Sunday, July 10, 2022

Kyron Horman - 7-year-old missing at school. The guilty stepmother?

 Kyron Richard Horman was born on September 9, 2002, in Portland (Oregon, USA). The boy was calm, shy, and very intelligent. He liked to learn and had great grades. Animals were his great passion. For this reason, he and his family often visited zoos and oceanariums. The most successful, however, was a trip to Disney World in 2008, which was often remembered by the whole family.

The boy's mother was Desiree Young and the father was Kaine Horman. The couple divorced just before Kyron was born. The spouses, however, parted in harmony and decided that they would raise their son together. At first, the boy moved in with his mother. Everything changed when Desiree became seriously ill.

In 2004, she was diagnosed with renal failure as a side effect of medication. For this reason, the woman spent a lot of time in hospitals. She was treated in Canada, so she was not home for a long time. For this reason, she agreed with her ex-husband that Kaine would take full custody of Kyron. However, the man worked full-time as an engineer at Intel. After work, he spent time with his son but needed someone to look after him while he was away.

Terri Moulton's babysitter has been found. The woman previously worked as a teacher. Her professional situation got complicated when in 2005 she was caught by the police while driving under the influence of alcohol. Apparently, it was not the only such situation. Terri has been abusing alcohol both before and after. Since she had no problems with the law so far, she was only referred to forced rehab. However, as a result of the incident, she was dismissed from her job. She also had trouble finding another one.

So Moulton's offer to look after the boy was a kind of salvation. The woman agreed without hesitation and went to live with Kyron and his father. Soon Kaine and Terri began an affair. It should be added that they reportedly started dating in 2001. This was what was supposed to be the main reason for the man's divorce from Desiree. Anyway, Terri and Kaine got married in Hawaii in April 2007. The man earned so well that the new wife did not have to go to work. Moreover, she received a new Ford Mustang as a gift from her husband.

In December 2008, the couple's daughter Kiara was born together. After the birth of the girl, the woman suffered from postpartum depression. It was also one of the causes of the serious crisis in the Horman relationship. Another reason was the tensions between James (Terri's teenage son from a previous relationship) and Cain. In February 2010, the boy moved out of the house after pressure from his stepfather. He then moved in with his grandparents. It is worth adding that Kyron had one more half-brother. It was Quinn, Desiree's eldest son from an earlier relationship.

Meanwhile, Desiree's health fortunately improved. However, the woman had $ 30,000 in medical costs to pay. To keep her expenses low, she lives with her parents in Medford, Oregon. In time, she remarried police detective Tony Young. Desiree lived less than 5 hour drive from Portland. However, she tried to visit her son as often as possible.

On June 4, 2010, a science fair was held at Kyron's Skyline Elementary School. The boy usually took the bus to school. Kyron prepared a project about red-eyed tree frogs, which was to be presented that day at a school event. So Terri got with her son and daughter into a white pickup truck. It was a Ford F250 that belonged to her husband. The woman took the 7-year-old to school.

Around 8:00 am the boy, his stepmother, and foster sister appeared at school. They went to the second floor, where Kyron's classroom was located. The 7-year-old left his jacket and backpack there. All three were then seen by many students, parents, and teachers at a science festival. Then the boy went to the library to return the books he had borrowed. He also greeted the tutor from the first grade.

The woman later claimed that this was the last time she saw Kyron at school. At 8:45 the bell rang. At this time, the students gathered in front of their classrooms. Then they had to see all the projects together. The actual lessons started at 9:45 am. So the boy went towards his classroom. To reach her, he had to climb the stairs. So he started racing with his foster mom as they used to. The 7-year-old won this race. As Terri reached the top of the stairs, she saw the boy walking toward his classroom. The woman said goodbye to her son and left school.

Then she went to the pharmacy to buy earache medicine for her daughter. The day before, she had visited a doctor who prescribed the girl a prescription drug. By the way, Terri visited several stores and went to the laundry room. She was captured several times on monitoring. While shopping, she met a friend, Andrea. It later turned out that her alibi had also been confirmed by the receipts the woman had kept. Around 10:10 am Terri finished shopping.

