Sunday, September 3, 2023

Unidentified atmospheric entities EBAS - strange UFO above our heads

 UFOs, or unidentified flying objects, have long been a subject of fascination and controversy. Despite the Pentagon's recent release of some data on UFOs, many aspects of these phenomena remain unclear. Among the many theories surrounding these mysterious objects, one is gaining popularity, suggesting that some of these objects may actually be biological life forms from outer space.

The first theories on this subject date back to the 1940s. Charles Fort, in his book "The Book of the Damned", raised the issue of the existence of unknown atmospheric creatures that live in space and resemble ocean life forms. Modern writers such as Ivan T. Sanderson and Trevor James Constableland developed this idea, arguing that an entire ecosystem of cosmic organisms could exist around our planet.

Moreover, some astronauts, including John Glenn and Franklin Musgrave, claim to have observed these strange life forms in space. If they are real, they would constitute an entirely new category of existence that we have not yet managed to understand or classify.

Some scientists, such as Andreas Faberkaiser, go even further, suggesting that these life forms not only exist but may also have an impact on our ecosystem and atmosphere. If these so-called "space jellyfish" would inhabit our planet in larger numbers, this could lead to various types of anomalies or atmospheric phenomena.

David G. Roca, a researcher from the University of Alicante, introduced the concept of EBAS (Atmospheric Biological Entities) in his work "La Biblia de las Ebas". According to his hypothesis, some observed anomalies and UFO phenomena may in fact be manifestations of these cosmic organisms that spread in our atmosphere.

Another fascinating theory comes from Ruggiero Santilli, whose research into antimatter suggests that there may be intelligent beings in our atmosphere that are invisible to traditional telescopes. His research in this field could open the door to a new level of understanding of cosmic life.

In summary, while many aspects of UFOs still raise many questions, new theories about biological life in space offer a fresh perspective on this ancient phenomenon. If these hypotheses are true, we could face an entirely new concept of life that extends beyond the boundaries of our planet.

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