Sunday, February 4, 2024

Why do girls want to have a BIG BUTT?

 While waiting for the bus, Magda is browsing Insta.

Probably, like you, he's fed up with the ubiquitous assholes.

But he thinks: my crush loves asses!

So Magda decides to buy some leggings and goes to the gym to exercise.

However, Magda still remains unnoticed by her crush. But Magda... Magda doesn't give up.

See, our heroine became the same girl she initially criticized - she became obsessed with her buttocks.

Just 15 years ago, having large buttocks was considered undesirable. Today, such buttocks are a luxury and something many girls strive for. The "buttock business" is booming - on the market we have ointments and pills for buttock enlargement, fat graft procedures, figure-emphasizing clothes and plenty of exercises aimed at buttock enlargement. So, as you can see, the "buttock" business is currently doing well, and most importantly, there is no indication that this will change.

The famous cover of "Paper Magazine" featuring Kim Kardashian had a significant impact on the perception of the female body. This is one of the moments that made big buttocks something of a viral trend. Why? On November 13, the day after the cover featuring Kardashian appeared, website traffic accounted for almost 1% of all web browsing activity in the US.

The cult of big buttocks then took over the Internet, setting new standards of beauty. This trend also began to be present in the world of stars. Nicki Minaj has become one of the brightest examples of fashion for plastic surgery, and strongly exposed shapes have become her trademark.

The phenomenon of buttock enlargement has become an inspiration for many women who previously may have felt insecure due to social norms that promoted a slim, petite figure. Therefore, it can be said that the cult of large buttocks reflects a change in social approach to body diversity and acceptance of one's appearance.

