Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Freedom is responsibility or freedom from responsibility?

 Freedom in human life is an issue that has not yet been fully explored. If we start to think a little bit about what freedom is, we will see that it is a phenomenon of the utmost importance for man, and at the same time, it appears to him as something extremely complex and difficult.

Responsibility, on the other hand, is slight freedom for man and is an issue that has not yet been fully explored. If we start to reflect on what freedom is, we will come to the conclusion that it is a phenomenon of the highest importance for man, and at the same time, it is difficult and complex.

Responsibility, in turn, is a slightly easier concept, but it can also be understood in many ways. Responsibility according to the Encyclopedia is an obligation to bear the consequences of one's own or other people's behavior provided for by the legal regulations. Depending on the criterion adopted for its determination, many types of liability are distinguished: civil, criminal, constitutional, political, and legal.

People usually fear freedom. Because freedom brings with it the necessity of independence, responsibility for oneself, and loneliness. In my opinion, freedom is a responsibility, not freedom from responsibility. I think so mainly because:

First: a free man must bear the consequences of his actions, that is, he must be responsible. Each of us is faced with very complex and complicated choices and decisions, where we have a whole range of possibilities to find our place. On the other hand, these are choices that can lead to confusion, insecurity, and a sense of low worth. For example, adolescents face the problem of addiction. When they make a choice - to light that cigarette? Do you drink this beer? Should I Use the Drug? - they often tell themselves that they are free so they can do what they want. Unfortunately, those who make decisions driven by the will to be completely independent forget about the consequences of these actions. Those who do not succumb to this temptation are responsible, they know what true freedom is. Drug addiction, alcoholism, and cigarette addiction are the greatest manifestations of irresponsibility among people, both young and old. These addictions lead to many diseases, accidents, and misfortune among loved ones, even to death. When reaching for a stimulant, a person feels free, but what kind of freedom is it, if he cannot deny himself these temptations, an ordinary product begins to rule his and our life, he becomes enslaved and this means that he has lost what is most precious to him. If he were responsible and thought about the consequences, he would still be a free man.

Second: Responsibility manifests itself in many areas of our lives: from school, family, through our actions, and even politics. Let us now analyze the above-mentioned areas. School - You don't need to explain how the responsibility is manifested here? But probably everyone wonders what does this have to do with freedom? The answer is very simple: Freedom is a responsibility, that is, if we responsibly approach science, then in the future it will pay off with good work, and on the contrary, we may lose our freedom by becoming dependent on others. Family - Here we should be responsible for our relations at home, we should learn to bear the consequences of our actions. Our actions are a very deeply connected topic with my thesis because if we commit a crime, the consequences will be the loss of freedom, which is why it is an argument that fully proves the correctness of my thesis. If freedom were an evasion of responsibility, there would be no such thing as a judiciary, punishment, and imprisonment in our world. Let us now turn to political responsibility. What would politics be without our decisions? It is us who choose who will represent us, our views, our goods, and freedom in the state, so we must correctly choose candidates, previously thoroughly analyzing our choice, and not go to the vote and cross the names with the so-called "hit or miss", forgetting that it is These people chosen by us will decide about the freedom of the whole nation. tly easier concept, but it can also be understood in many ways. Responsibility according to the Encyclopedia is the obligation to bear the consequences of one's own or other people's behavior provided for by the law. Depending on the criterion adopted for its determination, many types of liability are distinguished: civil, criminal, constitutional, political, and legal. According to the Dictionary of the Polish Language, this is a procedure not to cause bad effects, in a reasonable and reliable manner.

In human language, there is a concept of freedom. I am free from someone or something; that is, certain determinants do not affect my behavior. The climate and the environment in which we live influence us somehow, but they do not determine us. The freer I am, the freer I feel - it cannot be denied. Bondage is like the opposite. Bondage occurs through modern threats to freedom.

Bondage - This seems to be what we are going to try to look at the mechanism of freedom through. We divide the bondage into:

  • from the outside, and
  • from the inside.

From the outside, a person can be enslaved, for example, by the state, its burdensome regulations, law, and censorship. A political party can be enslaved - as was the case, for example, in Poland in the previous epoch. The economic system, the family, and misunderstood religiosity may be enslaving. - We see, there is a lot of it.

From the inside, what is part of me will captivate drives, instincts, and the subconscious. The opposite of such internal bondage is internal freedom; the state of independence from personal structures.

