Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Extremely advanced alien ufology from another dimension, shown in various documentary programs in 2023!!!

 here's an awful lot going on in ufology in 2023! Could this be related to the coming end of the world in 2075?! Recently, i.e. at the end of 2023, a lot of information and experiences of various UFO researchers are beginning to flow, in our opinion, everything leads to the conclusions drawn from the UFO phenomenon by Pastor Hoggard, personally we would add to this the conclusions that come to us from our investigations, the point is that that the phenomenon of the so-called Aliens is the real world of "The Lord of the Rings", combined with the world of "Star Wars"..., plus a spiritually cosmic battle Ephesians 6:12.

In October and November in the year of our Lord 2023, the broadcasting of the "fourth series" of the Polish-language version of documentaries entitled "Ranczo Skinwalkera" began, the original name of this production was "Curse Of Skinwalker Ranch". As usual, the phenomena and what was recorded there are very interesting, we were most interested in the moment from episode 10, when a team of researchers equipped with advanced equipment, including thermal imaging, captured something that is proof not only of the existence of an extradimensional civilization - spiritual, or even angelic from level V or VI, or Divine VII in Asimov's gradation, but it decisively crushes in many aspects the views of Darwinists, people possessed by the falsehood of evolution and the scientific materialism of Lenin, Marx and Engels.

In the mentioned 10th episode of the series, a team of researchers from the ranch asked an Indian band (shamans) - ritual musicians to perform a series of ancient spiritual songs in the zone most haunted by UFOs. About 7-8 Indians started singing and beating the shamanic drum. All scientific equipment was turned on, everything was recorded (see attached frames). After some time, the Indians stopped singing, something disturbed them. As it turned out, they began to hear sounds made by the feet of invisible creatures walking - walking - humanoids. They decided that they were ending the show and would not sing any more, they were convinced that they had summoned their ancient spirits, and when they came to this place, they were beyond scared.

After examining the recordings, thermal imaging managed to register two rapidly approaching "light-thermal vehicles" in the form of large orb balls. These light energy cocoons, which contained the mentioned other dimensional beings, were flying towards the ranch at great speeds, we could barely record them landing, 5 meters above where a group of Indians was located, in the place of an ancient spiral (see graphic compilation below)! After these creatures got there, they had to leave the "means of transportation" invisible to the human eye and went to investigate what, or who, was calling them here, which caused fear and terror of the Indian team of cult shamans. We will not reveal the entire content of the "4th Series" of the "Skinwalker Ranch" films, but this moment is the most sensational for us and confirms a huge amount of speculation as to the nature of the UFO phenomenon! A large part of UFO intelligence are spiritual beings who do not have a "hard" biological body! It is suspected that these are spiritual bodies or certain energy forms (information and spiritual clouds), and these, if these intelligences want, can materialize in our dimension, which is consistent with the teachings of the Bible, as well as with the messages of ancient civilizations.

The mentioned description from the ranch, when the Indians summoned these creatures, is one of many that were revealed in 2023 in various documentary programs about the phenomenon, or as we believe, about "UFO Apparitions". Another program worth mentioning, which consists of a series of four episodes, is a documentary film entitled "UFO", presented in 2023 on the French channel "Planete+". It is a production made on a grand scale, even anamorphic lenses were used during filming, creating a beautiful cinematic effect, which was intended to add seriousness to the images. It must be admitted that this is a production worth recommending, but it is addressed mainly to beginners in the mystery of aliens, or "aliens" if you prefer.

​There is some useful information there, but the film is rather a well-constructed lecture on the tangle of US government secrets, the brainwashing of public opinion by various government disinformation groups, which has been carried out for decades, combined with certain aspects of "typical ufology", and the inability to understand it by standard ufologists, if anyone digs even a little for the truth. In this four-episode series, we would like to direct your attention to the former chief officer of super advanced radar systems, but also the pilot of the elite group of "Top Gun" jets, Kevin Day! Mr. Kevin Day, at a critical moment in his career, served on the "USS Nimitz aircraft carrier", managed everything and everyone who operated the radar and targeting systems. In various programs he is shown as a witness of famous meetings with the so-called "Tic Tac", i.e. UFO vehicles that can reach speeds of up to 40,000 km/h and even teleport to various distances, probably changing (their) structure of the so-called "matter", or being only partially material!

