Thursday, August 4, 2022

Proven home remedies for hangover - bring relief in a few moments

 Since you came here, you certainly had a "hangover-murderer" at least once in your life. Hangover treatment is not the most pleasant - especially because you feel unwell after consuming too much alcohol. Fortunately, there are effective home remedies for a hangover that will alleviate headache, stomach ache, stomach ache, and nausea from vodka, beer, or wine. What's good for a hangover? Find out what are the best ways to get rid of a hangover after drinking!

Before discussing the most effective methods of treating an alcoholic hangover, it is worth explaining were a hangover actually comes from. Well, the liver produces certain enzymes that when alcohol is drunk, convert into acetaldehyde and acetic acid. Aldehyde is responsible for the increase in pressure, acceleration of the heart rate, and subsequent ... headaches and nausea. In turn, acetic acid causes severe pain in the abdomen and stomach. Unfortunately, there is no ideal medicine among home remedies - natural remedies certainly eliminate unpleasant ailments, but toxins cannot be removed in an express mode.

How good that each of us knows what proven ways to deal with a hangover work on our body! Almost all home remedies for a hangover with vomiting have their ... scientific justification. So it is really worth trying to alleviate its symptoms - even if it would be treating a hangover with a wedge (alcohol). Believe me, most of these home remedies really help "come back to life"! If, after drinking a lot of alcohol, you have severe headaches, become sensitive to light and sound, have diarrhea, feel sick or lose your appetite the next day - unfortunately you have a hangover. And he must either be treated or… prevented!

 If you have not left the house yet or are just starting a heavy party, it will be worth having a specific meal! Fatty dishes, such as homemade broth, will be ideal - and preferably cooked on meat for a long time. Of course, such a dish will not guarantee that a hangover will not "suddenly" surprise you. The broth will not prevent hangover effects, but it can effectively block too fast absorption of alcohol through the gastrointestinal tract. A fatty dish helps to delay the effects of alcohol consumption, and a hangover itself, for example after a beer, will not be as burdensome and unpleasant in its consequences. So let's assimilate this knowledge and put it into practice - even before the party. What are some other home remedies for a hangover before drinking alcohol? The methods are varied, but ... very helpful:

  • sleep - get enough sleep before the party, because alcohol attacks tired people faster.
  • sour soup - it is worth cooking both before the party and for the "day after". It can be sour rye soup, cucumber soup, or cabbage soup. Remember that alcohol flushes out vitamins and will require vitamin C to be delivered to the body the most!
  • food - it is worth eating a decent meal just before the party, which will slow down the absorption of alcohol.
  • vitamins - supplementation is important - so you can help yourself with e.g. vitamin C in tablets.
  • cigarettes - try not to smoke too often at parties and in front of it, as nicotine increases alcohol poisoning.
  • decision - in the case of what exactly you will drink at the party, of course. No medication will be effective enough if you mix the alcohol!

Are you after the party and in the morning you feel like a "shadow of a man"? So you must be wondering what is good for a hangover. Home remedies for a hangover with vomiting are really effective and reduce the effects of alcohol poisoning. Here are some helpful tips to put into practice:

  • a cool shower - nothing refreshes and stimulates blood circulation like a cool bath! A shower will speed up blood flow, but it will also help to get rid of the remnants of alcohol from the body.
  • physical exertion - unfortunately, not everyone can cope with exercise with an alcoholic hangover. However, it is worth knowing that "sweating out" a hangover is one of the most effective methods to get rid of it.
  • water with lemon, chili, or ginger - not only are they excellent electrolytes for hangovers (a lot of vitamin C) but also sweating increases and metabolism is stimulated (e.g. chili). Lemon water is almost an obligation to cure a hangover! Drinking water after wine or vodka is a very effective natural method that will allow you to get rid of alcohol from the blood and replenish the water lost from the body.
  • scrambled eggs - wondering what to eat for a hangover? Eggs will be a great solution! They provide valuable nutrients, and thanks to them the body regains the strength to fight. You can enrich the treatment of a hangover with scrambled eggs by adding both whole grain bread and… pepper (it can be lemon).
  • hangover electrolytes - apart from still water with lemon, you can also add ... grapefruit. It is a real "vitamin bomb" that will nourish and accelerate the removal of toxins from the blood, as well as reduce the discomfort associated with the digestive system. In addition to grapefruit, it is also worth being interested in bananas, which after all contain a large amount of potassium and thus regulate the work of both the heart and proper blood pressure. You can eat the banana raw or make a delicious smoothie out of it!
  • chocolate and almonds - they contain a lot of magnesium, which is flushed out of the body by drinking alcohol.
  • soda - how to treat a hangover? A popular method is just a solution of ... soda! Just add 50 g of vinegar and a teaspoon of baking soda to 100 g of water. Stir everything and drink it quickly as soon as it starts foaming. Maybe it is not a very delicious drink, but ... how effective!
  • leaves and shoots of young asparagus - the amino acids and minerals they contain will alleviate the symptoms of alcohol poisoning. You can also eat them before the party to protect your liver from the harmful effects of too much alcohol.
  • wedge - it is a small dose of diluted alcohol, which will facilitate the return to the "living". Of course, treating a hangover with a wedge cannot end up with too much alcohol - because acetaldehyde will reappear and ... a permanent misfortune.

