Sunday, July 10, 2022

Dark Temple of the Sun (Knights of the Order of the Temple of the Sun sect)

 Some active sects emphasize the importance of death as a path to salvation. They teach that death is a way or a form of liberation or spiritual perfection. Adepts are convinced that by dying for a sect or together with other members, they will achieve full happiness by "redeeming" salvation. Propagating this type of idea leads to the unnecessary death of many cult followers. One of them is the Temple of the Sun, founded by Joseph di Mambo - a French living in Canada.

The beginnings of his sectarian activity date back to 1974, when first in Switzerland and then in France he founded an organization called "The Center of Study in the New Age". The financial resources he accumulated through the jewelry trade allowed him to go a little further. Well, in 1979, Joseph moved to Geneva and founded another organization here, this time called the "Golden Way". What does the golden true way mean in this case? The structures and assumptions of the "Golden Way" referred directly to the so-called Illuminati or to the Masonic movements. The Illuminati was called a secret fraternity operating in Germany at the end of the 18th century and considered itself to be the higher rank of Freemasonry. The Illuminati boasted of supposedly close contact with the spirit world and a higher knowledge of God. It is believed that the German poet J.W. Goethe. But let's come back to the organization itself, which quickly grew rapidly and in 1982 was known as Club Amenta.

However, Joseph did not act alone, because in the same year he met Luc Jouret - a graduate of medical studies, known at the time for his unconventional methods of treatment and quackery practices. The friendship of the two gentlemen resulted in such close cooperation that Luc soon became a member of the sect founded by Joseph. However, this is not the end of male intimacy. Soon they joined their minds and forces to form a business / religious empire with two leaders. One dealt with organizational and financial matters, and the other took care of the spirituality of the sect and its external image. An additional "advantage" of Luc was the fact that he had the ability to make various types of bombs. He especially specialized in delayed-action incendiary bombs. As it turned out later, he was able to use this knowledge carefully. So far, Joseph and Luc are active and found a new, this time deeply conspiratorial and mysterious organization called OJETS. These are the first letters of words that make up the name, which don't really say anything about the organization itself. While piloting OJETS, Joseph and Luc claimed that it was a continuation of the movement of medieval knights - monks known as Templars. It seems advisable to put some information about the order itself at this point. According to available sources, it was a knight order founded in 1119 or 1120 to defend pilgrims going to the Holy Land. Soon, however, the Templars became a financial power, and their morality began to raise some reservations, they were accused, inter alia, of witchcraft, and therefore in 1308 Pope Clement V issued a bull, pursuant to which the order was dissolved. Tried in France, the Templars confessed to blasphemous ceremonies and spells. It is not known, however, whether the testimony was not extorted, and therefore whether it was completely true. Many Masonic, sectarian, or Satanic groups, often presenting trends in the history of the Knights Templar, consider themselves their heirs. This was also the case with the sect of the Knights of the Order of the Temple of the Sun because this is the adopted "official" name of the sect referring to the order. Luc borrowed elements of beliefs from the Templars, but they were slightly modified and adapted to his own preferences. The doctrine of the sect, therefore, contains elements of Catholicism, and Eastern mysticism, creating a mixture of views pompously called "truth". This "truth" in itself was such a mysterious and convoluted "mush" that those who entered the temple of the sun did not really have the slightest idea what they were deciding on. Luc, in return, took care of the external tinsel that obscured the true dark face of the sect. This is what the decor and the richness of rituals accompanying the initiation served. Undoubtedly, the new ascenders must have been impressed by special visual effects, "knights" in full armor, plumes, cloaks, Gregorian chants, and ... fog rising from special holes in the floor.

Luc persuaded his followers that he was a "time traveler" and would lead selected people to "real life". This "real life" was to take place on one of the planets orbiting the star Sirius. All this invented theory was the product of Luc's fascination with astronomy, divination, and pagan rituals. More attention was paid to the cult's activities in the early 1990s. It was then that Canadian police discovered that Luc was stocking up on weapons and explosives for which he was not authorized. As a result, he was arrested, which slightly thwarted the plans of the sect. In retaliation for leaving the sect, Luc ordered the murder of two people and their children. This shocking murder took place in 1994. The child's parents were found with their throats slashed, and little Emmanuel with a wooden stake in his heart. As a motive for the crime, Joseph stated that the little boy was the Antichrist, and therefore he had to die. However, this was not the end of the murders within the sect. The members of the Sun Temple who committed this brutal act four days later committed suicide themselves by detonating an incendiary bomb. About 40 members of the sect in Switzerland also committed mass suicide at almost the same time. The causes of death were shots at close range, injection of poison, and self-burning. The victims also found a misfire from the bomb that was supposed to be used to detonate the delayed detonation and set the property on fire. The bodies of the leaders' Joseph and Luce were also found among the deceased. A year later, in one of the places in France, 16 charred human bodies arranged in the shape of a star were found, along with letters explaining that death did not exist and that the light would shine for them on the longest night of the year. This is likely a reference to the sect's astronomical beliefs and to the fact that the mass suicide occurred two days before Christmas.

The death of such an age member of the Sun Temple Knights sect does not mean that it ceased to exist and function. Experts on the subject believe that it still functions, but is even more secret.

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