High-ranking naval officer Kevin Day, after meeting with "UFO vehicles", or more likely with "living structures of super cosmic and spiritual artificial intelligence", as we think of them, and as we will somehow try to prove in part two of this article, suffered a powerful spiritual transformation! As he himself describes it, after these meetings, we do not know how many of them there were, but as he describes it, in the above-mentioned episode of the "Planete+" channel, he suffered a mental shock, so great that his private life was ruined, something like a major hero from the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", directed by Steven Spielberg. We have been trying to collect information about this officer for a long time, because his face, compared to before the incident, now expresses fear and terror!!!

In the documentary "UFO" he talks about the strong traumatic experiences of a man disconnected from the government and military matrix!!! This man and his personal incident are perfect for a Hollywood movie script, it's strange that it hasn't been filmed yet. We were interested in his account of the spiritual experiences that UFO intelligences caused in him, in his soul, his strong catastrophic dreams, or even "dream messages", as he claims, which have been tormenting him for many years, from the moment he woke up, or as we mentioned, from the disconnection of his being from the government-Luciferian matrix by these "Supramundane entities"! This man was so shocked that from a super radar systems officer he became a waiter in one of the American holiday resorts! The analysis of what happened to this soldier requires additional text, for now let's stop at what we have sketched here.

Another series of new documentaries in 2023, which not only shock, but also refute the standard views of evolutionary academics, is the fourth production of the previously mentioned hairy huge creatures that use special camouflage, or become invisible, its title: "In the footsteps of the great feet", ("Expedition Bigfoot"). The fourth installment of the dozen-or-so-episode production showed something sensational right at the beginning, probably in the third episode. One of the researchers, a military survivalist known from the previous parts, went to one of the caves in wild Alaska.

Fortunately, he took with him an expert in advanced environmental recording systems, and he sent with him a walking robot with a laser LIDAR camera mounted on it, which recorded an invisible creature inhabiting this cave, and now attention, it passed right next to the researcher as a "distorted transparent fog" ( something like camouflage used by the reptilian creatures when they landed in Las Vegas!). The shape of what the LIDAR camera recorded is a large hairy humanoid creature, invisible in visible light or with human eyes! She was right next to the American, but he did not hear her footsteps, which may suggest the existence in other zones of existence, or a change in the structure of his body when he senses approaching human beings, something reminiscent of the movie "The Lord of the Rings", when the person putting on the miraculous ring is transported to another dimension, right next to ours, and is invisible to those from this reality.

Moving on to the next productions from 2023, actually the most important series of documentary films that we want to mention here, we suggest you follow the documentary presentation launched in Poland called "Beyond Skinwalker Ranch". In our opinion, what is shown there is probably more shocking and valuable than in most productions about UFOs, aliens, demons and ghosts combined! "Further than the alien ranch" surpasses the knowledge of the so-called "aliens" shown in "the regular skinwalker ranch series".

It collects the most haunted by "aliens" places in the United States, numerous experiments were carried out, and at the same time the series confirms the existence of secret UFO projects in the United States, including underground bases, military and occult complexes, elites interested in aliens, especially their technology, and "portals to other dimensions" , something that the aliens are probably going through and that was captured in the "standard Skinwalker Ranch movie"!!!

The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch | S4 E14 Finale | Lidar Wormhole - Meeting With Brandon [HD] [2023]

Beyond Skinwalker Ranch: Creepy Creature Encountered on Ranch (Season 1 Exclusive)

Former Navy Officer Tells The Truth About The Infamous "Tic Tac" UFO Video | UFO Witness

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