Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Home remedies for angina

Angina occurs most often in children who do not yet have a fully developed natural defense mechanism in the body. Fortunately, there are home remedies for strep throat! How do recognize the onset of angina and what natural treatments will be most effective?

Purulent angina and viral angina - how to recognize the onset of angina?

As you probably already know, angina most often causes inflammation of the throat and upper respiratory tract - especially in children between 3 and 14 years of age. Angina usually appears in the transitional period, i.e. in late fall, winter, or early spring. How can the onset of angina manifest? There are several "side effects":

  • malaise and a feeling of breakdown,
  • high temperature (fever can be found above 38 degrees Celsius)
  • the decline in physical activity and loss of shape,
  • pharyngitis and associated pain (especially when swallowing)
  • enlarged lymph nodes (in the neck)
  • purulent raid on the tonsils.

If your child develops these symptoms, it may be worth visiting your GP. Of course, you can also try to relieve symptoms with home remedies. There are really effective methods for a sore throat that will reduce at least a bit of ailment. Home remedies for a sore throat - just like home remedies for coughs or other home remedies for a runny nose - have always been used by us and relieve the symptoms of a cold, for example:

  • scratching,
  • itching in the throat
  • fever,
  • bad mood.

Drinking plenty of fluids

If you want to relieve angina-induced purulent tonsillitis with home remedies, it is worth reaching for proven and natural methods of treatment. After all, home remedies have been helping people for many years, showing great effectiveness. Natural treatment is good support for the antibiotic treatment prescribed by the doctor (after all, the child must get the prescribed syrups or tablets!). Therefore, it is worth learning the information that with angina it is recommended to drink as much fluid as possible. Among them, the following can be distinguished:

  • water
  • bitter tea,
  • freshly squeezed juices (fruits and vegetables).

This is a very good solution, especially if you have already developed a fever, increased sweating or (worse) vomiting.

Adding juices to the drink

If the throat pills do not help, try adding specially prepared juice to the water or tea - such as raspberry or rose juice. You can as well prepare an infusion of raspberries, or rather of their… leaves. All you have to do is brew 20 g of raspberry leaves, covered (for 15 minutes).

Remember that raspberries contain a lot of vitamins and antioxidants, so they will fuel your body to fight strep throat! Are you looking for a different substance that you can add to your drink? So you can easily add honey and butter to your milk. However, if you do not like milk, just add honey to a glass of cooled water or unsweetened tea.

Onion syrup

It may not be the best-smelling one, but drinking onion syrup is extremely effective. Angina in children can be soothed thanks to this well-known vegetable! You can prepare the syrup at home in a very simple way.

  1. Sprinkle sugar over thinly sliced ​​onion slices (packed tightly in a jar).
  2. Pour a spoonful of honey over it (or cover it with sugar) and shake it well.
  3. Set aside the "home remedy" for a few hours until the juices come out of the onion.
  4. Drink a teaspoon of the resulting decoction several times a day (a small teaspoon).

Onions are also brilliant at fighting the first symptoms of… a cold! It provides a whole lot of valuable vitamins, so you can safely use such a decoction also prophylactically.

What to gargle with?

Home remedies for angina also include all kinds of rinses that soothe the sore throat associated with the infection. So you can carry out:

  • rinsing the throat with boiled water with the addition of hydrogen peroxide,
  • gargling with sage, thyme, or chamomile
  • rinsing the throat with boiled water and table salt (beware, it may irritate!).

Wondering what is the best gargle? Of these three methods for purulent tonsillitis caused by angina onset, herbal infusions will be the best. Just pour hot water over the bag with dried herb and set it aside to cool. Gargling with sage will surely soothe a sore throat and reduce swelling. If you do not like herbs, you may be tempted by the "salt rinse". Salt rinse consists in dissolving it in a glass of warm water. Remember that viral angina and a cool salt rinse are… not the best solution!

Garlic or inhalations

This vegetable is a natural antibiotic, so home remedies for angina along with its use are a really great idea! Garlic has antibacterial and antiviral properties, fighting symptoms caused by angina. So you can:

  • rub garlic on bread,
  • make garlic sauce,
  • boil the garlic divided into cloves, add honey and… drink the finished infusion!

Home inhalations with a nebulizer will also be a great method. You can also inhale the steam that will come out of a vessel filled with hot water. Add saline and essential oils to the water - those made of pine, bergamot, or tea tree are especially recommended. Thanks to them you will calm down, relax, and get rid of viruses and bacteria from the body!

Remember that…

In the event of no improvement or deterioration of your health, be sure to see a doctor as soon as possible! The above tips are traditional home treatments, not medical science backed by research. Therefore, using them cannot be an alternative to using standard medical services and medical consultations!

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