Sunday, March 13, 2022

Research suggests that UFO-abduction histories may be caused by lucid dreaming

 People describe bizarre encounters with supposed extraterrestrials that took place in a dreamlike state.

Lucid dreaming is a state in which sleeping people are aware that they are dreaming and can then use this awareness to manipulate what is happening in that dream. About 55% of people experience lucid sleep once or more in their lifetime, and 23% have lucid dreams at least once a month, according to a 2016 study that analyzed five decades of sleep research. According to the researchers, lucid dreaming may be the explanation for the alien abduction story, new research suggests.

Alien abduction accounts have been documented for centuries, but mass reports of such alleged events began to appear after the 1960s after many high-ranking individuals shared their stories. One of the most famous accounts came from Barney and Betty Hill, an American couple who claimed to have been abducted by extraterrestrials in September 1961. Since then, alien abduction stories have become a staple in popular culture, which the authors of the study say probably captured the imaginations of many people. This can also be influenced by the images from the countless movies that we all know well. Aliens and UFOs have been a permanent element of pop culture for many years. Today, in the United States alone, millions of people claim to have been abducted by UFOs.

These studies have some limitations that must be taken into account - namely, all results are claimed by the participants and the study was conducted online, not in a laboratory setting. Moreover, the discovery that people can dream of alien abductions does not necessarily mean that all of these experiences have to be a product of dreams. Nevertheless, this study comes to the same conclusions as other scientific attempts to investigate alien abduction histories, most of which conclude that these experiences are somehow related to dreams and other phenomena observed during REM sleep. As one example, in a 2005 study, psychologists interviewed 10 people who reported alien abduction and said their claims were "linked to apparent episodes of sleep paralysis during which the hallucinations were interpreted as aliens."

Tales of the circumstances of kidnappings often sound like a dream and create feelings of terror and paralysis. Some sleep states are also known to induce exactly these feelings, leading researchers to wonder if sleep experiments could provide clues about alleged extraterrestrial experiences. Scientists induced lucid dreamers to dream of encounters with aliens or unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and found that many of them described dreams that resembled actual descriptions of alleged alien abductions.

Recently, scientists at the Sleep Research Institute, a private facility in Moscow that studies lucid sleep, conducted experiments with 152 adults who identified themselves as lucid dreamers, instructing them to "find or summon aliens or UFOs" during lucid sleep. that 114 of the participants reported having dreamed of successfully interacting with extraterrestrials. Of these, about 61% reported meeting aliens who resembled extraterrestrials from science fiction novels and movies, while 19% encountered aliens who "looked like ordinary people." ", according to a study. One of the participants spoke of seeing "little men with blue skin, oversized heads, and huge, bulging eyes" - report authors of the study. When the aliens invited her to their spacecraft, she says "she was blinded by a very bright light, like from a searchlight", she said. "My eyesight was gone, I felt dizzy and light," she said. Another study participant reported that he dreamed he was lying in his bed when he felt like he was "dragged somewhere," ending up in a room with "a white figure that reached up to his chest and began to" do something inside. " with its organs, "wrote the researchers.

Talking to aliens in a dream occurred in 26% of the cases, and 12% of the participants talked to aliens in their sleep and had physical interactions with them. UFOs appeared in 28% of encounters, and 10% of dreamers who saw a UFO reported that they were introduced inside an extraterrestrial spacecraft. Of those who described their encounters as "realistic", 24% also experienced sleep paralysis and feelings of intense fear. Such emotions often accompany reports of alleged alien abductions, and although those who describe an alien abduction may really believe that it is what they experienced was real, they likely experienced an encounter with extraterrestrials while lucid dreaming, the researchers said.

The feelings of paralysis, fear, and helplessness in lucid and very vivid dreams can be so strong that they blur the line between dream and reality. This may explain why people who have unconsciously dreamed are not really aware of it. Instead, they insist that they actually met the aliens who abducted them and carried them inside the UFO, said the lead researcher on the program, Michael Raduga. "For these people, the alien abductions are absolutely real, or at least their memories are related to it." Raduga said, "They just don't know how to explain it because they have never experienced anything like this before."

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