Sunday, April 28, 2024

Welsh Roswell: Remains of a UFO of extraterrestrial origin from 1983

 In 1983, the average resident of the quiet Welsh village of Llanillar experienced an extraordinary event that still raises many questions and controversies. This event is commonly known as "Welsh Roswell" - a reference to the famous UFO incident in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.

One day in January, farmer Irwel Evans noticed metal fragments scattered across an area the size of three football pitches on his farm. Additionally, the tree tops in the nearby forest were damaged, as if something had crushed them. Evans immediately notified the police, who in turn called Royal Air Force officers and Ministry of Defense agents to the scene.

The arriving services attempted to collect and secure the found fragments, but did not provide any official explanations as to what happened. The air force denied that it was conducting any maneuvers or operations in the area at the time, and its radars did not record anything unusual.

The whole case was investigated by local UFO researcher Gary Rowe. He discovered that some of the fragments remained in the forest, including pieces of a metal coating resembling aluminum. Rowe kept these finds for 40 years until he was contacted by Mark Olly, presenter of "Ancient Aliens" and professor at the University of Chester.

Olly conducted laboratory tests on the fragments, which confirmed the unusual properties of the discovered materials. They turned out to contain rare and expensive metals such as lanthanum, which were extremely expensive and difficult to produce in the 1980s. In addition, it was found that some of the fragments had a structure resembling aluminum foam, which was not yet available at that time.

The analysis results leave more questions than answers. Researchers are considering the possibility that what fell on a Welsh field in 1983 could have been a spacecraft built using alien technology. They also believe that these extraordinary discoveries may be the first step towards official recognition of the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life.

The incident in Wales is still controversial and remains one of the most mysterious UFO stories. Will it ever be possible to explain what really happened that night in 1983? This still remains an open question.

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