroid about two million kilometers from Earth. Scientists say that this asteroid cannot be destroyed. Experts have found the only way to save the Earth from such an asteroid - a kinetic push that will send it in a different direction.

In Lithuania, there were mass reports of alleged explosive devices in courts, airports and schools

 False reports of planting explosives in Vilnius and Kaunas district courts, airports, prosecutor's offices, and schools were received in Lithuania on Thursday morning, police spokesman Ramunas Matonis told BNS.

Once again, it was also reported that the explosive is in the editorial office of the information portal 15min.

According to Matonis, the Vilnius district police were informed about the planting of explosives in all schools, airports, and all prosecutor's offices.

District courts in Vilnius and Kaunas also received notifications of the presence of explosives in them and reported it to the police.

"Police officers traveled all over paradise," Matonis said.

Explosive devices were also reported in Lithuania on Monday and Tuesday. Passengers from all airports in the country were evacuated after receiving an e-mail on Monday about a possible explosive device at an unidentified Lithuanian airport. The information has not been confirmed.

False reports of explosives were received on Monday by the Vilnius school and city hall, and on Tuesday by the editorial office of the 15min.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Nikola Tesla - what the man "from the future" said about the future

 Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American engineer, physicist and inventor who worked in the field of electricity and electronics. He was born in 1856 in Croatia and died in 1943 in New York. He studied at the Technical University of Prague and the University of Prague. He worked for Thomas Edisons, but their collaboration ended in conflict.

Tesla was responsible for many important discoveries and inventions, including electrical power distribution systems, electric motors, radar, wireless communications, and some aspects of electromagnetism theory. His works influenced the development of many fields, including electrical engineering, electronics, radio electronics, and medicine.

He was a well-known and recognized engineer, physicist, and inventor who contributed to the development of many fields of science and technology. Some people believe that his works were ahead of their time and that he had access to secret knowledge or technology, but there is no scientific evidence for this. However, much of what surrounds us today was predicted by Tesla a hundred years ago.

In 1926, Collier's magazine published an interview with the inventor Nikola Tesla, the content of which was shocking at the time. In it, the famous scientist made amazing (for his time) predictions about the future, especially the 21st century.

Over the years, he has made many prophecies, many of which have come true. For example, he predicted that in the future there would be a completely different order in which women would play the dominant role. Humanity will begin to communicate with each other through simple handheld devices. The planes will be controlled unmanned and more.

10 amazing predictions by Nikola Tesla that turned out to be true

1. Wireless connection

If the industrialist John Morgan had not been stingy in supporting Tesla's development, the Serbian scientist might have come up with the invention of the Internet - at least he claimed that the Wardenclyffe tower would be able to wirelessly transmit voice, text and images to anywhere in the world. world.

He claimed that images were already transmitted by wire (telegraph) over short distances, but in the future wireless transmission would make the distance unlimited.

2. Drones/RCVs

A boat without oars that glides on the water by itself - such a sight appeared before the eyes of those who watched Tesla's demonstrative experiment in 1898. Using a self-imagined remote control, batteries, and switches, the shore engineer turned the boat's helm, engaged the propeller, and lit the sidelights on deck, which looked amazing for the time.

In fact, Tesla presented the world's first prototype of a real robot 22 years before the Czech writer Karel Capek came up with the very definition of such a technique, and in the modern world, it has taken a strong place and continues to develop.

3. Automated workforce

As early as the 1930s, technology had advanced so much that ordinary human activities were performed by an automated workforce. In 1935, Nikola Tesla predicted that robots and machines would almost completely replace human labor. While this has yet to happen, it is more than clear that machines are already replacing human hands in many industries, and experts often point to this as one of the biggest challenges of the future as many people lose their jobs due to technology.

4. Cheap renewable energy

Nikola Tesla believed that the whole world is filled with an infinite amount of energy, which, with the appropriate level of technical equipment, can be used for free anywhere and anytime.

He also believed that we could use water to generate cheap renewable energy to replace conventional, expensive sources. He even wanted to give people free energy, which his investors did not like very much.

5. Mobile phones/smartphones

Nikola Tesla predicted that small wireless devices will appear in the world that will combine various technologies and wireless connections. Although he did not explicitly say the words "mobile phone" or "smartphone", his 1926 description sounds similar.

He described a device that would allow us to see and hear each other as if we were talking face to face and would be small enough to carry in a pocket.

6. Autonomous cars

In 1898, Nikola Tesla proposed building a motor carriage that could independently perform various operations. It took another 100 years for this to become a reality, but now the company of the same name (Tesla) has proven that it is the technology of the future.

7. Increasing importance of environmental protection

One of Tesla's most important predictions is an increase in environmental protection. He assumed that this would happen by 2035, but it happened much earlier - the US Environmental Protection Agency was founded 35 years later, in 1970.

8. Women's empowerment

Tesla predicted that women would play a dominant role in the future. He suggested that women receive an education equal to men and begin to occupy leading positions in society.

9. Science will become more important to society

In his day, politics and war were the dominant themes in society. One of Nikola Tesla's predictions was that in the future newspapers would focus more on science than politics, and the public would be much more interested in the latest discoveries than in wars. While politics still makes headlines in newspapers, news channels, and social media, people are generally more interested in science than they were during Tesla's lifetime.

10. Wireless Messaging

Tesla predicted that printed newspapers would be replaced and news would be delivered wirelessly. He predicted that everything would be available to people at home every day.

To this day, Nikola Tesla is valued by mankind for his contribution to the development of science and technology, especially in the field of electricity. His works had a decisive influence on the development of many fields. His works were important for the development of many fields, and his inventions and discoveries greatly contributed to technological and scientific progress.

Can a time traveler change the past?

 Can a time traveler change the past? If so, it seems the universe has an unknown power that can change events.

