Tuesday, October 18, 2022

A strong gamma-ray burst swept through the Earth

 Gamma-ray bursts are one of the most impressive phenomena in the galaxy since the Big Bang, and the most powerful of them astronomers spotted last weekend. A beam of high-energy radiation that was 18 times stronger than the existing record passed over Earth last Sunday.

The signal, designated GRB 221009A, was recorded on October 9 by the Chinese LHAASO Observatory, although the explosion that caused it occurred 1.9 billion years ago. The gamma-ray burst originated in the direction of the constellation Arrows and was visible for more than ten hours, making it one of the longest of its kind in the history of their observations.

This is not the only weirdness. GRB 221009A was found to emit the highest energy detected. The energy of these bursts is usually measured in gigaelectron volts (GeV), but some have been recorded at energies around 1 teraelectron volts (TeV). The new gamma ray burst hits a record 18 TeV!

The most interesting thing is that this powerful eruption flew incredibly close to Earth and that is why it was so long and clearly visible. Astronomers observing the event said it could take decades before another such bright flare was detected.

While it's still unclear what exactly caused this gamma-ray burst, the prime suspect is a massive star that collapses into a black hole at the end of its life. This process shoots powerful jets of particles into space, as well as X-rays and gamma rays.

It is worth noting that despite its intensity and proximity, a gamma ray burst is harmless to the Earth. It is believed that if one of them explodes in our Milky Way, it could cause mass extinction. Fortunately, gamma-ray bursts are considered relatively rare events, and the likelihood of direct gamma rays hitting the Earth is negligible.

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