Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Deleting memories like in Men in Black - a new breakthrough or a threat?

 Kyoto scientists have discovered a way to erase memories in what might sound like a scenario from a science-fiction movie like Men in Black. However, instead of a special device, they used biotechnology for this.

The experiment conducted on mice involved injecting an adenovirus with a fluorescent protein into their brains and blocking the cofilin light. As a result, the mice completely forgot the learned tasks. This technique can be helpful in treating people with post-traumatic stress disorder.

However, the question arises: can such a device be dangerous if it falls into the hands of the army or special services? This can lead to creating soldiers with no memories of the past or recruiting spies. Experiments with human memory can have serious consequences for society.

Despite the potential risks, memory erasure technology can have many positive applications, such as helping people with traumatic memories. However, further research is needed to establish an ethical framework for the use of such devices.

The concept of erasing memories is not new. It appears in literature and cinema, for example, in the movie "City of Heroes", where the hero erases his daughter's memories to get rid of pain. Only now is science starting to get closer to realizing this idea.

Expert opinions are divided. Some scientists fear negative consequences, such as loss of individuality and personality. Others believe that technology can help people overcome traumas and return to normal lives.

Regardless of the position, it is worth remembering that experiments with human memory must be carried out with care and respect for human rights.

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