Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Abandoned police station near Warsaw and other places where people see ghosts

 Places, where terrible things have happened, are sometimes haunted by the ghosts of those who have been wronged there. Both in Poland and abroad, there are areas where people regularly witness paranormal phenomena

While horror movies may feature different themes, the most frightening ones are productions where ghosts appear. It has long been known that the latter can arouse the feeling of fear and terror even in the most nervously enduring people.

Why are some of us so afraid of ghosts? In fact, it's hard to say why a ghost can scare you more than other characters from horror movies, such as a vampire, zombie, or a werewolf. Or are we afraid of ghosts more because we know that they are not mere fiction? But… do ghosts exist?

Do ghosts really exist or are they merely figments of the imagination of some people? Apart from cinema and television fiction, in our everyday reality, ghost reports are truly rare. Nevertheless, many people prefer not to tell anyone about possible ghost encounters, so we don't really know the true scale of this phenomenon. Most people prefer not to talk about ghosts, even if they have ever met them, because they are afraid of being suspected of being mentally ill.

People are more likely to admit their paranormal experiences when they are sure that other people have seen something similar, and preferably in the same place. But are there places where people really see ghosts? Yes!

If you want to make sure that ghosts exist, you should go to at least one of those places where they really haunt you. In Europe itself, including Poland, there are several places famous for the fact that they are regularly haunted by ghosts. Since in some of the mentioned locations the apparitions have been seen more than once, and in addition by numerous people, it could be safely concluded that these cases are quite authentic and there is no mystification whatsoever.

Haunted places in Poland

Legends and rumors about ghosts, as well as eyewitness accounts of this type of paranormal phenomenon, are present in many areas of our country. Although the reports from the police station in Konstancin-Jeziorna, the Rudzki Forest and the former psychiatric hospital in Oleśno are the most reliable, all the cases described below can be considered as true.

The villa at ul. Morskie Oko in Warsaw

The villa at ul. Morskie Oko 5 in Warsaw is haunted by the ghost of Hanna, a young woman who sought shelter in the aforementioned building during the Warsaw Uprising. She also looked after soldiers who needed help. Young Hanna fell in love with one of them, and one evening, when the girl came out to greet him with a bouquet of flowers in her hand, she was fatally shot by a sniper. Apparently, Hanna can be found in the garden of the villa to this day, dressed in a white dress and still waiting for the return of her beloved soldier.

Ghosts in the Rudzki Forest

The Rudzki Forest in Ruda Pabianicka (Łódzkie Voivodeship) used to be a place eagerly visited by wealthy townspeople. For years, however, guests have been almost exclusively lovers of paranormal phenomena. It is said that shortly after the war, a group of students went missing in the forest, went for a walk with their teacher and never returned to the local primary school. The reports show that the ghosts of children and their caretakers allegedly circulate among the trees to this day and appear after sunset. Apparently, the phantoms were seen by a large number of people, both walking alone and in company.

Ghosts in the former psychiatric hospital in Oleśno

In the past, patients suffering from tuberculosis were treated in the former psychiatric hospital in Oleśno (Opolskie Voivodeship). A large proportion of these patients died in agony, and the ward was defamed for its unusually high death rate. Children were among the deceased patients. Local residents are convinced that their ghosts still haunt the local halls in search of revenge for the harm that the medics have done them.

Strange things started to happen in the psychiatric hospital in Olesno in the late 1950s. Soon after, the hospital was quickly abandoned, and the halls are still scattered with files. Among them there are reports describing mysterious sounds of footsteps or the movement of small items on shelves. It seems that ghosts started haunting hospital rooms back in those days, and this in turn made the medical staff run away in great panic with no intention of returning there.

Children's ghosts in the Palace in Sława

Built in the 15th century, the Castle in Sława (German: Schlesiersee) is located in the Nowosolski County, in the Lubuskie Province. According to the stories of many witnesses, the castle is haunted to this day by the ghosts of young children.

