Tuesday, September 6, 2022


 According to the regional Sanitary Inspection in Łódź and the newspaper Dziennik Łódzki, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of HIV cases in this region.

➡️ In 2020, there were 9 new cases of HIV, and in 2021, as many as 149 new cases of this HIV.

➡️ Data for 2022 maybe even worse than for 2021. There is already talk of a huge increase in HIV incidence in Poland in the period from January 2022 to June 2022.

SO MUCH OFFICIAL DATA. But what could be behind them? What could be the cause?

⚠️ Could the pandemic of a certain virus with us since 2019 be related to the current rise in HIV cases? Does this worm, possibly an artificial creation from la. bo, cause permanent damage to the immune system and a number of other systems and organs?

Will it make the weakened body much easier to catch HIV, for example, during casual sexual contact?

The risk of catching HIV during unprotected contact with an infected person is not so great. But perhaps now that a whole lot of people are immune-deficient, HIV and other pathogens have an open door to infection?

It causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and produces latent, chronic inflammation in various tissues. Something similar to HIV. Many will not live until retirement or even adulthood.

2️⃣ April 21, 2021: I remember in April and May 2020, scientists wondered what would happen if it turned out that KA-666 would be permanently residual in the body, like for example the HIV virus. To better illustrate this issue, let me give the example of Lyme disease, a bacterial disease originating from ticks. It is a very nasty and cunning ailment. After treating this disease, Lyme disease can wait for many months or even years in an organ, e.g. in the brain, to sleep. And then, when the opportune moment is right, it will strike again with devastating force. I read about a case where a woman who was bitten by a tick had her disease only return after 17 years, making her a disabled person.

It may be the same with the KA-19. It is already known that it does not end with coughing, runny nose, and flu symptoms, but continues as a long-KA syndrome. Its duration has been set at up to 8 months, but this requires further research. After the catarrh symptoms cease, this disease continues to work, wreaking havoc in many tissues. For example, in the brain, heart, kidneys, liver, circulatory system, testes, pancreas, and more. KA-19 is accompanied by pathological hyperactivity of the immune system and is associated with its very strong inflammation and cytokine storm. More specifically, it is not a human being killed, at least not directly, but his own, extremely overactive immune system. This, of course, is just a simplification.

I know of a few cases where a man fell ill with KA-19 and then after 2, 3, or 4 months he had respiratory symptoms again. That is fever, cough, shortness of breath, runny nose, and more. It can be argued whether it was a renewed irritation, or rather, as in the case of Lyme disease, a recurrence of ailments because pathogens are in the body all the time and attacked again.

If the virus residual theory proves correct and cannot be removed from the body, then we are really in the dark. This means that for months and then years, it will be dormant in the bodies of hundreds of millions of people, attacking them from time to time. Of course, successively destroying their health and leading to premature death.

3️⃣ April 2020: KA-19 has combat characteristics as it attacks many different organs and body systems. It is a hybrid of former SARS, HIV, and the Marburg (Ebola-like) virus. It attacks the lungs, respiratory system, liver, and heart. It also affects the cells of the male testes, which can cause infertility.


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