The time travel theory suggests that the traveler can change the past, but that depends on the particular time travel theory being considered. Some theories suggest that the past is immutable and cannot be changed, while others suggest that the past can be changed, but this leads to alternate realities or timelines.

A new study from the University of Queensland may change that view a bit, as it suggests that you can't go back in time and change the events of the past. Even if time travel is possible, a bizarre chain of events could alter the timeline. National Science Foundation program director and astrophysicist Joe Pesce discussed new research into Einstein's theory of general relativity. Using the example of COVID-19, he suggested that if a time traveler tries to stop Patient Zero from spreading the virus, time will repair itself. So he or someone else could become patient zero and the pandemic would happen anyway.

Using himself as a hypothetical time traveler, Pesce explained:

"I'm going back in time. If I prevent patient zero from becoming infected and contain the pandemic, it will remove my motivation to travel back in time." And that's the essence of the grandfather paradox." “So what these researchers have discovered in mathematics is that events will recalibrate themselves. So maybe I'll go and keep Patient Zero, but then I'll become Patient Zero and start an infection."

"Ultimately, the endpoint is still the same; the pandemic will still happen. But the specific events, perhaps the details of the timeline, will change. So the math shows that you really can't go back and influence the endpoint. The endpoint will always be the same. and the same. We can come to this in a different way," he said.

Notably, it remains unclear what mechanism the Universe could use to recalibrate the timeline. Wouldn't the change of events itself be a kind of time travel? Then who or what changes the chronology?

She saw her late husband in the restaurant. "He ate what he always did"

 Brit Lucy Watson claims she spotted her husband in a local restaurant video. It wouldn't be surprising if it wasn't for the fact that the man died nine years ago. The restaurant staff says the video was recorded last week.

Photo Facebook/Jeriko NauticalFacebook/Jeriko Nautical

A widow froze when, quite by chance, she saw a Facebook video of her husband sitting at a table in a restaurant in Westbourne village eating his favorite dish.

"I thought, oh my God, it's Harry," Lucy Watson told the Daily Mail when she saw the well-known figure. "I have no doubts." I even noticed that she was eating the same dish as always. My son is sitting next to me.

The British woman was convinced that the recording dates back 10 years because her husband died in 2014. So she asked the restaurant staff when the frames were recorded. The employees of the premises very quickly gave a surprising answer: this is a recording from last week.

Lucy did not want to believe it, until it turned out that the tables and their arrangement had recently been changed in the restaurant.

— Before January 2023 there were white and red tablecloths, now they are not. This is the best proof that the film is up to date

Lucy Watson is convinced that the film shows the ghost of her husband returning to the restaurant to sit at his favorite table.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Pale skin and cold hands are signs of iron deficiency in the blood

 Iron deficiency anemia can occur due to a lack of iron in the diet, poor absorption of iron from the gut, or iron deficiency due to blood loss.

Due to the increased demand for iron, there is a risk of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in growing children and adolescents.

1. Constant fatigue

If you sleep enough but feel very tired all the time, you may have tissue oxygen deficiency, which is one of the consequences of iron deficiency.

2. You have pale skin

This iron gives hemoglobin its red color, which in turn gives color to the skin. Therefore, with iron deficiency anemia, the intensity of the red color is reduced.

3. Constantly cold hands and feet

If your body doesn't have enough iron, the number and size of red blood cells in your blood decreases. In this case, blood flow is directed primarily to vital organs such as the heart, kidneys, and liver.

4. Very high heart rate

The pulse speeds up when the body senses that there is little oxygen in the blood. This is because the heart is doing extra work to pump more oxygen-rich blood faster.

The daily recommendation for iron is 10-15 mg. 10 mg of iron is found in one of the following foods, for example:

  •       50 grams of the stewed liver;
  •       55 grams of wheat bran;
  •       90 grams of lentils;
  •       125 grams of black pudding;
  •       400 grams of stewed beef.

What foods affect blood cholesterol levels?

 High cholesterol levels increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. The body needs a certain, moderate amount of cholesterol to function properly because our body uses cholesterol to build cells and produce vitamins and hormones.

Cholesterol is a waxy substance produced by the liver. The body needs a certain amount of cholesterol to function properly, using it to build cells and produce vitamins and hormones.

Cholesterol also comes from animal products, including meat, poultry, and dairy products. This type of cholesterol is dietary. Saturated and trans fats can raise blood cholesterol levels because they increase the amount of cholesterol produced by the liver.

"Bad" cholesterol, "good" cholesterol.

There are two main types of lipoproteins, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), also known as "bad" cholesterol, and high-density lipoprotein (HDL), also known as "good" cholesterol.

Excess LDL cholesterol can build up on artery walls, narrowing them and increasing your risk of heart attack and stroke. And does the body need cholesterol from food?

Yes, you need to monitor the amount of cholesterol you get from food. For health, its moderate level is still better than excess. However, in general, dietary cholesterol does not pose a health risk. The optimal safe amount depends on a person's activity level, genetics, underlying health issues, and age.

Animal products contain dietary cholesterol, including egg yolk, shrimp, beef, pork, poultry, cheese, and butter.

A 2018 study looked at the effect of eggs, one of the largest sources of dietary cholesterol, on total blood cholesterol levels. According to the results, people may react differently to dietary cholesterol depending on their genetics and metabolic factors.

For most people, dietary cholesterol intake raises total blood cholesterol levels to little or no extent.

Overall, research shows that the dietary cholesterol found in eggs does not adversely affect total blood cholesterol levels. In people who eat eggs to lose weight or maintain weight, eating these foods may cause minimal changes in LDL and HDL cholesterol levels.

Researchers concluded that those who do not eat meat products may consume more eggs and dairy products. For example, if older adults do not have high cholesterol, eating two eggs a day may be part of their daily diet.

Many dietary sources of cholesterol other than eggs and shrimp are also high in saturated fat. Saturated fats, in turn, increase LDL cholesterol levels and the risk of cardiovascular disease.