A reader of the portal Głogów - Nasz Miasto with her friends went to the palace in Sława, where she took a large number of photos with her smartphone. When she returned home, she started looking at the photos, she noticed white apparitions in the windows of the palace:

"I was shocked, the ghost of the child appeared in the window. It was a boy in a white shirt and a white cap. I sent these photos to many people who knew something like that. They confirmed my assumptions, especially since in other photos of the same window there was nothing but in the photo in which I was. And the window was above me. It did not give me peace, I went again, but with my cousin. We went inside again, upstairs, I went to the rooms, looking with regret at the devastation people are doing, then we went to the same place where the photos were taken earlier, we repeated the shots. When I looked at the photos at home ... [...] Shock, a different window and a few-month-old baby and many other faces in the attic window. I'm shocked, I'm not afraid of ghosts but I really regret these children, it gives me no peace. "

Police station in Konstancin-Jeziorna

If you want to find out if the ghosts exist or if they are just a figment of human imagination, you should definitely get acquainted with the events that led to the departure of the policemen serving there, the former police station near Warsaw! Before it became the headquarters of the Police in the 1950s, the former police station in Konstancin-Jeziorna belonged to the agents of the Stalinist Security Office. On the first floor there was a room for interrogation of political prisoners. As it is presumed, it was a place of terrible torture and suffering, as well as the death of many interrogated persons. One officer, who interrogated his suspects in an extremely barbaric way, was supposed to be responsible for the torture, and it is his spirit that can be found here. At the beginning of 2000, the policemen working on the ground floor of the building repeatedly complained about the terrifying noises coming from above, despite the fact that no one was there. It happened that footsteps could be clearly heard, as if someone was walking down the wooden stairs towards the duty room. The policemen were so convinced of the reality of this phenomenon that they often took up arms or called on their colleagues for help.

In the winter of 2001, one of the retired policemen noticed a mysterious figure in an officer's uniform next to him. At one point, there was a situation in which none of the policemen wanted to take night shifts. As a result of repeated paranormal events that could not be explained rationally in any way, the policemen decided to leave the building for good. Currently, the former police station in Konstancin-Jeziorna is a mecca for amateurs of scary places and photographers hunting for abandoned buildings.

Ruins of a single-family house in Anin

In Anin in Warsaw, at Tulipanowa Street, in the depths of the forest, about a few hundred meters from built-up areas, at the back of the so-called Górki Delmacha is an abandoned, slowly decaying single-family house. There used to be a happy family with two children. Unfortunately, at one point their father ran into debts that he was unable to pay. The man could not cope with life's difficulties, and finally he completely went crazy. He killed his own family and vanished without a trace.

Three hanged bodies were found in the basement of the building. The property has been abandoned ever since. There are rumors that some see ghosts there. Most people are afraid to go near what the locals say is cursed.

The vicinity of Mielec - the road in Biesadka

In the vicinity of Mielec, by the road in Biesiadka, people see a little ghost after dark. Those who saw the apparition argue that it is the specter of a girl standing bloodied right next to the road. In fact, when they see a bloodied child, many passersby stop to help, but then the ghost disappears. For some time, the police received reports from drivers who, driving the road from Mielec to Kolbuszowa, see a "bloody girl". Sometimes, however, a girl appears in the stories with a rosary in her hand, which, considering the fact that they see her in the middle of the night, also causes them anxiety or fear.

The White Lady at the Palace in Łańcut

Although the palace in Łańcut is an extremely impressive architectural work, its gloomy history can be terrifying. One of the frightening apparitions here is the White Lady (or the White Lady), i.e. Julia Lubomirska, who, at the age of only eighteen, married Jan Potocki. The marriage was not, however, successful, much less happy. As it turns out, Julia very quickly fell in love with the Russian military man, Eustachy Sanguszka. When the officer was sent to the front, Julia fell ill with tuberculosis and died in complete solitude. To this day, her spirit sits in the Chinese lounge, where she writes letters to her beloved.

Haunted Places - Where is the most haunted place in the world?

Of course, people see ghosts all over the world - not only in Poland! 

Ghosts in the Tower of London - Great Britain

The place where King Edward IV's children grew up and where they are buried are among the greatest mysteries in the history of Great Britain. According to some, the princes at the age of 9 and 12 were isolated from the world, and thus imprisoned in the Tower of London, where they were later murdered by Richard III, their uncle. In fact, these are only pure assumptions, although it cannot be ruled out that this was the case. One thing is certain, and that is the last time the children were seen in the summer of 1483 while playing in the garden. In 1674, during the reconstruction of the Tower of London, a chest was found with the skeletons of two children (source 8), whose age seemed to correspond to the age of the lost sons of Edward IV. Though their identity has not yet been confirmed, circumstantial evidence suggested that they were princes. The remains were moved to Westminster Cathedral, but the children's ghosts remain in the Tower of London to this day. The ghosts of princes have been seen there more than once, walking up and down the staircase in white nightgowns, occasionally laughing out loud. They also appear in the castle grounds. Some accounts show that the ghosts of princes cry and hug each other. As if they were reliving the tragic event that sentenced them to this place.

