Thursday, October 24, 2024

Sensational reports on the origin of the Moon: Is our satellite the work of an alien civilization?

 In the world of theories about extraterrestrial civilizations, another intriguing hypothesis has emerged that is electrifying both UFO enthusiasts and sceptics. According to controversial reports, our moon may not only be an artificial construction, but was brought into Earth's orbit by an advanced race of reptilians. This theory, although it sounds like a script from a  science fiction movie, finds its supporters among former employees of government agencies and self-proclaimed contactors with alien civilizations.

One of the most famous proponents of this theory is Alex Collier, who claims to have regular contact with beings from the Andromeda galaxy. During a famous interview with Art Bell in 1995, Collier presented a detailed history of the Moon, which seems to be part of a much larger intergalactic saga. According to his account, the Moon originally served as a giant transport ship, which brought not only the Reptilians, but also the first humans and hybrids of both races to Earth.

What’s especially intriguing is that similar suggestions had appeared earlier in the scientific community. In 1970, Soviet researchers Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov published an article in the journal Sputnik suggesting that the Moon could be an artificial structure placed in orbit by extraterrestrial intelligence. Although the publication appeared in a literary journal, not a scientific one, it became a cornerstone of alternative theories about the origin of our natural satellite.

Collier’s story is even more fascinating in its detail. According to his account, the Moon was the scene of an ancient interstellar war that took place over 113,000 years ago. The remains of destroyed bases from that conflict are said to still be on its surface today. This war was supposed to be part of a larger conflict between humans and the Orion Empire that lasted over 600,000 years and led to the near-extinction of human life in the Lyra system.

During the Moon's transport to our solar system, its surface was supposedly constantly bombarded by space debris, which contributed to the formation of the characteristic craters. Collier claims that there are currently about 30,000 beings on the Moon, both human and extraterrestrial, and there are plans to send hundreds of thousands more people there.

The theory of the artificial origin of the Moon found unexpected support in the person of former NASA scientist Robin Brett, who uttered intriguing words: "it is easier to explain the non-existence of the Moon than its existence". Additionally, Sergeant Karl Wolfe, who tragically died in 2018, worked on the Lunar Orbiter project in the 1960s, claimed to have seen photographs showing artificial structures on the far side of the Moon.

One of Collier’s most shocking claims is that when Apollo astronauts first landed on the moon, the “World Order” already had a presence there. According to his account, this knowledge was deliberately hidden from lower levels of NASA and the military, and the astronauts were forced to keep quiet or face serious consequences.

Collier also introduced the fascinating concept of the "Founders" (also known as the "Paa Tal"), an ancient alien race that was said to have the ability to manipulate moons and planets to create the right conditions for life to thrive. According to his account, both the Andromedans and Pleiadians believe in the existence of this mysterious race, who could theoretically move moons or even create entire solar systems.

While these theories may seem fantastic, the growing number of testimonies from individuals within government agencies and the military is thought-provoking. Luis Elizondo himself, a former intelligence officer, suggests that our perception of reality may be significantly limited. The recent UFO hearing in the US Congress, the first in over 50 years, shows that the subject of extraterrestrial civilizations is being taken more seriously by official institutions.

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