A 2020 American Heart Association (AHA) study looked at the link between dietary cholesterol and the risk of cardiovascular disease. The obtained data did not give unequivocal results. In addition, most other studies show no significant association between dietary cholesterol, including egg consumption, and coronary heart disease, heart attack, or stroke.

On the other hand, some studies have shown that eating half an egg a day can increase the risk of heart disease by six percent.

According to the Tervise Arengu Instituut, we get the most saturated fatty acids from meat products with visible or hidden fat (e.g. as well as from bakery products).

Some of the healthiest foods include, but are not limited to: vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-fat or fat-free dairy products, "lean" or plant-based protein, nuts and seeds, and liquid vegetable oils.

Did the aliens from Andromeda tell about the origin of humanity?

 There are many theories about extraterrestrial life forms operating in the universe. Many people claim to have been abducted and even government officials have reported sightings of so-called "space brothers". One such person is Alex Collier.

Collier claims that he regularly came into contact with aliens from the Andromeda galaxy. In his interviews, he often rambles about the influence of various alien races on humanity. This information is supposed to come from his alleged contacts with the Andromedans.

The man claims that he began experiencing contact with extraterrestrials in his childhood and that they continued into his teenage years. They temporarily ceased while he was serving in the U.S. Army, but contact resumed in 1985. According to Collier, the two Andromedans became his mentors and for three months they gave him information about cosmic spirituality, life in the universe, and the true history of Earth.

Collier describes the Andromedans as "one of the thousands of existing extraterrestrial races". He claims that they resemble humans, although some have bluish skin and are over 2 meters tall. According to his thesis, Andromeda is one of the oldest civilizations in the Andromeda constellation, technologically ahead of us by about 5,000 years.

The ufologist maintains that according to the words of the Andromedans, their goal is to help humanity ascend from the third to the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension is characterized by collective consciousness, telepathy, and clairvoyance. Humanity requires this help because Earth is under the control of "regressive" extraterrestrials who are manipulating our DNA.

It should not be overlooked here that the theses proclaimed by Collier are surprisingly in line with the messages coming from the Pleiadian and Cassiopean channelings. Is there a world behind the veil of our reality that we have no idea about? Or maybe we are dealing here with a very coherent message, developed for the purpose of selling books about alleged "cosmic brothers".

What is known about secret anti-gravity technology

 Antigravity technology does not officially exist, but unofficially suitable prototypes have long been developed. However, all data on this subject is strictly confidential and only a few could see it. There is currently no scientific evidence of effective anti-gravity technology. Many concepts and theories regarding antigravity have been presented in the scientific literature, but none of them has been experimentally confirmed. Physical theories such as Einstein's theory of relativity and quantum theory do not predict the existence of antigravity. However, many companies and individual researchers claim to be working on developing anti-gravity technologies.

One of the pioneering antigravity researchers is Otis Carr (1904–1982). He was an American inventor and designer who claimed to have developed effective anti-gravity technology. Carr claimed that his designs, called "Otocraft", were capable of flying through the air using antigravity. However, there is no evidence that his designs were effective or even capable of flight. Carr was the subject of much controversy and criticism from scientists and flight specialists who claimed that his claims and constructions were false.

It turns out that anti-gravity technology is far from a conspiracy. On the contrary, there is strong evidence for it. But when we talk about this topic, it's essential to understand the secret service world. In a recent study by Michigan State University, a team found that the Department of Defense and the Department of Housing and Urban Development were nearly $21 billion short. This money is believed to be used for unregistered programs over which Congress has no control.

Anti-gravity technology definitely falls into the category of inventions that could threaten the control of the elite. Many experts and high-ranking people, military organizations and participants in secret programs spoke about the topics they witnessed. Some of them are various directors of Lockheed Martin's aerospace and defense technology company. One of them is Steve Justice.

He spoke openly about the technologies he had seen and worked with. According to him, they are several generations ahead of those we know today. There is also intensive work on UFO-like aircraft. They mimic the possibilities seen in unidentified flying phenomena with a propulsion system that alters space-time.

It should also be mentioned that the owners of antigravity technology were also supposed to be the Nazis. They allegedly created a series of vehicles called Haunebu, which conspiracy theories claimed were built by the Germans during World War II. According to these theories, these vehicles were capable of spaceflight and used mysterious anti-gravity technology. However, there is no convincing historical evidence that these vehicles were actually built or used by the Nazis.

There is a theory that these Nazi anti-gravity saucers were de facto modern versions of Hindu Vimans. In this context, the Ahnenerbe organization, which was founded in Germany in 1935, should be mentioned. Its name comes from the words "Ahnenerbe" meaning "heritage of the ancestors". This organization was affiliated with the SS and aimed to study and promote German culture, racial science and archaeology. The Ahnenerbe conducted many studies and expeditions in various parts of Europe, Asia and Africa, which aimed to prove the thesis of the superiority of the Aryan race. These experts were supposed to find an ancient vimana somewhere in Tibet and it was transported to Germany to copy the technology as wunderwaffe.

Vimanas are hypothetical flying machines that, according to Hindu mythology and tradition, were used by gods and kings to fly through the air. The word "vimana" comes from the Sanskrit language and means "floating in the air". According to ancient texts, vimanas were spaceships that could travel through the air, in space, and between planets. Some say that the vimanas were actual machines that actually existed in the past, others consider them to be mythological elements with no reference to reality.

Slipped out of the house at dawn and disappeared

 Tomasz Desecki - slipped out of the house at dawn and disappeared

The Desecki family spent the winter evening of January 14, 2002, playing cards together. The parents and their five sons gathered around the table: Przemek, Patryk, Tomek, Adam and Jarek. The youngest was four at the time and the oldest was twenty. Most of the family finished the game around 10pm. The younger boys, however, went to bed earlier.