A ghost of a child in Crathes Castle - Scotland

Another interesting ghost legend comes from Scotland. In fact, some facts make the ghosts of Crathes Castle more than just local folklore. In a 16th-century castle, the ghost of a little boy is sometimes seen, along with the ghost of an adult. Some argue that this adult is the toddler's mother, while others argue that it is the ghost of a woman who served in the castle after it was rebuilt in later years.

The story of the little ghost from Crathes Castle has a lot of credibility, mainly due to the large number of people who saw the ghost. The adult spirit usually appears in the same room and always wears the same green robe. He rises and stops in front of the fireplace, where he picks up the baby and rocks him in his arms. In the 19th century, renovation workers at Crathes Castle found the remains of a woman and a child right under the fireplace. A disturbing discovery would explain a few details about this legend.

A ghost of a child with empty sockets in Cannock Chase - UK

In the British Cannock Chase forest, people sometimes see a boy-like apparition with empty sockets. Cannock Chase Forest is one of those places where even the most skeptical will find out that ghosts do exist! Some witnesses mention a girl with coal-black eyes. Sometimes it happens that the ghost haunts tourists staying there. Those who encounter a frightening figure floating in the forest usually scare and run in the opposite direction, and apparently that's when their troubles begin! It is said that the intention of the apparition is to make people follow it. For what purpose? Unfortunately, it is not known. In some eyewitness accounts, the mysterious entity is described as laughing and amusing. In others, he seems to scream and worry, as if he is looking for a way out of a great danger.

It is not known who the ghost appearing in Cannock Chase was during his lifetime, although the first reports of its presence in the forest date back to the 1990s. According to some locals, the ghost with empty eye sockets is not the ghost of a deceased child, but demonic energy resulting from a series of murders of young children that took place in the area in the 1960s.

A child's cry on the Van Sant Bridge - Pennsylvania

Like the apparitions themselves, the sounds made by some disembodied beings can terrify even the greatest daredevils! These types of acoustic paranormal phenomena include the crying of a baby coming almost out of nowhere! There are several legends about haunted places where people sometimes hear a scary child's lamentation, but the Van Sant Bridge in Pennsylvania deserves special mention in this regard.

Legend has it that a long-unknown young woman hanged herself on the beams of the Van Sant Bridge, but before she did this macabre act, she threw her newborn baby into the river. In those days, a single mother was a disgrace to the whole family, and it is assumed that the young woman could not withstand the enormous social pressure mentally. As is well known, murders and suicides are traumatic events that often contribute to subsequent paranormal events.

It is said that in order to hear a baby cry, you just need to park your car in the middle of Van San Bridge and lower the windshield.

Haunted castle in Sirmione - Italy

Sirmione Castle is one of the most visited monuments by tourists in northern Italy. The locals know very well that a long time ago, a young couple, Ebengardo and his beautiful wife Arice lived in the castle. They lived happily and quietly until the night when the Venetian knight Elalberto knocked on them asking for shelter due to a heavy storm. The couple agreed to put the knight overnight, but he was so impressed with Arika's beauty that he went to her room in the middle of the night.

The girl was terribly scared and started screaming so loud that the knight probably got scared and murdered her. Hearing the screams of his beloved, Ebengardo came to the rescue, but it was too late for anything. Overcome with anger, Ebengardo grabbed a dagger and killed the Venetian knight. Legend has it that every time a storm hits the castle, you can see the ghost of Ebengardo looking for his beloved wife.


  1. Wattpad - Cursed Places;
  2. I'm rocking in Łódź - In search of ghosts - Ruda Popioły Forest;
  3. AntyRadio - Haunted hospitals in Poland: St. Anna in Oleśno and the Psychiatric Hospital "Zofiówka" in Otwock;
  4. Głogów Our Town - Are the ghosts of children frightening in Sława? Who can be the white figures captured in the photos in the windows of the dilapidated palace?
  5. This is Stolica - The haunted house in Anin on Tulipanowa?
  6. On the topic - Ghosts haunting in the vicinity of Mielec? An urban legend that has been around for many years. The police even get reports;
  7. History - haunted places in Poland;
  8. Polish Express - Fear of going there, the most haunted places on earth;
  9. Fact - They took a picture of themselves by the castle. Was there a ghost in the background?
  10. Fact - A child with black eyes haunts the woods.
  11. Sirmione e Il Fantasma Del Castello | The Ghost Of The Castle.

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