I will now introduce what the enslavement mechanism is. Anything can be enslaved. What a moment ago was for our entertainment, pleasure becomes an addiction and captivates us. How is it that essentially good goals and objects become an element of enslavement for man? That element seems to be having. I want to have a lot of money; I become attached to them, a thing ceases to fulfill its function and begins to fulfill a different function. Money becomes a value in itself. Money ceases to be a means to an end, it becomes an end. Why? I honestly admit that the answer to this question is beyond me. However, it is money and the constant desire to have more and more that pose a serious threat to freedom. Many of today's people even become slaves of money. The mechanism of enslavement is a certain change in the meaning of a given thing. Money, for example, begins to fulfill the function of satisfying spiritual or other needs. Alcohol, if it is a consumable substance, is not a problem. Only then does the trouble begin when we start to use it to relax, to forget; this is where alcoholism begins, which is another threat to freedom, so common in the modern world. I will remain in possession for a while. We also transfer the possession of things to the possession of something immaterial, e.g. people or knowledge.

So everything becomes captivating when I begin to attach certain hopes to it. So: in order not to be enslaved, you have to take everything as it really is. We must not put other ideas on it. So: contact with reality in truth.

  1. Freedom as creativity, as an expression

If I am able to express myself, my beliefs, and thoughts - e.g. and I use them, can we say that I am free?

Bergson says we are free if our actions emanate from our personalities. So freedom is being yourself. It is personal spontaneity. I want to express myself and I do. Moreover, no pressure, nothing forces me to do anything.

We have to admit that there is something to it. We know that we are tired of pretending more than once, I feel good if I can be myself.

“Man has the right to act in accordance with conscience and freedom to personally make moral decisions. “So he must not be forced to act against his conscience. And he must not be disturbed in acting according to his conscience, especially in the religious field. "

But is freedom personal creativity? There are many reservations. Almost as many threats to this type of freedom, such as the desire to catch up with others and losing your own self in all this.

  1. Freedom is a Choice

“Freedom makes a man a moral subject. When a person acts consciously, he is - so to speak - the father of his own actions. "

The ability to choose is expressed in the word: I can. In this approach, freedom appears to us as a choice. Is freedom also the ability to do what I want? - Not.

If I am committed to good, I have a clearly defined goal to which I am aiming, do I have to do whatever comes to mind? - Not. Then I want to remain at the service of these values. That's when I really feel free when I put myself at the service of values ​​higher than freedom.

Higher values ​​do not captivate. Only in them do I feel really free. It just seems like a paradox at first glance. So freedom is not a choice.

  1. Fundamental freedom

It is based on a kind of right-choice. I choose freedom or an escape from freedom. I want to choose, or I want others to choose for me.

Erich Fromm notes in his "Escape from Freedom" that there is a tendency in man to get rid of freedom. This phenomenon can be observed especially in post-totalitarian societies. People got used to having someone choose for them. They feel bad in a democracy when there are no clear and loudly stated reasons.

There is one more thing: someone who has ceded freedom to someone else does not feel responsible for it. So: the other side of the charter of freedom is responsibility.

When we say freedom, we primarily mean Jean-Paul Sartre. This French philosopher adored freedom. For him, freedom is, above all, the ability to make a choice.

According to Sartre, God cannot exist precisely because then man could not be free. Sartre's mistake was to make freedom the supreme value. After all, freedom cannot be an idol to whom we are to bow down.

The paradox is that I cannot choose everything. If I cannot give up something for something else, I will be lost. I will choose what is shiny, but it's cheesy if you look at it closely; however, I will not notice what is really valuable, which is often hidden and requires some effort.

Responsible freedom has consequences. If I choose once, I will want to continue this choice. I will not act according to the whims of the moment, I will not change my mind every now and then, because I have already chosen it once.

Summing up, freedom and responsibility are the foundations of our society and humanity. Without freedom, there is no morality, there is no man, and there is a machine. God gave us freedom, knowing what the consequences would be, yet he did not want puppets in his world. If we want, we can be ourselves.

Freedom appears to us as a gift we have received, and the other side of it is the task that we must perform at every step - be responsible.

In conclusion, I would like to quote a man's words: Jean Jacques Rousseau (1762) “Man is born free, and everywhere he is chained. Many consider themselves the master of others, yet are themselves greater slaves than they are. (...) the social contract (...) is connected with the very relationship according to which if someone refuses to submit to the will of the general public, he should be forced to obey by this general public; and that means nothing but that he should be forced to be free. " There is no freedom without responsibility, therefore it would certainly be a fool to think that freedom is the avoidance of responsibility.

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