Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Something to think about

 For generations, humanity has been asking the two most important questions for which there is no answer today. The first one is: Is there a God? and What is after death? The second of these questions is: what is the nature of the world. Religions and esoterics are the first to answer. Ideology, other doctrines and science correspond to the other. They all have to calm the mind, terrified by the constant changeability and severity of the world. They are to explain to him inexplicable. The huge, multibillardine infinity and complexity of the world is also terrifying, so religion, ideology or science is to give a safe map of reality.

I have a map, so I will not get lost in this great jungle, which is the world. But the trouble is that the map is not a reality. The geological map will not show what nationalities live in the area. And the national map will not show where the mountains, highlands and valleys are. And the reality is so unimaginably huge that you can synthesize a virtually infinite number of maps. For example, the map of intestinal flora types from people living on different continents. Or a map indicating whether a given society is conservative or liberal. And each of these maps will in a sense be true because it shows a subjective fragment of reality.

Let us return to the two most important questions on Earth. To this day, there is no answer to them, although an unimaginable amount of human efforts is aimed at giving some answer. What is the nature of the world? For several centuries, science has entered the stage, which also wants to explain it. He discovers more and more, smaller and smaller elementary particles are discovered in LHC / CERN. But God's particles were not found, against the swaggering announcements. This is just another tiny molecule. In addition, liberal know-how which is a consensus in science, obscured the image and even stunted development in some areas.

Is there a God and what is after death? There is no answer to this today. These two fundamental human dilemmas have been covered by a curtain that can not be removed. The greatest and most powerful taboo ever existed is what happens to a man after death. It arouses the enormity of fears and existential neuroses. It is the beginning of epochal works of culture and art. For eons of time, he inspires thoughts from which new ideologies, religions, doctrines, fields of science, like psychology, are created. And they always reformed the system. Today, we can perceive Christianity as something extremely archaic, let alone Islam. But in the past, in this 3rd, 4th or 5th century AD, it was necessary for humanity to move forward. Formerly it was an epochal reform of the system, which forbade eg the fight of gladiators or bloody human sacrifices.

UFO: does it exist or not?

In these eternal human dilemmas it fits in with what we will discuss in this article. The UFO phenomenon inflames the imagination from the end of the Second World War. Numerous observations of this phenomenon, carried out even by police officers or military pilots, warmed up the public debate in the world. A UFO movement has been created to track new UFO manifestations. Because this phenomenon has evolved. It's not just about alleged foreign ships, whose shape has been changing all the time. But there have been phenomena such as crop circles, abduction and mutilation of animals. Also alleged "take", or kidnapping people who were remembered as dreams or emerged during hypnosis. Of course, there were also chupacabras, or demonic mutated creatures, as well as "guys in black", who thanks to the government connections were to harass those who saw UFOs.

Then, on this basis, a huge esoteric-ufological movement arose. The land is supposed to be under the occupation of sinister, cosmic reptiles - reptilians, draconian, grays. And we have to help friendly races, such as Pleiadians, Arcturians and Cassiopaedans. Friendly breeds are to transmit knowledge and valuable information through channeling. Channels are messages from beings from space, accepted by people during meditation, psychedelic travel or various other forms of trance. Be sure to read my previous article on the phenomenon of UFOs. In it, I wrote that in fact there is no unambiguous evidence for the existence of UFOs to this day. This is why this whole "science discipline" still refuses to acknowledge these revelations and messages as irrefutable evidence. Whatever you think about corrupting and blinding science, it's right here. The following link to this article:

Is there a UFO? An illusion of the mind or something more shocking ?!

Is there a UFO? I will list the arguments in brief:

"Something out there" flies across the sky, and it is an indisputable and undeniable fact, because millions of people have seen it. But they have not been intercepted, not examined, not subjected to chemical, physical, aerodynamic analysis and any other. There is no proof of the physicality of these objects. There is no proof that these are physical spacecraft. There is no proof that they are piloted by thinking beings. There is no proof that they come from outside the Earth, because they were observed only on Earth.

The channeling is like with the Bible or other allegedly divine messages. I, a rational man, see, hear and read channeling written with a human hand or spoken by human lips. There is no binding evidence of kidnapping, abduction, taking. In fact, it is not known what comes out during these hypnosis. And dreams can be very realistic.

Who makes crop circles? And why are they so disorganized? Why these geometrical patterns? In general, it all looks like one big stool. Some acrobatics in front of millions, some amazing speed, dreams, messages. One big secret, like playing children in kindergarten. Just why all this?

There is no proof of the most important of the most important. And it would be the landing of an alien spaceship in front of the UN headquarters. Then the speech of the alien to humanity, broadcast by all the televisions of our planet. And later, normal diplomatic relations, trade exchange, technological and ecological assistance, inhibition of biosphere extinction, mutual tourism. Instead, we have something that resembles the kindergarten children who are afraid of the "dark people".