The Internet, of course, plays an important role here, because it is it, as an element of mass culture, that influences the shaping and strengthening of specific trends. And this is also the case with the promotion of large buttocks - on Instagram we see models flexing in swimsuits, on YouTube we have a lot of tutorials on how to exercise to emphasize or enlarge selected parts of the body. By entering the phrase "buttocks exercises" on the website, you will see a lot of instructional videos on how to do such a workout.
The Internet is therefore a place that allows you to share your own stories, inspire others to take action and build a community based on common interests. This interest may be the BUTTS.
In this case, we are talking about broadly understood physical activity and sharing progress in building a muscular figure. And of course, this is a positive trend, provided that people approach the issue of their own figure carefully, putting health and well-being first, not current trends.
Women usually have more rounded buttocks than men, which results from biology, and more specifically - from the action of estrogen. These are female hormones, the high level of which promotes the deposition of fat in some parts of the body and the retention of water in the tissues. Therefore, a woman's body has more rounded shapes and, more developed buttocks.
Testosterone, on the other hand, prevents the accumulation of fat in these parts. Therefore, women's buttocks usually contain a larger amount of fat tissue than men's, especially after puberty.
From the perspective of evolutionary psychology, rounded buttocks are an extremely desirable feature. They are a visual indicator of a woman's youth and reproductive abilities. They also act as a signal for the presence of estrogen and the availability of sufficient fat reserves needed during pregnancy and lactation. Additionally, the shape and size of the buttocks reflect the structure of the pelvis, which is important in the context of reproductive abilities. To put it very simply - the rounder a woman's shape, the more attractive she is to men because curves are subconsciously associated with high fertility.
Every social phenomenon has its own motivations. And this is also the case when you want to have big buttocks. So let's answer the title question - why do girls care so much about it?
Well, a good figure is associated with greater self-confidence. Especially nowadays, where the cult of the body dominates. Everywhere we see photos of well-groomed, muscular figures, promoted in advertisements, on television and on social media. There's no way to escape it, because even if you don't have Instagram, you'll come across body worship in a TV commercial, on Netflix, or even on a billboard. This universality of body worship meant that an athletic and well-groomed figure began to be identified with success and life satisfaction. The cult of the body gives a certain promise - subconsciously we think that external appearance gives us a greater chance of social advancement and success in life.
And this is another motivation that makes girls want to have big buttocks. They are often motivated by a prosaic thing: the desire to be admired. Well, let's imagine - the girl starts exercising, sees the first effects, which, however, no one else has a chance to see, because our heroine's presence on the Internet is limited only to liking posts on Facebook groups. After some time, she opens Instagram, where she boasts about the progress she has achieved thanks to exercises. The number of likes and followers increases every day, and the girl feels more and more "empowered" in the form of positive reactions to her metamorphosis. Our heroine, wanting to fit into the currently promoted canon of large buttocks, also collects admiration and compliments on social media, which further confirms her belief that her behavior is okay.
Every person needs to be appreciated and noticed, and Instagram seems to provide this kind of emotion. However, it is worth remembering that such motivation in the form of the reactions of complete strangers can be treacherous and have little to do with positive "reinforcement", because it makes people believe that if they just look a certain way, they will be rewarded. And let's face it - big buttocks sell very well on social media.
Just compare the influencer's photos, one without showing the "behind" and the other with the buttocks shown.
The right figure achieved through exercise is also a symbol of effort. Sport is a guarantee not only of greater self-confidence, but also of physical changes. Exercises are about developing physical strength, fitness, strength and endurance. Athletic people will therefore be associated with features such as efficiency, consistency, or regularity, which also proves that they make effort every day - both physically and mentally. Jan Czechowski, doctor of the Academy of Physical Education in Krakow, directly equates regular exercise with personality development. As he says:
“Focusing on the formation of a beautiful person, not only physically but also morally, is one of the most important educational tasks in this field (…) Sport becomes an appropriate environment for shaping one's personality. Systematic training, persistent work, self-discipline, obedience to superiors, respect for others and compliance with the rules of fair play contribute to the formation and tempering of the personality.
And this is one of the most important and beneficial motivations behind the desire to have large buttocks. What are the other benefits of this phenomenon?
I will now mention several studies showing the impact of the size of the buttocks on everyday life, which you will probably hear about for the first time in your life.
The arguments behind buttock exercises are most often related to aesthetics. But as it turns out, that's not all. Having larger and stronger buttocks translates into better posture, mobility and upper body stabilization. Therefore, it is also recommended to exercise these parts. As it turns out, appropriately strong and tense buttocks and abdominal muscles prevent anterior and posterior tilt of the pelvis in any position, which protects the lumbar section against overload and injuries.
As it turns out, big buttocks can also have a positive effect on your health! A study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that excess fat tissue in the lower body, especially around the thighs and buttocks, acts as a barrier against heart disease, diabetes and other obesity-related diseases.
So, as you can see, having large buttocks also has its advantages. It is not only aesthetics and adapting to the well-known canon, but also better posture and stability of the upper body and prevention of various diseases.
Women's buttocks have always been a symbol of fertility and beauty. Statues dating back to 24,000 BC, such as the Venus of Willendorf, have enhanced buttocks, hips and thighs.
​The beauty of women's buttocks was also noticed by the ancient Greeks and the Chinese from the Ming dynasty. The latter even compared it to a bright full moon. However, the ideal of female beauty was shaped differently in different eras, also in the context of buttocks. Let's take a look at the aforementioned Venus of Willendorf. This figure is characterized by abundant shapes that were supposed to symbolize prosperity, abundance and fertility. It was similar in the 16th and 17th centuries, where the figure of a man's wife was supposed to prove his wealth. It was believed that a woman's body could reflect the social status of the family. In the 18th century, rounded silhouettes also took precedence, which were additionally emphasized with fashionable corsets at that time.
In the late 19th and 20th centuries, cartoonist Charles Dana Gibson created an ideal of female beauty. The "Gibson Girl" in his drawings was slender, but still had defined shapes and a narrow waist. Just like today, Kardashians are an ideal for many people, back then the ideal was a character from Gibson's drawings. To such an extent that women of that time wanted to be like her - both through style, clothing and gestures observed in drawings.
The ideal of female beauty has developed differently over the centuries, but rounded, feminine shapes have been, are and probably will be desirable in women. However, the real cult of buttocks began when celebrities came to the fore and promoted a specific figure through the mass media.
And to achieve their dream figure, people can do a lot.
Ways to have a bigger butt that women use.
One of the less invasive methods is simply physical exercise, which can "naturally" improve the shape and size of the buttocks. There are also various types of cosmetics available on the market, such as creams and balms. Their manufacturers promise that after using selected preparations we can count on the effect of buttock enlargement in a relatively short time. There is also an invasive way to transform your figure. And it has nothing to do with regularity of actions or patient waiting for results. Perhaps you have heard about the BBL buttock surgery that Fagata and a few other influencers once underwent? It involves transplanting fat tissue from your own body into the places you want to shape. According to the "International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery" research from 2021, buttock augmentation is currently the 10th most frequently performed plastic surgery in the world. In 2021, almost 400,000 such procedures were performed worldwide.
Nowadays, the cult of a beautiful body and perfect appearance is already a global phenomenon. The matter is not made easier by the media, which tells us to look a certain way, and an athletic figure with exposed shapes is associated with the possibility of achieving success and happiness. And it can be said that the cult of the body, and in this case the cult of the buttocks, can be treated as a positive trend, provided that people approach the issue of their own figure with caution, putting health and well-being first, not current trends. That's why I encourage you to engage in physical activity - but not the kind that requires you to look a certain way, but the kind that simply gives you pleasure - and everyone would feel pleasant as Baki Hanma. Be sure to let us know in the comment what you think about the phenomenon of big buttocks fashion?

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