The mother woke up in the night and decided to look into her son's room. At first, she thought they were all asleep. But then she noticed that Tom was lying on the bed with his eyes open. He then looked at his mother strangely. The woman soon left the room and went back to sleep. She did not ask her son why he was awake. She would probably behave differently today because it was the last time she saw Tomek.

The next day, around 6:00 in the morning, the family members woke up to a terrible cold. It turned out that the cause was the open front door. The parents thought it was a strange sign, but they hastily closed the door and went about their morning chores. The house was a little chaotic as usual because everyone in the household wanted to get ready for work or school as soon as possible. Only after some time did family members notice that Tom was missing.

The teenager attended a private school in Włocławek, where he studied painting. Covering expenses for education was possible thanks to a scholarship from the Minister of Culture and National Heritage. The boy covered a distance of about 30 kilometers by bus every day. He left the house around 7:00.

Initially, the closest people thought that Tomek had just left earlier that day. The open door could be explained, for example, by the fact that the boy did not close it properly. Strong gusts of wind may have caused it to open to its full width.

However, family members began to worry when they discovered that Tomek had not brought his backpack with him. What was even weirder was that the teenager's warm clothes were also left in the house, in particular the jacket he wore at the time. After checking the contents of the wardrobe, it turned out that the 18-year-old had probably taken thin, summer trousers belonging to his father. There was also a lack of old sneakers, which were certainly not the best footwear for January weather.

Another curious discovery was made in Thomas's room. Salt had been spilled in the corners, and a white candle was still burning on the table. It looked like the remnants of some strange ritual. Remnants of hair dye were found in the bathroom. Everything indicated that the teenager had dyed his hair blonde.

Close to the house, relatives discovered a paint-stained plate, a cloth, a comb, and the teenager's clothes he had been wearing the previous day. The concerned family reported Tomek missing to the police.

After the disappearance of the high school student, relatives remembered several situations that they now saw in a new light. A few days before his disappearance, Tomek talked to his mother about his future. He confessed that he would like to become a monk or a missionary. The surprised woman asked if he would like to be a priest. The teenager denied it, saying he would rather live in poverty and help those in need.

In the months leading up to his disappearance, Tomek also began to behave differently. Although he has always been quite introverted and taciturn, he began to avoid people even more, even those close to him.

He unexpectedly broke up with the girl, without giving a specific reason for the breakup. He also did not respond to attempts to contact his cousin, with whom he had been friends from an early age. He spent much of his time in prayer and meditation. Tomek was often described as a very spiritual person.

Another interesting thread was Tomek's unexpected trip to Unieście. This seaside town (now part of Mielno) was about 300 km away from the home town of Rabinów. The teenager went there one September day instead of going to school. Then he visited his uncle, who lived in nearby Koszalin.

The parents became concerned when their son did not come home from school that afternoon. In the evening, the long-awaited telephone rang at the Deseckis' house. The aforementioned relative from Koszalin then informed his family about Tomek's visit. Surprised parents decided to go for their son. They wanted to make sure that the teenager would return home without any adventures. They also wanted to know why the boy decided to go on this spontaneous trip.

However, Tomek did not want to reveal his secret. The parents pushed harder. So the teenager told a story about a kidnapping. He was allegedly forced into a car near the Włocławek railway station. He then lost consciousness and then woke up by the sea. However, the parents did not believe this story.

According to another scenario, the boy went on a journey to meet a person he might have met during a school trip to Unieście, which took place a few months earlier. It is also worth adding that there was a Franciscan monastery in nearby Koszalin. Maybe that's where Tom went? After all, from a conversation with his mother, it appeared that he planned to become a monk.

The 18-year-old was seen on the day of his disappearance by a neighbor after 5:00 in the morning at the bus station in nearby Żydów. The alleged witness initially did not realize that Tomek was waiting with him for the bus. However, the neighbor recognized the teenager when he got into the vehicle and bought a ticket to Włocławek. However, it is not known whether Desecki reached there, because the man took a nap on the bus. When he woke up, the teenager was gone.

Someone similar to Tomek was also seen by his school friend. It took place on January 15, around 7:00 am at the railway station in Włocławek. However, the teenager wasn't sure if she had noticed Desecki. Apart from these two leads, there was no information on the case.

So the family got involved in the search, but unfortunately, their efforts did not bring any results. Relatives tried to contact many religious orders, but most refused to give them any information. Years later, however, it turned out that the parents' hunches could be right.

In March 2020, the missing man's family was cleaning up. Tomek's father accidentally came across a copy of the baptismal certificate while looking through the documents. It turned out that the church document was issued at the request of the missing person. The baptismal certificate was dated September 15, 2001.

The relatives connected the facts and realized that Tomek had to ask for a birth certificate right after the trip to Unieście. It's unlikely to be a coincidence. The Desecki family turned again to virtually all religious orders in Poland. And this time their efforts were fruitless. The monks were hiding behind the protection of personal data. Others did not answer the phone at all and did not reply to the e-mails of desperate loved ones.

The police prepared a probable image of Tomek years later. Unfortunately, all these efforts failed to find the missing person. Despite more than 20 years since that memorable January morning, the family does not lose hope that one day they will be able to learn the fate of their beloved son and brother.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

A new technique for deciphering people's thoughts can now be used remotely

 Scientists can now "decipher" people's thoughts without touching their heads. Earlier methods of mind reading involved implanting electrodes deep into the human brain. The new method, described in a report published on September 29 in the bioRxiv preprint database, is based on a non-invasive brain scanning technique called functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

fMRI tracks the flow of oxygenated blood through the brain, and because active brain cells require more energy and oxygen, this information provides an indicator of brain activity. By its nature, this scanning method cannot capture real-time brain activity because the electrical signals emitted by brain cells travel much faster than blood flows through the brain.

It is worth noting, however, that the authors of the study found that they could still use this imperfect substitution to decipher the semantic meaning of human thoughts, although they could not make a literal translation.

