Saturday, November 19, 2022

Mr Anime - youtuber from hell

 Trey Sesler had everything to live a happy life: a normal childhood, loving parents, a supportive brother, and school buddies. In addition, he was also famous - as a beginner YouTuber gradually gained more and more popularity. He dreamed of a career as a filmmaker, which - with any luck - was within his reach. One day he decided to annihilate it all for no particular reason. Or was it the so-called "Columbine effect"?

Around midnight on March 19, 2012, Trey asked his mother to come to the garage to help him fix the car. The woman agreed without a problem. She had good contact with her son. As soon as she entered the room, she saw Trey in front of her, holding a 22mm rifle. The boy squeezed the trigger without a word. He fired at his mother several times. Rhonda, 57, fell limp to the ground.

When he realized what he had done, he felt fear. After a while, however, he found that there was no turning back now. He had to finish the job. He started from the garage towards the house to kill the rest of the family. As he later testified, he did not want his relatives to be ashamed of hearing that he had become a matricide.

Mark, Trey's brother, met him in the hallway. I don't know what you were doing there [in the garage - author's note], but it was very loud - he said. Trey silently passed Mark and headed to his room. He found a loaded Glock pistol and shot his brother twice. Miraculously injured Marek managed to escape and barricade himself in the bathroom.

The noises woke the boys' father - Lawton. The sleepy man wanted to find out about the situation, but he didn't have time. Trey burst into the bedroom and shot his father in his own bed. Later he remembered Mark still sitting in the bathroom. Trey started firing at the door to the room. Eventually, one of the bullets hit the lock. The door swung open.

A twenty-six-year-old man was lying on the floor, curled up in a fetal position. He was bleeding heavily, he was not moving. Trey thought he was dead, but he wanted to be sure. So he swapped the Glock for an AR-15 rifle and headed back to the garage. His mother also showed no sign of life, yet the killer shot her twice more. Later he went back to Mark and shot him in the head. Finally he went to the bedroom, to the dead father, whom he also shot.

At 2am, Trey made voicemail messages informing his parents' employers that they would not be showing up for work that day (Rhonda was a journalist for the local newspaper, Lawton a teacher). His voice was completely calm, in contrast to what had happened moments earlier or later at home.

Trey completely demolished him. He destroyed everything he could get his hands on - furniture, small items, family heirlooms. He shot TV and other electronic devices, threw books off the shelves, took food out of the refrigerator. He broke the aquarium and killed his beloved ferret. The house soon turned into a shambles.

Frenzy, Trey covered the walls of the house with various inscriptions. For example, he asked, "Is what I have done wrong?", "Will I get in trouble?", "Will they look at me weird?" He also wrote that he loves his family, does not know why he killed her and asks God for help.

However, the murder of the family did not end Trey's murderous plans. The boy packed the AR 15 rifle with ammunition into the car and headed towards the high school he once attended. He wanted to start a shootout similar to the one that took place in 1999 in Columbine.

Trey knew everything about this crime, he knew its course minute by minute. He watched documentaries about Columbine 50 times in total. He was fascinated by Eric's feat

 and Dylan, the teenagers who shot and injured a total of 37 people in 1999 and later committed suicide.

Trey was going to hide between the benches of the school stadium where the game was to be played that day. In fact, the school was his primary target - killing family members was just an introduction. Trey wanted to kill as many people as possible.

Surprisingly, on the way to school, the bomber suddenly changed his mind. As he later stated, the idea of ​​murdering several dozen people in the stadium suddenly became "too real". The boy made a phone call to his friend and then went to his house.

The police showed up at the Sesler family home fairly quickly. The surprised officers saw a view as if they were on a battlefield: damaged objects were scattered all over the house. The floor was littered with broken glass, broken plastic, papers, and cartridge cases. There were blood and bullet marks here and there.

Worse than the mess were the dead bodies of Rhonda, Mark, and Lawton. Their arrangement indicated that the victims tried to defend themselves against the attacker or to escape from him.

In many places, inscriptions attesting to the criminal's state of mind have been discovered. Trey was not overflowing on a daily basis, but after the murder, he covered the walls of the house with words of remorse, fear and enormous suffering. All the more, none of the gathered people could understand why the young man decided to implement such a terrifying plan.

The police had no major doubts as to who was responsible for the monstrous crime. The search for the youngest of the Sesler family began immediately. We managed to track down the murderer a few hours later. The arrest was made by the SWAT unit (the equivalent of Polish anti-terrorists). Trey sat motionless in his Ford Mustang outside his friend's house. He had several loaded weapons with him.

The boy collaborated with the police from the very beginning. He pleaded guilty. He was in a very poor mental state, and the officers were afraid that he would commit suicide. During the eight-hour interrogation, he told exactly what he had done and why. From time to time he would sob out, terrified of the fate he had brought to his family.

