Saturday, September 24, 2022


 "Life is a game?"

If we treat the body as a machine - an advanced avatar with interfaces for interacting with this interactive movie (called reality) - then naturally the next conclusion is that we are participating in a game. Anyone who has ever played online games may have noticed that there are those who ALWAYS wins!

They discovered cheat codes that allow you to bypass the rules of the game. ALL Freemasons' buildings (many churches too) have a checkerboard on the floor - BECAUSE THEY KNOW! They know life is a game - and they cheat. They cheat and bear no consequences ...

➡️ When someone is cheating in a simulation game, they do it in several ways:

  • learns shortcuts, transitions, workarounds, and "magic" formulas that bend the physics of simulation (keeping it a secret),
  • sends malicious codes/instructions to other players' terminals so that, for example, they can see obstacles that are not there ...
  • spamming the links of other players to introduce information hype and make interactions with the game as difficult/delayed as possible.

➡️ It seems to me that it is not so much about getting the bunny as - how much fun we have chased him. - That is why the path is to be satisfactory, not some distant goal.

We are impulses in the simulation of artificial intelligence playing with itself. So it remains for us to loosen our cheeks, and take a deep breath - with hope and faith that everything will go well for us. And if it is not visible - it is still working ... 🤗

➡️ To hear the symphony of the universe - first you have to stop making noise. When the mind stops generating (and more often repeats) various blues of thoughts - it goes into a receptive state.

In such a state of mindfulness, the self has a rare chance of seeing a hologram of future events materializing. Most people have a deja vu - but few pay attention to them if they can recognize it at all.

Of course, thanks to quantum physics, we know that just watching a process can affect it. And this is also the meaning of the "trailer" for the next episode of our personal film.

That is why it is worth using our oversized abilities - if only to correct the course of your ship safely in advance ...

➡️ Every millisecond we experience what we previously agreed to - consciously or not, and very often accept suggestions from outside.

Influencing reality requires the ability to expand awareness so that it covers an area of ​​space large enough to fit in and accelerate our dreams ...

Most people, however, are programmed, and they don't really know why they make decisions. - So how can they change something they cannot see and understand?

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