In a new study that has not yet been peer-reviewed, the team scanned the brains of one woman and two men in their 20s and 30s. Each participant listened to a total of 16 hours of various podcasts and radio shows over several sessions at the scanner. The team then fed these scans into a computer algorithm they called a "decoder," which compared patterns in the audio recordings with patterns in recorded brain activity.

An algorithm could take an fMRI recording and generate a story based on its content, and that story matched the original podcast or radio show "quite well." In other words, the decoder could determine which story each participant heard based on their brain activity.

At the same time, the algorithm made some mistakes, such as switching character pronouns and using the first and third persons. He understands quite well what's going on, but he doesn't know exactly who's doing it. In additional tests, the algorithm was able to explain quite accurately the plot of a silent movie that participants watched in a scanner. He was even able to tell the story the participants imagined in their heads.

In the future, the research team intends to develop this technology so that it can be used in brain-computer interfaces designed for people who cannot speak or write.

The study was reported in The Scientist.

Scientists have discovered a whole new way to measure time

 Marking the passage of time in a world of ticking clocks and swinging pendulums is a simple case of counting down the seconds between then and now. However, on the quantum scale of buzzing electrons, "later" isn't always predictable. Worse, "now" is often blurred in a haze of uncertainty. In some situations, a stopwatch is simply not suitable. According to researchers at Uppsala University in Sweden, a potential solution can be found in the form of the quantum fog itself.

Their experiments with the undulating nature of what is called the Rydberg state revealed a new way of measuring the time that does not require a precise reference point. Rydberg atoms are inflated balloons in the realm of particles. Inflated with lasers instead of air, these atoms contain electrons in extremely high energy states circulating away from the nucleus.

Of course, not every pumping of the laser should inflate the atom to cartoonish proportions. In fact, lasers are regularly used to introduce electrons to higher energy states for a variety of purposes. In some applications, a second laser can be used to monitor changes in electron position, including over time. Such "probe pump" methods can be used, for example, to measure the speed of some ultra-fast electronic devices.

Putting atoms into a Rydberg state is a convenient trick for engineers, especially when designing new components for quantum computers. Needless to say, physicists have accumulated a considerable amount of information about how electrons move after entering the Rydberg state.

The mathematical rule book of this wild game is called the Rydberg Wave Packet. Like waves in a pond, having more than one Rydberg wave packet in space causes interference, resulting in unique ripple patterns. Throw enough Rydberg wavepacks into the same atomic pond, and each of these unique patterns will represent the specific time it takes for the wavepacks to evolve in unison with each other.

It was these "fingerprints" of time that the physicists behind the latest series of experiments set out to see if they were sufficiently consistent and reliable to serve as a form of quantum time record. Their study involved measuring the results of laser excitation of helium atoms and comparing the results with theoretical predictions to show how their signatures can represent the length of time.

"If you're using a counter, you need to define zero. At some point you start counting,” physicist Martha Berholts of Uppsala University in Sweden, who led the team, told New Scientist. "The advantage of this method is that you don't have to wind up the clock - you just look at the interference pattern and say 'OK, it's been 4 nanoseconds.'"

The Rydberg Wavepackage Elaboration Handbook can be used in conjunction with other forms of pump probe spectroscopy that measure small-scale events where this is less distinct from time to time or simply too inconvenient to measure. It is important to note that none of the printouts require "then" and "now" as start and end points. It would be like measuring the run of an unknown sprinter with several runners running at a certain speed.

By searching for a signature of perturbing Rydberg states in a sample of atoms with a pump probe, the researchers were able to observe a timestamp of events occurring in as little as 1.7 trillionths of a second. Future quantum clock experiments could replace helium with other atoms and even use laser pulses of different energies to extend the timestamp guide for a wider range of conditions.

This study was published in the journal Physical Review Research.

Scientists from China have created a system of "human breeding"

 Chinese scientists have developed an AI-based technology designed to care for human embryos developing in artificial wombs. The creators of this system believe that thanks to artificial "breeding of people" women will no longer have to give birth to children.

The team from the Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology in Suzhou ensures that the system is efficient and will increase the safety of embryo development. The technology has so far been tested only on animal embryos, but scientists are preparing the first experiments involving human embryos.

The system based on artificial intelligence would regulate access to nutrients, carbon dioxide and other substances, as well as ensure constant supervision of development. According to Chinese scientists, their technology would also allow us to better understand the physiology of human embryonic development, and in the future even treat birth defects and other diseases related to reproduction.

Foreign media note that the system of artificial "breeding people" is the answer to the demographic crisis. After many years, China eliminated the one-child policy from life, and now the authorities even encourage citizens to have children. Despite this, fewer people are born in China and the population is aging at a rapid pace.

China confirms the presence of water on the moon

 Chang'e-5 is the fifth lunar exploration mission of China's Lunar Exploration Program, launched on November 23, 2020. The rover landed on the Moon on December 1, 2020 on northern Oceanus Procellarum near the huge Mons Rümker volcanic complex. Now it turned out that the Chinese device has collected evidence of the presence of water on the moon, which significantly brings the possibility of building a permanent base on the surface of the silver globe.

Oceanus Procellarum, which means "Ocean of Storms" in Latin, is a vast lunar basaltic plain that was created by volcanic activity caused by the collision of ancient asteroids on the far side of the Moon. At the Oceanus Procellarum landing site, Chang'e 5 took more than 60 lunar samples from a core about a meter deep. The Chang'e-5 lander left the Moon on December 3, and the orbiter returned the samples to Earth on December 16, 2020. Scientists have been studying them ever since.

In 2020, China's Chang'e-5 lunar probe confirmed for the first time the presence of a water signal in basalt rocks and soil using on-board real-time spectral analysis. The results of the research were confirmed by laboratory analysis of samples returned by the device in 2021. Now Chang'e-5's team has determined where the water comes from. The scientists published their findings in the journal Nature Communications.

