Saturday, April 30, 2022

Do you think it's worth changing the world for the better?

 Imagine such a picture. 😉 There is a man meditating in the bosom of nature. Wine, meditation, music, summer, sun, blue sky, what more does he need to be happy?

And here, out of nowhere, he sees a pedophile tugging a child by the hand and dragging it into a car at the edge of the forest. The kid shouts that he wants to see his mother, says "I don't know you," and he tells him to shut up. Then this meditating person has two choices:

Get up and pound the pedophile, call the emergency number, and save the baby.

Don't save the baby. To say that the child himself attracted this situation, that he apparently had bad karma in this or previous life. Or that that was the plan of this child's soul for this incarnation. Another thing: is that it is God's will, that nothing in the world can and should not be changed for the better because reality is always on the best possible path.

In the case of exit 1, it will be a pedophile's nightmare, and in the case of exit 2, it will also be a lifelong nightmare for a child. Interestingly, this solution number two is surprisingly often promoted in new age spirituality, that is, in "folk" esotericism, for the masses.

In my opinion, this is not only an extreme form of victim mentality, which is devoid of strength and therefore does not want to change the world for the better. It is the degenerate logic of a psychopath - in this case, a spiritual, meditating, talking psychopath's pure, unconditional love.

The above story about saving a child is a good basis for considering whether we are going to make a difference in the world or not. Followers of many spiritual currents, including Hinduism, believe that nothing needs to be changed, because everything goes its own way. And those who suffer from evil are to blame for themselves. And such are the laws of the world that they attracted such a situation.

The trouble is, if everyone thought so, no positive change would be possible. Each update of the system with new, more humane values ​​and standards was made through rebellion and opposition to evil. If everyone thought so, we would not have left the caves until today. Because they also wanted to change the world for the better by establishing the first settlements. The paradox, then, is that without rebellion it would be impossible to develop.

Another important point is the fact that it is worth distinguishing between what you can actually change and what you cannot control. It is very important. These two spheres are often either confused with each other or completely incomprehensible.

What you have influence over mainly depends on who you are, what skills, talents, abilities, connections you have, and so on. It also depends on hundreds of other factors, such as random events. For example, is the person in a toxic relationship ready to accept your help, or are you armed in a given situation, and how many attackers are there.

What is beyond your control is all the rest, which not only takes away your precious creative energy and resources. But if you engage in such Sisyphean work, it may be the cause of your frustration and mistaken belief that people are only bad and the world cannot be changed.

Lucifer, of course, is not some devil to hate or worship, nor is he some astral entity. Or anything like that. Lucifer is the archetype of the human psyche. It means rebellion not only against what is bad but also against the whole world.

Lucifer wanted to radically change and transform this world. He wanted to give light to mankind. As a result, lucifer an angel of light became a fallen angel. The Luciferian archetype is visible in those who were to take care of the world and stand above politicians, as the hidden hand of power. During the nineteenth and especially the twentieth centuries, they fell morally, selling themselves to their ideals. They wanted to make changes very quickly - too quickly. People were not ready for many of these changes. The other changes turned out to be a caricature of themselves because they had all gone too far.

I mean the old ideals of tolerance, humanism, empathy, pacifism, and brotherhood. And so on. Everything that is associated with liberalism. What's left of it today? Little or nothing. Corporations that finance liberal politicians, destroy nature, exploit workers, do not pay taxes, contribute to censorship of speech. The EU commissioners, like the Bolshevik ones, uphold only the right propaganda line. Any opinion that goes against them is called hatred or fascism. Instead of something like "love, friendship, music", we have a world falling apart. Hence, our collective consciousness has activated centrifugal mechanisms to synchronize the system and fix its errors. Hence the turn to the right.

From those who wanted to save, they turned into tormentors of mankind - they fell like lucifer.

I think it is true that we come to this difficult world so it tests us, tests us, and then we go further. Where? Nobody knows that.

It is a global intelligence test and a survival test at the same time. This applies not only to the "stronger law", known by nature, which is reflected, for example, in capitalism, in social relations, and so on.

This, horror of horrors also applies to the metaphysical (spiritual) world. From the tangle of family programs, past traumas, entanglement into mystical doctrines, and various versions of the truth, the process of individualization and becoming fully spiritual, only a few emerge victoriously.

You can fall into the countless pitfalls of the spiritual path, as long as you step on it at all and only a few do. More than once, you may have become so entangled that it is practically impossible for you to disentangle yourself. You could also spend many years wandering in the meanders of various theories and versions of the truth, in tunnels of various mystical methods and techniques, or stuck in some order - open or secret. You've been learning about it for years anyway. Have you finally found this solution?

