Thursday, July 28, 2022


 The question in the title of this article should be different. The word "children" should be replaced with the word "world." And replace the word "difficult" with the word "bad."

Why is the world so bad?

This question is also unanswered for me. But let's get back to our kids. Even before the digital revolution (the so-called "fourth industrial revolution"), childhood was a time of carefree and, above all, innocence. Young people, up to a certain age (in the 90s to about 12, 13, 14, and older), had no contact with certain data about the world. They lived in their childhood "information bubble" or in their "echo chamber," as we would say today, in the age of social media rule.

The truth about violence, cruelty, hypocrisy, debauchery, sexuality and its flaws, and so on, came to their awareness gradually over the years of psychological development. Already at the age of 18, young people have managed to develop a number of mechanisms, including defensive ones, that enable a relative to deal with this terrible truth about the adult world, without complete fragmentation, i.e. destruction of the psyche. Yes, there is, or rather it was a rather poor mechanism for dealing with truth, but it was.

Currently, it doesn't even have it. Why? Today, two-year-old children sometimes use a smartphone better than older adults. Through the Internet, i.e. the global data store (garbage) on everything that exists, kids who are several years old already know more about it than we do at the age of 15. It is known - for vulgar music videos with shaved hair and indecent low-level content, films with violence and sex, demoralizing YouTubers, stupid celebrities, and a number of others. Consequently, when too small a person suddenly learns how bastard the world of supposedly crystal-clear adults is (as children naturally believe), they will experience traumatic shock.

I know from a good source that about 4-5 years old children from kindergartens want to play obscurant or silly songs of the crew during their music classes. In turn children in school grades 1-3 (elementary school), are almost completely computerized, Americanized, and thus totally mannered. Just like us over the age of 15. The blinders have fallen off, they see the evil and the defilement of our world. They react to it with cold indifference towards adult authorities, denial of emotions, sociopathic behavior, rebellion, and also post-traumatic destruction of the psyche. The scale of various mental disorders among children and adolescents is the highest in history.

So it's not the kids who are bad, but the world you create is bad, dear "grown-ups" and "serious people." Don't blame the innocent, but take a look at yourself. Even in the 90s and earlier, the supposedly healthy defenses that a young man was slowly and over the long years of producing consisted mainly of not thinking that our world was bad. You were 18 and then older, and you didn't think too much about that fucking, you ended your teenage rebellion, you stopped "philosophizing" to become serious and do without protesting what everyone your age tells you to do. Yes, you already had a fragmented psyche bristling with contradicting and defensive mechanisms, but it was, say, within the limits of "normal."

Such a common "norm", and you didn't look back, you became another stiff and Janusz-like adult. In addition, there was also frustration resulting from the gray and boredom of everyday life, a sense of life's failure, or even professional burnout. But it still made possible the survival of society, and structure on some level. Low, but still.

Now, in the era of two-year-olds who keep their eyes empty like a doll's by constantly sitting on a smartphone, there is not even that.

Do you remember my theory that the mental construction of a human being is kind of out of this world? It is supposed to be unadjusted to the harsh realities of this planet, and due to numerous bad events happening from an early age, it is traumatized and fragmented. It is now that this process is even more powerful and faster. All regulatory mechanisms are now gone.

It's not the kids who are hard or bad. The truth of this world is what it is. Until now, until the 90s, we were able to protect our children from this truth by keeping them in a slightly infantile and goofy bubble. Today, four-year-old children do not believe in Saint Nicholas, but in the fact that they get worse gifts than their peers, because they have poorer parents. And unfortunately, it has its effects that we see every day.

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