Chang'e-5 did not observe lunar rivers or springs, rather it determined an average of 30 hydroxyls per million in rocks and soil on the lunar surface. These molecules, composed of one oxygen atom and one hydrogen atom, are the main constituent of water, and also the most common reaction result chemical interaction of water molecules with other substances. The samples were taken during the hottest part of the lunar day, near 93°C, when the surface would be the driest. This time also coincides with the weak solar winds, which can favor hydration if their power is high enough.

Chinese scientists plan to further explore the moon with the successors Chang'e-5, Chang'e-6 and Chang'e-7.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Heracleum sosnowskyi will help in the fight against radioactive waste

 Russian scientists have discovered that the plant biomass of Heracleum sosnowskyi can be successfully used to create sorbents that purify water from radionuclides. The research results, supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RSF), have been published in the journal Carbon Resources Conversion.

The nuclear industry is one of the most reliable and efficient ways to generate energy. However, radionuclides, i.e. radioactive elements formed in the process of nuclear reactions, leak into the environment and lead to its pollution. This can occur as a result of human activity (fertilization of agricultural land, heavy industry, development of natural resources, storage of radioactive waste, radiation emissions from nuclear power plants) or natural causes, i.e. radioactive radiation from elements of the earth's crust, gamma radiation from space.

Thus, uranium, one of the most common long-lived radionuclides, gets into the soil, accumulates in it, contaminates ground and surface waters and, dissolving in them, spreads through lakes, rivers and seas. In addition, radionuclides can enter living organisms, including humans, which can cause damage to vital organs and cancer. Therefore, experts are looking for an effective method of purifying water from radionuclides.

Scientists from the Federal Research Center "Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences" (Syktyvkar), the Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber named after Academician S. Lebedev (St. Petersburg) and the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after A. M. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk) created nanocarbon adsorbents capable of absorbing radioactive elements from liquid media and retaining them.

As raw materials, the researchers used Heracleum sosnowskyi biomass, natural lignin, a polymer compound contained in the cells of land plants, and technical lignin, which is a by-product of deep chemical wood processing.

Initially, borscht was brought to Central Europe for livestock feed, but the plant filled all the free spaces along roads and forests, destroying the local flora. Moreover, it turned out to be dangerous for humans. Hogweed stems and pollen contain poisonous compounds, i.e. furanocoumarins, which cause burns, blindness and damage to the respiratory system. The use of this plant as a raw material for nanomaterials will help to partially reduce its distribution.

The authors obtained a porous sorption material from a mixture of starting powders of plant biopolymers with the addition of an oxidizing agent, using the latest technology of self-expanding high-temperature synthesis, i.e. they synthesized a filter material, which was given a porous structure by treatment with nitrogen compounds and cooling.

Experiments have shown that the new nanocarbon adsorbent retains uranium well. Thus, about 70% of these radionuclides are not washed out either by water or other solvents. The researchers also discovered that such a material is able to adsorb mycotoxin T-2, a waste product of mold fungi that can accumulate in cereals, fruits, vegetables, nuts and cause serious diseases.

"The results of our research confirm that nanocarbon materials obtained from hogweed stems can be used as preparations adsorbing harmful elements, which will help maintain human health in conditions of chronic exposure to radiation, e.g. at orbital stations and radioactively contaminated areas. We plan to continue the study of lignins obtained from plant biomass in order to create drugs that improve the quality of human life,” says the project leader, supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation, Lyudmila Kocheva, doctor of chemistry, leading scientist at the Federal Research Center “Science Center of the Komi Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences”.

Minimum wage in practice - the first fully automated McDonald's opened

 McDonald's has opened its first automated restaurant where machines do everything from taking orders to delivering food.

Currently, residents of the city of Fort Worth, Texas, where the automated restaurant opened, will be able to order food in the app and then pick up their order from the conveyor belt in a special window of the restaurant.

The innovations of "McDonald's" immediately caused a strong reaction in social networks. People were obviously divided into two opposing camps. Some believe that automation will lead to faster and more accurate order fulfillment, while others argue that robots will take away the jobs of millions of people. Of course, both sides are right.

Snow has fallen in the desert of Egypt

 Snow fell overnight in parts of Sharqia province in northeastern Egypt. The anomaly is reported by the local Egyptian media.

Roads and rooftops in settlements in Sharqia were reported to have been covered with a thin layer of wet snow for some time. Newspapers publish photos of the city's inhabitants. Almost all the streets and squares were covered with snow for a while, and the highways were covered with ice.

Cairo authorities imposed a state of emergency on the roads and public services of the city after recent heavy rains. By order of Governor Khaled Abdel Al Al, all employees of the housing and communal services system are at their places of work around the clock, constant coordination with the meteorological department has been established, and emergency teams are on duty. Many streets in Cairo are blocked due to the accumulation of water, tunnels are temporarily closed, and traffic on the Nile bridges is limited.

These actions were taken after a sharp drop in air temperature in the central and northern parts of Egypt and after the arrival of a powerful storm front from the Mediterranean coast. The temperature at night drops by at least 10 degrees, which is especially worrying in the absence of central heating in the vast majority of residential buildings both in Cairo and in cities in the Egyptian provinces. According to weather forecasts, the cool and rainy weather in the country will continue for a few more days.

The creepy ghost was filmed in a haunted park in the UK

 A couple of passers-by claim to have captured footage of a "demon" crawling along the path. Admittedly, the footage shows a strange white mist that quickly materializes into a figure-like form.

Hannah and Dave Rowett were walking their Labradors through a supposedly haunted forest in Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire, at around 6.30am this morning. At one point, she felt someone's presence. The 52-year-old quickly took out her phone and captured a white silhouette crossing the path in front of her.

