Thursday, October 27, 2022


 Prisma Denisse Peralta Reyes, 26, was last seen on April 17, 2019. On that day, during her lunch break, the woman left her job at a car dealership and met her ex-boyfriend at the E Bar Tex Mex restaurant on North Haskell Avenue in Dallas in Texas. Prisma did not come to work anymore, she did not pick up her baby from the babysitter that day and she never returned home. Where is Prisma?

During lunch, the couple got into an argument that caused her ex-boyfriend Ryan to leave the place. After he left, Reyes stayed at the restaurant and ordered drinks for the next three hours. While at the restaurant, the woman called the babysitter of her 6-year-old son, Maria, with whom she talked for about an hour. Prisma left the restaurant after the bartender refused to serve her any further alcohol and asked her to leave the restaurant.

After leaving the restaurant, Reyes got into the car and a moment later she was involved in an accident in which, fortunately, no one was hurt, but the driver of the vehicle she collided with decided to call the police. Before the officers arrived at the scene, however, Prisma left the scene. Security cameras last registered her presence at around 6 p.m. when the woman entered the parking lot of the Olympus at Ross Apartments apartment complex on 3500 Roseland Avenue in Dallas, where Ryan lived. Ryan said he was not home at the time the woman was captured by the cameras.

The surveillance footage shows Prisma talking to someone on a cell phone, swaying and shifting from foot to foot. Between 5:49 p.m. and 6:01 p.m., she made nine short calls, five of which to her ex-boyfriend. Ryan didn't pick up any of those calls. The penultimate link was to a friend of Prisma, who said she sounded bewildered or under the influence of some intoxicating substances. During the conversation with him, she was convinced that he was talking to Ryan and asked him to give her the number of his apartment (Ryan had recently lived there and Prisma did not know his exact address). The woman's friend, hearing the condition of Prisma, was very disturbed by this fact, but as he was out of state at the time, he was unable to help her.

Shortly after 6 p.m. all traces of the woman disappear, and no cameras have registered Prisma leaving the building. She was never seen again, and she never made contact with anyone.

Prisma was to pick up her son from the babysitter at 7:30 pm. However, this did not happen, and as Reyes was very obligatory and always showed great concern for the child, the babysitter decided to report her missing to the police 2 hours later, at 21:30.

The next day, a white Jeep Wrangler from 2017 belonging to the missing person was found at the Olympus at Ross Apartments complex. The car had been parked there from the day before Prisma went to the garage of the building.

Maria claims that when she spoke to Prisma that afternoon, she seemed to be in good shape and that their conversations were on down-to-earth topics, including with work. What seemed strange to the investigators, however, was that the women had never talked for that long, and their contacts were always business and limited to Prisma's son. After all, Maria has never been linked to the disappearance of a woman.

During interviews with the missing woman's family and friends, several disturbing details came to light. It turned out that shortly before her disappearance, Prisma began to act strange and expressed anxiety for her life. The woman was convinced that someone was following her and felt so threatened that she decided to purchase a gun, which the police later discovered in her car.

Prisma's family and loved ones maintain that abandoning a child is completely unlike her, and believe that something bad must have happened to the woman. At the time of her disappearance, in addition to working in a car dealership, she was working as an assistant in a law firm and served in the National Guard.

Reyes is from Veracruz, Mexico, and became a US citizen a few years before disappearing. The woman lived with her son in Mesquite, Texas, and the city's police are investigating her. Despite the enormous efforts and commitment of the family and the authorities, no one was arrested in the case of the disappearance of Prisma Reyes and no breakthrough occurred.

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