Monday, December 5, 2022

Is Rh-negative blood our extraterrestrial heritage?

 Many ancient texts claim that humanity is the result of a genetic mutation that intelligent beings from outer space created with prehistoric humans. Ancient Sumerian researcher Zechariah Sitchin, who had a huge impact on ancient astronaut theories, believes that an advanced race of intelligent beings came to Earth 450,000 years ago in the Neanderthal era and genetically engineered modern humans. Moreover, another theory that could support Sitchin's claims is the mystery of Rh-negative blood that connects people to alien ancestry.

If humanity descended from the same African ancestor, all human blood would be compatible, but it is not. Where did Rh-negative people come from? Why does a Rh-negative mother carrying a Rh-positive baby try to reject her offspring? Could it be that humanity is not a single race, but a hybrid species.

The population with the highest density of the Rh-negative blood group is located between the border of Spain and France in the Pyrenees mountain range. The people of this isolated region are known as the Basques and have long baffled anthropologists and historians. The language spoken by part of this territory is unrelated to any other in this part of the world. As many as 35% of the Basques have a Rh-negative blood type, which is the least susceptible to mutations or interactions with other blood types.

There are 8 most common blood types (A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+, AB-); The classification is based on proteins found on the surface of cells, which are mainly designed to wage war against bacteria and viruses in the human body. About 85% of people in the world are Rh-positive and there is no problem getting blood from positive or negative donors.

The question of whether Rh-negative blood is a mutation or not is a controversial topic among researchers. If it's a mutation, then why are people with Rh-negative blood known to have extra vertebrae? This, like blood type, is scientifically explained as a mutation. However, according to modern DNA sequencing, it has been proven that humanity is not just one race descended from one ancestor in Africa, but a hybridized species behind which lies a much more mysterious truth.

The fact is that if the mother is Rh-negative, her immune system perceives the Rh-positive fetal cells as a foreign substance. The mother's body produces antibodies against the fetal blood cells. These antibodies can cross the placenta back to the developing baby. They destroy the baby's circulating red blood cells. This suggests that somewhere in our ancestors, Rh-negative and Rh-positive are perceived as profoundly different.

Rh-negative rhesus is very rare. It was not spread worldwide until the beginning of colonization in the 15th century. Rh-negative did not exist in the Americas, South Africa and Asia. Was only in Europe. According to scientists, modern man originated in Africa at least 250,000 to 300,000 years ago. All of them are Rh-positive. They don't have a single Rh negative factor, so where did that come from?

Proponents of the ancient alien theory assume that there were highly developed civilizations on Earth before us, which were destroyed by some great global catastrophe, as history mysteriously tells us. Could an Rh-negative blood type be evidence of a very different pre-human evolution than what the history books make us believe? Can it serve as irrefutable evidence of extraterrestrial intervention in the distant past? But if so, have experiments with sentient hominids ended or are they still ongoing?

Indeed, it is among the Basques of France and Spain that we find the strange predominance of one human blood type, known as Rh-negative. The use of Rh here means "rhesus" because the origin of the blood type was determined by a common factor that is shared by humans and rhesus monkeys. The most common manifestation of Rh blood in humans is Rh positive blood. By studying the common factors between blood types, for example, in humans and rhesus monkeys, it becomes clear, with respect to the genetic information present here, that at some point in our ancient past, humans must have shared a common ancestor with this species.

Many believe that Rh negative blood is a legacy that our Anunnaki creators, among others, left on Earth.

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