Thursday, June 9, 2022

How Much Are the Prophecies Worth?

 The most famous prophecy - The Book of Revelation - did not predict anything to me. Only the interpreters matched the vague, imprecise symbols from the vision to the events that happened. This shows the worthlessness of the "Bible" as a source of knowledge about the future because all the interpretations written long ago that I have read about subsequent events and our time have failed. I have these books on my shelf, you just need to pick them up to see how wrong the interpreters were.

The mechanism is as follows:

1. The interpreter assigns part of the vision to events that happened.

2. The interpreter makes visions of the future on the basis of other descriptions of visions, which he could not assign to historical events.

3. The interpreter's visions of the future do not come true.

4. The interpreter corrects his previous studies, extends what he did in point 1.

5. The interpreter spins new, modified visions of the future, as in point 2.

6. New visions of the interpreter's future do not work as in point 3.

7. etc. until the interpreter dies and his place is taken by new interpreters who all their lives do the same with the Bible as their predecessor.


1. "The Bible" and "Book of Revelation" are a source of inspiration for politicians who try to implement some ideas (therefore some elements of prophecy can later be described by interpreters with the words "it has come true").

2. The interpreters' life escapes the fingers - instead of changing the world for the better, and creating reality, they live with their noses in the holy book and wait for what is written there (according to their interpretation) to come true.

3. From active people, interpreters and their readers become passive, passive people. According to them, it is impossible to change the world for the better, because the prophecy says that it is supposed to be this and so, so acting against it does not make sense, it is an interference in God's plan. Only when the Day of the Last Judgment comes will God will fix everything - he will separate the chaff from the grains and there will be a universal paradise, etc. These people lose touch with reality and instead of judging events in the category of cause-and-effect "how did it happen?" and "what can be done with it to neutralize the negatives?", judge them through the prism of "did the Bible foretell it?" and "where are we in the divine plan?"

Assuming that the "Book of Revelation" is a prophecy, this information is useless in practice - the descriptions of the future are not so precise that it can be used to achieve some life benefit, and matched historical events will not be useful "because it already happens”. In the past, I have wasted several years on my nose in prophecy, and thankfully "sobered" when I reached the point where prophecy interpretations had failed and more interpretations emerged.

I also do not like when the prophecies are interwoven with religions and refer to, for example, "the Bible". I prefer simple and concise predictions, this and that will happen here and there, without this religious mysticism and persuasion to convert under the threat of divine punishment. I want concise and unambiguous information that I can verify, without fancy and obscure symbolism that does not require interpretation and wondering "what the author meant".

Here is an example of a text that in my opinion is not a valuable prophecy (it could be a description of a dream seen under the influence of reading the Apocalypse of St. John):

“What comes will be extraordinary. Nothing like this has happened since the beginning of the world. It will be like a reduced judgment, and everyone will see - in the Light of God Himself - his own life and all his deeds. "

And below, by contrast, I present a prophecy that shows what a prophecy worthy of note looks like.

Mother Shipton's prophecy, which is older than Nostradamus' "prophecy":

When will half the world die?

When women dress like men and wear pants;

When they cut all their curls;

When images free from movement look alive,

When ships like fish swim beneath the sea,

When humans can soar to heaven, outstripping birds,

Then half of the world, soaked in blood, will die. "

And below is the prophecy of the miller Matthew of Apoig in Bavaria from around 1750.

“Soon there will be one war, then a second, then a third. The last war will fly by in no time. It will be like a huge purge. Lots of dead bodies and the power of spilled blood. There will be a fight between China and its neighbors. And even worse, a catastrophe is looming. The cold and the earthquake will kill many people. "

Can you see the difference?

Mother Shipton's very old prophecy describes our time. It contains specific information: 50% of people will die, and 50% will survive the war. The problem is to determine in which year, because what it describes (e.g. dressing women in pants) has been happening for at least several dozen. The prophecy should be treated as a curiosity because this information can only be useful for insurance companies to know when to withdraw from the life insurance market).

Everyone can have a vision for the future.

I also had a few visions of the future, not only when I was asleep, but also when I was awake (e.g. I look at the wall and suddenly I see a "cinematic" image of the future in which I fly and explore - when I wanted to touch something with my hand, my hand hit the wall and the vision ends ). For example, I saw a war in which artificial lighting was used in the form of a weapon on a massive scale (the whole sky was lightning bolts hitting the ground). I heard the voice of a radio or TV announcer from the future, reporting on the movements of the troops of the European contingents at a time when the EU and the war on terror were not yet there. But in none of the "visions", do I see the Last Judgment, Jesus, etc. I think that believers, experiencing visions of the future, which are also experienced by atheists (but they will not admit it), explain it to themselves by religion (God sent this vision to me as a warning) and give the description of the vision a religious character. They think they are special, although clairvoyance is normal and anyone can have a vision.

Prophecies have a disastrous effect on human minds - they cause depression and fatalism, and sometimes people commit suicide under their influence (how many collective suicides insects have already been?). Most prophecies are useless. Even if they predict something correctly, they do not allow this knowledge to be used for something constructive. So what if someone predicted the departure of Benedict XVI (who knows, maybe he read this prophecy and inspired him to abdicate?). How does this affect my life? No. Oh, such a curiosity.

Visions are not needed to see evil in this world and what the world is going to. That is why I am against them. Because they distract from reality and have a destructive effect on the human mind. Because they discourage people from acting for a better world.

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