The word of completion. So what is a UFO?

There are many indications that the illogical, even paranoidly behaving UFOs are not purely physical objects. Despite the fact that you can see them with your bare eyes, you can record them on the camera and photograph them, although sometimes they are seen by pilots and radars - these are not metallic, physical spaceships of alien civilizations. But these are semi-physical holograms, ghosts. It is significant that the phenomenon of UFOs began just when the collective consciousness of humanity has arrived that there are billions of stars and planets on which life can exist. And just then another, very similar phenomenon - Marian revelations - ended. The last two Marian apparitions were Fatima in 1917 and the hologram of the divine mother during the Bolshevik invasion in Warsaw in 1920. Then the role of "sky-high doll" was taken over by UFOs, similarly like Mary once - a play of lights, balls, bangs, thunder etc. etc. Interesting What will be next?

UFO is an expression of our collective collective collective consciousness as well as the collective unconscious. The element of the unconscious, including the collective unconscious, still dominates the Earth. But the element of consciousness is constantly expanding, recently more and more, at a geometrical (logarythmic) pace. The unconscious, including the collective unconscious, consist of instincts, drives, desires and behaviors associated with the world of animals, to enable survival and reproduction in difficult terrestrial conditions. It is from the unconscious that a struggle, rivalry, mentality of shortage takes place, which forces us to do evil and take away resources from others, selfishness.

That is how animals work - they are constantly afraid of whether they will have food, so they fight with each other, they eat. Females allow only good quality, and above all strong and aggressive males. Is not the same in people? Our relations are still based not on empathy, tolerance and understanding, but on the cult of strength. Only we mask it a lot, but it does not work for us, and it is the cause of continuous, persistent cleavage, such "low-symptom psychosis". We are still on a very unstable platform connecting the animal world with global awareness.

The consciousness of humanity is constantly expanding and the phenomenon of UFOs is to support this process

The sphere of collective consciousness, which is constantly expanding, consists of: tolerance, empathy, support, forbearance, helping oneself, sharing, cooperation instead of competition, trust, pacifism, peace. This is what the New Age movement claims and this is true. But it is not everything! The sphere of consciousness is also: science, medicine (natural and pharmaceutical), technology, politics, economics, approach to money and abundance. Like any solving of various social, economic, political and ecological problems affecting humanity. Robotics, transhumanism and genetic engineering, despite the enormous threats associated with them, are the future, because the nature that forms the human body is very imperfect.

Until we learn how to heal at the gene level, we will be left to "patch up constantly emerging holes" with supplements, herbs, pharmaceutical pills or surgical operations. Only healthy people believe in the power of medicine. When a person is healthy, he can get scared and categorically state that pharmaceutical medicine or natural medicine has a remedy for every disease. However, this is not the case, and everyone who has a chronic, civilizational disease knows it, eg Hashimoto. These are incurable diseases, but you can "patch holes" with supplements, herbs, hormones or tablets.

But to the point. The phenomenon of UFOs is a projection of our collective, global mind of all humanity, which consists of elements of consciousness and unconsciousness. UFO as a projection of mainly collective unconsciousness has something important to tell us. It is to influence our fate, accelerate the evolution of humanity. It is to add new values ​​to the system, new ideas. And finally, despite the lack of proof for the existence of God or life after death, it is supposed to sow a seed of doubt in us. So he is going to force us to consider: "Maybe there is something amazing, something that we can not grasp with our senses, something spiritual!"

Although illusory, is not that good?

In this way, collective consciousness and unawareness affect our development. It is through such seemingly illogical play in the work of a doll. However, the tangible results of this sky-high cow are already. Millions of people have become interested in the mysteries and secrets of the world, what is hidden. Millions have given this hope and desire for further exploration. Is not this good in itself?

I have written many articles about UFOs, demons, astral, karma and illusions of esoteric spirituality. I popularize knowledge, the knowledge of which is almost nil, even among the "spiritualized". It turns out that the key is in simple simplicity, in everyday joys, in being a human, not a bastard. And not in complex systems and rules. It is time to stop believing in various esoteric dogmas, it is time to start analyzing them more rationally. Whenever you are dealing with some new esoteric theory, or a new version of this theory, ask yourself:

Then check if there is real, tangible evidence for this theory. Does it work in real life. Does it have references to psychology, politics and other manifestations of everyday real life? What fruit brings. Often, we either become hardened, ignorant rationalists, or we excessively give up the root of reason, believing in more and more crazy theories.

Reason without heart (rationalism) does not know the miracle of metaphysics or pity. A heart without reason ("candy" new age) is blind, stupid, leads astray, and has a tendency to psychosis, as evidenced by many esoteric gurus. The key is, as always, in the alchemical combination of opposites. It is a mythical St. Grail, wanted by many. 

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