Tuesday, August 2, 2022

How to get rid of acne?

 Acne - is the most common skin condition. It is formed when the skin secretes too much sebum. Adolescents are most at risk, but it can affect people of all ages. Home treatment usually helps, but depending on the type of infection you may have, you may also need an antibiotic for acne. We advise you on how to recognize the types of acne and how to get rid of it effectively.

Before we tell you how to get rid of acne, it is worth finding out what its varieties are. Depending on the cause of the acne on the face or on other parts of the body, we will know how to get rid of pimples.

Non-inflammatory acne - if we have black or white blackheads, it means that there is no inflammation. This is usually just an oily skin characteristic. It does not require treatment, and it is enough to treat unsightly areas on the face with special masks.

Inflammatory acne - when the wall of the hair follicle is damaged in the local blackhead and becomes inflamed. There is so-called crap on the face and other places on the body. Here you can distinguish: pustular (pimples and blackheads appear on the body), papular (the body is covered with itchy papules, nodular (small lumps appear, often painful), and cystic (cysts filled with pus and sometimes blood, after removal may leave scars). In the case of inflammatory acne, we use anti-inflammatory agents, but an antibiotic for acne may also be necessary, often in the form of an ointment.

The root cause of acne is inflammation of the sebaceous glands. These glands are responsible for the production of sebum, but if their function is disturbed, they can overproduce it. However, it may be due to various factors. Recognizing them is the key to proper treatment. Here are the most common causes:

Hormonal disorders in adolescence.

Hormonal changes are caused by other factors (abnormal or impaired function of the endocrine glands). They can appear during pregnancy, and menopause, but also with gland diseases.

The multiplication of bacteria - when immunity is impaired. For example, with a cold.

Using the wrong cosmetics - cosmetics that can clog the mouths of the hair follicles lead to the accumulation of sebum and the formation of inflammation. Irritating cosmetics weaken the natural defenses of the skin.

Bad diet - excess consumption of dairy and highly processed products.

The periods of the spring and autumn solstices - the time of rapid changes in weather and insolation cause the immunity to decline and the emergence of hormonal disorders. All of this can lead to seasonal acne.

Regardless of the causes, there are people with acne-prone skin. This is called oily or combination skin. Getting rid of pimples in people with this complexion is more difficult, but not impossible.

Home remedies for acne and the functioning of the sebaceous glands are usually sufficient. In the case of oily skin and teenagers, the basis should be the use of appropriate cosmetics. Contrary to appearances, oily skin should not be treated with drying and strong cleansing preparations. In this way, the hydrolipid layer disappears and the skin is less protected and exposed to hormonal disorders. There may be pimples on the face. Instead of treating the skin, it is better to remove the pimple locally (e.g. with a plaster) and moisturize the whole face rather than dry it. What is acne skin care like? If acne is not preventable, here's how to get rid of pimples:

Homemade masks - the honey mask is especially popular, as it not only removes pimples but also helps to nourish the skin. Thanks to this, it prevents their return for a while. Honey can be mixed with lemon juice. For matte skin, you can also mix it with yogurt and oatmeal. Leave each mask on your face for about 20 minutes and wash it off with warm water. Every muck on the face will disappear after such treatment. An alternative is masks available in pharmacies and drugstores.

Herbs - There are herbal mixtures or single herbs that alleviate the symptoms of acne. A popular tea, especially for teenagers, is the one with pansy. Nettle, horsetail, or traveler's chicory root also work well. You can drink the tea or wash your face with it. If you want to know how to get rid of pimples while avoiding skin abuse, this is a good alternative. It can also be a complementary treatment.

Instead of teas, you can make the so-called sausages. It may take longer to get rid of pimples with this method, but it's more effective. The main ingredients of the mixture are horsetail and burdock root. You can support them with sage and chamomile. Sausages are also good for removing pimples as they make the skin more elastic and widen the pores.

Getting rid of pimples is not always possible with home methods. Sometimes you have to reach for drugs available at the pharmacy. If we are looking for an in-depth way to get rid of acne, an antibiotic for acne may be needed. Depending on the need, the dermatologist may prescribe the drug by mouth or for topical application on the face.

A visit to a dermatologist is not a bad idea when we don't know how to get rid of acne. He can not only prescribe antibiotics but also select other medications carefully. There are ointments and creams available in pharmacies containing zinc, azelaic acid, or thormentiol.

The dermatologist will also help you choose medications to improve the appearance of scarred skin and determine the appropriate diet. It is possible that the problems we have not dealt with so far are simple to solve.

So, two more methods of fighting pimples are:

Antibiotic for acne (in the form of tablets or ointments)

Healing ointments with an anti-inflammatory effect, on a herbal and mineral basis. They allow you to fight more serious acne or remove a pimple that appeared unexpectedly on the face.

It is one thing to know how to get rid of pimples, the other is to change your lifestyle to reduce your skin problems. An appropriate diet may be an important factor for acne-prone people. Here are some tips that may help us.

First, avoid the so-called spicy sweets. Chocolates, candies, and colorful drinks have a very bad effect on the skin. It is also good to limit coffee. Instead, you can drink green tea or yerba mate. Another food ingredient to watch out for is dairy. Too much cheese, yogurt, eggs are not good for our skin.

Marine fish should be mentioned among the recommended products. Their meat contains large amounts of omega-fatty acids. In addition, our diet should include fruits with a high content of vitamin C and antioxidants: raspberries, cranberries, currants, and chokeberry. When it comes to spices, it is good to add cinnamon, cloves, and herbs - thyme, oregano, and rosemary.

By choosing the right cosmetics, taking care of the diet, and visiting a dermatologist, if necessary, we will certainly quickly improve the appearance of our skin.

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