Then she had to drive with her daughter for over an hour. Kiara had a severe earache and her mother tried to put her to sleep during this ride. Terri said she then went to a local gym. The training lasted about an hour and ended at 12:40 pm. About half an hour later the woman returned home. At 1:21 PM, she posted Kyron's famous photo from the science fair on Facebook. At 2 p.m. the boy's father came home from work.

At 3:30 PM, Terri, Kaine, and Kiara went to the bus stop to pick up Kyron. The school bus driver told them, however, that the boy did not get into the vehicle. The man suggested to the parents that they should call the school to clarify the situation. Terri did just that. She then heard from the school secretary that Kyron had been absent from class all day. The nervous parents got in the car and drove to school. The secretary reported the boy missing shortly after the conversation. It happened at 3:46 pm.

At first, it was strange that no one from the school informed their relatives that the 7-year-old was absent. In the USA, there is a rule that in such situations parents are informed that their child has not attended lessons. It quickly turned out that the teacher who had conducted the first lesson had been talking to Terri the previous day.

The woman then said about a visit to the doctor that Kyron had scheduled for Friday. There was probably a misunderstanding. Terri meant next Friday, June 11th. The teacher thought it was about the next Friday, June 4, when Horman was missing.

Some assume that it was an unfortunate accident. Others, in turn, believe that the missing person's stepmother mentioned the doctor on an intentionally incorrect date. June 4 was the last Friday this school year. So why would she even talk about an appointment on a non-lesson day?

Personally, I am more inclined to the former. The teacher allegedly had to sign some documents in connection with this visit. It was a kind of an educator's opinion. The parents noticed the boy's problems with concentration and memory. The teacher might have misspelled the date of the doctor's appointment or Terri had given it not very precisely.

A few days after her son went missing, Terri was asked to undergo a polygraph test. The woman reportedly agreed to the examination without any problems. The results were not favorable for her. According to some sources, the woman did not pass the test. In line with others, the result was inconclusive. In any case, the lie detector test was repeated. Terri failed this test. The result of the third study was identical.

Investigators investigated the woman's alibi. It was established that she made a call at 10:39 AM. Who she was calling has not been revealed. But another point seemed to be more important. The signal was picked up by the tower on the island of Sauva. At first, it was thought that the woman was on it, though she had no reason whatsoever. It seemed suspicious. Then it turned out that this assumption was most likely incorrect. In the area of ​​coverage of the telephone tower, there were places relatively close to those where the woman was or could have been.

The only way to get to the island was to cross the bridge. A camera was installed at the entrance to register all vehicles. Investigators found these tapes. The white pickup truck the woman was driving that day was not found on them. The police also conducted a search there. No evidence was found at the time. Later, the investigators themselves admitted that this was the wrong direction.

Investigators also found out that one of Terri's friends had bought several phones and SIM cards for Horman and her friends. The women explained it so that they wanted some privacy. The calls on their standard phones were overheard by investigators. This explanation seems logical, but in the eyes of the public, it did not look very good.

It was controversial for some that a woman just a few days after her son disappeared posted on Facebook that she was going to the gym. However, Kaine interceded for his wife, who said that Terri had always spent a lot of time in the gym. She also took part in bodybuilding competitions. Horman also added that he was at the gym with Terri. This was due to the recommendations of the investigators who suggested returning to everyday duties and habits as much as possible.

In June 2012, Desiree sued Terri in a civil lawsuit. She accused her of kidnapping her son. She demanded $ 10 million in damages for this. In July 2013, however, the woman withdrew the lawsuit. She came to the conclusion that the court case would not positively affect the most important, i.e. further search for Kyron.

The police checked the woman's text messages and e-mails on a regular basis. It was then discovered that less than a month after her disappearance, Terri had started an affair with her husband's friend Michael Cook. She met him while searching for her son. Apparently, it was supposed to be a rematch for her husband's affair.