While she initially suspected the anomaly was a dog spirit, Hannah now believes it was humanoid and even demonic in nature. It's hard not to deny that the whole observation looks interesting.

The smoke actually moved like a humanoid figure, although this could also be the result of computer animation superimposed on the camera image. In the 21st century, it's hard to tell if what we're seeing is modified in any way.

11 students fainted at school after playing with a Ouija board

 Last November, a group of children in Colombia passed out at school after using a Ouija board. Teachers said at least 11 children between the ages of 13 and 17 were found unconscious in the hallway and five students were sent to the hospital.

According to Colombian media, the teenagers suffered from severe vomiting, abdominal pain and muscle cramps when they were rushed to Manuel Beltran Hospital. The school administration has provided the authorities with details of the incident pending a decision on the matter.

The children lost consciousness; when they were found they had shortness of breath and thick saliva flowed from their mouths. It's possible the Ouija board was to blame, and that's part of the investigation." Others suggest that all the suddenly sick people drank water from some container, or that they came from a swimming pool and were given something to eat.

Authorities stress that no psychological changes have been found in the children, given that it was said to be due to playing the Ouija board. The medical report says it was due to food poisoning.

Wendigo, a monstrous cannibal from Indian legends

 The Wendigo is a fearsome creature from Algonquian Native American legends that describe it as a monster that devours human flesh to survive the winter. Is this creature just part of Native American mythology?

The Algonquians are one of the largest and most numerous groups of Native Americans. They once inhabited the entire Atlantic coast and the Great Lakes region. Wendigo-like creatures are also found in the legends of other Native American tribes, including their Iroquois neighbors. Roughly translated, the word Wendigo (also spelled Windigo and Windego) means "an evil spirit that devours humanity". Another translation, by a German explorer around 1860, identifies the word Wendigo with "cannibal". The Wendigo's main trait is its insatiable hunger for human flesh.

According to the most popular version of the legend, the Wendigo arises when a person resorts to cannibalism. Even if it's for survival! It is believed that when a person eats another human's flesh, he is defeated by evil spirits and turned into a Wendigo. In another version of the story, the first Wendigo is said to have been a warrior who made a pact with the devil.

Some believe that a human person still lives inside the Wendigo. However, this person is overpowered and is the beast's weak point. The only way to kill a Wendigo is to kill the human inside it. With a few exceptions, in most cases death is the only way to rid a person of the Wendigo. The Wendigo are believed to roam the forests where the Algonquians lived. It was said that forest dwellers who disappeared over the years were eaten by these monsters. Over time, many Wendigo sightings have been recorded, not only by Native Americans, but also by white settlers.

It is impossible to assess to what extent it was caused by the real activity of this mythical creature, and to what extent by fear of a purely demonic entity that lurked for human flesh. Back in the early 20th century, 87-year-old Cree resident Jack Fiddler was tried for the murder of a Cree woman. Admitting to the crime, he defended himself by saying that the woman was close to turning into a Wendigo.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Christopher Case - victim of fear or insidious disease?

 Late in the evening of April 17, 1991, Sammye Souder listened to a disturbing recording that her friend Chris had left on his answering machine. The man, in a resigned voice, said: This is probably the end. They almost got me last night. They will do anything to kill me. Whatever I did, it didn't work. I don't know what's next, but the coming night will be the worst. Sammye, this is serious, really very serious. This is about my life. The terrified woman called the police to intervene.

Christopher Case was born in 1956 in the United States. He spent his childhood and youth in Richmond, Virginia. He loved music since he was little. For some time he worked as a DJ at a local radio station. To further his career, he moved to Seattle and worked for Muzak Holdings. Thanks to determination and effort, he soon took the position of program director.

The corporation (existing since 1987) is known to this day for the production and distribution of soft, melodious music for shops, hotels, and shopping centers. It is designed to persuade customers to stay longer in a given facility. According to the data provided on the corporation's website, songs composed by it reach 80 million American pairs of ears a day.

Christopher dealt with negotiating contracts worth thousands of dollars with recipients of Muzak products on a daily basis. He was constantly traveling around the country, which meant meeting many new people. The man loved his job and achieved very good results in it, but on a daily basis, he was tired of the constant hustle and bustle.

He was an introvert at heart. In his free time, he jogged, exercised at the gym, read books, and composed music. Most of these things he did alone, immersed in the intimate world of his imagination. He didn't have a girlfriend or even a pet. He attached great importance to a healthy lifestyle. He took care of his body not only from the outside but also from the inside, taking various types of supplements for athletes every day.

On April 11, 1991, Chris flew to San Francisco with several associates to negotiate a new, lucrative contract. There, he met with business partners, among whom was a woman 20 years older. She watched him carefully the whole time. During the lunch break, she approached Case and started talking to him. It soon turned out that they both had a lot in common. The most important of these were ancient music.

Such an original hobby does not happen often, which is why Chris willingly agreed to spend the upcoming evening with the woman in one of the exclusive restaurants. The man was firmly convinced that he would talk about music and business with his companion. However, he was quickly disappointed - the woman almost from the threshold gave him to understand that she was planning an intimate relationship. Chris weaved, trying to ignore the unwanted advances. He was getting more and more uncomfortable by the minute. He dreamed of returning to the hotel as soon as possible.

Finally, the woman revealed all her cards to her companion and invited him to her house. Christopher politely but firmly refused. He argued that he couldn't stay any longer because he needed to sleep before returning to Seattle. The rejection must have hurt the interviewer deeply. In a raised voice, she began to insult her companion. Case tried to smooth things over but in vain. Finally, strange words in a foreign language reached his ears. I'm a witch and I just cursed you! the woman hissed. "You'll be dead in a week!"

Christopher was a rationalist and down to earth. The announcement of the curse did not impress him much, although he told his longtime friend - Sammye Souder about it. They both decided that the alleged "witch" must have suffered from mental disorders since she could not bear a tactful refusal with dignity. The next day, the man returned to Seattle and his daily duties as planned.

