Sunday, January 8, 2023

Christopher Case - victim of fear or insidious disease?

 Late in the evening of April 17, 1991, Sammye Souder listened to a disturbing recording that her friend Chris had left on his answering machine. The man, in a resigned voice, said: This is probably the end. They almost got me last night. They will do anything to kill me. Whatever I did, it didn't work. I don't know what's next, but the coming night will be the worst. Sammye, this is serious, really very serious. This is about my life. The terrified woman called the police to intervene.

Christopher Case was born in 1956 in the United States. He spent his childhood and youth in Richmond, Virginia. He loved music since he was little. For some time he worked as a DJ at a local radio station. To further his career, he moved to Seattle and worked for Muzak Holdings. Thanks to determination and effort, he soon took the position of program director.

The corporation (existing since 1987) is known to this day for the production and distribution of soft, melodious music for shops, hotels, and shopping centers. It is designed to persuade customers to stay longer in a given facility. According to the data provided on the corporation's website, songs composed by it reach 80 million American pairs of ears a day.

Christopher dealt with negotiating contracts worth thousands of dollars with recipients of Muzak products on a daily basis. He was constantly traveling around the country, which meant meeting many new people. The man loved his job and achieved very good results in it, but on a daily basis, he was tired of the constant hustle and bustle.

He was an introvert at heart. In his free time, he jogged, exercised at the gym, read books, and composed music. Most of these things he did alone, immersed in the intimate world of his imagination. He didn't have a girlfriend or even a pet. He attached great importance to a healthy lifestyle. He took care of his body not only from the outside but also from the inside, taking various types of supplements for athletes every day.

On April 11, 1991, Chris flew to San Francisco with several associates to negotiate a new, lucrative contract. There, he met with business partners, among whom was a woman 20 years older. She watched him carefully the whole time. During the lunch break, she approached Case and started talking to him. It soon turned out that they both had a lot in common. The most important of these were ancient music.

Such an original hobby does not happen often, which is why Chris willingly agreed to spend the upcoming evening with the woman in one of the exclusive restaurants. The man was firmly convinced that he would talk about music and business with his companion. However, he was quickly disappointed - the woman almost from the threshold gave him to understand that she was planning an intimate relationship. Chris weaved, trying to ignore the unwanted advances. He was getting more and more uncomfortable by the minute. He dreamed of returning to the hotel as soon as possible.

Finally, the woman revealed all her cards to her companion and invited him to her house. Christopher politely but firmly refused. He argued that he couldn't stay any longer because he needed to sleep before returning to Seattle. The rejection must have hurt the interviewer deeply. In a raised voice, she began to insult her companion. Case tried to smooth things over but in vain. Finally, strange words in a foreign language reached his ears. I'm a witch and I just cursed you! the woman hissed. "You'll be dead in a week!"

Christopher was a rationalist and down to earth. The announcement of the curse did not impress him much, although he told his longtime friend - Sammye Souder about it. They both decided that the alleged "witch" must have suffered from mental disorders since she could not bear a tactful refusal with dignity. The next day, the man returned to Seattle and his daily duties as planned.

On April 14, Case called Souder again, this time in a much worse mood. The obviously nervous man told his friend in broken sentences that the night before he had not closed his eyes for a moment because of strange whispers, the source of which he was unable to locate. In the evening, as was his habit, he went for a run, then took a shower and went to bed. It was then that he heard muffled voices coming from behind the wall.

At first, he thought the neighbors next door were being too loud, so he decided to ignore the whole thing. But the whispers didn't stop. Irritated, he got up and went outside. however, he found no one there. When he got back inside, the strange sounds attacked him again. They were just as intense in the bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and other rooms. Confused, Chris couldn't tell which direction they were coming from.

Angry and confused, the man went back to bed and turned on the TV. As he lay there trying to calm down, he saw the shadow of a human form out of the corner of his eye. Convinced that someone had broken into the apartment, he jumped out of bed and shouted: Who's there? I'm calling the police! At that moment, the silhouette disappeared.

The thirty-five-year-old tried not to lose his cool. He thought he might have been poisoned, so he checked the gas stove for leaks. Just in case, he opened all the windows to ventilate the room properly. When he didn't find any leaks, he said that perhaps the food he had eaten that day had harmed him. In the morning he called Sammye. The woman - down to earth herself - suggested that her friend had suffered a panic attack.

