Thursday, April 7, 2022

Krakow city legends. What places are better to avoid in Krakow

 There are things that should definitely not be done in Krakow. There are places better not to visit ...

Cracow. Don't get in the way of football fans

Large blocks of flats

Fans' wars in Krakow's housing estates cause a cold sweat of terror on their foreheads, for others a wave of the hand - because in Krakow it was, is, and will be ... Cracovia has always fought here with Wisła, and Wisła with Cracovia, fan divisions run deep between families, districts, colleagues at work. Prokocim was cutting Bieżanów with knives, Mistrzejowice was mercilessly knocking down Prądnik Czerwony, and baseball batons in the hands of young people from Nowe Piaski crashed on the heads of young people from Kurdwanów (or vice versa). One thing is certain: the violent clashes between Cracovia (Jude Gang) and Wisła (Sharks) hooligans have become one of the bloodiest fan wars in modern Europe.

Apart from Glasgow in Scotland, where the football war has an additional religious background, it is Krakow that is presented as the most dangerous city on the continent's stadium map. The tabloids from Great Britain, Belgium, and the Netherlands are especially successful here, where before each match of the Krakow teams at the European level, you can read chilling reports from the "empire of evil and violence" that Krakow is said to be. There is a lot of exaggeration in this because although machetes, knives, baseballs, axes, and even pitchforks are in the hands of some Krakow fans the so-called reusable tools, hooligan war goes on its own track, do not affect outsiders, and around it there is a reluctance to do anything. The collusion of silence with the police.

We certainly do not advise:

- walk around Kozłówek, Prokocim, or Mistrzejowice in any red-white-blue colors, and never with elements of white stars (colors and the coat of arms of the Vistula);

- walk around Bieżanów, Azores, Prądniki - Biały, and Czerwony, or the Strusia type housing estates in Nowa Huta, in any outfits with white and red stripes (colors and an element of the Cracovia coat of arms);

- loudly manifest your sympathy for Pasy (Jews) or Vistula (dogs) in the streets of the city center, especially in numerous clubs and discos of the Old Town or Kazimierz;

- to discuss fan topics that are unknown to fans of Cracovia ("Belts"), reminding them, for example, of introducing a fashion for using knives in clashes; or to remind the Wisła team of the long-standing patronage of the PRL militia.

Cracow. Don't go through this tunnel

The former passage under the tracks in Płaszów

This is already a legend. A real "devil says good night". Dripping with water, covered with moss, mold, rust, and rot, an almost infinitely long tunnel. It connects the less civilized surroundings of the ruined Kraków-Płaszów railway station with the even less civilized backs of industrial and warehouse Rybitwy. It's dark here as if the devil's tails are extinguished, there is a ghostly echo as if some devil is giggling at our recklessness ... What the hell to enter here - we don't know. In any case, the worst memories of horror movies, rape scenes, and stories about werewolves and the living dead come alive in the tunnel near Plaszow. Once in, it's worth leaving. It is a pity that the length of the tunnel allows you to get out of it quickly only by running, if, of course, someone has the courage not to go back and continue on. Watch out for cables and metal elements sticking out of the walls. The communal news carries that a few daredevils have paid for touching them with the loss of health, and maybe even their life. Not counting those who died in the tunnel from fear, though entering the tunnel did not leave their mouths. But not to mention those who died of ... boredom, because usually, nothing happens in the tunnel near Płaszów.

Cracow. Don't be crazy - stop smoking the gum

Bora-Komorowskiego Street

Extreme sport is not only made in Kraków. At night, from the flyover over the Polsad roundabout to the intersection with the Wiślicka multi-lane artery of Bora-Komorowski, cannons of fast cars speed at a dizzying pace. All as if they had conspired to heat their engines to an ultra-loud roar in the same place and time, to develop speed? about 200 km / h, to respect road signs, lines on the road, or the police desperately waving a lollipop. "Racing under Géantem (Real)" - this is the working name of those illegal races in which you never really know who is taking part. Oh, a collection of fast BMW, Mercedes, Saab, Audi, plus tuned cars of various other brands. Men of all ages are behind the wheel, but also a little bit excited women. Suddenly, around two in the morning, everyone wanted to get out of their beds and show how much God had given under the hood, how many people would pull on the alarm clock ...

The rule is simple: first come first served. Anarchy at night is straight from the American highways, the outskirts of Arab cities, and the suburbs of Paris, London, Rome, and Barcelona full of cultural mixes. Now here - in the north of Krakow with almost a million inhabitants. Not on the A4 motorway, but on the illuminated thoroughfare between Olsza and Nowa Huta.

We do not advise:

- drive around Bora-Komorowski at night in Seicento, Matiz, panda, Corsa, etc .;

- cross the aforementioned street at night, even on the green one, even on the lanes.

- to stand at Bora-Komorowskiego at night like a star. Wiocha!

Cracow. Do not wish anyone to visit this place

Labor Office at Wąwozowa Street

Pandemonium. Someone who has come up with the idea to go to its farthest part in search of a job in Krakow should be bored. A visit to the Labor Office located in a horribly ugly building on Wąwozowa Street, on the outskirts of Nowa Huta, is a difficult, even traumatic experience for an unemployed person. Already on the way to the place, you have the impression that you will definitely get lost. Then, as you walk on worn linoleum and PVC tiles, you have a feeling that the whole trip was a mistake from the beginning. However, only after talking to a yawning official can you be sure that you will not find a job here. The most difficult thing is to sit in a room where absurd proposals for absurd works for absurd money are shifted on absurdly large screens.

The expression on your face says it all: you have to escape from Wąwozowa quickly and instead of in Krakow, look for a job, for example in Radom, which is permanently in crisis (200 km north - we also do not recommend it). The Krakow Labor Office is the exact opposite of the situation on the labor market of Krakow itself. The city has one of the lowest unemployment rates in a country with a population of 40 million, and it has a lot of offers for qualified specialists. It is difficult to guess how long a trip in search of employment or benefits will be a humiliating wandering for the citizens of the city.

Cracow. Don't go to a haunted house

The hand

There were two brothers, they were building a house together, they quarreled to death, one killed the other - this is, in short, the ghastly story of a house abandoned years ago in Rżża, on the border of Kraków and Wieliczka. The house is large, brick, unplastered, surrounded by a rusty mesh, with a huge inscription stuck to it, "auto-flashing varnish" ...

It is said that those who dare to go inside have hair on their heads. We don't know, we didn't go in just in case! But while browsing the Internet, we easily come across scary descriptions of "attractions" that these inconspicuous walls hide. From those real, that is, a dried hedgehog in a cage and scattered next to the corpses of lesser animals, the wild wind blowing through broken windows, plus an old carpet with reflected traces of oil lamps and black Satanists masses, to finger-drawn visions of howling, stuck on the hooks of unfortunates, leaking the stairs (from the attic to the basement) of the blood of innocents, the stench of devil's hair and the ubiquitous shaggy thirsting for human werewolves ... Certainly, however, the house is haunted by the local population of Prokocim, Bieżanów and Rżąka. Nobody has been going there for years, and as far as it goes, it is at their own risk. Nobody can solve the problem, from the owners of the land to the district authorities. The house is standing, no one is building in the immediate vicinity, no one will come to mind to concert the memory of the brotherly murder, for example with a new house in the same place. Does it surprise you? Not us!

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