On April 14, Case called Souder again, this time in a much worse mood. The obviously nervous man told his friend in broken sentences that the night before he had not closed his eyes for a moment because of strange whispers, the source of which he was unable to locate. In the evening, as was his habit, he went for a run, then took a shower and went to bed. It was then that he heard muffled voices coming from behind the wall.

At first, he thought the neighbors next door were being too loud, so he decided to ignore the whole thing. But the whispers didn't stop. Irritated, he got up and went outside. however, he found no one there. When he got back inside, the strange sounds attacked him again. They were just as intense in the bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and other rooms. Confused, Chris couldn't tell which direction they were coming from.

Angry and confused, the man went back to bed and turned on the TV. As he lay there trying to calm down, he saw the shadow of a human form out of the corner of his eye. Convinced that someone had broken into the apartment, he jumped out of bed and shouted: Who's there? I'm calling the police! At that moment, the silhouette disappeared.

The thirty-five-year-old tried not to lose his cool. He thought he might have been poisoned, so he checked the gas stove for leaks. Just in case, he opened all the windows to ventilate the room properly. When he didn't find any leaks, he said that perhaps the food he had eaten that day had harmed him. In the morning he called Sammye. The woman - down to earth herself - suggested that her friend had suffered a panic attack.

The interlocutor agreed with her. He announced that he would rest and recuperate. The woman was convinced that soon everything would be back to normal. she was wrong. On April 16, the young musician called her again, this time really panicked. He said that last night when he came home from the gym and went to bed, something grabbed him by the throat, lifted him into the air, and then slammed him onto the bed.

For those few terrifying moments, Case struggled desperately to breathe. When he regained his composure, he saw blood stains on the sheets. His fingertips were cut. Terrified, he ran to the bathroom, where he locked himself up until the morning. This time he was firmly convinced that the strange phenomenon he had experienced had something to do with the curse. He was convinced that his days were numbered. He had similar conversations with several other friends. He told each of them that he had to fight for his life.

Early in the morning, Christopher went to the local bookstore and devotional store - Evangel Inc. His strange behavior caught the attention of the store manager. The man bought several dozen church crosses and candles. He also inquired about books on demon possession. The salesman recommended several items to him. He also suggested seeing the pastor, but Case declined. He paid for his purchases and left. On the same day, he returned to the facility several more times, confessing that he was being pursued by paranormal forces that wanted to harm him.

By evening, the young musician had turned his home into a bizarre temple. Along the walls of the building, as well as in the corners, he sprinkled kosher salt to protect against evil spells. He placed a cross and some candles in each room. He covered the floor in the apartment with sheets of paper on which he wrote various ideas for fighting evil spirits.

During those few days in April, the ambitious program director changed beyond recognition. All that remained of the fit, well-fed, smiling man was a shadow: tired, sweaty, with sickly red eyes and a face drawn in a grimace of horror. The man did not sleep, did not eat and did not show up for work. Neighbors have seen him like this several times. They also noticed strange noises coming from his house but did nothing to help.

On the evening of April 16, the terrified, sweaty and confused musician appeared at the reception of a nearby hotel. An employee of the facility noticed its strange appearance but handed him the key without any problems. The strange visitor paid for the service in advance and then went to bed. Early in the morning, he disappeared as if he had never been there. He did not know that during the night his house was visited by a police patrol, summoned to the spot by a concerned Sammye, who could not reach her friend. However, the officers did nothing.

Souder felt overwhelming helplessness because she lived on the other side of the country. Throughout the day on April 17, she tried to reach Christopher by phone, but the man did not pick up the phone. He was busy. First, he had a conversation with a Catholic priest, then he visited Evangel Inc again. This time the salesman noticed that his client looked completely exhausted - he was sweating and panting, and his cheeks were red.

Late in the evening, when Sammye came home from work, she heard a particularly disturbing message from a friend. His voice this time was calm and resigned: This is probably the end. They almost got me last night. They will do anything to kill me. Whatever I did, it didn't work. I don't know what's next, but the coming night will be the worst. This is a serious matter, really very serious. This is about my life. The terrified woman again asked the police to intervene.

On the morning of April 18, 1998, two officers arrived on the scene. They knocked on the door, but no one opened it. So one of the policemen looked through the window. A disturbing sight met his eyes. The officers decided to enter by force. The apartment looked like a cheap horror movie set: dozens of candles were burning everywhere. The sounds of a classic Latin mass came from the stereo speakers. The whole picture was completed with crucifixes, salt, and notes with notes about demons.

The officers weren't sure what they were dealing with. The answer to the mystery was waiting in the bathroom, and it was Chris' body. The clothed man was kneeling in the tub with his head resting against the wall. He wasn't moving or breathing. At first glance, he looked like he was praying. But his skin was cold and his limbs stiff. He had been dead for at least a few hours.

No signs of a break-in or the presence of a third party were found in the young musician's home. So did the curse kill him? None of these things. An autopsy showed that Case's cause of death was myocarditis - an insidious disease that often affects fit, well-groomed, very active, diet-conscious people in their prime.

The forensic pathologist determined that the inflammation had started before the victim's visit to San Francisco. Its cause was too high a dose of supplements taken and gigantic work-related stress. The straw that broke the goblet was a disturbing encounter with a witch. All the "phenomena" that the thirty-five-year-old experienced in the week before his death - auditory hallucinations, facial flushing, shortness of breath - were classic symptoms of the aforementioned condition. Perhaps if anyone who had contact with the man at the time had sent him to the hospital in time, his life could have been saved. Sammye still can't forgive himself for that. The woman who "cast a spell" on her friend has never been found.


Most intresting places to go on Urbex in West Midlands, UK

 Wolverhampton, located in the West Midlands, has a rich industrial history and several locations that could be of interest for urban explor...