Sanchez's story and information about the affair overwhelmed the cup of bitterness. Kaine Horman took his daughter and moved out of the house. He also sent Terri divorce papers. The woman hired one of the best solicitors in Oregon, paid by her parents. However, it did not help much. On December 31, 2013, the judge pronounced Horman's divorce.

Another interesting thread came to light. The Horman gardener, Rudy Sanchez, was questioned by the police. He then told a very interesting story. He revealed that Terri met him in one of the restaurants in early 2010, a few months before her son went missing. During the conversation, the woman was supposed to offer him $ 10,000 for killing her husband.

It is said that Kaine always carried that much cash with him. The crime was to be committed under the pretext of a tragic robbery. Sanchez also said that Terri offered him sex. The gardener rejected these two proposals. Investigators decided to use this testimony and came up with a plot.

They decided to send Sanchez eavesdropping to Terri. The gardener was to return to the topic of Kaine's murder. The man's wife's reaction, however, surprised the detectives. The woman not only did not agree to the crime but also immediately called the police. Either she guessed the whole hoax and played the part brilliantly, or she was in fact innocent.

Assuming the latter scenario, the question that must be asked is why would Sanchez lie to investigators then? The first theory is that the authorities threatened to deport the man from US territory. Another reason may have been that Rudy had reportedly tried to flirt with Terri before, but Terri rejected his advances. So it was supposed to be an act of revenge on a woman.

It is assumed that the gardener's story was untrue. This is evidenced by the fact that the man spoke very little English. He needed an interpreter when giving evidence. Terri, on the other hand, did not know the Spanish spoken by Sanchez. It, therefore, seems very doubtful that they would have developed a detailed plan of action with such a language barrier. The meeting place, i.e. the restaurant, does not make sense either. In a public place, someone might overhear their conversation. A better solution would probably be a meeting at the Horman house.

Sometime after her husband and daughter had moved out of Terri, her gym friend, DeDe Spicher, moved in. She did it out of concern for her friend, who was in poor mental condition. She lost not only Kyron but the rest of her immediate family as well. Terri also received threats from many people she did not even know.

The women lived together for a short time, about two weeks. Kaine legally enforced the order to leave the house by his wife and her friend. The man then moved back in with his daughter. Terri then moved to her parents.

Investigators became interested in the person of the new best friend. It has been established that on the day Kyron disappeared, the woman was working on a farm near the Horman house. The strangest thing was, that DeDe didn't show up for the lunch break for all the staff. The boss tried to contact the woman by phone but failed to reach her. She was found around 1pm.

Spicher then explained that she was working in a remote part of the farm and had lost track of time. She also said she left the phone in the car. Unfortunately, it was not possible to establish what it actually was or it has not been made public. It is known, however, that the woman was another person from this story who had a lot on her conscience. Investigators found out that she was receiving unemployment benefits and that she was working on a farm for money, without reporting it to the authorities.

Terri has applied for a name change. However, the office did not agree to this. The woman eventually moved from Oregon to California because she couldn't find a job anywhere due to her notoriety. She quickly spoiled her reputation in her new place of residence.

In August 2015, a woman was arrested for stealing a gun that belonged to her roommate. In November 2016, her partner at the time, Joseph Cristobal, applied for a court restraining order.

Terri concealed from him her past, which the man discovered by accident. When he started asking about Kyron, the woman reportedly threatened him with a knife. Cristobal feared for his own life. The court granted his request and issued a two-year ban on Terri from approaching him.

It was not, however, the end. Just a month later, in December 2016, the woman was arrested again. This time, she stole a car in San Francisco. In March 2018, she remarried. Her chosen one this time was Jose De Jesus Vazquez Martinez. Thanks to this, she finally changed her identity to Terri Lynn Vazquez.

Unfortunately, to this day no trace of the boy has been found. This is strange since the largest search in Oregon history was organized for the Kyron case. More than a million dollars was allocated to all police activities. The mystery, however, still has to be solved.

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