Once upon a time, Wanga's clairvoyant prophecies shocked people with their accuracy and truthfulness. Most of them came true, but many of the predictions turned out to be untrue.
Experts estimate that Wangai's forecasts have come true with an accuracy of no more than 70%. Some scholars say that the visionary was only wrong in two out of ten, and some are sure that the predictions were misinterpreted and in fact, Wanga always told only the truth. In what cases have the predictions of the famous Bulgarian failed? For example, the issue of Bush's death ...
Bush did not die as Wang had predicted. He lived a long life and died in the hospital at the age of 94. Some Wangi supporters argue that the forecast did not come true because Bush did survive the plane crash. The plane in which he was flying was shot down and Bush was close to death. He managed to catapult in time and exit the burning machine in time.
Wanga said many foods would not be available. He predicted some food would be gone around 2000. The visionary announced the complete disappearance of the bees and the lack of honey. For this reason, the quality of milk in animals would deteriorate significantly and some plants would disappear. A long time has passed, and all of the above-mentioned products are still available and common worldwide. Is this another mistake? And if so, the error lies in the essence of this forecast or the date. When can all this happen?
Despite the fact that some of Wanga's predictions did not come true, the Bulgarian predicted many important events for mankind. Many people managed to avoid the worst and very serious consequences. Overall, Wang was practically right, and perhaps some of her old predictions will soon come true. Perhaps the clairvoyant simply could not give the exact date of what she saw.
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