Friday, April 7, 2023

A series of cattle mutilations. Australian couple blames aliens

 Judy and Mick Cook's farm in the Australian town of Yungella recently fell victim to a mysterious attacker. In total, the couple lost 20 head of cattle to a mysterious criminal who surgically removes internal organs and leaves no trace of blood. These types of attacks have been happening regularly for the last 20 years. The couple came to the conclusion that aliens may be responsible for the attacks on animals.

The first cattle attack there took place 18 years ago, and the most recent incident happened just six months ago. Such a series of unfortunate events can no doubt be reminiscent of many similar cattle mutilations of which Alien travelers have been accused. Similar incidents have been reported in America for decades, but the phenomenon is actually global.

Astonished cattle owners told The Daily Mercury newspaper that they had never believed in the supernatural before, but over the years they began to think that their animals were falling prey to something inhuman. Their opinion was also changed by seeing "strange lights in the sky" hovering around the field and the house. Here is the exact quote:

"One night there was a light in the distance, very bright, we couldn't tell how close it was," said Mick Cook. “It appeared to be hovering just outside the property boundary where the next day I found a mob of cattle that looked terrified and started running away as soon as I got close. It was very strange.”

The couple breeds 1,100 cattle, which makes it much easier for potential attackers to capture those animals that are not under constant care. But for 18 years, have their animals always been victims of the same attacker? If it had been a wild animal, it would most likely have left some traces. After all, we are talking about Australia, a continent full of potential predators. However, local authorities have not been able to find anything concrete.

It is worth noting here that in 1979, similar incidents in the US were the subject of an FBI investigation, in which authorities concluded that some mutilations were the result of natural predation - eating cows as prey - while in most cases there were inexplicable anomalies that caused that conspiracy theories have jumped into a higher gear. This is one of the reasons why years of unclear answers have spread stories about the Mexican Chupacabra.

Chupacabra is a now legendary cryptid that allegedly attacks and kills farm animals in various parts of America. Its origin is shrouded in mystery, and while some believe it to be a mythical creature, others believe it to be a mutated animal or a failed genetic experiment.

The first reports of Chupacabra appeared in Puerto Rico in the mid-1990s. According to witnesses, the creature was four feet tall, bipedal, had large eyes, sharp claws, and fangs protruding from its mouth. The name "Chupacabra", which means "goat sucker" in Spanish, was given to it because of its habit of drawing blood from its prey, primarily from goats and sheep. Occasionally, however, the chupacabra was even accused of attacking larger animals such as cows.

So what is the truth behind the attacks on the cattle raised by Judy and Mick Cook? Do they fall prey to aliens, chupacabras or a serial killer of cows with a degree in surgery?

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