Monday, April 1, 2024

Why blood is the key to mystical secrets?

 For centuries, blood has been perceived as a substance with unusual, even magical properties. Various civilizations and cultures attributed special importance to it, believing in its mystical power. This mysterious liquid has become an inseparable element of various rites and rituals used to conclude contracts, fraternize or marry.

One of the most common blood rituals was the fraternization ritual practiced by many barbarian tribes, such as the Scythians, ancient Slavs, Etruscans and Huns. It involved inflicting wounds on each other with swords and then mixing the spilled blood in ritual cups, after which the participants drank it together - as a symbol of unity and an unbreakable bond.

Wedding rituals were also marked with blood. In this case, the bride and groom hurt each other to show the highest degree of trust in each other. They then drank this blood together, thus sealing their union. These types of ceremonies were common among the pagan peoples of Eastern and Northern Europe, as well as Central Asia.

Blood was also used in traditional ancient medicine. Shamans from Kamchatka, Siberia and South America performed bloodletting, believing that it carried away evil spirits that caused diseases. In Northern Ruthenia and the Scandinavian countries, there was a custom of pouring the blood of hunted animals on the sick, in the belief that this blood would strengthen the patient and speed up his recovery.

Blood also played a special role in sacrificial rituals. The ancient Aztecs carried out cruel practices, cutting out the hearts of victims to sprinkle on sacred altars. The Vikings also practiced similar bloody rituals, hanging prisoners over shrines and cutting their bodies so that the blood flowed to pagan altars. Esotericists believed that blood shed by force emits special emanations, attracting lower spirits and strengthening their influence on the material world.

However, there is also another side to the use of blood - blood as an atonement offering. In this case, the flow of blood purifies the surrounding space and attracts angelic beings. An example of such a redemptive sacrifice is the martyrdom of Jesus Christ.

The traditional medical concept of blood as a biological substance carrying chemicals does not exhaust its role and importance. Esotericists, theologians, philosophers and parapsychologists question this materialistic approach, suggesting that blood also has informational properties. According to famous fortune tellers, by examining blood radiation, you can even determine the presence of a generational curse or potential diseases in descendants.

Blood, this mysterious and fascinating substance, has always attracted people's attention, becoming an integral part of various ceremonies and rituals in various civilizations. Its importance goes far beyond medicine, reaching the spheres of esotericism, theology and parapsychology. Blood, although seemingly ordinary, holds the key to many mystical secrets.

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