Remember that during an alcohol overdose you may experience problems related to body tremors or palpitations, for example. All rinsing out potassium from the body - it mainly regulates the tension in the muscles and the correct heart rhythm. Fortunately, you can make up for these deficiencies by ... drinking "nutritional elixirs":

  • tomato juice - replenishes any deficiencies - both in potassium and other minerals.
  • honey - contains fructose, so it will naturally support metabolism and cleanse the body of alcohol toxins. All you have to do is mix one teaspoon of honey in a glass of water and enrich the "mixture" with a lemon slice.
  • an infusion of mint, chamomile, or wormwood - thanks to it you will get rid of the feeling of "heavy head" and nausea. Use 10 g of herbs for 1/2 liter of boiling water for this purpose.
  • howenia sweet - it will weaken the effects of alcohol, and will also reduce the desire to… reach for it again!
  • sauerkraut juice - is a very rich source of vitamins (C, B, potassium, calcium, and iron). Home remedies for a hangover very often distinguish sauerkraut juice as one of the most effective, which quickly replenishes the deficiency of elements and vitamins washed out with alcohol from the body. Not only that, sauerkraut contains probiotic bacteria that perfectly affect the intestinal flora and allow you to get rid of the "alcohol poison" from the body. All you need is a glass of juice on an empty stomach to quench your thirst in no time! In addition to sauerkraut, it is also worth drinking water from ... pickled cucumbers.
  • pickled beetroot juice - works similarly to silage, supplementing the deficiencies of minerals and valuable vitamins in the body, additionally positively influencing the detoxification of harmful substances. It is enough to drink it about 3 times a day. Also, rush to drink a glass of juice made from… raw vegetables! You can soften the beetroot flavor by combining it with apple juice, preferably freshly squeezed.

When it comes to the best meals for an alcohol-drenched party, it's best to go for dishes such as:

  • soft-boiled eggs - they contain easily digestible protein, as well as cysteine ​​- this is what helps in removing harmful substances from the body and significantly increases the metabolism.
  • a fat piece of meat - of course of good quality. The fat contained in the meat has a great influence on the rapid absorption and metabolism of alcohol in the body.
  • soups - they are natural electrolytes that will have a great influence on the functioning of the stomach.
  • citrus - contain vitamin C and fructose, as well as potassium - thanks to this, they will quickly deal with the symptoms of an alcoholic hangover. Not only that, fructose will speed up the metabolism of alcohol in the blood and break it down into less toxic compounds. Potassium, on the other hand, will act as an electrolyte, filling the "gaps".
  • cocoa and buckwheat - they contain a large amount of magnesium, which is washed out after drinking a large dose of alcohol.

Keep in mind that treating a hangover is not the easiest thing to do - especially since a "difficult night" is usually followed by an even worse morning. However, it is worthwhile to overcome and:

  • Eat something! The products we mentioned above will do perfectly. They contain valuable substances that the body simply demands after drinking alcohol.
  • Be careful with medications! Unfortunately, but in a "hangover" state, you can easily overdose on them. Well, the stomach can then react extremely badly to the drugs and the effects will become… bad at least instead of being positive.
  • Pull oneself together! Be sure to go outside for a walk and oxygenate your head. Oxygen will help "get your body on its feet" and relieve the symptoms of a headache.
  • Wait! If you have anxiety, trouble concentrating, or are irritated, you just need to… give yourself time to "recover."

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