Wednesday, January 29, 2025

New theory suggests Earth 'stole' moon from another planet

 Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania have presented a revolutionary hypothesis regarding the formation of the Moon, which could change our current understanding of the history of the Earth-Moon system. According to Darren Williams and Michael Zugger, our natural satellite could have been "captured" by Earth from another planetary system, and not formed as a result of a collision, as previously thought.

The uniqueness of the Earth-Moon system has long intrigued scientists. There is no similar case in the Solar System - other planets either have many moons or none at all. Of particular interest is the unusual ratio of the masses of both celestial bodies, which stands out from other planet-moon systems.

So far, two main theories have dominated about the origin of the Moon. The first assumed that it is a "daughter" of the Earth, created as a result of a giant collision with another celestial body. The second suggested that it is a "sister" of our planet, formed from the same material in the same region of the Solar System. The new hypothesis proposes a third possibility - the "adoption" of the Moon by the Earth.

The researchers point to the possibility of a process known as "double capture." In this scenario, when two gravitationally bound objects pass a third, one might be captured while the other remains free. A similar mechanism has been observed for Triton, a moon of Neptune.

An intriguing aspect of this theory is that the Moon's orbit does not perfectly align with Earth's equator, which is difficult to explain within the framework of the impact theory. Mathematical models developed by scientists suggest that the capture of an object the size of the Moon by a body with a mass similar to Earth is possible.

At the same time, researchers must explain the similarity in the mineral composition of the Earth and the Moon. Current data indicate very similar characteristics of the two bodies, which has traditionally been interpreted as evidence of their common origin. The new theory must take into account these observations and explain how two bodies of different origins could have such similar compositions.

According to scientists' calculations, Earth could theoretically capture an object the size of Mercury or Mars. Alternatively, the Moon may have initially been in an elliptical orbit that eventually evolved into its current, more circular form. This hypothesis is consistent with the Moon currently being observed to be moving away from Earth at a rate of about 3.8 centimeters per year.

This new theory not only sheds light on the origin of the Moon, but also has broader implications for our understanding of the evolution of planetary systems. It shows that the formation of planet-moon systems may be more complex and dynamic than previously thought.

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