Why did a twenty-two-year-old man, who so far had no violent behavior, decide in cold blood to shoot his mother, father and brother? In his own words, alcohol, drugs, the Internet, and an interest in violence were responsible for the act.

However, Trey changed his testimony many times. He often emphasized that he was very close to his family, that he would have given his life for Rhonda, Mark, or Lawton if he had to. According to another version of the incidents, depression and loneliness were supposed to drive him to murder.

For the cops and friends of Trey, the worst thing was that the boy had not previously revealed any obvious signs of madness or murderous intentions. Nobody expected that a bloody crime plan had been maturing in his head for a long time. The boy really wanted to know what it was like to kill someone and some swallows of this degenerate thinking appeared.

Trey Eric Sesler was born on August 3, 1989. He lived and grew up in the small town of Waller, Texas. He was interested in cinematography. In 2006, he founded a channel on YouTube. He published amateur films of his own production there. He appeared in them as an actor, but most of all he was a director.

Trey's short works were not of the best quality, but they testify to the young artist's great enthusiasm. They mainly concern the fight between good and evil. Their heroes stand up for the weaker and take revenge on all kinds of bad characters.

Many of these productions feature Trey's mom and brother. It is clear from this that the family was very supportive of the aspiring director. She helped him pursue his passion also financially. Gradually, Trey's channel was gaining more and more fans, although the boy did not have professional recording equipment, nor did he have professional knowledge about editing.

He learned everything himself and with great commitment. He also acted as a local reporter covering various events in the Waller area. Over time, he began giving advice to other creators. For example, he recorded a tutorial on how to perform a realistic gunshot wound for a movie.

The real breakthrough, however, came when Trey decided to review anime (Japanese animated films). Japanese series did not interest a large audience at the time, so Trey was a niche artist. However, thanks to his efforts, this part of the cinema became more and more popular.

Trey took the pseudonym Mr. Anime. He talked about productions that he had the opportunity to watch recently. He primarily paid attention to a good script and interesting characters, the action itself was not the most important thing for him. He even disliked anime consisting only of gory scenes of violence. He found them boring and of little value.

The boy gradually increased his ranges. The work of a YouTuber brought him real joy. There wasn't much distraction in the small town of Waller, Texas, and Mr Anime eventually became recognizable. Many other creators praised the reviews he recorded for their high substantive level.

At one point, Trey became seriously ill with pneumothorax. He had to undergo surgery at the hospital, which was fortunate enough. The boy has changed a lot since then. The audience of his channel noticed that he seemed absent, lost the plot, his tongue was getting tangled. Some wrote in the comments that he clearly needed professional help.

The content he posted on YouTube began to evolve in a worrying direction. Trey became morbidly interested in the weapon. He talked a lot about serial killers, and eventually about the Columbine High School shootout as well.

As he later testified, at that time he was on strong psychotropic drugs, which he mixed with alcohol and drugs. Gradually, he became more and more involved in the world of violence - he was fascinated by the very act of killing, although he found its consequences very unpleasant, even terrifying.

Family members and friends must have sensed that something was wrong. Trey's father even made a joke, saying that "the son will kill them all someday." Rhonda also showed signs of nervousness - she lost weight, deteriorated in health, which did not go unnoticed by her co-workers.

On February 13, 2012, Trey posted a video titled "Mr Anime is planning something"

(Mr. Anime is getting ready). In it, he says that he is planning a short hiatus from publishing the films, which did not surprise anyone in particular. Everyone thought that the boy just wanted to rest.

In mid-March, Trey called the police reporting a shooting in the area. Perhaps he was trying to check the vigilance of the officers in this way. Every day he thought about hurting someone. He also ran a private "serial killers ranking", in which he awarded everyone points for the number of victims, weapons used, method of operation, etc. Ted Bundy and Son of Sam.

Although Trey testified in the investigation that he had planned to kill someone from the age of 13, no one realized that a nice, kind and easy going young man who had no quarrels with either his mother or father or brother had any tendencies. to aggression. He never acted aggressively, never got into trouble, or provoked fights. He was an ordinary boy like many, with an eccentric, but on the whole harmless hobby.

He had a group of friends. Nobody at school harassed him. His parents allowed him to live together, even though he was 22 years old and - by American standards - he should have become independent a long time ago. They also helped him financially. They wanted nothing in return.

Although Texas is still under the death penalty to this day, Trey Sesler received a life sentence without parole for first-degree murder. The accused himself asked for this right to be taken away, as he considered himself extremely dangerous.

According to the Texas Department of Crime's website, Trey is still in prison to this day. She is 33 years old. His channel has disappeared from YouTube, but individual videos are still available to the public.



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