Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Canadian government to take UFO investigation seriously - groundbreaking report suggests creation of special unit

 The just-released Sky Canada Project report, the first of its kind in Canada in decades, proposes radical changes to the approach to studying unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). The main recommendation is to create a dedicated government entity to officially investigate reports of sightings of unknown objects in the Canadian sky.

Project Sky Canada, launched in 2022 by the Office of Canada’s Chief Science Adviser, has released a 16-page preliminary report, the first official government study on UFOs in nearly 30 years. The full document is expected to be released later this year.

According to public opinion polls, as many as 27% of Canadians claim to have seen an unidentified object or phenomenon in the sky in their life. Interestingly, only 10% of them decided to report such an observation, and 40% admitted that they would not even know who to contact with such a report.

The report recommends the creation of a special unit, probably under the auspices of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), to collect evidence, investigate cases, and make analyses publicly available. Similar arrangements already exist in other countries: France has had such an office since 1977, and the United States recently established the Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO).

Special emphasis was placed on encouraging pilots, flight crews and air traffic controllers to report UAP sightings without fear of stigma. Transport Canada should review reports and provide pilots with explanations to reduce the risk of distraction during flights.

Currently, Canada lacks a coherent system for collecting and analyzing UAP reports. Reports go to different departments, without proper coordination or oversight, which makes scientific research difficult. There is also no official, accessible platform for Canadians to report sightings or obtain potential explanations.

It is worth emphasizing that the Sky Canada project does not aim to prove or disprove the existence of extraterrestrial life. Rather, it focuses on improving the reporting and investigation of unidentified phenomena that may have a variety of, often mundane, explanations - from drones and balloons, through satellites and meteors, to atmospheric phenomena and experimental military technologies.

The report argues that a more structured approach to managing UAP reports in Canada would be beneficial in several ways. It would increase transparency, help combat misinformation and demonstrate Canada’s commitment to scientific integrity.

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