Have the masks of all "truths" fallen, according to the adage: "You must unlearn what you have learned," or are you still trying to catch something in this thicket of truths? Clearing your mind of truths and doctrines is the first sign that something is starting to happen - it is moving back to where you first came out but in a different sense. After all, you are not returning to the level of a fool, but you make all earthly truths disappear. It is only then that something else begins to emerge. You yourself, you real.

The law of the jungle also exists in spirituality, and here too it has the task of taking you into its merciless fetters and clamps and then testing you. Either you come out alive or you don't. You will either let it go and relax at the right moment, or you will go crazy, for example, blocking your way out of Samsara for a given incarnation. As far as reincarnation is true - and of course, we do not know. 😉

The truth is that they manipulate us in all possible ways. In an advertisement, at a party rally, at school, university, church, in the legal system ... Every day you deal with manipulation dozens or even hundreds of times.

But I will ask you a question .. Do you do something about it? Do you learn about psychology, social engineering, NLP, and cybernetics? Do you work out your fears, complexes, and traumas? Are you doing anything other than complaining that the media and politicians are lying and the system is wrong?

 Psychomanipulation techniques are truly shocking and unethical. However, all this happens under the so-called law.

Well, there are many bulky volumes that can be written about sales techniques, i.e. manipulation. They cannot cheat - because there are paragraphs, for confirming untruths, but not to say something, for example - according to the adage: speech is silver, silence - gold. Many methods, I will briefly mention only examples. For starters, remember that the truth is simple. As simple as it gets. If you see or hear sophisticated, difficult phrases, gibberish language, and the first thought that comes to your mind.

We later have multi-page contracts for this, written in gibberish, legal language, and small font - just to disgust you from reading it at the start, to increase your chances that you will not read something and accept it, sign it without reading it. Similarly with the products and the composition on them - if the composition is in a small, unreadable font, ask yourself in your mind the question: "what did you want to hide from me, if you do not want me to read this". If the manufacturer is not ashamed of his product, the composition is clear, sometimes the advantages of the products are exposed, for example, that the chips do not contain palm oil, that they are fried in sunflower seeds, or that toothpaste is fluoride-free.

What techniques of manipulation do they use, the example of a supermarket or a shopping mall:

- music: have you ever come across fast electronics in such a facility, let's say drum'n'bass above 160 bpm? Or rock music? No, the music is gentle, soothing, some kind of chillout - so that you can slow down and stay in the facility for as long as possible, covering a specific route including various displays and shops. They will not do this escalator in one place, but to get to the higher level you have to "wiggle" a bit - because if you will catch your eye some "SALE" and you will come to the store when lured.

- lighting, e.g. a meat counter, thanks to which meat, cold meats have a beautiful, blood-red or pink color;

- prices ending at 9, eg 99.99 instead of 100 zlotys The mind will register a 9 in front, psychologically it is better than a "round number", the product seems cheaper;

- the most attractive product (the highest margin) - right at your fingertips, at eye level; who would like to bend down or crouch there, and certainly not the elderly, sick, visually impaired people;

- air-filled packaging with concave bottoms. The packaging keeps track of where the product can be seen on the sides, and not from the top because the label is hidden? We take the lid off and what do we see? Well, the onion is right in the middle.

This, of course, is not all. It would be best to give up the purchase of goods and services altogether - because then they will not deceive you. Neither Seba nor recently: Sierioża will not spill on the production, no one will give us a pizza with his hands, which he has not washed after leaving the toilet, etc. But this is an abstraction, so on this "planet of monkeys," you have to work out so that you can be there every time more assertive. The ability to "step into someone else's shoes" comes in handy. You imagine that you are now a predator who has everyone else for suckers and walking bags of money and your goal is maximum profit.

Try to think like a scum, because their favorite slogans in life are, for example: "the sucker/ram is there to be cut." And, of course, the victim is to blame for himself - “I wouldn't have robbed her if she had run faster and escaped from me. If she had better, stronger locks on the door that I would not force, or if she was alive, if she was driving at least in a TIR, a tank, and not some punt - then she would have survived my overtaking to the top. "

These are psychopaths, people without emotions, without a sense of guilt - and this is what they can (until they squeal terribly when making settlements) - act and act like that.

So: imagine that you are such a scum and what you will do to prevent the victim from figuring out how to manipulate her, ask what illusion to use, how to distract her - what would you do? Know the enemy's language - in short. Not to hurt others, but to defend ourselves. The knowledge itself is not bad. With the knowledge of anatomy, you save human lives or effectively kill. Similarly, with all tools: with a drill, you build a bird feeder, or you drill other knees while extorting ransom money. e.t.c.

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