The interlocutor agreed with her. He announced that he would rest and recuperate. The woman was convinced that soon everything would be back to normal. she was wrong. On April 16, the young musician called her again, this time really panicked. He said that last night when he came home from the gym and went to bed, something grabbed him by the throat, lifted him into the air, and then slammed him onto the bed.

For those few terrifying moments, Case struggled desperately to breathe. When he regained his composure, he saw blood stains on the sheets. His fingertips were cut. Terrified, he ran to the bathroom, where he locked himself up until the morning. This time he was firmly convinced that the strange phenomenon he had experienced had something to do with the curse. He was convinced that his days were numbered. He had similar conversations with several other friends. He told each of them that he had to fight for his life.

Early in the morning, Christopher went to the local bookstore and devotional store - Evangel Inc. His strange behavior caught the attention of the store manager. The man bought several dozen church crosses and candles. He also inquired about books on demon possession. The salesman recommended several items to him. He also suggested seeing the pastor, but Case declined. He paid for his purchases and left. On the same day, he returned to the facility several more times, confessing that he was being pursued by paranormal forces that wanted to harm him.

By evening, the young musician had turned his home into a bizarre temple. Along the walls of the building, as well as in the corners, he sprinkled kosher salt to protect against evil spells. He placed a cross and some candles in each room. He covered the floor in the apartment with sheets of paper on which he wrote various ideas for fighting evil spirits.

During those few days in April, the ambitious program director changed beyond recognition. All that remained of the fit, well-fed, smiling man was a shadow: tired, sweaty, with sickly red eyes and a face drawn in a grimace of horror. The man did not sleep, did not eat and did not show up for work. Neighbors have seen him like this several times. They also noticed strange noises coming from his house but did nothing to help.

On the evening of April 16, the terrified, sweaty and confused musician appeared at the reception of a nearby hotel. An employee of the facility noticed its strange appearance but handed him the key without any problems. The strange visitor paid for the service in advance and then went to bed. Early in the morning, he disappeared as if he had never been there. He did not know that during the night his house was visited by a police patrol, summoned to the spot by a concerned Sammye, who could not reach her friend. However, the officers did nothing.

Souder felt overwhelming helplessness because she lived on the other side of the country. Throughout the day on April 17, she tried to reach Christopher by phone, but the man did not pick up the phone. He was busy. First, he had a conversation with a Catholic priest, then he visited Evangel Inc again. This time the salesman noticed that his client looked completely exhausted - he was sweating and panting, and his cheeks were red.

Late in the evening, when Sammye came home from work, she heard a particularly disturbing message from a friend. His voice this time was calm and resigned: This is probably the end. They almost got me last night. They will do anything to kill me. Whatever I did, it didn't work. I don't know what's next, but the coming night will be the worst. This is a serious matter, really very serious. This is about my life. The terrified woman again asked the police to intervene.

On the morning of April 18, 1998, two officers arrived on the scene. They knocked on the door, but no one opened it. So one of the policemen looked through the window. A disturbing sight met his eyes. The officers decided to enter by force. The apartment looked like a cheap horror movie set: dozens of candles were burning everywhere. The sounds of a classic Latin mass came from the stereo speakers. The whole picture was completed with crucifixes, salt, and notes with notes about demons.

The officers weren't sure what they were dealing with. The answer to the mystery was waiting in the bathroom, and it was Chris' body. The clothed man was kneeling in the tub with his head resting against the wall. He wasn't moving or breathing. At first glance, he looked like he was praying. But his skin was cold and his limbs stiff. He had been dead for at least a few hours.

No signs of a break-in or the presence of a third party were found in the young musician's home. So did the curse kill him? None of these things. An autopsy showed that Case's cause of death was myocarditis - an insidious disease that often affects fit, well-groomed, very active, diet-conscious people in their prime.

The forensic pathologist determined that the inflammation had started before the victim's visit to San Francisco. Its cause was too high a dose of supplements taken and gigantic work-related stress. The straw that broke the goblet was a disturbing encounter with a witch. All the "phenomena" that the thirty-five-year-old experienced in the week before his death - auditory hallucinations, facial flushing, shortness of breath - were classic symptoms of the aforementioned condition. Perhaps if anyone who had contact with the man at the time had sent him to the hospital in time, his life could have been saved. Sammye still can't forgive himself for that. The woman who "cast a spell" on her friend has never been found.


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